Member Reviews

My new favorite Katherine Center book! Can I give this 10 stars!? This book had me smiling, laughing out loud, crying, falling in love with the characters, angry at the characters while still rooting for them because you just love them so much! Truly a feel good book, I want to read this again and again.

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The Rom-Commers
By Katherine Center

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ /5

“I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we’re longing for—adventure, excitement, emotion, connection—we turn to stories that help us find it. Whatever questions we’re struggling with—sometimes ones so deep, we don’t even really know we’re asking them—we look for answers in stories.”

Katherine Center is an auto-buy author for me, so I was thrilled when NetGalley gave me access to this early read.

Emma, a not-so-famous rom-com author is tricked by her friend, and agent, into traveling to LA to assist Charlie Yates, her personal hero, with re-writing his rom-com. The only issue is, Charlie is a famous screenwriter who wants nothing to do writing, or love, and doesn’t know she’s coming.

Katherine Center is the queen of banter, and she doesn’t disappoint here. There were hilarious moment, but also tender and emotional moments. This is definitely a must read for any romance lovers.

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I laughed, I cried...

A whole spectrum of emotions flowed out of me as I watched Emma Wheeler roll that proverbial Sisyphean boulder (aka acclaimed Hollywood screenwriter, Charlie Yates) kicking and screaming up the true-believer's Rom-Com hill

Charlie Yates did not believe in romantic love.

He wrote action-packed, alien-invaded, gangster-ridden, world-ending screenplays that had garnered him - quite literally - a drawer full of awards.

Then, out of the blue, Emma is asked by her agent (and former high school boyfriend), Logan Scott, to help rewrite her screenwriting idol's recent attempt at a (gasp!) Rom-Com (a retelling of the iconic It Happened One Night.) After reading his latest script, Emma Wheeler had to admit: Charlie Yates - that prolific creator of a stream of blockbuster movie scripts - had written a total stinker!

I love stories where the central characters are writers. I adore following along their creative process. I had just finished Elizabeth Berg's Home Safe (the central character is also a writer) several weeks ago and wanted more. Imagine my euphoric glee when I saw that Katherine Center had penned this gloriously funny, sometimes tragic, but always engrossing story about not one but TWO screenwriters!

I did not want to put this stellar read down! Center's characters are always relatable and human. Emma has put her own writing career on hold to take care of her father, who was injured in a climbing accident on her birthday. Charlie Yates - that grouchy, lovable bear - has his own demons to battle. (No spoilers!)

And, as always in a Katherine Center story, the road to love is rocky and full of seemingly insurmountable impediments. The supporting cast of characters were just as appealing as the the main characters. Emma's relationship with Logan Scott had me roaring with laughter more than once. No spoilers here, but that running joke these two shared about being twins based on the matching colour of their eyes had me in stitches! Loved their crazy dynamic!

I started my review with the word "Spectacular" and I will end it with my heartfelt exclamations of "Dazzling, Magnificent and downright Sensational!!!" When I got to the last, very satisfying page of this story, I wanted to go right back to the beginning and read it again!

My blissed-out thanks to the author, Katherine Center, her publisher, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for an ARC of this beautifully scripted, highly entertaining, and thoroughly thought provoking novel in exchange for an honest review.
Highly recommended! 5 out of 5 glowing, love and life affirming stars!

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I’ll start with this…I am a huge Katherine Center fan. Her books will always be automatic buys for me. Going into this I didn’t think anything could beat the Bodyguard….I was wrong! This book was one I stayed up until the middle of the night to read in one sitting. I COULD NOT put it down. This is the absolute standard for rom coms. A strong and spunky female character, a tad bit crabby but loveable main character who is a good guy and a host of really solid background characters. This book made me laugh out loud, scared me at one point and made me cry tears of sadness and joy. This book also has some fantastic relationship wisdom. Savor the good stuff, bad stuff happens to everyone…find joy in your now.

This line right here. Such truth…
“I don’t think marriage is hard. In fact, if you do it right, marriage is the thing that makes everything else easier”.

Thank you St Martins Press for the ARC via NetGalley. This one comes out June 2024 and it’s an absolute must read. This will for sure be my top five in 2024.

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I LOVED this! It might be my new favorite Katherine Center book (an honor previously held by The Bodyguard). Center writes such wonderful rom-coms that it was fun to see her take on screenwriters writing their own rom-com. Emma and Charlie were delightful; his grumpy vs. her sunshine was perfection. I loved their banter and the way they developed a friendship before a romance. Center's books also have depth and heart and The Rom-Commers was no exception. I loved Emma's backstory and felt like it really gave meaning to her choice to love the idea of love. I cried, I laugh, I swooned...I could not put this book down.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for the ARC of this book.

