Member Reviews

I loved loved loved this book! Katherine Center can do no wrong. She is my favorite author. I loved it. I loved it!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!
This book surprised me in the best possible ways. I love a rom com, but this was simply more in every way. It had everything I wanted, like witty funny banter and chemistry, but also a bunch that I didn’t even think to want, like nuanced and caring handling of emotional and difficult topics. Bravo!

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Nothing prepared me for the amount of cuteness that exuded out of this novel. I mean, let's face it, normally rom-coms are undeniably cute and have pertaining qualities that just make rom-coms enjoyable to read. However, this book has completely exceeded my expectations of what can be included in a rom-com book. For one, the humor and the banter between the two characters is incredibly funny and witty, and the plot and characterization within the novel go hand in hand as well. The scenes and settings were well-described and immersive. I thoroughly binged and enjoyed this book the whole ride. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to have a good laugh, read some great spice, and just delve into a simply great rom-com.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this early-release digital ARC of this book.

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The Rom-Commers is one of those romance books that just makes you smile to read. Despite the heavy medical diagnoses throughout the book Katherine Center managed to keep it from getting too heavy while also making you feel all the emotions. I loved the dialogue and banter between the characters. The Bodyguard guest appearances felt like seeing old friends and was another plus to the book in my book.
This one reminded me a bit of Thank you for Listening by Julia Whelan with the little peek into the fictional lives of the people who write (or narrate) our favorite books.

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I love love LOVED The Rom-Commers! I'm pretty sure I experienced the full range of human emotions throughout the course of the book and cried actual tears as I finished reading it. Katherine Center's rom-coms are something special and this may just be her best one yet!

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This book is a breath of fresh air!! Katherine Center has a way of writing a story and making you feel like you are sitting across the table enjoying coffee with her. Her new book , The Rom-Commers, is about a screenwriter, Emma, who has put off her career to take care of her dad. She ends up helping him rewrite a screenplay with her idol, Charlie Yates. What happens is a roller coaster of emotions, friendships and self-discovery that will benefit anyone that reads this. This story has it all, a wonderful plot where you're constantly wondering what the ending will be. These characters are the real heroes of the story. They are real, flawed and perfect! Read this book and you will be a better person for it.

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First of all, I am a huge Katherine Center fan. I love her writing, I love her characters, and I especially love how there is always some “off the wall” disease or medical problem that instantly has me googling. She’s great.

The ROM-Commers does not disappoint if you are also a fan of all of the above. I fell in love with grumpy Charlie, sunshine Emma (and her family), and a guinea pig (who knew?) I found myself WANTING to read this book more. Even with the very odd ailments, the character were so likeable. The banter between Emma and Charlie had me smiling, and I genuinely wanted a HEA for everyone involved.
In short, this is another great novel from Center that I cannot wait to add to my bookshelf this summer. Thank you Katherine Center and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I love any Katherine Center book and this one was no exception! I loved this story of Emma and Charlie! Emma gets the opportunity to ghost write a screenplay with her favorite writer, it's her dream come true. Throughout the story, they encounter some clashes and laugh out loud moments as they get to know each other. I couldn't put this book down and was so sad to see it end.

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It took me a while to get into The Rom-Commers and while I'm not sure I ever did completely, I am glad I finished and I will recommend this title to my readers who are looking for a romance that maybe isn't quite so "hot"!

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A rom-com about writing a rom-com?! Yes, please! I can't resist books that feature a writing element and then when you toss in a romance with some grumpy-sunshine vibes, I'm a goner!!

It was genuinely funny:
"A great rom-com," I said, "is like sex. If you're surprised by the ending, somebody wasn't doing their job." ~quote may differ upon publishing

But it also tackles heavier topics (the topics may be considered spoilers so I included them only on Goodreads where they can be hidden). When you focus on just these issues, the story can easily be bogged down, but the author has such a refreshing outlook that reminds us that life is filled with tragedy, but it's also filled with joy and our outlook can play a big role in how our life story is written.

I really enjoyed The Bodyguard, but I think this one may be my new favorite. If you enjoy forced proximity and the grumpy-sunshine trope (and boy, Charlie is quite the grump), this book is for you!

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Another absolutely incredible Katherine Center novel, bursting with heart and shimmering with wit.

This has quite possible leapfrogged The Bodyguard as my favorite KC novel. The characters fly off the page and the story has humor, warmth, and just the right amount of conflict. I absolutely loved our heroine Emma-- she's an amazing person! Funny, smart, caring and one-of-a-kind. Charlie is sweet and sour, but you still root for him.

One thing you can count on in a KC book is that she will always give you insight into a topic or profession you probably don't know much about, and in this case it was screenwriting. I love Hollywood adjacent romedies, but the inside baseball look at the writing process itself was fantastic! I am always learning something new when I read her novels.

Once again, Katherine was a master of dialogue. I hung on to every word. I laughed out loud and had a good cry on the final page.


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The “Rom-Commers” is exactly the book I needed after 2 heavy reads. Katherine Center writes delightful, heartwarming - yes - Rom Coms, that you know will always end in a HEA. They are predictable in many ways, contain some typical romance tropes, but this doesn’t detract from her writing. She writes with much wit and humor, bringing you to the edge of tears and then pulling you back. This story is no different. Great characters, some heavy topics that are treated gently, and a HEA.

