Member Reviews

Katherine Center immediately goes to the top of my TBR list when one of her new books comes out and this one proves exactly why. She nailed it again! I laughed (obnoxiously loud), I cried (big, snotty tears), and I fell in love (still swooning over here). The banter in this book is just comically brilliant. So many memorable one-liners. Just take all my stars Katherine!! Thank you Net Galley for the ARC!

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Katherine Center is one of my absolute favorites and while it would take a lot to beat Things You Save in a Fire and The Bodygaurd, this book comes pretty close.

Emma Wheeler has put her writing career on hold to raise her baby sister and take care of her father after a tragedy strikes their family. She is a romantic comedy expert and when her agent friend, Logan asks her to help rewrite a script with her screenwriter idol she jumps at the chance.

Charlie Yates doesn’t believe in love. He is being forced to write a romcom and the fiery Emma is just the person to help him out in that department. This book is so sweet and has so many funny and touching moments. Plus we get cameos from Jack Stapleton and Hannah from The Bodyguard! I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it for anyone who enjoys romantic comedies!

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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STOP IT. This story made me cry actual tears so many times and it completely caught me off-guard considering how fun and lighthearted the description of the story seemed to be.

Charlie, our MMC, now owns a piece of my heart. He is so ridiculously lovable and just an all-round adorable grump.

As for Emma, our FMC, how can you not love her? She is incredibly selfless and caring, albeit overly anxious about things that are out of her control.

Both Charlie and Emma have tragic back stories. But, unlike in most rom-coms, their stories are incredibly real.

Their chemistry is evident from the beginning of the story, and despite their first impressions of each other, it's almost as if neither of them can hold themselves from caring for the other.

I wouldn't exactly say that this story has the textbook definition of a third-act breakup, but it's so well-executed that it feels completely warranted. It occurs as a result of an incredibly real conflict, and my heart broke for both of them as the story unfolded.

The only reason that this story doesn't get the full 5 stars is because the writing itself left something to be desired. The plot was so incredibly rich and probably deserved richer dialogue and inner monologues.

4 ⭐️

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I love everything Kathryn Center writes! This book was so refreshing and such a fun read. I fell in love with the characters immediately and can’t get over how perfect everything played out. I’m already sad that it’s over, and I can’t wait to read it again!

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Katherine Center does not disappoint! It was a joy to follow Emma and Charlie along as they write a rom-com screenplay and learn more about themselves and love in general. I appreciated the way this book reflected on grief, loss, and illness through the perspective of many different characters. Would highly recommend for anyone looking for a delightful romance with lovable characters and great banter

Also very much enjoyed the references to Hannah and Jack from “The Bodyguard” ~

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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i love Katherine Center books and this totally lived up to it! The romance is just amazing and not rushed and the leads have so much chemistry. It has some deeper emotional moments woven in that I really enjoyed as I tend to prefer romance novels with a bit more depth to them. The premise sounds like it could be kind of silly but it just really worked for me. Will be purchasing for our library!

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She did it again! There is not one book by KC that disappoints. The Rom-Commers was such a funny, fast paced, comfort read!

What you can expect:
-top notch banter
-flawed MMC (kinda tired of seeing too perfect MMC written by women iykyk)
-slow burn
-disability rep
-zero spice

I loved how characters felt so real, the dialogues, the wit, the banter. Emma was lovely, and loud and it was impossible not to like her and had me loling a few times. Charlie was dreamy and I wish we had
~ more~from him!!
I do wish there could have been more scenes in the first half of the book to solidify the plot and relationship and less of internal monologues from Emma. It felt there was a lot happening but not a lot a the same time. After that, I could not put it down!!

My thanks to St Martins Press for the ARC and the wonderful Katherine for giving us another delightful read! Out 6/24

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Reading anything from Katherine Center is like sitting down to eat a warm bowl of your favorite comfort meal. KATHERINE CENTER just gets it RIGHT EVERY SINGLE TIME! I already went into this book excited..because it mixes in a bit of my favorite book by KC, The Bodyguard! I love Jack Stapleton and his cameo in this book made my heart happy! If I thought I couldn’t love two characters more than Jack and Hannah, Here comes Emma and Charlie!

Her books are never cheesy and will always make your heart swell with happiness. Such a feel good read! I think this may take place as 1st for my new favorite Katherine Center book!