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I love everything that Katherine Center writes and this is no exception. I enjoyed the buildup of the writing partnership as well as the exploration of grief that both characters face. I loved the loving relationship that Emma has with her family as well as the recurrence of Jack Stapleton! I think it was a little weird how Charlie was told he was going to die when he only had bronchitis ...seems like something fairly serious that was mistaken for something very he could sue his doctor for that mistake!

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4 ⭐️s
Katherine Center is definitely one of my favorite rom-com authors and her newest aptly titled, The Rom-Commers, was a sweet, charming, slow burn love story with witty banter and relatable characters. I didn’t initially love Charlie’e character, but over time his grumpy nature turned into teddy bear lovable. He did have a way of making you love him one minute and thinking he was a complete jerk the next. This wasn’t my favorite KC novel ever, but still a very enjoyable read! Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this one in advance.

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Absolutely loved this book. I needed more. I love a slow burn, but I wish we’d gotten to see more of them as a couple. I think the author effortlessly blends humor, heart, and a touch of realism.

The character development is a standout feature. Both characters here are relatable and authentic. Would love to see more of them and future stories by this author.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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I think I say this every time I read one of Kathryn‘s books, but she is an automatic read for me, and I am never disappointed. These are the cute and fluffy, romantic comedies that I love. She develops the characters so well- she makes them likable or unlikable, depending on who they need to be.
Are they predictable? Mostly. Does that stop me from falling in love with the story? Never.
Her newest, The Rom-commers is straight up Katherine in her prime.
We’ve got fantastic characters that you get angry at, and laugh at and fall in love with.
I can’t imagine myself ever not recommending a book by Katherine Center.
Thank you so much to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my honest review

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I have been a big fan of Katherine Center ever since stumbling onto her book The Bodyguard. The Rom-Commers highlights all Katherine's strengths. Aspiring screen writer Emma Wheeler and her writing hero/reluctant writing partner Charlie Yates are both delightful and funny. You want to cheer for them and shake them asking "what are you thinking?" in equal measure, and really, isn't that the mark of a good rom-com?

Each character is clearly coming to this story with their own baggage, and watching them unpack their pasts together (with the assistance of a cast of very likable characters- shout to some cameo appearances from some Bodyguard alum) allows the reader to become emotionally invested in each of them.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Katherine Center for the opportunity to review this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you St. Martin’s Press for the ARC though Netgalley in exchange for a review!

Rom-Com (obvi). Emma is an aspiring screenwriter who’s dreams have been put on hold for the last 10 years as she is the main caretaker for her father after a camping accident paralyzed one side of his body. She gets the chance of a lifetime to work with her screenwriting hero, Charlie Yates, to help re-write a remake of Emma’s most beloved rom-com. Her baby sister takes over caretaking duties and Emma is on her way to LA. The only problem? Emma finds out she’s to live with Charlie FOR THE 6 weeks, he has no idea she’s coming, and he doesn’t believe in love. Determined to make this big break work for her, Emma convinces Charlie to do the re-write with her and ropes him into researching all things rom-com. But as they continue to work together, Emma can’t help but wonder: is this just research? Or are they starting to fall for each other?

Katherine Center has done it again! I love books about a book, and this is that genre’s cousin: a book about a movie. And I could totally picture this being a cute rom-com movie! It has banter, it has chemistry, it has falling into one another and falling in love, it has miscommunication, all things perfect for a rom-com. And in her signature style, there were also a few scenes that made me tear up. Center is an auto-buy author for me, and this may be my most favorite of hers yet. Kick off your summer reading when this comes out 6/11!

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Katherine Center does it again!! What an amazing read with great story and great characters. You’ll fall in love with them.

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“Bearing witness to the suffering of others? I don’t know if there’s anything kinder than that. And kindness is a form of emotional courage. And I’m not sure if this is common knowledge, but emotional courage is its own reward.”
And this was the first 1/3 that had me thinking, pausing, crying.

I read this in one day. The banter, the comedic timing, the family dynamics were great. She does wholesome, witty dialogue, female protagonist, family dynamics so well. I loved the dad’s heart. I loved her talking about her mom. I loved Emma (flaws, confidence, wit and all).

I enjoyed how KC drew out very specific interactions and moments that left you wanting more. Although, I did wish there was more. Sometimes it was fast with a lot of time jumps.

I’m sad it’s over and I’m glad I read it.

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I don’t know if there’s a book by Katherine Center that I didn’t love. This book may just be her best one yet.

