Member Reviews

Warning: This book may cause random outbursts of laughter. Use caution when reading next to a sleeping spouse.

With that warning out of the way, I have to say Emma and Charlie were magic right from their first “apocalyptically” disastrous meeting, and I couldn’t devour their story fast enough. Renowned screen writer Charlie Yates needs help overhauling his terrible romcom script. Emma Wheeler’s dream of becoming a romcom screenwriter was put on hold when her father was injured and needed 24/7 care. When Emma has the opportunity to help her hero overhaul his horrific script, she ventures out of her comfort zone to grab hold of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But there’s a reason people say never meet your heroes and their first meeting doesn’t go as planned. Charlie doesn’t care about improving his script. He’s simply writing it so he can get the greenlight on another project. Emma quickly realizes she can’t help him write a quality romcom until he cares about the script and changes his views on love.

Things I loved:
- The story itself was gold. I adored the premise, the witty banter, the characters.
- Emma & Charlie’s first meeting (the first time I laughed out loud)
- Emma finding her voice and the freedom to pursue her dreams
- Emma’s feisty attitude, which was both entertaining and admirable at times
- So many hilarious quotes I highlighted
- Cuthbert the Guinea Pig
- Charlie. Just Charlie.

Things I didn’t love:
- While I don’t mind some occasional swearing, I really don’t like the f-word. And this book had about a dozen of them, along with a wide variety of other “lesser” curse words. Even though Center didn’t use the f-word to describe sex, which I find even more distasteful then using the word as an adjective/adverb, it still lessened my enjoyment of an otherwise well-crafted, closed-door romance. This would have been a 5 star read for me if the language was toned down a bit.

Content Considerations:
- Closed Door
- Moderate Language, including about a dozen f-words
- Moderate Sexual Innuendo (think PG-13 rom com level)
- Sensitive topics: grief/loss, death of a parent, divorce, sickness

Thank you St. Martin's Press for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Katherine Center with another book that did not disappoint. I love the story of Emma and Charlie. It’s full of all the things we come to love from Katherine’s books. I wasn’t a huge fan of Hello Stranger but I LOVED The Bodyguard so I was hoping this would but just as good. IT WAS. I wouldn’t mind reading it again.

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Katherine Center does it again, and this is absolutely in the running for being her best one yet. Rom-commers is the perfect grump x sunshine, forced proximity romance. When aspiring screenwriter Emma Wheeler gets a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ghost write with her favorite screenwriter of all time, she cannot say no. This requires her to leave her father, for whom she is a full time caregiver, but how can she pass this chance up? She is in for a rude awakening, however, when she discovers how truly awful the screenplay is. What on earth is her idol, Charlie Yates, doing attempting to write a rom-com? To make matters worse, Charlie doesn’t seem impressed by Emma whatsoever, and he certainly isn’t invested in this joint venture. Can Emma change his mind about love, or will he always deem it an “emotional Ponzi scheme?”

Any fan of rom-coms cannot miss out on this read. It is swoony, and the banter between Emma and Charlie is top notch. Katherine Center flawlessly creates this incredible push/pull dynamic, and even the greatest romance cynic would be invested in reaching the promise happily ever after. I adored Emma and Charlie and cannot wait for other readers to devour their story!

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A very sweet read with very lovable main characters. Despite the title, this book manages to surprise the reader and not give way to expected tropes. A delightful read I couldn’t put down.

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While I enjoyed the book, I just couldn't give it 5 stars for a couple of reasons.
1. There wasn't much comedy in Rom-Commers. The descriptions made it seem it would be more light-hearted, and that is not the case. The book was actually fairly heavy with parental caregiving, lost parents, the big C, and some other bits.
2. I had a really hard time in the first several chapters because Logan and Charlie were incredibly disrespectful, manipulative, and outright rude to Emma. Don't worry, it's not a love triangle. But there were nasty things said and talk of career sabotage. Emma was way too forgiving with everything.

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The Rom-Commers bought me immense joy. I have no idea how to show that in this review. It was just so good! I felt like I was watching a romantic comedy movie while reading this book.

The plot of The Rom-Commers was fun and unique. Two screenwriters, one enthusiastic and one not so much, falling in love while collaborating on a script provided a lot of hilarious and also surprisingly emotional moments. Katherine Center did a fabulous job of keeping this romantic comedy upbeat and fun while every once in a while, throwing the characters' emotional baggage at the reader. I'm happy to report I laughed way more than I teared up. This was a true romantic comedy and not just a book disguised as one. 

