Member Reviews

This was fun and VERY classic Katherine Center, and if you love rom comes you will love all the self aware nods to the genre!

There were also some very heartfelt moments around caregiving, sickness, etc.

It honestly would have been a 5 star except for this one horrible phone call between the main character and her sister, in which she said some absolutely unforgivable things!! They got over it, but I did not!!!!!!

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Katherine Center has a knack for taking a pretty simple concept and then fashioning it into an emotional, gut punching masterpiece. I cried often and earnestly throughout The Rom-Commers — but, as Ms. Center wrote herself in this book, “happiness is always better with a little bit of sadness.”

The Rom-Commers deeply affected me. Maybe it’s because I watched my parents be caregivers for their parents for 10 years, or maybe it’s because my own parent suffered a severe medical trauma with a long recovery a year and a half ago. Maybe it’s because I’m also struggling right now in my career and have no earthly idea how to move forward. Whatever it is, I felt so deeply for Emma and her struggle to balance familial obligation and love with career advancement. She is a firecracker and I loved her for it. Emma goes through it, but still manages to be bold and passionate about the people and things she cares about.

The relationship between Emma and our leading man was enthralling. They go through a lot of ups and downs, but I appreciated how they truly became friends first. Their rapport was hilarious and electric with loads of witty dialogue. I guess that’s what happens when an author writes a romance about two writers!

I will say that this book leans a bit more on sexual innuendo than her previous works. While I would still consider it closed door, I wanted to share if that is something that bothers you. I personally was able to breeze past a lot of it, but others might not and that’s okay.

All in all, I loved this book and I hope you do too. It genuinely made me want to start writing a story of my own. Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Katherine Center is quickly becoming an auto-buy author for me. I can’t wait to read more of her stories and I hope they share similarities to this one in terms of the plot and lovable characters.

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Another winning rom-com from Katherine Center. Hilarious and heartwarming.

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I absolutely ADORED this book! It had everything that I could ask for in a Katherine Center book. The characters were well developed and I found myself staying up way past my bedtime to sneak a few more chapters in. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this amazing book! I will definitely be sharing with all of my fellow book lovers!

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The humor, the banter, the swoon-worthy moments... This book managed to wade through hard topic like loss and illness while never losing its cheerful spirit.

From page one, I was hooked. The situations Emma puts herself in are just hilarious, but she's such a strong leading lady.

The breakfast scene was probably my favorite one... I wanted a Charlie to make *me* doughnuts...

Impossible to put down, a real delight!

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I have absolutely no words! I’m blown away by this book in so many ways!
The banter, the comedy, the sweet moments, and the beautiful ending! I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I blushed, and I was grinning so much my face hurts. I finished it in 24 hours!
Phenomenal! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I have never given a Rom-com 5 stars before. EVER!
But I am now!!!! There isn’t one thing I would change about this book. Brilliant!!!

Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Emma Wheeler, an aspiring screenwriter and caregiver for her father, gets a chance to rewrite a script for her idol, famous screenwriter Charlie Yates. She moves to L.A. for six weeks, leaving her sister to care for their father. However, Charlie is dismissive and uncooperative, disliking collaboration and viewing love as a fraudulent concept. Despite challenges, Emma is determined to prove the importance of love stories. As they work together, unexpected feelings emerge, challenging Emma's rules and leading to a real-life love story that defies fiction.

Katherine Center consistently impresses me with her storytelling prowess. Having read into arcs of her last three books, I can confidently say that she never fails to captivate me. In a genre that often teeters on the edge of cheesiness with overused tropes, Center manages to infuse her narratives with an irresistible charm. I found myself loling and close to tears multiple times, a testament to the emotional depth and humor she seamlessly weaves into her work. I will always look forward to her new books.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for a review

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Am I the luckiest? When it comes to getting to read Katherine Center’s books early, the answer is yes. She is one of my favorite authors and I love her characters, love the dialogue and humor and wow was this one swoony. I got an Advance Copy of The Rom-Commers (coming June 11) and it’s another great one.
In this story, our heroine Emma is a screen writer who is not screen writing because of her extensive family obligations. Out of nowhere she gets an opportunity to work with her favorite famous Hollywood screenwriter Charlie to rewrite his newest script. After rearranging her life, she moves to LA to help. The famous writer is famous for all kinds of movies, but never romantic comedy, and he is saddled with writing one as a means to get to a better opportunity. But since he doesn’t believe in love, it’s proving difficult.
Emma and Charlie work together to fix the terrible script and she resolves to make him believe in romantic comedies and love. I am not Katherine Center, so I am not making this sound amazing, but you have to trust me… it’s wonderful.
As always, I love to lose my worries in a Katherine Center novel, and I can’t wait for the next. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC eBook.

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This was adorable and such a fun read! I am going to recommend this to everyone for their beach/pool reads this summer.

The book was filled with cliches and coincidence, but aren't those the best parts of a rom-com? I also really appreciate the spotlight on Menaire's disease, as my mom suffers from it.

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A woman who has given up most of her life to care for her father is given the opportunity to live out her dreams… and falls in love along the way. This book was just the right mix of fun and heartfelt, and I couldn’t put it down. I always enjoy Katherine Center’s books, but I LOVED this one. Highly recommend!

