Member Reviews

8.5/10. Katherine Center does it again. One of my favorite authors in contemporary romance, her books are thoughtful, funny, sexy but not crude, and inspiring.

I love her characters and watching them fall in love. :)

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Ever since reading The Bodyguard, I have not been able to get enough of Katherine Center's books. While I find that some of her books the line between romance and women's fiction, but The Rom-Commers lands solidly in the, you guessed in, romcom category.

I just love Katherine Center's writing. Her story lines capture you instantly, and you can't help but fall in love with her characters. Emma and Charlie were perfect- I loved them both so much independent of each other, but together they were unbeatable. This book is a slow burn, with each chapter building the characters' relationship, while also peeling back layers of their individual journeys.

This book made me feel alllll the feels. Katherine Center's books often touch on much more serious themes than the bright, colorful covers would have you believe. While this is definitely a romantic comedy, there are some deeper themes touched on in the story that had my heart aching, but also didn't leave me feeling super depressed, if you know what I mean.

The only thing I was missing was Charlie's POV. I love when we get both MC's perspectives, and I think that could have enhanced the overall story. But don't let that stop you from picking up this book!

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"Tragedy really is a given. There are endless human stories, but they all end the same way. So it can't be where you're going that matters. It has to be how you get there. That's what I've decided. It's all about the details you notice. And the joys you savor. And the hope you refuse to give up on."

Katherine Center did some PREACHING in this one, guys, and I am here for it. She loves love stories and loves telling them, and they are so fun and funny to read!

Forced proximity, enemies to lovers, quirky, imperfect humans figuring out life, grief, and love.

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I'm fine. I'm good. I'm just quietly sobbing at my desk over a book that basically encapsulates everything I love and everything I am. But I'm good. Totally fine. I have no notes, and I think this might be my new favorite book ever. Actually, I know it is.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

That's just life.
Tragedy really is a given.
There are endless human stories, but they all end the same way.
So it can't be where you're going that matters. It has to be how you get there.
That's what I've decided.
It's all about the details you notice. And the joys you savor. And the hope you refuse to give up on.
It's all about writing the very best story of your life.
Not just how you live it—but how you choose to tell it.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

I'm very incredibly behind on my arcs, but a huge (and I mean huge, like I want to give you a hug and I'm not a touchy person in the slightest) thank you to St. Martin's Press, NetGalley and most importantly Katherine Center and her team for allowing me to take this story into my heart. You have quite literally made my life sparkle just a little bit more.

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this was super fun! totally unbelievable and absurd but I enjoyed it. My only complaint was how the female lead treated her sister, it was not her fault her dad felt and she should have apologized for blaming her!

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Really starting to love Katherine Center’s writing style! This book was very entertaining and I read it completely in one sitting. The banter between these characters were great and it just moved along so well and was a fun book to read.

Katherine Center has such a way of creating lovable characters that you can't help but want to see things work out for them. There are some more serious moments that are weaved in and I actually found myself tearing up a bit at the end, but overall, it was just a lovely read.

SO many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I have had several Katherine Center novels on my TBR list for years now and never got the chance to read any. So when I saw the newest one pop up on Netgalley, I had to request it. I absolutely loved The Rom-Commers. I loved Emma and Charlie. I loved Emma’s dad. I felt like I knew each character. There were a few mild twists at the end that pushed this from a 4 ⭐️ to a 5 ⭐️ for me! A wonderful romantic comedy with a lovely happy ending.

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From the queen of her craft, Center’s newest release (Happy Pub Day) was just what the doctor ordered.

A story I stayed up late to read, had me holding my breath, caused my eyes to leak, brought out surprise giggles and melted my heart. I loved the characters, I loved that this was light on spice, but had plenty of tension, and I loved the below line from the book:

“The whole trick to life. Be aggressively, loudly, unapologetically grateful.”

I don’t read a ton of rom-coms, but when I do, I expect a happy ending. I expect to leave the story with my heart uplifted. I expect to feel like love is worth fighting for. And not just romantic relationship love, but also parental love, friendship love and sibling love. This book checked all the boxes and more. An easy 5 star for me. There are some difficult and emotional situations at play in this one, and Center handles them with care and light humor to lift the heaviness. If there was a contest for the BEST last line(s) of a book, I think this(these) should win:

“It’s all about the details you notice. And the joys you savor. And the hope you refuse to give up on. It’s all about writing the very best story of your life. Not just how you live it—but how you choose to tell it.”

I mean, don’t you agree? Pick this one up ASAP and thank me later❤️

Thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the ARC to read and review.

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"Your inner compass will guide you to the particular stories that you need to hear" - Katherine Center
You must read the author's note once you finish this book!!! Katherine Center has made me a life long reader of her work.

