Member Reviews

From the very first page, this book had me hooked, and I found myself laughing out loud and screaming with joy throughout the entire story. The tension between the main characters, Emma and Charlie, is so palpable that it keeps you on the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating every turn of the page.

The angst in this story is off the charts - it's the kind that makes your heart race and leaves you breathless. But what's truly incredible is how the characters evolve and transform their initial lack of teamwork and become the dream team. It's absolute magic, and I couldn't get enough.

Emma and Charlie are a match made in rom-com heaven. The way they instantly connect and navigate their relationship with such ease is nothing short of brilliant. Emma's character, a loving and sunshine-filled personality, is so cool and relatable because she's not perfect, but undeniably awesome. And Charlie, with the perfect amount of grumpiness, is the ideal counterpart. Their chemistry is impeccable, and I found myself giddy with excitement throughout the entire read.

Katherine Center has masterfully woven a story that strikes an amazing balance between romance and emotional depth. Emma taking on the job of reworking Charlie's script, and the fact that he's all skeptical about love just made it so darn interesting. I found myself eagerly flipping through the pages to see how it all unfolds! Watching them work together to fix the script and convince Charlie otherwise is an emotional rollercoaster, and I loved every minute of it.

One of Katherine Center's standout strengths is her ability to take the hardships of life and transform them into sources of joy. She doesn't shy away from acknowledging the bad and tragic, but she doesn't dwell on it either. Instead, she focuses on the potential for happiness and the beauty that can emerge from challenging situations. Sheh as this incredible knack for spinning tales that just overflow with happiness.

'The Rom-Commers' is an absolute delight - a perfect blend of laughter, joy, and heartwarming moments. Katherine Center has once again proven her prowess in crafting stories that leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling. If you're a fan of rom-coms with incredible chemistry, banter, and a touch of magic, this book is a must-read!

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Katherine Center does it again. She grabs onto your heart and holds on tight. You want these characters to get together and find a way to work it out. It’s like your heart is on a rollercoaster throughout the whole book.

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You know that scene where Cinderella is waltzing with Prince Charming on the balcony, all shining in her blue gown, singing to herself, "So this is love, so this is what makes life divine. I'm all aglow, mmmm"? Now imagine that is me and this book is Prince Charming. I could stare lovingly into its pages for hours. I loved this book. Loved it! To play off another song, "Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp," this book puts the rom-com in Rom-Commers.

Emma Wheeler had to put her promising future as a screenwriter on hold to be her dad's sole caretaker for the last decade. Then her agent calls to say she has the opportunity to rewrite a script with America's favorite screenwriter and her own personal icon, Charlie Yates. Charlie usually writes blockbuster hits with explosions, but in order to get his next movie made, he had to agree to write a rom-com, and it's terrible. In order to get him invested in the project, Emma has to prove to him that love stories matter. And might they create their own along the way? (Spoiler: they do!)

This book classic Katherine Center charm. It was witty, full of emotional depth and real-world problems (despite its Hollywood setting), warm, and delightful. 😍 While the downside to reviewing this in February is that it doesn't hit bookshelves until June, that means you have months to put it at the top of your beach read list. This is one I know I will want to reread and will be looking for my own hardcopy this summer.

Thank you, NetGalley, for this advanced copy.

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Ten years ago, Emma had to put her life on hold to become a full-time caretaker for her father. An accident that left him hemipelagic and Meniere’s Disease have left him requiring round-the-clock care. She has all but let-go of her dreams of becoming a screenwriter, despite showing exceptional promise. One day, she gets an opportunity she could only dream of; to help with rewrites for a romantic comedy written by her screenwriting idol, Charlie Yates.

Soon she finds out this script is absolutely abysmal and is only being written so that the movie he actually wants made can be greenlit. With some convincing from her ex-boyfriend/current manager, she entrusts her father’s care to her sister and packs up her bags to spend the next 6 weeks in LA. Now she has to find a way to get Charlie to care enough about romantic comedies to turn this script into something that is actually worthy of being made.
I really enjoyed this book, but I would say that it was, overall, pretty light on the actual romance aspect of the story. We mostly saw Emma and Charlie grow as individual people with the aid of the other person. I did feel like we didn’t really get to see the romance develop between them, and honestly, I felt like it would have been equally as satisfying it they just stayed as friends and writing partners.

I would probably compare this to Emily Henry’s Happy Place or any number of books by Mhairi McFarlane, where it looks like the book is going to be a romance, but it turns into people getting through their trauma.
Don’t go into this expecting something light and kooky, it deals with some difficult topics and romance is definitely not the main focus. However, the ending was still pretty cute.

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A Big Thank you to St. Martin's Press, NetGalley and dear Katherine Center for an advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

A solid 5 star rating for this book set in Texas and California. As always I loved this book by one of my favorite authors, Katherine Center. I laughed out loud and cried like the characters were my family, emotions that were provoked simply by great writing.

