Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC of this book.

This book was very entertaining and fun to read. I did thoroughly enjoy learning about the process of writing a screen play. I enjoyed the banter between Emma and Charlie and would definitely recommend the book. It was however, so very similar to The Bodyguard in plot, even some of the scenes were identical.

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<b>4.5 stars, rounded up because only Katherine Center can make me laugh AND cry in the best way possible</b>

While not my absolute favorite of Katherine Center’s books, I wholeheartedly loved this one! I couldn’t put it down. The dialogue was so snappy and witty. I loved Emma and Charlie’s banter so much. There were many humorous scenes between the two of them. But this is so much more than just your average rom-com. I loved the deeper story as well. I definitely teared up a couple of times. Overall it was a beautiful story and I loved it so so so much. I can’t wait to read another book by this author.

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This is my second Katherine Center book and she’s becoming my go-to for romance novels that aren’t always about sex and how hot each other is that they can’t keep away. Don’t get me wrong, I love regency bodice rippers and other “spicy” novels, but sometimes I like read about characters learning to trust one another and love each other through action versus lust. That was a long way to say there is no spice in this book, but you shouldn’t discount that.

This book felt a little more dramatic than it had to be compared to her last novel, Hello Stranger, but it was still a quick fun read.

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I really enjoyed this book, I loved the characters, I laughed, and I cried with them. I've never thought about how a screenplay is written, so that part of the story was actually interesting to read and learn about. While the ending was a little predictable, it was still engaging and enjoyable. I love Katherine Center and her books, and this one did not disappoint! Thank you to for this ARC!

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I could not put this one down! I don’t feel like the title is very fitting cause while there were comedic moments, this was definitely more heartfelt than I was prepared for.

Emma is a screenwriter who puts her dreams aside to act as a full-time caretaker for her disabled father. When she gets duped into writing a rom-com with her screenwriting idol Charlie, she finally is able to focus on herself and discovering what she wants.

I love the banter as Emma tries to show Charlie the appeal of romance as a genre. They could be characterized as sunshine and grump, but Emma has gone through a lot in her family life and doesn’t quite fit the mold. Seeing Emma’s relationship with her family made her seem like a more well-rounded character and I liked how the romance wasn’t the sole purpose of the book.

Four stars cause the third act breakup is just unnecessarily cruel and over the top. There’s already so much going on that could push them away from each other more organically.

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Katherine Center has wowed me, dazzled me, and left me full of happiness yet again! The Rom-Commers was instantly gripping from the very first page! I found it to be endearing, sweet, hard to put down and a wonderful read. Plus, this book had characters who won my heart not to mention characters from The Bodyguard.

I love Katherine Center's writing. She had a knack for creating likeable, realistic, and engaging characters who are dealing with real life issues. This book is no exception. All of the characters in this book, just like all of us in real life, have things that they are coping with, dealing/not dealing with, doubts, insecurities and dreams.

In The Rom-Commers, Emma is approached by her close friend who happens to represent her favorite screenwriter fix a rom-com he has written. This means going to L.A. for 6 weeks to work closely with her idol. It also means asking her sister to look after their father with whom Emma lives and takes care of. Charlie is the screen writer who wrote the screenplay in question.

I enjoyed Emma and Charlie's forced meet cute. They agree to work on writing a rom-com together and along the way, both will have to step outside of their comfort zone. Romance is a journey for me, and I absolutely loved the journey Emma and Charlie went on over the course of this book.

This book touches on guilt, illness, loss, love, relationships, pursuing your dreams, attraction, and sense of duty to name a few.

Gripping, engaging, beautifully written, and hard to put down!

I can't wait to read what Katherine Center writes next!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars rounded up. I can’t get enough of Katherine Center’s writing! Her books are always so delightful, and this one is no exception. This is Katherine Center at her best. She mixes laugh-out-loud moments with tender real-life situations, and I’m all in for all of it. I loved the LA setting, the adorably flawed characters, and even the lovable side characters. (How delightfully wonderful is Emma’s dad?!) This book is a good time and fans of KC should pick it up ASAP. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. I have a full backlist of ARCs but when I got this one it jumped to the top of my list!

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Everything she writes I just love and this book was no exception. I great feel good story with angst and longing to keep the pace of the book engaging!