This was SUCH a fun book!!! 4.5 stars from me.
We have --
-opposites attract
-screen writers cowriting a rom-com together
-heartwarming, laugh out loud, story with emotional subplot involving the mc's families

I have really loved reading Katherine Center's books. They are funny and comforting! The formula for her books is just A+. Emma and Charlie were so fun to read about and the audio was fantastic!!

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ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK! Katherine Center always writes fantastic love stories. Listened to this one in a few days because I couldn't put it down. Can't wait to see what Katherine Center writes next.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

Well this wasn’t my favorite Katherine Center book! That’s not to say it wasn’t good but it definitely wasn’t my top pick.

I could never understand what the infatuation was with Charlie Yates. He just didn’t vibe for me. I also could never connect with the MC Emma. I found her infuriating and condescending and a bit of a martyr. I feel like I’m probably in the minority with this though.

Even though I had these few problems I enjoyed the storyline/plot enough to give it 3 stars.

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This book had me actually laughing out loud almost the entire time! This was the first book by Katherine Center that I have read and it is safe to say that I will be reading more! This book was emotional, funny, cute and I loved every moment of it. Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a good romcom!

Trigger warning: this book has some sensitive topics such as death of a parent, and cancer.

Thank you NetGalley, for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

Pub Date: 6/11/24

I may or may not be in the minority here, but this book just didn’t hit home for me. By no means was it a bad book or anything, but I just couldn’t connect with anyone or anything in this book. Honestly, the two MC’s were what turned me off this whole story. I just couldn’t get past the characters to enjoy anything else about the book.

What I did enjoy:
🩷witty banter & laugh out loud moments
💛personal growth
🩷screenwriters process
💛the book cover

Thank you NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for this eArc of The Rom-Commers. Although I didn’t love this book, doesn’t mean you won’t. Katherine Center books just may not be for me?

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I always enjoy Katherine Center books and this is no different. I was entertained, smiling and enjoying this the entire way through. I highly recommend you check out this romance!

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YES! This book was everything. Katherine Carter can't miss on a good romcom. I loved both of these characters and wanted to fin ish quickly to see what happens, but also savor every page.

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I truly enjoyed reading this book. The characters were well written and I grew to love Charlie and Emma was so sweet and funny. I laughed and cried and even though I knew what happened I didn’t expect what happened when he got that phone call while accepting his award lol. I’m glad it happened and couldn’t have asked for anything better. I truly enjoyed reading this rom com.

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This was such a fun read- I couldn’t put it down! I read it all in one sitting on a plane. I love when characters fall in love with each other’s work first and build from there. Kathrine Center always builds such a fun world and this is no different!

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Nothing says summer like a new Katherine Center novel! I loved this book so much! The characters were great! Classic sunshine and grumpy trope which I love. But like all of KC’s novels there is a level of depth that really just cuts to the human core. Again she writes with such honesty and truth. This book was funny, had great banter, witty and the lessons in it were real. I have loved all of her books and would recommend them to anyone! 4.50 ⭐️

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This was not my favorite from Katherine Center but I still loved it!
Even though I did really like the plot and the love story and Charlie and Emma I think the aspect of this book that I enjoyed the most was its discussion on the importance of fiction and love stories and happily ever afters. There were so many passages in this book that I had to highlight that perfectly describe why I feel fiction is so important in literature.
Throughout the book Emma reminded me a lot of Cath from Fangirl in a lot of ways (with being a writer and also taking care of her dad a lot) so I obviously loved that aspect. I really liked Charlie and the way he was described (even though he looks way different in my head than he does on the book cover). I loved all his quirky writer qualities. Some of the scenes between the two of them were so well written and vivid I felt like I could fall right into it. And funny too, there were so many great lines in the dialogue between them when they would go back and forth (like at the line-dancing lesson). Two of my favorite lines "pastrami man" and "when bird commit suicide" were from Charlie and Emma's dialogue in the line-dancing scene. I also loved the whole scene with Donna Cole in the coffee shop (by far my fav in the whole book). I didn't love the final scene during Charlie's award acceptance so much. It kind of took me out of the story because it felt a little too unbelievable unfortunately.
Basically, (like I kind of already said at the beginning) I loved the meaning behind the story and how they described the perfect imperfection of a happily ever after, and why love stories are important to tell. That was such a strong takeaway from this book for me and I feel like it was described so perfectly.
"It's all about writing the very best story of your life. Not just how you live it- but how you choose to tell it."

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When Katherine Center writes a book it’s a no brainer, I must grab it!
What an amazing title when you’re completely into rom-coms like myself. There is laughter, tears, and banter. If you love enemy to lovers in a rom-com I believe you’ll enjoy it. The story was well written, I loved how it was about two screenwriters writing a rom-com it made it very enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the Arc in exchange for the honest review.

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