Member Reviews

Wow!! What an incredible ride this book was. Emma and Charlie may or may not be my new favorite book couple!

I absolutely adored this book. From start to finish, I was sucked into the world of Emma and Charlie’s story, and I. Could. Not. Get. Enough! I absolutely loved the dynamic of these two together and I truly felt like I was right there with them when I was reading the book.

The banter between them, the story line and the ending just was *chefs kiss*. I also really enjoyed reading about Emma’s story line with her Dad and my heart truly broke for her like she was a best friend in real life. Everything about this book was absolutely fantastic and I wish the book was longer!! I just adored Emma and Charlie ❤️

Thank you Netgalley for granting me this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Love, love, love, love, LOVED! Such a great rom-com!

I'm usually a pretty stoic reader but the Rom-Commers actually made me laugh throughout and tear up at one point.

There were so many moments that were utter perfection (peonies, airline pilot ... when you hit those parts you'll know).

If you love realistically flawed characters who are absolutely wonderful in their own right but make an even better team together, this book will be your new favorite.

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Heartwarming! Funny!
Katherine Center delivers everything we’ve come to expect in her newest book, The Rom-Commers. I so enjoyed reading about Emma and Charlie! Pick this up if you’re in the mood for a feel good, banter filled, sweet romantic comedy. Center will continue to be an auto-buy author for me!
5/5 stars
Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ACR in exchange for my honest review.

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Okay, I am now convinced that I will love MMCs named Charlie who work in writing/publishing.

1st person, single POV. Competent FMC who holds her own. Grumpy, more stoic, subtlety and realistically swoony MMC who is really good at his job and knows it. Sunshine, optimistic FMC. Strangers to lovers. Clean. Slow burn, like, the slowest. FMC and MMC are screenwriters.

Katherine Center is a dialogue heavy storyteller, and I love it! In fact, until I picked up The Bodyguard, I didn’t know that type of storytelling existed in traditionally published Romance. But you don’t miss anything by this style of writing. It’s fast paced, it’s engaging, it’s can’t-wait-to-read. It is devour kind of writing and storytelling. And it’s funny because up until The Bodyguard (two books before this one), her covers screamed Women’s Fiction to me, not Romance. But the two I have read thus far are very much, very strictly Romances.

The characters are vivid and unique in the way that you feel like you could know them in real life. Dad, Sylvie, Logan, Charlie, Emma, they were all great.

I loved how the tough, sensitive topics of this book were handled honestly, poignantly but beautifully, with the happily ever after coming through like sunshine on a rainy day. There is humor and banter, cute swoony moments and tough, yes-I’m-tearing-up moments. There is depth and dimension and it’s a book that sticks with you long after you’re done.

Our MMC, Charlie, is a little too-good at his job, and a little entitled and full himself and grumpy because of it. His love and his actions of affection are more subtle and sweet. Our FMC is strong, competent, and a little anxious after getting too familiar as her Dad’s sole caretaker. But she’s a good writer who knows romcoms and has a professional-turned-more crush on Charlie. She’s a little snappy-sassy but not in a “sassy FMC” kind of way. More in a take no shit kind of way. She was bold, asked for what she wanted, and didn't whine and cry or throw a fit if she didn't get what she wanted. She was handed a tough set of cards and dealt them as well as she could, with a few mistakes here and there.

This book will make you laugh and cry and stay up too late so that you can finish it in one go, it's that good.

I don't even fully know how to articulate that this is a 5 star book that you absolutely, positively will not regret picking up. I'm still working my way through the backlog of books because I just utterly adore her style of writing and storytelling. So keep writing Ms. Center, please! because this reader will keep reading.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book!!

Triggers: a character had cancer previously, a character gets sick, death of mother, father had a stroke with complications from a rock fall, guilt from everything, panic attack and anxiety, hypochondria

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“It’s all about writing the very best story of your life. Not just how you live it— but how you choose to tell it.”

Emma Wheeler is a lesser known writer that aspires to make it big but never got the chance, especially overshadowed by being the primary caregiver for her sickly father. But when she gets notified from her ex-boyfriend/manager Logan about a huge rom-com opportunity, she’s on the next flight to LA. Meanwhile, Charlie Yates is a big-time screenwriter who has no idea who Emma is or what she’s doing at his LA mansion.

Tasked with the chance of rewriting Charlie’s first rom-com, together they experience what it really is like to live it. It’s such a quirky, cute, and fun story!

Emma was a bit unrealistic in her perceptions of people and life but it was cute nonetheless. She was very persistent in a way that I could never be. Charlie was also quirky and had his own differences but still managed to be a character that I wanted to read more about.