Thank you to NetGalley for my arc.

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the rom-commers is a story about grief & self sacrifices above all else. Emma is a screenwriter who had to put her career on hold indefinitely to take care of her injured father daily, who got injured during a rockfall 10 years ago. She gladly stepped up to take care of him because of her mom having passed during the same rockfall.

One day, Emma receives a call from her old high-school boyfriend & oldest friend Logan- he wants her to go work with his other client & her absolute favorite screenwriter Charlie Yates in LA for 6 weeks to help him fix his horrible, ridiculous rom-com he tried to write as a very action-based screenwriter.

Only when she arrives, she finds that he is way more flawed and hard to work with than she ever would have imagined- oh and he doesn’t even know she was assigned to help him.

This was… pretty disappointing. I still loved the writing style, the dive into grief & self sacrifices, and I really enjoyed Emma’s character. But I did not like Charlie at all. And this read like a romance but the main characters barely had any romance or chemistry because Charlie was so mean to her like every single scene. If it were me, I would’ve slapped him and walked out and literally never came back.

Some of the things he said to keep her at arms length were NOT okay- it’s never okay to use someone’s biggest insecurities to get at them. Calling her a failed writer multiple times knowing she sacrificed her career to take care of her injured father is the lowest of lows.

3 stars. Thank you to Netgalley & st martins for the eArc in exchange for an honest review

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Katherine Center has done it again. I devoured this book! This was everything I ever wanted, and I already wish I could read it for the first time again. I'm obsessed with Emma and Charlie, and I can't stop thinking about this book.

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Sometimes you just need a book pick-me-up…

Anxiety sucks….plain and simple. It has the ability to take things you love doing and make them difficult. Like reading.

Your brain wants to focus, but it’s zooming in a million different directions. Next thing you know, it’s 3 hours later and you are still on the same sentence of the same page you started on.

I haven’t been able to truly read for well over a month now. My grand total for 2024 completed books was a big ol’ goose egg, nada, ZERO.

BUT THEN….I remembered the ARC copy sitting ever so peacefully in my inbox for Katherine Center’s newest book coming out later this year in June, The Rom-Commers.

Now, you know how we all have our comfort items that always seem to make us happy/lift our spirits? Your mom’s chicken noodle soup, a blanket your grandma knit you, that stuffed animal from when you were 3? You get the point. Katherine’s books have always fallen into that “comfort category” for me. They have never failed in being a source of sunshine.

So, I charged up my Kindle, put aside the book I’d been struggling to make a dent in, and sat outside in the sun to recenter myself with a little Center.


I laughed, I giggled, I told my fiancé to go play video games and leave me alone, I uttered the famous words “just 30 more minutes” at the end of each night….all because I wanted to and could actually focus on reading! I lost myself in the story and didn’t want to put the book down until I’d reached the end. Which I did, just 6 days after starting it.

They say the things that are meant for you will find you, and as I was wrapping up the book and reading the acknowledgements, that is exactly what I thought to myself about The Rom-Commers. There at the very end, I saw the word that has been living rent free in my body for a bit now - anxiety.

So thank you Katherine - because in between the fiction, you create characters with very real issues and help them find sunshine and happy ending.

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The ROM-COMMERS is another wonderful and fun book by Katherine Center. Center once again is able to weave a tale of fun and flirtatious love. This book has so much heart and is a romantic love story as much as it is about love for one’s family. If you are a fan of books about writers and adore classic rom coms, then this is a book you’ll need to pick up.

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I love Katherine Center's writing and <i>The Rom-Commers</i> did not disappoint! It was full of heart and humor and wonderfully genuine characters you can't help but fall in love with.

I laughed, I cried, I laughed while I was crying, and I gobbled it up in one day.

This book did have some similar plot points as Center's <i>The Bodyguard</i>, and I was able to guess one of the bigger reveals, but that didn't take away from my reading enjoyment.

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I love reading anything Katherine Center writes. Will recommend to friends and family…another solid book from her.

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I absolutely loved this book! Emma Wheeler wants to be a screenwriter but she had to put her dreams aside to take care of her father. Emma gets the chance to work with screenwriter Charlie Yates, who she adores. The only thing is that she has to go to Los Angeles to do it. Leaving her father in her sister's hands, she takes a leap of faith. They are tasked with writing a romcom, which Charlie despises. There are many themes in this book, including love, loss, grief, and hope. I loved the banter between Emma and Charlie. They made me laugh. They made me cry. Charlie is the kind of character you don't like at the start, but grow to love.

This was my third read from Katherine Center and she did not disappoint. I will definitely be reading more.

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Katherine Center has become a must-read author for me and The Rom-Commers is a great example of why.

Emma and Charlie team up to co-write a romcom screenplay but end up writing a new story for themselves as well. I loved their interactions, funny banter is always a win. The story had elements of heartbreaking tragedy which was handled nicely. Characters were endearing (even grumpy Charlie) and I couldn't put the book down because I wanted to see them through.

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the advanced review copy!

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