“A Rom Com has to have a happy ending with both MC’s ending up together. “ YES! 100% agree

Another winner of a story with a female MC who is adorable, honorable and holds true to her morals. Emma is an aspiring screenwriter, who is handed a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-write a a screenplay with a famous screenwriter, Charlie Yates. She leaves behind her sister with her disabled father from Houston, Texas to travel to LA California to meet her idol and help him to beat the yips!

This was the fastest I’ve gotten through a book in ages, one of those books you couldn’t put down because the happy ending couldn’t come soon enough! Another winner from our Rom-Com Queen ! Just in time for a summer beach read.

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Fun dialogue and main characters. More could’ve been developed with the setting, background characters, forward motion – the narrative "world" here felt lacking. But good banter and a quick, breezy read.

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I’m thrilled to say that the Rom-Commers is my first 5 star read of 2024! Katherine Center had me feeling all the feels with this one. There are plenty of laugh out loud moments mixed in with the swoony interactions between Emma and Charlie that you’d expect from a true romantic comedy. The Rom-Commers will take you on a roller coaster, ripping your heart out only to put it all back together in the end. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys the rom-com genre and authors like Abby Jimenez, Christina Lauren, and Emily Henry. Thanks to Katherine Center, Netgalley, and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review. I will definitely recommend this one to my book club when it releases.

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Katherine Center does it again. I wish I could give this 10 million stars. I couldn't put this one down. And although I'm sad I read it so fast, I'm also happy I had the chance to read this book.

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Katherine Center has done it again! I am not normally a romance fan, but I will always read a Katherine Center book. She adds humor, kindness as well as romance to all her books. And the ending is always worth the wait. A big thank you to NetGalley for this ARC for an honest review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Katherine Center is now officially on my immediate-buy-and-read-list and one of my all-time favorite rom-com authors (it's a very short list and includes Mhairi Macfarlane and Beth O'Leary).

This book had everything I want and need in a rom-com. And it doesn't fall into the trope trap of all those booktok faves which are all tropes and vibes with a lot of tell and little show. There was one "motif" that I thought was used a bit too often and became repetitive and too convenient but it was a small detail.

All in all The Rom-Commers feels like a classic rom-com with loveable but definitely not perfect characters, a relationship that progresses organically, a host of supporting characters that are just as lovable and it gives you all the happy fuzzy feelings in your stomach. And it makes you cry. But in a good way.

In short: Go get it ASAP in June!

P.S. I've marked so many fun and/or relatable quotes which I hope will be in the published book. I'll add them once I have an official copy.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for an ARC of this book! I’ve willingly read and reviewed it. All opinions are my own.

THE ROM-COMMERS was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 and I’m so excited that it lived up to and surpassed all of my expectations.

Emma Wheeler is a screenwriter whose dreams of seeing one of her movies on the big screen have detoured due to family obligations. But when her high-school ex-boyfriend turned manager gets her the job of a lifetime, Emma lets her sister take over care-giving for their father for the first time since a tragic accident turned their lives upside down and flies to Hollywood to work with her screenwriting idol, Charlie Yates. Charlie, however, has no idea she’s coming and refuses any help in rehabbing the atrocious rom-com script he’s written.

What follows, when Charlie finally gives in and allows Emma to rewrite the script with him, is a story filled with heartbreak, rom-com worthy moments that I’m desperate to someday see on the my screen soon, and, of course, the happy ending that makes a book or movie a true romance.

Katherine Center is a master of making her readers feel so many different emotions in just over three hundred pages. There were so many absolutely adorable and hilarious moments that had me swooning or giggling, but with those, readers also get the lows which give better insight into these lovable characters. These moments are so relatable, whether it’s a rom-com worthy scenario or something that feels like a punch to the gut. (I’m biased, but also relatable? Emma’s curly red hair! As a curly-haired redhead, I rarely see a heroine who isn’t a blond or brunette and almost never one also with curly hair!)

Emma and Charlie were a perfect match and I loved getting to see their relationship progress as they unintentionally starred in their own romantic comedy (including, but not limited to: dance classes, clumsiness resulting in full-body contact, and near-death experiences).

THE ROM-COMMERS definitely earns every positive review it’s been getting and I can’t wait to purchase my own copy to revisit over and over again.

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Hello Book friends!

Today I’m reviewing The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center. In this romcom we follow award winning screenwriter Charlie Yates, who is in desperate need for someone to rewrite his latest screenplay (even though he won’t admit it) and Emma Wheeler who is willing to help him, for a price of course.

And romance readers you NEED (yes all caps) this book in your life.