Emma Wheeler gets the chance of a lifetime to rewrite a screenplay with the famous Charlie Yates. This means having to leave home to move to LA for 6 weeks and relying on her sister to be the sole caretaker of her father. This book was genuinely funny and cute, but navigated through grief in such a way that you felt everything Emma was feeling. Charlie reminded me so much of my husband with his grumpy but charming personality, only intensified by past relationships surrounding his cancer diagnosis. Watching Charlie’s emotions as he dealt with his 5 year anniversary of being cancer free was something that hit close to home and something that was super relatable to me.

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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📖 The Rom-Commers
Author: Katherine Center
Pages: 306
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pub Date: June 11, 2024
Format: Kindle
Genre: Rom Com
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5

"You had to MAXIMIZE joy when it fluttered into your life. You had to HONOR it. And SAVOR it."
This was the first book I read by Katherine Center and I am obsessed! 🩷🩷 Can't wait to read other books of hers.
This was the perfect rom-com - I laughed, I smiled and I even cried!
Emma has been waited to be a screenwriter. It's been difficult as she is her dad's only caretaker. Finally she gets a chance to write - and it's with a famous screenwriter, Charlie Yates. Yet he doesn't care for it nor does he believe in romcom, or LOVE. But now they will be working AND living together for six weeks. What can possibly happen?
THANK YOU Katherine Center, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the advance copy of The Rom-Commers!!

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I really enjoyed this book. It was funny with enough sadness to make the good moments even more special. Like in other Katherine Center’s books, the main character has gone through some tragedy and has come out stronger and better. Emma, the main character, is cheerful and optimistic in spite of having gone through a lot, but deep down inside, there is a tangle of contradictory feelings that she works on throughout the story, all while sharing a house with Charlie, who is not, at first, how she had imagined him. Theirs is banter, laughter, sweet, and embarrassing moments that made me laugh. The ending was satisfactory and happy, but I wish there had been just a tad bit of spice.

This was a 4-star read for me and would recommend it to others. In Emma’s words, the book, “…feels warm. It feels hopeful and kind. Sunshiny. And soothing. It feels like your heart is glowing.”

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St.Martin’s press for an ARC of “The Rom-Commers” by Katherine Center. I have just adored Katherine Center since the first book I read of hers a few years ago. “The Rom-Commers” was such a fun read. The main and secondary characters in this book were so lovable and easy to root for. I especially loved the main character’s father. He always found a way to look on the bright side even while faced with tragedy and medical issues- this world needs more of him. Center’s author note at the end was so good sharing some fun parts about the book and how they were based on things that actually happened- how cool?!
I highly recommend this and any of Katherine Centers novels. Put this on your TBR now! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
#katherinecenter #romcom #netgalley #ARC #bookstgram #tbr #readallthebooks

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The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

The Rom-Commers was a fun, light, must read! Emma Wheeler is an aspiring screenwriter that is dedicated to serving others and not herself. She is given a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-write a script with Charlie Yates (her favourite screen writer)! There are a couple problems with this, Emma is the sole caregiver of her sick father and Charlie Yates isn’t interested in writing with “a failed, nobody screenwriter.” When her sister steps up to help with her father she travels to LA to write with her idol and this begins a series of comical and heart warming events.

I enjoyed the witty characters in this novel and their development. The pace of this book is pretty quick with only a couple of slower sections. The lessons about love were heartwarming. I would highly recommend The Rom-Commers as well as many other Katerine Center books.

Thank you to Net Galley, Katherine Center and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to enjoy this ARC.
#TheRomCommers #KatherineCenter #StMartinsPress

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Katherine Center… I LOVE YOU! Center is a go-to author for me and I adored this story. That is all. That’s my review. Simply amazing.

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In Katherine Center’s latest novel 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘮-𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘴, Emma Yates is an unknown, unproduced screenwriter that makes a living by teaching community college English classes and taking freelance work from entertainment magazines. Emma Wheeler gets the opportunity to re-write a script for Charlie Yates, the screenwriter she has idolized for years, she knows she cannot pass on the opportunity. Her sister and dad make arrangements for caregiving to her father to ensure she takes a chance at life. This is a great nod to how many adult children give things up in life in order to care for an injured, elderly parent. When they start working together, she quickly learns that the man working on a rom com doesn't believe in love or love stories, and the only way to fix this terrible script is to convince him otherwise. This compelling read has an edge of sadness due to factors in Emma's life, or the struggles that Charlie had experienced. However, this is balanced the sweetness of the story as a whole. It was very easy to enjoy both Emma and Charlie as protagonists. The epilogue was just fabulous and really pulled everything together in a satisfying way.

Available June 11, 2024 just in time for a wonderful summer read..

Thank You to St. Martin’s Press, NetGalley and of course the wonderful author.

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