Member Reviews

This book was perfection! I adored Emma and Charlie they were the cutest. Although I really enjoyed this one it did feel a little lackluster compared to Katherine's other books. that's not to say I didn't enjoy it, I really did and am giving it 4 stars. I enjoyed how gradually Emma and Charlie's relationship developed they were perfect for each other I especially enjoyed their banter.

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How is this my first Katherine Center book? It was incredible, I devoured it in two days and now I want to read everything this woman has written.

Our FMC Emma gets the opportunity of a lifetime to help fix her favorite screenwriter’s terrible rom-com script. The problem? He didn’t know she was coming and doesn’t want her there. But, ultimately, Emma and our MMC Charlie begin a partnership based on mutual respect and end up having some wild adventures together. And, as they learn more about one another, deeper feelings emerge — which both of them are trying to suppress in their own ways.

The Rom-Commers has some of my favorite tropes — enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity and opposites attract — complete with sparkling, hilarious banter and touching moments.

It is a love letter to rom-coms and the people who love them. It’s a dose of hope and a warm hug for cynics. And it’s a reminder that life is precious and fragile, which makes it essential to find our happiness and gratitude amid the sadness — as Emma’s dad reminds us.

This book really reminded me of an Emily Henry or Abby Jimenez rom-com, so it’s no surprise I loved it. All three of these incredible authors write lovable characters, engaging plots and so much growth. Emma and Charlie are both figuring out how to navigate relationships while dealing with their grief — and, because these characters felt very realistic to me — they screw up some sometimes. That’s what made me enjoy it even more.

It left me with a lot of important reminders, too: You are in charge of the story of your life and how you tell it, both to yourself and others. You can’t live your life trying to predict the unpredictable or you’ll go crazy. Love is usually about the small things rather than grand gestures. And to be grateful, even when it feels hard.

One of the easiest 5/5 stars I’ve given this year. So excited to read more Katherine Center and for whatever she does next

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Emma has dreamed of being a screen writer for as long as she can remember and has spent her life working towards that goal. She hasn't gotten as far as she wanted to because her father had an accident and he has to have full time care. She loves her father so she takes whatever work she can get but still be able to be his main care giver. She can't believe when she gets asked to rewrite a script for a very famous screen writer, someone she has always looked up to. Things couldn't be better when she's able to take the job, her younger sister just graduated and is going to take her turn as care giver. Things go from wonderful to what have I gotten myself into when she learns her idol didn't know she was coming and doesn't even want her help. The two make a deal and the crazy begins. Follow along and see where their journey together takes them. Will the two like each other or hate each other by the end?

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You know those stories that just somehow burrow their way into your heart almost from the beginning and you can't even pinpoint the exact reason? This is one of those books.

Somehow this story was both light-hearted and heavy at the same time. I think that the overall sweet arc of Emma and Charlie's relationship was strong enough to balance the deeper parts of their story. Emma's relationship with her father and sister was both strong but strained and felt very authentic to their situation. I won't lie, the unexpected "twist" about Charlie ALMOST felt like JUST a plot point to throw a wrench in their HEA rather than a necessary part of their journey but, in the long run, it did make sense for the story.

This is only my second read from Katherine Center but if this is what I can expect from her stories, then I'm all in on catching up on her backlist and reading whatever she puts out in the future.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley for voluntary review

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Another NetGalley book under wraps! Katherine Center’s newest book “The Rom-Commers” is lovely, hilarious, and emotional. I don’t think I’ve ever highlighted a book more than I did with the hilarious banter that Emma and Charlie had with each other . Also as an Emma myself, I was very happy to be a main character instead of a bitchy side character/villain. (Because that weirdly seems to happen a lot. You would think my sister was writing those books.) Anyway! I am looking forward to her next book, and plan to purchase a copy of Rom-Commers myself.

Favorite quotes:

“What are you doing?” Charlie asked.
“Just—move your hand,” I said.
“Are you try to put frozen peas on my ass?”
“It’s julienned mixed vegetables,” I said, like I beg your pardon.


“It doesn’t?”
“It doesn’t. But it does think you’re having anxiety.”
“Ha!” I burst out like a madwoman. Then, at Charlie’s tilted head: “This is the least anxious I’ve been in ten years.”
No argument there.
“I’m a good person to talk to about this,” Charlie added, “because I coped with a lot of anxiety when I sick.”
I frowned like he was bananas. “I don’t have anxiety. I just worry all the time.”
Charlie gave it a second and then said, “I’m just gonna let those words echo around the room.”

4.5 stars,

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There is just something about a Katherine Center book that gets me every time. It always feels like I am talking to a friend and I just want to keep reading to see what is going on in their lives, I’m invested. I felt that way pretty much from the start of this book and as I got further in the pull to keep reading got stronger. I love how one of the many parts was teaching someone what love means and while it means many different it is still something you have to work towards. I also love how it was also about grief, not just about losing a loved one but about losing parts of yourself and having to find who you are after that. I can’t wait to see what is next for that author cause I will definitely be reading it.

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I love anything that Katherine Center writes, and this one was no exception!! Snappy dialogue, witty banter, and heartwarming moments kept me laughing and turning the pages.

I wish I could say, though, that I devoured it. However, due to life getting in the way (work, family, etc.), I took my time reading it, savoring the storyline.

If you like heartwarming, clean romances that tickle your funny bone, then this is the book for you. Makes for a great beach book!!

A big thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for the complimentary digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I love romance novels, this was such an easy read it gave me all the little nicks I wanted out of the story!

