Member Reviews

I read everyone of Kathrine Center's books, but I didn't love all of hers works. This story is somewhere in the middle, I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. At times I found it a bit childish and slow.
Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest feedback. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The best, funniest, saddest, most touching book. I loved every second of this one- I just wish it was longer! So good!

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I’m obsessed. Quite literally. Let me set the scene. I started reading “The Rom-Commers” during a long car ride while my husband drove. Three chapters in and I tell him “I’m going to like this book”. Chapter after chapter I’m squealing, grabbing his arm, telling him what’s sending me to the moon. I don’t care that he’s trying to drive or listen to his audiobook in peace, I need him to know how this book is making me feel. He’s on this journey with me whether he likes it or not.

Emma Wheeler is an expert in romantic comedies, even if nothing romantic is happening to her. She’s the sole caretaker for her dad (who is a literal ray of sunshine) who needs full-time care. When an opportunity to present itself to work with world renowned screenwriter Charlie Yates, she’s over the moon. Emma’s family steps up to help make her dreams come true, and with her sister stepping in to care for her father, Emma journeys to L.A. Upon arrival though, she discovers that not only is the romantic comedy Charlie wrote TERRIBLE, but it’s just a favor to get his passion project made. Oh, and he doesn’t believe in love! Can Emma work with Charlie to write something they can both be proud of and believe in?

This book. It’s everything. This is the first book I’ve read by Kathrine Center, and I will absolutely be a fan for life. Honestly 5++ stars. At first the title seemed odd, but after reading, I love it so much. I want to be best friends with Emma! Her relationships with her family feel so authentic and relatable. Her sense of humor is to die for, and I love that she stands up for herself. Charlie, I just love him. He's perfectly imperfect. I don’t want to spoil anything so just read it. The synopsis online and the one I just wrote don’t do it justice. Just read it!

The Rom-Commers is out June 11, 2024.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The dialogue, the banter, the wittiness!! I could scream to the rooftops how amazing this book was from start to finish. I was laughing and smiling like an idiot while reading it. The rhythm was great, it kept me engaged the whole time and I couldn't stop reading. The characters had amazing chemistry and were phenomenal together. There's a lot of build up to their relationship and the tension is strung throughout the story but, there's plenty of hilarious moments and charming characters to get us through. This may be my favorite book of 2024.

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Aspiring writer Emma gets the chance of a lifetime to write a rom-com screenplay with THE Charlie Yates. Charlie claims he knows next to nothing about love, but Emma might be able to teach him a thing or two.

I really enjoyed this book. This was only my second book by this author but I'm convinced that I want to read everything she's written. The characters in this book were well-written and likeable with good development. The plot was cute with funny scenes and good side stories. While the outcome was predictable, I didn't enjoy reading it any less and loved how Emma and Charlie's relationship developed. This is a great story about forgiveness and living in the moment, and I would recommend it!

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I really enjoyed the ARC I read of The Bodyguard by Katherine Center, so I immediately requested this new title. I couldn't connect with the story or the characters, unfortunately. There was no chemistry, and the spice was closed door. All in all, not my cup of tea, sadly.

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Katherine Center does it again! I’m just a crazy big fan of everything she writes and this is no exception. Delicious in every way a rom-com should be!

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest feedback. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I love Katherine Center Books! They never fail to disappoint in humor, heart, and hope. The Rom-Commers is a love letter and manifesto to what makes a Rom-Com. It is so easy to love Emma - to root for her to find her Happily-Ever-After.
In true Katherine Center fashion, you leave the pages of her book feeling a bit homesick. I fell in love with Emma’s family and her and Charlie’s relationship. I want to go line-dancing, be better at appreciating the lovely people in my life, and invest in a monstera leaf patterned dress of my own!
“Whatever story you tell yourself about your life, that’s the one that will be true.”

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Another charmer by this author. I was really enjoying this one, but the conceit of the male protagonist thinking he was being noble by hiding something from the female protagonist felt icky to me. It's supposed to be a great sacrifice, but the lack of honesty felt like a betrayal. So, I wasn't fond of that plot point. However, the characters were well drawn and there was a lot of humor throughout. Library patrons should enjoy and may be more forgiving than I was.

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Kathrine Center is one of those authors that I'll read a book by her without knowing what it's even about. She's a phenomenal author and the Rom-Commers was just delightful!