I loved the family aspect added into the plot. It made the story seem more wholesome and not just one-dimensional.

It definitely was a feel-good, lovey dovey book and now I’m convinced that I will never not read a Katherine Center book!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this much-anticipated ARC!

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Emma is a talented screenwriter who has been held-back by circumstances outside of her control. After a decade spent caring for her disabled father, she gets the opportunity of a lifetime to consult on a romantic comedy screenplay with her idol- Charlie Yates.

Charlie is a world-renowned screenwriter who has won every award under the sun. He doesn't "play well with others" when it comes to his writing, much less a nobody like Emma. But she has something he needs to make his newest screenplay work- the belief that love is actually real.

While they have very different motives, Charlie and Emma form a partnership of convenience. What neither of them know is that their screenplay isn't the only love story being written.

I absolutely loved the one! Katherine Center has such a unique writing voice that makes her protagonists so incredibly lovable. The grumpy-sunshine dynamic of Charlie and Emma was perfection and the antics/banter between them made me laugh out loud at points. She also handles more serious plot lines so expertly and weaves them into the more lighthearted stuff in a way that enhances their power. And while others might be disappointed at the lack of "spice" in this story, I personally believe that sustained romantic tension between two characters is even better than a graphic love scene.

This will definitely be one I'm recommending to my girlfriends this summer as the perfect beach read!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley. It's always a pleasure to review such a talented author!

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Hi Thank you netgalley for this copy of rom commers. i have read all of katherine centers other books and loved them.

This one wasn’t her best. I had no interest in picking it up and it just was really hard to get into.

The ending was cute and better than I was picturing so I will give her that

Overall i give it 2/5 stars

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This book was everything!
I don’t even know how to write a review for this. I loved every part of this book. The characters, relationships, the tension and banter and the humor. It was funny, sweet, heartwarming. Everything I love in a rom-com.
Thank You NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press & Katherine Center for this ARC!
I’m so grateful I got to read this now, in the dreariness of Winter. It made my heart happy. I can't wait to get my hands on the physical copy this Summer and read it again. Solid 5 star for me.

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I really couldn’t get enough of this book. I’m a fan of Katherine Center and have read most of her stories…this one is a favorite!!

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Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the chance to read the e-arc of The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center.

I really found the main characters, Emma and Charlie, to be incredibly relatable. I felt an almost instant connection to them, like they could be people you knew in real life. Sure, the story thrived on a “grumpy/sunshine” dynamic, but I really enjoyed the working relationship and ultimately friendship that they built. Their banter was laugh out loud hysterical at times! And the “research” sessions for the script really built on the swoony romantic tension. Yet while this is a romantic comedy at heart, the story does not shy away from the fair amount of physical and/or emotional baggage Emma and Charlie bring to the table making the pay off at the end that much sweeter. The supporting characters (including a furry interloper and a few fun A lister cameos) round out the story in a satisfying way.

This was my first read by Katherine Center, and I am sure it will not be my last. 5/5 star read

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Wow! What a ride. This book was absolutely beautiful! I laughed, I cried, I swooned. This is a book about life. It's a book about love. All kinds of love. It's a clean romance. It deals with some heavy topics and mentions of tragedies but it's also sweet and funny. It's a love letter to rom-coms.
This book was exactly what I needed right now.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an e-arc. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The perfect rom-com formula that Katherine Center nails so well:
1. Realistic and imperfect characters
2. Real and serious life details that don't glamorize a perceived perfect life.
3. Hard working protagonists where love doesn't just fall in their lap because they are beautiful.
4. A problem, or multiple problems to overcome.
5. A falling in love that the reader things and sees but the characters aren't fully aware of what's going on...
6. A happily ever after. Isn't that why we read a rom-com?

Katherine Center has become an auto buy author for me because she creates these beautiful characters, with real life problems and makes me root for them! An easy book for me to recommend to every reader!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advance e-copy of this book.

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While overall I liked the book (a solid 3.5/5 for me), I did feel that some parts of the relationship between Emma and Charlie could've been developed more. Their sudden attraction felt surprising, as did the dramatic end. I also felt that there was a LOT of tragedy for the characters (parent illness, death, cancer, loss) for one book.

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In my honest opinion, I don’t think Katherine Center can write a bad book. Her books usually start off a bit slow for my style, but by the 10% mark I can’t put them down!

In this story we follow wannabe Screenwriter Emma who gets a job working with her idol and famed screenwriter Charlie. Emma has dedicated the last 10 years of her life taking care of her sick dad, but this may be her big break. Little does she know Charlie doesn’t want any help with his screenplay. Together, the two of them discover what love is and how it differs from that on a page.