Emma was a little bit quirky, and rightfully so. The past ten years had been tough on her. She was her father's caretaker and a mother figure to her younger sister. Breaking away from her daily duties and going to L.A. to help rewrite a script pushes her out of her comfort zone and brings on her anxiety. I loved how her anxiety was depicted and how Emma's character grew throughout the story. Emma getting a chance at a different kind of life, one where she flourished and enjoyed her talents was rewarding to read about. 

Charlie Yates didn't get his own POV in this book, but I'm not complaining about that. Seeing him through Emma's eyes was more than enough. He had issues of his own. Emma pushing Charlie out of his comfort zone while being out of hers was highly entertaining. These two were awkward on their own. Together, they were one big mess that somehow worked in the best ways. The things they taught and shared with each other were sometimes funny and sometimes special. I fell in love with them as a couple while they were falling for each other.

This romance wouldn't have been what it was without the amazing cast of characters there to support Emma and Charlie along the way. Emma's family was just the sweetest. They had problems like all families do, and I liked that none of them was perfect. I loved Emma's best friend who forced her out of her little life and made her reach for the stars - even though he was kind of an idiot at times. I also enjoyed the people in Charlie's life. It was fun to see Jack make some cameos. 

Thank you to Katherine Center for writing a romantic comedy that was such a joy to read and for spelling out what a romantic comedy is in terms anyone should be able to understand at a time when so many love stories and women's fiction sob fests are being incorrectly marketed as romantic comedies.

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Thank you to St. Martins Press for the ARC copy via NetGalley. This was the first book that I read by Katherine Center and I did enjoy the story. I would say the first 1/2 of the story was good and sucked me in. As the story progressed I started to find it very predictable. Did I like the characters? Yes and no. I think the Emma had a lot of growth throughout the novel but there were times were I felt like she needed to have a different perspective on situations and tended to be a little dramatic at times. It is understandable given the grief she is dealing with. For Charlie he tended to get on my nerves at times. I think that he was a very grumpy character (as Katherine, I’m assuming, wanted him to come across as). He did have a lot of growth as well, but it definitely took more time.

I felt like the ending was kind of predictable and I did struggle with finishing the novel. Was this a five star read, no. However I did enjoy the concept of the story and Katherine’s writing style.

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I still cannot believe that this was my very first Katherine Center book-- and am I absolutely obsessed? The answer is YES, and now I have to read her entire backlist!

We follow Emma Wheeler- a round the clock caretaker of her father that suffered an accident in the past. She loves him, and is also pursuing a screenwriting career from home. She gets a once-in-a-lifetime phone call from her former boyfriend who she's still friends with, saying that one of the best screenwriters in Hollywood needs a ghostwriter to help him revamp a Rom-Com script (that isn't great...). Emma flies out to LA to meet her hero- Charlie Yates- and he is not happy to see her. His grumpy attitude finally gives in and allows her to stay and help him write. There is forced proximity (since they have to write this things together per their contract) for six weeks. Emma is around her hero- who's also very handsome, and Charlie is forced to figure out what love is again. Does he even believe it? His script doesn't sound like he does!

I love that she is so character driven and created two main characters that I wish I knew IRL. Emma had such a relatable "take care of family and put everything else you want at the bottom of the list" personality that hit so close to home. Charlie had such a grumpy and hard exterior, but the more I got to know him... is it crazy to say that he is definitely my top book boyfriend?!

I always love stories about writers, but the fact that these two are screenwriters coming from difference backgrounds made me addicted to the book. Putting it down was so NOT an option for me. The way that these two fell in love was like watching a friend fall in love. And the irony that the whole thing was a true Rom-Com was the BEST. There were elements of a true rom-com movie sprinkled in with real life.

Center does a spectacular job by not just making this about two people falling in love, but she deals with hard topics head on without treating her audience like they wouldn't understand. I really appreciated that about this book. She touches on family, friendship, grief, moving on, and finding happiness in yourself. Identity is also a huge theme with both of these characters, and especially for young adults this book confronted some really REAL issues in life.