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The Rom-Commers is my top 2024 read, and I don't know if anything can replace it!
I loved every chapter and every page of this book. I rarely cry or burst out laughing when I read books. However, while reading this novel, I cried twice and laughed numerous times.

Katherine Center is my favorite author, and I can't wait to buy this book when it comes out!

Thank you so much, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press eARC!

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Two opposite forces come together in this story which could be called, In Defense of Romance. Emma Wheeler has put all dreams aside of writing romantic screenplays after her family was devastated by a tragic accident. For the last ten years, Emma has been the sole full-time caregiver for her father who has several health issues because of his catastrophic injuries. When the chance of a lifetime comes along for fan girl Emma to write with her hero, Charlies Yates, she cannot pass up the chance though it means relying on someone else to care for her father.

Charlie Yates has written an awful rom-com in order to get one of his other scripts made into a movie. Not only does he not care about the script, but Charlie disdains any sort of romance in movies or real life. For the next six-weeks living in Charlie’s LA mansion, Emma intends to not only show Charlie the value of love and happily ever after, but to dismantle his travesty of a script one painful page at a time.

Charlie’s cynical attitudes comes from his own life experiences as well devoting all his energies to writing to the exclusion of all else. He has little time for a “nobody screenwriter” who happens to be an ex-girlfriend of his agent with clearly not much experience, but as they live and work together, there are some attitude adjustments happening.

Emma is determined not to blow this big chance despite the odds even with the contrary opinions and irascible attitude of the man whom she had previously greatly admired as the best screenwriter in Hollywood. Charlie cares nothing about making this project a success; however, Emma skills and determination to make him understand why people need fictional love stories slowly wins over his grumpy heart. Ms. Center’s stories always draw me in; she writes convincingly about the love of family, friends, and that one special person people seem to be looking for as a life companion.

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Emma has been the care taker for her father for many years but when offered the chance of a lifetime to work with her screenwriting idol Charlie Yates she heads to LA for six weeks. What follows is a wonderful story of standing up for yourself and following your dreams no matter how hard that is sometimes. I really loved all the characters in this book and although Emma and Charlie were the main two, I found myself invested in all the other smaller stories. Another wonderful read by Katherine Center!

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Loved this book. This author is an automatic buy for me. Here are the things that I loved about it:

The main character, Emma, was so likeable to me. I loved that she was honest and not timid and stood up for herself without being obnoxious or offensive. Her voice and vocabulary were great. She was a smart character. I wanted to be her friend. Even when she was being put down, she didn't stand down unless it was her own choice as a strategic move.

I personally related to the caretaking of her father. My own father was in a very serious accident that changed the course of our family's life. I understood the anxiety and worry associated with that situation. The author articulated that well.

I love a grumpy MMC with a heart of gold. The banter between Emma and Charlie was top notch. The longing was there. I had butterflies.

This is a five star read for me. Will recommend.

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I laughed a lot out loud while reading this one. Katherine Center really nailed it with this book. I will always put her books on my TBR list. I love the way she writes!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the arc of this book.

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I mean…you might as well just make me president of the Katherine Center fan club. I was .0001% into this book when I thought "oh man, I'm going to love this so much." I was right! I stayed up until 2am two nights in a row because I couldn’t stop reading. I have babies and work full time, people. That is very irresponsible of me. It was worth it!

Emma and Charlie are my new favorite couple. Their banter is top notch, the best of the best. The way Emma takes care of her father and wants only the best for the people in her life made me love her right from the get-go. Her passion about the rom com genre is so relatable.

And Charlie? At first I was like whoa, who does this guy think he is? Then he just worked his way into my heart and I couldn’t get enough. The little things he does for Emma made me all gooey!

You know what I love about the way Katherine Center tells a story? The way she perfectly balances the heavy issues and emotional moments with the funny, lighthearted moments. I laughed out loud so many times throughout this story, and literally had tears rolling down my cheeks at other parts.

Am I overselling it? I don’t think so. This book was exactly what I wanted and needed right now. It checked all the boxes. One thousand stars.

Thank you to the author and St. Martin’s Press for the eARC. I preordered my hardcover so fast after finishing, and will reread it for years to come!

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Katherine Center does it again!