Think of a happy moment. How it made you feel. How happiness bubbled up like the first sip of champagne, how it creates a kaleidoscope of vivid colors, bright and beautiful that you want to bottle up, and save it for safekeeping. Hoarding it as though you are book dragon, to visit it often, to replay that moment when you need it most.

That. is. this. book.

Katherine Center, you amaze me. I LOVE every page of this book. It’s how Center shapes the story, taking two people on opposite spectrums of life and forcing them to collide together, creating a book readers will want to remember ten, fifteen year from now, because it’s that good.

Pre-order this one today.

Happy Reading ~ Cece

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
It's been a while since I devoured a book in less than 24 hours and I almost forgot how awesome it feels to be so invested in the lives of fictional characters that you pause real life to find out how everything plays out.
The book was absolutely delightful. I loved Emma's personality and how grumpy Charlie pretended to be. I loved Emma's dad and the way he chose to live life to the fullest even after suffering through a tragedy and loss that would paralyze most people. I love how perfectly this story unfolded and perfectly it ended. I know it's only February, but this is the best book I've read so far this year, and it's the best rom com that I've read in a very long time. Do yourself and your heart a favor and read this. You won't regret it.

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4.5 stars.

I just love Katherine Center's writing! She is the queen at writing cute and witty banter. I just feel really good and happy after reading her books. The main character was very funny and relatable; she had me laughing out loud many times. Any misunderstandings were cleared up quickly because they communicated! The romance was sweet and charming, and there was no spice. I loved this book!

I definitely recommend this book to all the romantic comedy lovers out there.

I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This might be my new favorite rom-com and the one by which I measure all other rom-coms in the further. KC truly outdid herself with this one. The banter was out of this world, and I have never laughed so hard reading a book. KC beautifully covered the hard topics of loss, grief, and struggles with health issues. It was also really interesting to learn about the writing process through the characters’ story.

As a side note: I’ve never read a book with a character who has Ménière’s disease, so that was a fun surprise. As someone who struggles with Ménière’s disease, I was delighted to see it so accurately portrayed.

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The character of Emma is so well done. As the caretaker she does everything but take care of herself and I am so glad she went to L.A. for six weeks. To read about all her experiences was fun and I was excited for her to be living a dream – getting to work with Charlie. The sunshine grumpy mixed with the feelings that were developing between the two of them was amazing. I loved the banter, I like that Emma and Charlie got into a routine and she just couldn’t help herself take care of him. She cooked for them and got him to get back in the pool.
Of course, Charlie’s good looks helped, but they worked together well, writing all day. She introduced him to trying new things, and to being proud of his accomplishments. The donut making scene was hilarious and the middle to end had me in tears. I experienced so many emotions, but I also loved that Emma could enjoy her time away from home and as time went by, she worried less and trusted her sister more.
One thing is for sure, I will be reading everything Katherine Center writes from now on!

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This book was beautiful. Made me laugh & cry out loud- exactly what I’d expect from Katherine Center

Emma Wheeler has been the primary caretaker of her dad for the past 10 years- giving up everything to make sure her dad stays healthy and safe after he suffered a traumatic brain injury. Until her friend/agent/ex-boyfriend Logan thrusts a life changing opportunity into her lap to work with her ultimate writing crush, Charlie Yates.

Except, Charlie doesn’t want her working with him, in fact he wants nobody to work with him on his new more terrible than terrible “rom com” screenplay because he doesn’t believe in love! *gasp*

Eventually he gives in, lets Emma work with him and help him rewrite the screenplay just so his zombie movie can be made. They do lots of cute “research” like line dancing, “falling” on each other, and kissing to restart Charlie’s frozen heart to believe in love again.

This book was so cute. Not spicy but plenty of cuteness and emotion to make you laugh and cry your way through it.

Available June 2024. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC made available to me for my review.

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Katherine Center does it again! There's just something about her writing style - it's so unique. I love that she's found her writing voice. And I find her characters, in spite of their major life happenings that in non way resemble my own life, so relatable and real. They're messy and vulnerable and don't always get things right, but that feels so perfectly lifelike. You will not be disappointed in this one.

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This author builds the anticipation of a happy ending like no other. While it was obviously a great love story, it also told the story of family, self worth and living for oneself. Loved the story and the narration!

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I love Katherine Center’s work- The Body Guard and Hello Stranger were such sweet reads and this one is no exception. Bonus, her covers are always stunning and I love the way they look on my bookcase. BOLD COLORS

Emma and Charlie come together to write a romcom screenplay. Charlie doesn’t believe in love. Both of these characters were well developed and also relatable/ flawed in a way that is realistic. This is grumpy meets sunshine and is equal parts funny, sweet and has some killer one liners.

It will be the perfect summer release and I can’t wait to listen to this as an audiobook!

Thank you netgalley for the arc in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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