Member Reviews

I really enjoy Katherine Center books- especially some of the more recent ones (The Bodyguard & Hello, Stranger). This was another enjoyable story and I love how well the author balances sad/tragic events that happen in life while also giving the characters the happy ending that they deserve.

The story had a fun premise where you have a famous writer that totally bombs when he wrote a romantic comedy screen play. It was pretty believable that a famous writer would not want help from someone that did not run in the same circles (and really wasn't known at all!)

I thought there was a decent amount of depth to the main characters in this story and felt like I got to know Charlie and Emma pretty well. Their interactions felt real throughout and I loved the grand gestures that unfold towards the end! This book had me smiling the way a great rom-com should!! Absolutely worth the quick read!

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One thing I really get impatient with in rom-coms is when the main characters have a misunderstanding and it gets dragged out. This seems to happen a lot in rom-coms to some degree and sometimes it can really ruin the story for me. Well, I kept waiting for it to happen in this story and it didn't. Katherine Center went off script in some ways with this story, but stuck with the joyful parts of a rom-com in other parts and made me really fall in love with this book.

I love the deep characters, the plot, the tension, the banter, the sadness, the hilarity. This story just really hit the mark for me.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book!!! THIS BOOK!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is the third book I’ve read by Katherine Center and although I’ve enjoyed them all this one takes the cake! This love story was fantastic!!! Seriously all the exclamation marks!!!! What can I even say!?

I loved Emma and Charlie. I loved the premise of a famous screenwriter writing the world’s worst rom-com and needing assistance from a no-name writer. It gave us laugh-out-loud funny, ridiculous and heartfelt moments. But also, I sobbed ugly tears, don’t say I didn’t warn you! I loved this grumpy/sunshine combo and how Emma constantly challenged Charlie. I loved how the book examines real life vs fiction, romance, fantasy and happily every afters.

“Was this a happy ending? Of course. And also only a beginning in the way that beginnings and endings are always kind of the same thing.”

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Excuse me as I finish ugly crying.

There is no other author who can make me feel the rollercoaster emotions that I feel when reading when one of her books. Katherine Center is simply magic in her storytelling ways.

The Rom-Commers is another brilliant piece of work from Center. A story that yes, it's a love story, but in typical Katherine Center fashion, is also so much more than that.

Our MC Emma has sacrificed her whole life to care for her father, who survived a traumatic accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury that left him needing around the For ten years she's done this, all while being a big sister and stand in mother to her sister Sylvie. However, her life changes when she recieves a phone call (from her ex). Emma dreams of being a writer, so when shes asked to come to LA to ghost write a romcom, she bravely decides to do it. Here's the catch, the writer she'll be working with is Charlie Yates, the famous writer she adores. When Emma gets there, she finds out not only did Charlie not know about this arrangement, he wants nothing to do with it. After one night together, he changes his mind and agrees to work with Emma. Problem is, he doesnt believe in love. How do you write a romcom if you don't believe in falling in love?! Emma then makes it hee personal mission to convince Charlie what the perfect Romcom needs....not realizing that in order to do that, she also needs to convince Charlie that real love exists.

When I tel you.that I SWOONED throughout this book, I mean heart pounding butterflies at certain points. The chemistry and just pure joy between these two is palpable. It's your perfect sunny girl, cynical guy trope. The story also brings you on a journey navigating tragedy and grief, but in a way that is so gentle and beautiful. I devoured this in three hours and the whole time I was cheesing, crying,, screaming in frustration. ALL the feels! I truly can't wait for everyone to read this .I hope Katherine Center never stops writing.

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This is my first book by Katherine Center, it was recommended by a friend and boy did it not disappoint! The story is an absolute delight. Talk about refreshing and fun. Her style of writing is so relatable, so witty, and heartfelt. I fell in love with all of the characters. The banter between Emma and Charlie you couldn't help but chuckle and laugh. Although there was mis-communication it was appropriate. And don't get me started on the slow burn. There was no spice but it didn't need it. I absolutely loved it and couldn't put it down. Will most certainly read more from this author!

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Katherine’s books have become autobuys for me and this is the first book I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of. I love immersing myself in Katherine’s books. There is always romance but she mixes it with a serious topic that she writes so beautifully. In this book, the loss of a parent and caring for a parent with significant health issues tugged at my heart and more than once brought me to tears but it’s always woven into the story to bring it full circle in such an incredible way. Loved this book!

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I absolutely loved this! Katherine Center sure knows how to write a rom-com, no pun intended. This didn’t feel cookie-cutter and I loved the main characters. While I did find myself frustrated with Charlie sometimes, I was still rooting for him and Emma from the beginning. The banter was laugh out loud funny, the storyline kept me guessing and the message of living life to the fullest was touching and well done. In a world of so many rom-coms, this one really stood out for me! An auto-buy author for sure.

Thank you to the publisher via NatGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book is the definition of giving you all the feels. I adored every character in this story, and could honestly have used more of them :). The premise of this book is very clever, and it definitely needs to actually be made into a rom-com. The build up of the relationship is masterful, and I found myself not able to put this book down until I finished it. I love every Katherine Center book, and this one is no exception. Thank you to NetGalley and to the published for the e-galley!

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Katherine Center is an auto-buy author for me, so I was so excited to read The Rom-Commers. This one hooked me from the beginning and was hard to put down. As with all of her books, I fell in love with the main characters. I related to Emma in many ways. I rarely stay up late reading, but this one kept me up late clicking the button on my kindle. I laughed in parts, I cried in parts. It was a beautiful, heart hug of a book--which is definitely something you expect with a Katherine Center read. Her books just keep getting better!