“ Choose a good, imperfect person… and then appreciate the hell out of that person.”

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Prepare to have your socks knocked clean off your feet. Prepare to be catapulted, sockless, into the whirlwind of laughter and love that is Katherine Center’s latest romantic comedy masterpiece, The Rom-Commers. Seriously, this woman can write no wrong. I’ll be first in line to read anything that she chooses to create. Her books are a gift to everyone who’s open to being wooed by a good story.

From the very first page of this one, I was already rooting for the main character, Emma. She’s tough and determined to make it big in her chosen field, screenwriting, but she’s hampered by her role as the backbone of her family. Her disabled father relies on her, and she’s happy to care for him while she also fosters her sister’s professional dreams, meaning that Emma’s own needs are often relegated to the back burner. But when an offer comes her way that she can’t refuse, she must course-correct. It’s time to shoot for the moon, chase her own ambitions, and maybe even find her unexpected happily-ever-after in the end.

When she lands in Hollywood, she meets her personal hero, the screenwriter Charlie Yates, with his “disheveled, no-rules, maverick appeal,” and that’s when our story really takes flight.

In the beginning, things are full of friction: “Maybe it was because he’d been so insulting and so dismissive to me back in the car. But now that I had some food in my stomach and some money in my bra, the idea of giving this guy a little comeuppance felt pretty appealing.”


But wait, there’s more.

Soon enough, the electric chemistry between this strong, determined heroine and the less-than-personable slightly-egotistical hero kindles into a raging fire, and I was there for it.

Once again, Katherine Center showcases her unparalleled skill behind the keyboard, effortlessly weaving together a story with perfect pacing, oodles of charm, and characters that feel like old friends. The dialogue is so authentically true-to-life that I felt like I was eavesdropping on real conversations, and the witty banter between the characters had me chuckling out loud. All of these elements worked together to demand that I eagerly turn the pages well into the night.

But it's not just the funny moments that make this book shine; it's the heartfelt moments that truly steal the show. Katherine Center has a remarkable talent for tugging at your heartstrings, and I found myself laughing one moment and tearing up the next as I rooted for our protagonists to find their moment in the sun.

Yes, the author's signature wit adds an extra layer of charm to an already delightful story, but her ability to mix in the stronger emotional elements elevates this story to heights higher than your average everyday romance. Whether it's a clever one-liner, a perfectly timed comeback, or a swift emotional punch to the gut, Center knows exactly how to keep the reader entertained from start to finish.

All of this is just to say that if you're looking for a feel-good romantic comedy that will leave you grinning from ear to ear and that will nourish your story-thirsty soul, look no further than The Rom-Commers. Katherine Center has once again proven why she’s a trusted name in the genre, and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next! I am a devoted fan for life.

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Katherine Center does it again!! This book made me laugh, made me cry, and made me resonate with the FMC, Emma, so much!

This was my third KC book and has been my favorite so far. I loved the clash between Emma and Charlie’s personalities and interests, and yet, they worked together so well.

I absolutely devoured this book, reading it in less than 12 hours. I would read this book again and again, and can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy.

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I have so far read 5 of Katherine Center's books. I can honest to god say that not one of her books has ever disappointed me. This book is like a warm hug to all romantic comedy lovers. Emma wheeler has been her fathers main caretaker for 10 years so when her ex high school boyfriend calls her for a job to work with her writing idol Charlie Yates she asks her sister to cover her caretaking duties so she can work for Charlie. What starts off as a bumpy interaction with both sides being contentious about writing together as Charlie Yates never co-writes with anybody turns into a love story for all rom com lovers. Enemies to lovers with a happy endings is the perfect recipe for a book about rom-coms. Emma stands up for her beloved rom coms and turns Charlie Yates into a lover instead of a hater.

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A witty and charismatic read by Katherine Center. But don't be fooled, while the title may read Rom-Comers, and this certainly can be classified as a Rom-Com, in true Center fashion, there are deeper themes which will pull at the heartstrings.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read The Rom-Commers before it was released. Katherine Center wrote another super romantic comedy. The Rom-Commers is a great story about love, family, and how one deals with tragedy. Emma was a fledgling screenwriter that couldn’t get her foot in the door. Previously she was offered a prestigious internship which she had to turn down. Her mother was killed in a rock climbing accident and her dad suffer a traumatic brain injury on the same trip. Emma has pushed aside her dreams of writing to be her dad’s full-time caretaker.