In conclusion... I LOVED this book. Completely ate it up. The banter got me laughing out loud, the deep reliving of trauma made me CRY (it takes a lot for a book to make me cry), and the END. LIKE COME ONNNNN.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for giving me a a digital copy of this book and allowing me to review it! Very very excited for this to be on the shelves!

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Katherine Center's "The Rom-Commers" is not just a rom-com; it's full of laughter, wit, and heartwarming moments that will leave you grinning from ear to ear. Our MC Emma Wheeler, an aspiring screenwriter whose life takes a rom-com-worthy turn when she gets the chance to rewrite a script for her idol, the grumpy but brilliant Charlie Yates.

The banter between Emma and Charlie is pure magic. Their initial clashes soon melt into hilarious exchanges laced with vulnerability and self-discovery. You'll find yourself cheering for them to overcome their personal hurdles and embrace the unexpected path love takes them on.

But "The Rom-Commers" isn't just about the swoon-worthy romance. It's a celebration of family, friendship, and the power of believing in yourself. Center tackles complex themes like grief, loss, and self-doubt with sensitivity and humor, reminding us that even life's imperfections can lead to beautiful beginnings.

Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions. You'll laugh until your sides ache, shed a few happy tears, and be left feeling hopeful and inspired. Center's writing is sharp and engaging, and her characters are so well-developed you'll feel like you're right there with them as they navigate their journeys.

Whether you're a die-hard rom-com fan or simply looking for a heartwarming read, "The Rom-Commers" is a must-add to your bookshelf. It's a reminder that love can blossom in the most unexpected places, and that even the most cynical hearts can be touched by the magic of happily ever afters.

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I very much enjoyed Katherine Center's The Rom-Commers. It was a quick, relatively light-hearted read with enough emotional content to make you laugh, smile, and shed a tear or two. Katherine does a masterful job of creating characters you fall in love with and a storyline that sucks you in. This book also had a lot of great quotes that make you think about how you view the world. I can't wait to see what she comes out with next!

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Wow. This definitely is my favorite Katherine Center book! The writing in this is absolutely beautiful. It’s also filled with funny, witty banter. Emma and Charlie are up there with some of my favorite rom-com couples now! I would recommend this to any rom-com lover, this is one you don’t want to miss!

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There were some really nice themes explored in this book, particularly around living life to the fullest. I really liked the beginning of the story. I think that if there had been more of a focus on Charlie and Emma and their relationship, I would have really enjoyed that. I got the impression that the book was trying to show love in a more realistic light, emphasizing that life is not a romantic comedy, but I wish there had been more romance build up, because I really didn’t feel the chemistry.

I’m just not sure that this one was for me. The plot felt a little bit disjointed and I didn’t like the main characters and the way they treated other people, so it was a little bit hard for me to be invested.

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I didn’t know how she could top Tne Bodyguard - but Katherine Center may have just done it with The Rom-Commers. This is a five star romance - truly delightful.

This book had me laughing and crying. The characters were so well written and developed that you felt like they were your friends. As usual, Center gives us a romance with all the swoony moments, and all the depth to back it up.

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This was my first Katherine Center book and definitely won’t be my last. Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for gifting me the opportunity to read this book.

If you’re looking for a feel-good book where two rom-com writers end up in their own rom-com- then this one is for you!

While the characters dealt with some serious issues , Emma and Charlie’s personalities had me rooting for them throughout their journey. This was a quick, fun read that will be released in June. Keep your eyes out for this one!

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While I thought that Katherine Center cleverly defended romcom books and movies here, I wasn't completely enthralled with the story. I found it to be very dialogue heavy, and I was craving more in the way of plot.
Also, I didn't buy that the two main characters were really in love. Charlie, especially, seemed not very appealing as a male MC.
Overall, this one was just okay for me.

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Emma is a hopeful screenwriter but put her life on hold after her dad suffered an accident and needs full time care. When her friend offers her a job helping her longtime screenwriter idol, Charlie Yates, rewrite a script, she has her sister step in her place. Charlie is surprised to find Emma has come to help him. He does not want to rewrite it and only wrote it so he can get his next action movie made. Charlie reluctantly agrees to have Emma stay and help with the rewrite. She challenges Charlie to getting his feet wet, line dancing, and an amazing kiss. Justin must overcome some past traumas before the screenplay is finished and hopefully get over his writing draught.