I was a bit skeptical when Charlie was first introduced. He was a jerk. I said it. I thought “man, I don’t know how Center can redeem him” but redeem him she did. By the end my heart ached for this man who just wanted to be loved and comforted, but was too afraid because of past experiences.

Emma was such a lovable main character. I never found myself annoyed by her, and I loved that she spoke her mind. For instance, when her sister made a costly mistake, Emma didn’t hold back and tell her it was fine (like some authors might have their characters do). No, Emma spoke her mind. Yes they made up later, but at the time the anger was 100% called for. In the end, I loved Emma. She’s my favorite FMC of 2024.

The overall plot was like nothing I’ve read before. Sure it had the typical makings of a rom-com, but this was not cliche. I didn’t see anything that happened coming (except the happy ending that actually had me balling my eyes out). It was a super cute story that wasn’t completely lighthearted (make sure you have tissues) but I felt myself laughing and blushing while reading this.

The only issue I had (and this is just a personal preference) was that Emma breaks through the fourth wall and addresses the reader. This mostly occurred in the beginning of the book (first maybe 15-20%) and then doesn’t occur again until the epilogue primarily. This is just something that irks me, but I couldn’t let it impact my rating of this book. It’s just a minor thing that is surrounded by perfection.

Whether you’ve read Center before or not, add this one to your 2024 TBR shelf now!

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.

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I look forward to every new Katherine Center book and this was no exception! The Rom-Commers is the perfect tale of an unlikely pair working together - Emma and Charlie overcome their differences and fall in love despite some overwhelming barriers. I'm also a sucker for a little grumpy sunshine romance. Katherine's books are consistently full of heart, humor, optimism and love. You will not be disappointed!

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Every time I think Katherine Center couldn't possibly top her last book, she does it again. This book is everything you could want in a rom-com. I immediately loved Emma and wanted to root for her from page one. She's funny, and smart, and has just the right amount of self-deprecating humor that makes her relatable. The banter was top-notch, and I found myself smiling on almost every page. It was such a joy to read, and I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy for my self. This would make an amazing movie, I'd be first in line for a ticket!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Emma Wheeler finds herself in a challenging situation when she is hired to collaborate with her favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates. However, upon meeting him, she discovers his reluctance to work with anyone, especially her. Despite their initial reservations, they have to work together to rewrite a script that Charlie does not care for. While he is jaded and cannot write romance, Emma, on the other hand, becomes determined to defend the charm of romcoms.

This story is everything. Katherine Center never fails to impress me with her beautiful writing. Her stories possess an undeniable quality, and her knack for developing unique characters is truly remarkable. This particular story embraces the spirit of fun and warmth, conveying a message that resonates with people from all walks of life.

Emma and Charlie, both endearing in their own ways, take the reader on an emotional roller coaster, inducing laughter, tears, and butterflies with their chemistry.

Overall, if you enjoy well-written romantic comedies with amazing characters, this is the book to read. This story has everything romance readers love.

Thank you St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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Emma Wheeler finds herself in a challenging situation when she is hired to collaborate with her favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates. However, upon meeting him, she discovers his reluctance to work with anyone, especially her. Despite their initial reservations, they have to work together to rewrite a script that Charlie does not care for. While he is jaded and cannot write romance, Emma, on the other hand, becomes determined to defend the charm of romcoms.

This story is everything. Katherine Center never fails to impress me with her beautiful writing. Her stories possess an undeniable quality, and her knack for developing unique characters is truly remarkable. This particular story embraces the spirit of fun and warmth, conveying a message that resonates with people from all walks of life.

Emma and Charlie, both endearing in their own ways, take the reader on an emotional roller coaster, inducing laughter, tears, and butterflies with their chemistry.

Overall, if you enjoy well-written romantic comedies with amazing characters, this is the book to read. This story has everything romance readers love.

Thank you St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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This was my first Katherine Center book, and now I understand the hype!
I loved this book so much!! I laughed, I cried, I anticipated things and got them right (and then got them wrong)... I loved every minute of it!

It was the perfect rom-com about rom-coms.

The fact that some things were predictable (like in every rom-com) didn't make me enjoy this book any less. The banter was amazing, and Emma was a great MC.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC ❤️

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I received an advanced copy courtesy of NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press. This is the second ARC of Katherine Center’s that I’ve been fortunate enough to review. will ready anything Katherine Center writes and I will love it all. Emma and Charlie’s story is funny, heart wrenching, and swoony. Add this to your TBR.

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