I loved this book so much. The banter between the main characters was everything. It had me laughing out loud and kicking my feet up in the hair with glee. This was just such a fun, quick read and was everything I hoped for.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for an advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I don't even have words for how much I love and adore The Rom-Commers, Katherine Center's latest novel! The Rom-Commers' has Center's typical joy and sorrow. There were times I laughed out loud, and times I couldn't stop crying. It's a truly beautiful novel about what it means to love another, and not just romantically. Katherine Center doesn't shy away from difficult topics, and The Rom-Commers' continues along this line. Emma, our heroine, is her father's main caregiver and has given up her dreams to care for him. Charlie, our hero, has his own struggles and things to deal with. But they work together on a screenplay, and everything goes from there.
If I could rate this book over five stars, I would. Katherine Center definitely knows how to write a book so good I can't read another book for days!

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This was my first ever arc and what a good one to start with! Katherine Center is always an author I will read when she releases a book and I was so excited about this one.

I love the main characters and found the fmc witty and entertaining to read. I also loved the return of characters from The Bodyguard, my favorite Katherine Center book.

More things I loved about this book:
-How Charlie and Emma were opposites
- The short, to the point dialogue between the two
- The dad! Oof, he was such a gem!

Highly recommend to any fellow rom com lovers!

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Katherine Center has done it again! <i>The Rom-Commers</i> is such a fun page-turner (which can be said about all of her work, tbh). But there is something special about this one. I think she made some stylistically brilliant choices here that set it apart from her other books. For instance, because her two love interests were screenwriters, their dialogue was never short on wordplay and often laugh-out-loud-funny retorts. They were in a situation where they had to work together to write a rom-com while living out a real-life rom-com themselves. Brilliant. Was it predictable? Absolutely. But that's the point of a rom-com. We want the two people to end up together. The interesting part is <i>how</i> the two people get there. Katherine Center made "the getting there" so much fun.

Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC. I really enjoyed this one. Set to release on June 11, 2024.

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After tragedy struck her family, Emma put her life on hold to care for her little sister, but more importantly, her dad. Even as the sole caretaker, she never stopped dreaming of becoming a screenwriter and has spent many years researching love. The opportunity of a lifetime comes along and she reluctantly turns the care-taking over to her younger sister.

Charlie is a famous screenwriter who has written the most worst rom-com. Well. He doesn’t believe in love so how is he supposed to write a love story? Enter Emma. She’s determined to change his mind about love and turn the rom-com he has no desire to perfect into something great.

I loved the pacing of the book and watching the relationship between Charlie and Emma develop. They both challenged each other in different ways yet, knew to give the other space when needed. I’m a huge banter fan and this one had me giggling out loud. And the end? *chef’s kiss* It was perfection - easily my favorite book ending ever!

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Thank you to @netgalley and the publisher for the #AdvanceReviewCopy

Genre: Romcom
Release Date: June 11, 2024

Summary: Emma has wanted to have one of her manuscripts picked up for the big screen since she can remember. It’s all she’s ever worked towards until her father’s accident, leaving her his sole caretaker and forcing her dreams to the back burner. But when a writing gig of a lifetime presents itself, Emma can’t pass the opportunity up so she moves to LA for 6 weeks to co-write with her BIG writing hero, Charlie Yates! But, the super famous screenwriter doesn’t want a writing partner, doesn’t believe in love, and his manuscript is horrible. Ha! Imagine that! Can Emma change Charlie’s opinion about love and rewrite the story he doesn’t even care for when he’s dead set against her doing it?

My Thoughts: I really liked this one. I’ve enjoyed all of Center’s books so far. This is a typical fan girl falls trope coupled with enemies to lovers trope. I quite liked the humour in Emma’s inner monologue; it added an element of flair. While I didn’t always agree with her decisions, I respected and understood her for the most part. My only beef was that the chemistry between the two was slightly lacking. I wanted fireworks and explosions and I got mediocre tension vibes instead. I also didn’t like when she blamed her sister for their father’s fall and held her sister’s words against her even though she, more or less, said the same mean thing! While this bugged me, it also offered realism; nobody is perfect, not even our favourite characters. So even with her being a bit of a hypocrite, I liked Emma and rooted for her and Charlie to finally overcome all their obstacles and be together.

This is a quick read that will leave you satisfied by the end.

Four stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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