"Here's another thing I accidentally figured out: happiness is always better with a little bit of sadness."

"There it is. The whole trick to life. Be aggressively, loudly, unapologetically grateful."

Don't judge this one by its cover--the book has so much depth. I do miss her old covers--How to Walk Away, Things you Save in a Fire. Bring those styles back!

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I truly cannot say enough good things about The Rom-Commers. Katherine Center is genuinely just good at what she does. If you’re a fan, this book will not disappoint.

Emma is a very talented writer who is still looking for her big break. She knows everything there is about romantic comedies and dreams of one day writing a blockbuster hit.

Her best friend (and talent agent) calls her with this amazing opportunity. However, the opportunity may not be all that it appears to be. Emma must wrestle with the prospect of leaving Texas and her disabled father to pursue her dreams in California.

I genuinely don’t want to spoil much of the book because it is so good. If you like romantic comedies (there is no spice in this book), I urge you to give The Rom-Commers a shot.

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I truly cannot say enough good things about this book. It was flawless to me and will absolutely be in my favorite books of the year, if not my all time favorites! Katherine Center is my favorite romance author and The Rom-Commers just cemented that in further. When I got an email with a link to read it early it went straight to the top of my TBR and I started it immediately. As usual, I fell in love with the characters and their banter. It was sprinkled with magic in true KC fashion and was such a feel good story with a happily ever after. Every KC book I read I think “this is my new favorite” and they somehow just keep getting better. Now I can’t wait to get my physical copy with the beautiful pink sprayed edges! If you haven’t read a Katherine Center book yet, what are you waiting for?! Absolutely pick up a copy of this one when it hits shelves this June!

Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for my early digital copy for my honest thoughts and review!

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Katherine Center does it again! The Rom-Commers is filled with lovable, real characters. You can't help but cheer on Emma or fall in love with Charlie! Katherine Center is so good at writing the real life emotions, down to every nuance. The Rom-Commers made me laugh, and cry, and fall in love!

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Romance

If I had to describe “The Rom-Commers” in one word it would be “Swoony”! This one had me absolutely swooning from the first page to the last word. Emma is a failed screenwriter taking care of her ill father and Charlie is a successful Hollywood who happen to share an agent. When their agent throws them together to fix a rom-com script that Charlie started, sparks immediately fly.

Charlie and Emma are really an opposites attract story but they’re both so great on their own, which I loved. Their banter was SO GOOD and there are so many stomach-drop lines from Charlie and had me, again, swooning!

Katherine Center just keeps getting better and better with each novel. And obviously, if you love rom-coms, this is just a treasure trove of references from all my favorite movies.

You’ll love this book if you love:
✅Rom-Coms (duh)
✅Great Banter
✅Hollywood Stories

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Considering The Bodyguard by Katherine Center was one of my favorite reads of 2022, I was really looking forward to reading The Rom-Commers. However, I found myself not connecting with the main character. In fact, her indecisiveness throughout the first half of the book made me despise her. From then on, I could not see the connection between the two main characters. Plus, I thought Charlie was a huge dick to her throughout it and I could not root for them. I am so gutted this book didn’t work for me.

Many thanks to Netgalley & St. Martin’s Press for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Most people I know who love Katherine Center and know her books will not be disappointed by this one. I have read all of them and have enjoyed every one for its own unique story and this one is no exception. These two main characters where meant to meet and they were meant to fall in love with each other despite each one trying to put up walls for their own reasons. The banter was really funny, they clearly had chemistry from the beginning and you get a really clear picture of each characters journey and what led them to this moment in their lives. There were a few moments that I felt frustrated by because if they would have only communicated better the Happily ever after would have come sooner but we each have our own journey I suppose.

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Since I read “The Bodyguard” by Katherine Center I was like I have to read more of what this author has, so ofc when I saw this on NetGalley I had to request and I’m so glad I did because I loved this book. Katherine has become one of my favourite romance authors and this book was just amazing. Loved it so much and gonna be thinking about it for so long <3

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Emma feels like she us walking on a cloud. She gets to work with a writer who wrote a book about romance. The only issue is that the writer does not believe in romance. I cant wait to read her next book.

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I love love LOVE Katherine Center books. They’re always so beautiful and never fail to make me laugh. I can’t wait for the next one!

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This book was amazing and I devoured it! It has everything you could want, humor, cute characters and much more! The chemistry between Charlie and Emma came off the pages! I highly reccomend this book! You’ll love, you’ll cry, you’ll fall in love!!

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Nothing but 5 stars for my queen!

Katherine Center takes us on a journey through Hollywood with her latest romance. Our heroine, Emma, is her father's full time caretaker and an aspiring writer. Thanks to an unexpected opportunity, she is offered a job re-writing a rom-com script by her favorite, Oscar-winning, screenwriter Charlie Yates. She moves to LA and into Charlie's mansion to infuse passion and heart back into his writing.

What makes Center an incredible writer is how much she sincerely believes in love. She readily presents all of its facets and complexities: sacrifice, fear, duty, silliness. "Rom Commers" is yet another excellent iteration of the storytelling I've come to cherish in her books. This is so sweet and tender with perfect comedic timing. Emma and Charlie go through a lot of growth, and I would love to read a sequel of their love story. Thank you Katherine for gifting us these beautiful stories.

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