Until…she was given the chance to help her idol, Charlie Yates rewrite a script that he had written. Charlie wasn’t one that believed in love. He poorly wrote a romantic comedy without understanding the concept of what a female finds romantic to get an action screenplay produced. Emma was brough in to help Charlie fully revamp and rewrite the script. Emma lived at Charlie’s while the script was being written. Charlie’s wife asked for a divorce the day he found out that he had cancer.

The writing and living together was great until Charlie started getting sick. He had a cough that he convinced Emma that nothing was wrong. Emma laid her feelings fully out for Charlie and he started to push her away. He convinced Emma that he didn’t care for her and that he was done with her. Emma’s father feel and was in the hospital. All these wonderful things were happening at the hospital. An upgrade VIP room, daily meals from restaurants, famous person visited her dad, etc.… Unknown to Emma, Charlie was staying in one of the rooms at the hospital. Time passed and Emma didn’t have contact with Charlie.

Charlie rewrote the whole script without Emma’s knowledge. It paralleled their story of working together to rewrite a bad romantic comedy. A producer decided to make the movie bringing Emma and Charlie back together. At an awards ceremony, Charlie got the phone call that he did not have cancer again. He reunited with Charlie and had a happy ending. This was a great romantic comedy that showed that tragedy happens to all. It’s how you handle it that matters.

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I loved it. The dialog, the characters, the story line. Beautifully written. The wit, the sarcasm, the laughter, the tears - it has everything. As you go through main characters life story - you can really feel the challenges they face but you can't stop rooting for them. True love story about love story while writing love tory.

I feel everyone can relate to at least something in this book. It teaches us that yes, things happen but it is how you handle them what matters, it is your outlook in life that determines the outcome. Life is tough and hard but so are we.

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Well this was an absolute delight from start to finish. I fell in love with the story and the characters. There was wonderful banter, a lovely lead and enough charm that I didn’t mind the HEA stuff that I usually find obvious or trite. This is def one of my all time fave romance books up there with Nora goes off script. I think those that are romance averse will even like this one. I sure did!! 4+ stars rounded up

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I loved this book! My first Katherine Center book and I will definitely be reading more! It was a such a fun easy read, and I love the authors writing style. Very fast paced and hilarious. I really liked the main character and the forced proximity. 5/5.

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This was a really cute and meta rom com; fans of Katherine Center will love it! I found myself really rooting for the main characters and laughed aloud many times.

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(Pub 06.11) Prepare for a superlative: this is currently my favorite Katherine Center book ousting Happiness For Beginners from the top spot. You know those books that just make you feel good when you’re reading them? Those books that make you sigh with contentment after you turn the last page? This is it. The story is compulsively readable and had just the right amount of substance, romance, and the perfect cinematic happy ending. I reread the ending a couple times because it just made me happy.

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By far this is my favorite Katherine Center book!
The Rom-Commers is a sweet and tender story of a young woman who has given her life to be her father's caregiver and now has the chance to change her life!
Filled with great banter, sexual tension, and a chance to see Hollywood behind the scenes, The Rom-Commers will be a delight for all to read!

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Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Katherine Center for this gifted ARC.

I'm just going to be blunt here: Katherine Center knows how to write a romcom. Heck, she knows how to write a romcom about writing romcoms. Between the witty banter, the classic rom-com references, and the mission to get Charlie to believe in love, I couldn't stop reading. In fact, I read this book in one sitting until 2 AM, and I'm not regretting a single moment.

The best thing about this book is the humor. I found myself laughing out loud at some of the one-liners. The entire story made me smile and, in some parts, even cry. It is an entire novel celebrating love and how relationships can change when life-changing medical issues occur. Bonus points: there is a guinea pig named Cuthbert who is just adorable.

Also, the pacing is perfect. There is never a dull moment. The flashbacks perfectly fit the plot line and do not drag on and on. It's perfection and probably one of my favorite Center novels.

If you like romance, you will love this book. There are so many meaningful themes: being a caretaker, imposter syndrome, holding on to shame, and navigating relationships with a major medical diagnosis. Just trust are going to love this book. Plus, how could you resist Cuthbert, the world's cutest guinea pig?

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