I really liked Emma in this book. This book touches on so many topics that I think so many of us can relate to and that's what I think makes this book that much more enjoyable. Emma wants to be a screenwriter but needs to care for her dad. She's gets a break and gets a chance to write for a world renowned screenwriter. However, Charlie Yates doesn't do lovey dovey stuff. Her sister steps in to help and take care of their dad while she's in LA for 6 weeks.

This book was just everything. If I could pick one adjective that would be it.

A big thanks to St. Martin's Press and netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Okay so here’s the thing. In my opinion - this book was just meh. It wasn’t a great book but at the same time, there was nothing I can pinpoint that was wrong with it. I just think I didn’t personally connect with this book. I do think other people will connect and love this. It felt a little slow paced and the tension just wasn’t there. The end picked up and got better but wasn’t enough for me to rate higher.

I was given an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley for an honest review.

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Kathrine Center knocked it out of the park with this one. I felt all the feels .I enjoyed it so much.I am a big fan of her work already but this one really hit the mark! Opposite attract, slowburn, heartfelt and humours at the same time. I wish i could rate it more than 5 stars. Her best work yet and my personal favourite!

*thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review*

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I absolutely loved everything about this book! There is just something about Katherine Center’s characters. They are never flat or one dimensional and they are so well rounded. This was a very kicking your feet while smiling and giggling kind of book sure to make a bad day good!

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This was my first Katherine Center book, and I am totally obsessed! The writing was so easy to follow and was so fast paced. I read this book in one sitting because I couldn’t put it down! Can we talk about their banter!! I’m not the biggest fan of miscommunication but this is one of the first books that I think did it right!

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Katherine Center knocks it out of the park with this one with equal parts laughter, tears, and heartwarming moments. You're hooked from day one with fantastic banter and a tension that keeps you eagerly flipping through the pages.

The chemistry between Emma and Charlie is electric, and watching them evolve from reluctant partners to a dream team is pure magic. Emma's sunny disposition and Charlie's grumpy demeanor make for the perfect rom-com duo, and their journey to rewrite Charlie's script is both hilarious and heart-tugging. Center's knack for infusing joy into even the toughest situations shines through, leaving you with a warm and fuzzy feeling long after you've finished the last page.

This continues to solidify Katherine Center's place on my immediate/auto read list.

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This is such an engaging delightful rom com. Charlie is a screenwriter that is very successful and well known. Emma is a rom com writer that has set her career aspirations aside to take care of her father who suffered a tragic accident 10 years prior. Her high school sweetheart is a Hollywood manager and offers her an amazing opportunity to work with her idol, Charlie. Unbeknownst to her, this screenwriter has no idea she is coming to help save a terrible rom com screenplay that her wrote. He writes action and sci fi. He had been somewhat blackmailed into writing a genre he absolutely despises to have a new movie made from a current screenplay he wrote. The enticing banter and escapades begin upon their meeting for the first time. The author and weaved a wonderful story. What I really liked was he writing and ability to have the audience fully engaged with the book. At times, Emma talks to the audience as if they are best friends having a sleep over and telling each others secrets. I give this book a full five stars and this is not my normal genre, I prefer horror and thrillers, but I will definitely seek out more books by her

Thank you #netgalley and publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this delightful book

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I love any woman that has no problem putting anyone in their place, and Emma is definitely not afraid to do that. You can't tell but fall in love with Charlie. He's cynical about love just purely never been in it. I loved as the reader feeling like I was in on a secret for Charlie's affection even without it being stated.

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This book had me hooked until the last page.

This is the second book I have read by this author. I have loved the complexity of the character arcs. The character development was fantastic. I loved the "imperfectness" of the characters. I loved the banter and I found myself laughing while reading.

I loved that "happily ever after" is not the same for everyone and that there will always be challenges.

As a reader, one of my pet peeves is lack communication. I understand it adds to plot and drama, but sometimes it can be a bit frustrating at times.

Thank you so much for letting me read this book. I hope to have the opportunity to read more by this amazing author.

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I love Katherine Center books, so I was really excited to read this one! It did not disappoint. I love a grumpy/sunshine troupe and the banter between the two main characters was fantastic. It was a clean, closed door romance, so if you don’t like steam this one was perfect. It was a heart-warming story that definitely made you feel. There was one too many cringe moments for the main character for me or it would have been 5 stars.

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing me with this ARC.

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Katherine never ever disappoints.

She writes rom-coms that will shatter your heart but stitch you right back up in the end.

Emma and Charlie are two people who have both seen their fair share of tragedy in life. Despite it all they come together and become an epic love story for the ages.

Just when you think they will finally give in, guess again. This book is a rollercoaster of emotions in the best way possible.

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