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Katherine Center knows how to write novels with witty dialogue, romance and heartbreak. This book continues the trend as Emma, an aspiring screenwriter gets an opportunity to ghost write with her idol, Charlie. With confusion and confidence, they find themselves working and learning from each other while denying their feelings at first. Charlie is your classic walled off guy after surviving multiple personal heartbreaks but he shows his feelings in more subtle ways. As a reader you will have to set aside the unrealistic ways Emma responds in some situations but we all know some people that will act exactly like her so it’s not totally unbelievable.

Did I enjoy this book? Absolutely. But I’m also a fan of Katherine Center and haven’t read any novels from her that I’ve disliked. Thanks to NetGalley and St Martins for the arc.

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This was not my favorite Katherine Center book, but I still really enjoyed it. The banter between the characters is top-notch and it was an interesting premise for a love story. Center does it again!

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Another clever Katherine Center read! Center is a master at creating believable and relatable characters. Maybe the situations they find themselves in are more far fetched (duh, why else do we enjoy fiction?) but so much fun to root for! Emma deserves the big break she gets and is able to help Charlie see he deserves a break himself. I loved the writing references and the endearing friends/family characters in this story. I love it when characters see the best in each other and help the other see those amazing qualities too. What else can you ask from a Rom-Com?

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I want to preface by saying, Katherine Center is one of my favorite authors. Her books are feel good, happy books and they always have the warm and fuzziest of endings, BUT this one fell SO flat for me. The fact that "Charlie Yates" was said about a million times throughout the novel, and it was beyond annoying. The romance between Charlie and Emma was not there for me, at all. I found myself not invested in their love story at all. While I related to Emma being the caregiver of her father, her actions were *TOO* extreme at times. Also, the moral was lost on me? It just didnt't hit me in my feels.

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Emma is a writer who has experienced trauma and has put her life on hold to care for a parent.
Charlie is an award-winning screenwriter who has been through the wringer (no spoilers!).
They come together to rework Charlie’s hot mess of a screenplay for a rom-com movie. Y’all - I love these two. This book had me swooning, had me on the verge of tears, and had me beaming. Pool scene and Award show - I’m looking at you! I don’t want to spoil anything but where the Emma and Charlie get to - and the overarching theme of the book - is moving.
So, all my romance readers, this one is for you. I love it, and so far, it’s my top romance of the year.
@katherinecenter I missed ordering a signed copy, but I’ll be grabbing one tomorrow. I hope your pub day/week/month is fantastic!
The physical copy has sprayed pink edges. Do I need to say anything else? No, I rest my case.
TW: death of a parent, divorce, and cancer

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I absolutely love the premise of this book. An aspiring writer who gets the chance to work with her writing idol in Hollywood. I think it creates a great dynamic between the two. You immediately feel the chemistry with hopeful Emma, and grumpy Charlie. I love the author's comedic and warm writing style, while being able to show true tragedy, and make the audience hurt for her characters.

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I love Katherine Center's books! She writes characters who are relatable, funny, and flawed

"The Rom-Commers" is a heartwarming romantic comedy that combines romance, humor and heartbreak. Emma Wheeler joins legendary screenwriter Charlie Yates to rewrite a rom-com script. The hardships that the characters experienced show how imperfect life is and then how our choices can make life wonderful.

Center’s writing explores love, friendship, family, and growth. "The Rom-Commers" tackles serious issues of loss, disability and emotional trauma without losing its lighthearted charm.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, KC and St Martin's Press for the eARC to read and review.

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I enjoyed Katherine Center's last book, and was hoping for the same spark and surprise revelation, however this one just ever so slightly missed the mark. I enjoyed Emma and Charlie, as well as their journey, but some things at the end just seemed a little too convenient (even for a rom-com). Still, very enjoyable and a great summer read!

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I absolutely loved this.
Like LOVED this. Yeah, first and foremost, it was a cute rom-com with great characters and believable chemistry. It was really the secondary plot, the plot of guilt and resentment inside a family, that elevated it. Such an enjoyable read with great scenes.

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This is the book I wish Nora Goes Off Script had been. As someone who works in the entertainment as a producer and screenwriter, The Rom-Commers felt very authentic to the Hollywood/writing experience, whereas the inaccuracies in NGOS made me want to hurl my Kindle across the room about ten times in the first five pages.

The Rom-Commers is delightful, a celebration of the romcom genre, with fun banter, quirky scenes, and characters that feel real and relatable (even for Hollywood types). Honestly it won me over when the FMC got a dressing-down for attempting to hand her script to a famous director in a cafe (a huge no-no). You can tell the writer did her research, which I appreciate.

Highly recommend!

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This was so fantastic on audio (as per usual from Katherine Center books narrated by Patti Murin). I loved that he falls first, the family values, and the humor! This was such a love letter to romance readers and romcom movie lovers and I adored this. This was uplifting and tender hearted and I am so grateful to have gotten to read this story!

Thank you NetGalley & St. Martin’s Press for this ARC!

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3.5 rounded to 4 stars
I usually adore Katherine Center books, but this one was just OK for me.
Emma adores Charlie Yates, a writer. He is her favorite author. When he writes a rom-com screenplay, it is awful, and her friend asks her to save the script. Charlie doesn't want help, but Emma moves into his Hollywood home to help with the rewrite. Emma must educate him on what a rom-com must feature. She also helps him face some of his fears, and of course, they are attracted to each other. Charlie also helps Emma's career.
Sweet romance.

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