I found this book to be a fun read, but the book moved slowly until the second half which is why I gave it 4 stars. The characters were funny and likeable. If you want a clean romance book to recommend your mom, this one is it.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy of The Rom-Commers in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely adored this book! I have never read a book from Kathrine Center but I will be sure to pick up more! The writing was great! I enjoyed the story, it wasn’t like anything I have read before and that isn’t easy to come by these days so I thoroughly enjoyed the read! The character building was just enough for me to be invested and I enjoyed seeing names that are well known that was a nice touch!

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4.5 stars for the feel good beach read vibes. The rom-commers has so much of what I love: books about writers writing things, in this case screen plays, when grumpy met sunshine vibes, and romantic comedies. I was rooting for Charlie and Emma from page one and loved the journey their story took them on. The epilogue was also an incredibly satisfying wrap up which was the icing on the cake for me. This is the perfect beach read of the summer!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC!

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All of Katherine Center's books are spectacular and this one did not disappoint. I love that she writes the perfect Rom Com with a balance of depth. All of her characters are real & relatable. Her books are always filled with laugh-out-loud moments and will leave your heart fluttering every single time. She's one of the most talented authors of pulling at your heartstrings.

Emma has put all her dreams aside after her family was devastated by a tragic accident. Emma has spent most of her adulthood as the sole caregiver to her father who has several health issues related to the accident. Before the accident, Emma dreamed of becoming a screenplay writer, and ever since then, she has been studying, and perfecting her romantic comedies. She's a romcom guru and has even won competitions for her writing. Her ex (and agent) calls to let her know she's finally gotten the big break she's been hoping for, and that's to help Charlie Yates with his new screenplay... a romcom! Charlie, a science-fiction masterpiece creator, doesn't typically write rom-coms, and the one he has written is a total disaster.

Emma is determined not to blow her chance at this opportunity, but there's just one challenge - she must go to LA for SIX weeks; the question is, can she trust anyone else to care for her dad while she is away? Emma's younger sister graciously offers to step in and take over the duties while Emma is out.

When Emma arrives at Charlie's LA mansion, she realizes he has no idea that she's been hired to help him. He refuses to admit that he needs help on it, especially from a "failed screenwriter". Not only that, but he doesn't even believe in love - he thinks it's an emotional Ponzi scheme. Charlie is bitter & jaded due to the circumstances in his own life. Emma being the rom-com junkie that she is, takes a stand and does everything in her power to convince him that rom-coms do matter and that "love wasn't just a concept created by Hallmark to sell greeting cards." After a lot of convincing, tough love, and critiquing his work, Charlie agrees to work with her.

I loved Charlie & Emma's relationship. It started off as enemies-to-lovers, and then turns into my favorite friends-to-lovers. Their romance is filled with witty banter, fun plot-twists, and hilarious scenes. One of my favorites was with the biscuit tube - omg I was LAUGHING & CRYING for a good 15 minutes. The birthday biscuits - mean come on! The way these two came together, conquered their fears, with a lot of laughs and tears in-between - this one will leave you giddy for sure.

Like I said earlier, Katherine Center writes such tragic backstories with amazing hopeful messages. Her books usually have an overall theme of showing the bright side of things, no matter how dark it is around you. This book explores tragedies, loss, grief, guilt, but through all of that, it teaches you to always be grateful and to try to focus on what people are doing right in your life, not so much on what they're doing wrong. It reminds you that every life has heartbreak and sadness, and it's more about what you do to face those circumstances. You cannot predict what life will throw your way.

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If you liked The Bodyguard, you will also like The Rom-Commers (and not just because there are Jack Stapleton cameos👀)! The Rom-Commers has a celebrity MMC (Charlie is a famous screenwriter), there is forced proximity, and the SLOWEST of slow burns!
Because this is slow burn, there is a TON of chemistry and tension between Charlie (MMC) and Emma (FMC) and you are just on the edge of your seat the ENTIRE time to see when they will finally get together!
There is also a very interesting element to this book, it has some very literary/meaningful topics that are discussed and Katherine Center really displays her beautiful, flowery, and powerful sentiments like talking about life, death, loss, and grief all while STILL focusing (most of the time) on the light/happiness.
I don't know what it is but Katherine Center's cartoon cover books just hit DIFFERENT and I am so glad that I was able to get an early copy of this book! Thank you so much St. martin's Press for an e-ARC of this amazing book!💖

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