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NetGalley ARC -
I thought this was a great read. Things I enjoyed: the father, the main character being a caregiver, the learning of the tells and personality of the main male character, the sister, the dealing with the ups and downs of life and acknowledgement that you need the bad to feel the good, and the writing

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All tropes aside, this was an adorable little romance story that was just a delightful read. There was an obvious conclusion stemming from page one, yet I never felt like rolling my eyes and muttering "are we there yet?" Instead, the story-albeit it predictable-kept the humor at the forefront, had mostly believable characters, and was just a light-hearted, fully enjoyable read.

Overall: 4 stars (I really liked it)

I'll tell my students about: language, alcohol, sex, trauma, parental death (past tense)

**Thank you to NetGalley & St. Martin's Press for the free ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.**

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This was a delightfully fun read. I usually shy away from rom-coms because they are often corny. This story was told in a smart way with lots of humor and a lot of touching details. A great feel-good fast paced read.

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I knew going in that I was going to love this book. Katherine Center has never disappointed me. What I found was even better! Grumpy/Sunshine, forced proximity, and "we have to try X for research" will always be some of my favorite tropes to read and Katherine Center delivers. I fell for the characters and loved the way their story moved through the ups and downs of trying to work and live together. Both characters felt real and that made this book a great fun and light read. Highly recommend!

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I LOVE books about writers- and Center just nailed this one so perfectly. She writes so poetically and what a ride this book was! Delightful and fun and sad and tragic… all at the same time. I didn’t want it to end.

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As always, Katherine Center knocks it out of the park. I really enjoyed this one and it is definitely the feel good piece you need in your life. Even with the heavier themes, it is a light and enjoyable romantic comedy. I loved the cameos in this one and cannot recommend it enough!

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loved this romance between two writers who end up falling in love. loved her friend logan to give her a chance . Loved that there was some serious issues brought up about her dad and charlie. loved they she taught him about rom coms and the banter, fight, and the kiss. another great book and this author has become auto read for me.

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4 ⭐️

You will laugh, cry, and feel happy and satisfied by the end! I loved this one! It made my heart “thump.”

This book contains:

- An enemies to lovers plot
- A sassy and funny protagonist
- Loss and grief, and overcoming it
- Illness and a positive outlook
- Finding new beginnings

This book was ADORABLE!! This was my first Katherine Center book, though I have four of her other books on my shelf, and am now even more excited to read them!

Emma is a late twenty something Texan who has been caring for her disabled father for the last almost ten years. Emma’s mother has passed away. Emma has a younger sister, Sylvie, who has just graduated college. Emma has barely left the apartment she shares with her family, as her father requires 24/7 care. Emma has lovingly sacrificed her hopes, dreams, and future for her father and her sister and has put their needs before her own.

Emma loves writing, screenwriting. It’s all she has ever wanted. Emma’s high school ex-boyfriend, Logan, is a high profile manager in Los Angeles. He has sent her writing jobs over the years. She receives a call from him about the opportunity of a lifetime: to rewrite a screenplay with none other than her FAVORITE screenwriter and crush, Charlie Yates! Logan explains that Charlie needs her help BADLY. If she accepts the job, Emma will have to go to LA for six weeks to write one on one with Charlie. It’s far too good to be true for Emma. She tries everything to convince herself that she simply cannot go. Who will take care of her father? After her sister insists that she can take over caregiver duties for their dad, with dad also insisting, Emma decides to take the position (reading the current screenplay and the terrible state it was in was also a big motivator).

Emma arrives in LA to some unexpected surprises. Things aren’t as promised and Charlie is not the same Charlie that Emma has fantasized about in her head. There is some pushing and pulling, but the two decide to work together on the screenplay. Emma, a huge romantic comedy fan, does her best to prove to Charlie that love is real and that he should believe in it. Emma is determined to make sure this movie is the next best rom-com. She will save the movie, Charlie’s reputation, and launch her career! She refuses to settle for less. Meanwhile, Charlie just wants to finish the screenplay as quickly and painlessly as possible, not caring at all how it turns out. Over the nearly six weeks of living and working together, the two begin to form a bond, or so Emma thinks. As her feelings for Charlie get stronger, the colder and more confusing he becomes.

An emergency happens. The two are separated earlier than contracted. The fate of the screenplay and their relationship unclear. I won’t say more. It’s sad, it’s cute, it’s adorable, it’s funny.

The book left me joyful. It achieved that perfect warm and fuzzy rom-com feeling. I loved the outlook on illness and loss. This is the first time I have ever read a book mentioning Ménière’s disease (I also have it, but no where near as bad as Emma’s poor father). So thank you Katherine for allowing me to relate finally in some way with my daily and nagging condition. I loved the theme of changing the perspective you have of your life in order to help achieve a better life. To not be afraid of living, or taking risks, or being afraid to love. The book had a great message. I cannot wait to read more books by Katherine!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, the author, and Netgalley for allowing me access to this arc in exchange for my review. I am SO grateful and appreciative.

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I absolutely LOVED The Rom-Commers! This was my first Katherine Center book and it won’t be my last!
I loved the premise (my hubby is in the film industry) so I was hooked right away. I love a good sunshine girl/grump guy and the BANTER was CHEF’s KISS!

Thank you so much for the ARC!

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