Member Reviews

Katherine Center has become an auto-buy author for me. I thoroughly enjoy her storylines and the incorporation of the unique and untried conflicting issues in her books. In this book, Emma (FMC) is a fantastic screenplay writer but she has not made herself flexible enough to put herself out there to be discovered. We know, in advance, that Emma didn’t work hard to become a known screenwriter because she has been taking care of her father, who was injured in a terrible accident that cost him some of his motor skills and the life of his wife, Emma’s mother. He also has a condition called Meniere’s Disease, which is a fun little inner ear issue that doesn’t help at all with his balance. I was surprised to find someone in a book with this condition as I’ve had it most of my life and it was not well known when I was first diagnosed. Represent! LOL…

Luckily, in high school, Emma dated someone, Logan, who became an agent in California. He believes in her and has pushed hard to get her stuff out there to be seen. An opportunity arises where Emma’s favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates, needs help with his latest project. He’s lost his “yip” or, rather, he has writer’s block. Emma’s sister, Sylvie, who had just emerged from getting her degree, took over the care of their father in order for Emma to fly to California to pursue this dream. So, Logan flies Emma to California and they show up on Charlie’s doorstep, unannounced (also unknown to Emma). Charlie doesn’t want her help and Emma feels humiliated. Eventually, Logan convinces them both to give it a shot so Emma moves in with Charlie for a while as they work on this rom-com project. So, your tropes are Forced Proximity, Workplace amor, and grumpy vs. sunshine.

It’s an adorable story with an unfortunate Guinea Pig 🙁 who’ll break your heart. I really want to see this made into a movie, or a Netflix show… either way… I need to see this!

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4.5 stars

This is a winner of a romance novel. This is exactly the kind of rom com I’m always hoping and searching for. I loved the laugh out loud moments and the sweet moments equally. This is what makes a rom com. The banter the fun and wild and tender. All of it and it is all within these pages.

I’ve never read this author before but if this is how she writes a rom-com sign me up.

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Is this Katherine Center's best book yet? I think it might be! So funny and so tender - I literally laughed aloud and shed actual tears while reading it.

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The Rom-Commers is a winner! Heartwarming and sweet, the plot between the two writers was so on point. Grumpy Charlie and newcomer to the script writing scene, Emma, had great chemistry and witty banter. Closed door romance is hard to get right, but this worked from the start. Enough angst, trauma, family drama and emotional baggage to propel the plot, along with interesting side characters to spice things up. The story was told in a light tone so it rarely felt too heavy even with some difficult issues going on. I have read 3 other books from her, 2 didn't quite work for me, but this one and The Bodyguard were both 5 star reads.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I love Katherine Center books. Romance with characters who are nuanced with interesting backstories really pulls me in. Unfortunately for this installment, I never really liked the main protagonists. In particular, the man was frequently condescending, dismissive, and snobbish toward the woman. Multiple times he talked disparagingly about his supposed love interest behind her back. He was cruel and cold and the explanation for why just didn’t work for me. Most of the romance felt imagined or was described vaguely as having happened off page - daily swims, writing together, grocery shopping. Yawn. Their actual on page interactions were far from romantic, including two separate scenes where one of the main characters were drunk. I don’t know. This just didn’t feel like a typical Katherine Center novel and I’m super bummed about it. Maybe having Charlie have his own point of view chapters may have helped. Or just take out some of the earlier scenes where he’s a complete jerk to her and add in some more actual romantic scenes. I hated the two drunk scenes completely. I feel like Center is fairy tame when it comes to sex scenes and while there weren’t any in this, the almost sex scene where the female character is sloppy drunk and propositioning him was pretty gross and pathetic. The scene where he’s helping her undress and redress because she’s too drunk is gross. I would have said no too. In the age of consent, how can he say yes to someone so inebriated l? I did like their backstories (though his could have stood to be fleshed out more) and Emma’s family a lot.

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My Take: 5 out of 5. My first 5 star read of the year and so well deserved, Pre - order this book, and have it be one of your top reads for the summer this year. i do not know if it is that great or if it was just perfect for me, but i devoured this read in a single Saturday and when I finished I can honestly say my heart was happy. It had completely fulfilled me. I had laughed, I had cried, i had gone through a roller coaster of emotions and I was awash in lovely HEA. It is so well written, the development of their relationship and their development as characters is just too good.

Why did I choose it: all of Katherine Center books are spectacular. They are great rom coms, to quote the title, but they always have just a little bit more depth than could have been expected, as well as truly engaging and real characters

Read this if you like(d): Of course any of Katherine Centers books or One more with Feeling. For lovers of enemies to lovers, lovers of rom com movies, especially of the Meg Ryan / Tom Hanks vein. Also if you are a fan of Nora Ephron, this is for you.

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Emma has spent her life studying, obsessing over, and writing romantic comedy screenplays. Her biggest dream is to be a screenwriter. She's also been the sole caretaker for her father who requires full-time care. When she gets the opportunity to re-write a script for famous screenwriter Charlie Yates, she is overjoyed, knowing it's not an opportunity she can afford to pass up. Emma's younger sister steps up to take care of their father while Emma heads to L.A. for six weeks to re-write a romantic comedy with Charlie. The problem it turns out is that Charlie doesn't write with anyone AND his screenplay is absolutely horrible. To make things worse, he doesn't actually care about this script and wants it to be only passable to get a different one of his screenplays approved.

THE ROM-COMMERS is a story that snuck up on me and before I knew it, I was absolutely loving my reading experience, just like every other book I've read by Katherine Center to date.

All of the characters encountered in this story are vibrant, well-defined, relatable, and so fun to get to know. I absolutely adored the journey I got to take through Emma's POV as she takes on this new and exciting screenwriting opportunity. Emma is a main character who is so kind-hearted, strong, selfless, and relatable. I loved that she finally took a step to do something selfish and pushed through the obstacles placed before her to get to the good part. I adored Charlie as the MMC, he is absolutely a grouch but he has so much depth which the reader slowly gets to discover over the course of the book. I loved the banter shared between the two main characters - it was sassy at times with some of the best one-liners and was so much fun to read. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I wholly adored the many swoon-worthy scenes - all in the name of research.

The plot is well written and thoughtful; it encompasses themes of friendship, love, forgiveness, and joy. The story created within these pages is rife with emotion as difficult topics are addressed, all the while maintaining a lightheartedness at its core. I really enjoyed the epilogue which was truly more than I could have asked for but the best way to end this story!

<i>I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher, St. Martin's Press, of this advanced digital copy for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for an honest review! All opinions shared are my own.</i>

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When Katherine Center releases a new book, I drop everything and read. The Rom-Commers is my new favorite. There’s something so satisfying about a book about writers. Our hero is a successful screenwriter in a slump who is thrown together with our heroine, a talented writer whose work hasn’t gotten the recognition it deserves. As with all romance novels, you know already know the ending. And with all of Center’s books, you know you’ll get lovable characters in unique circumstances who find each other against all odds. Sit down with The Rom-Commers and enjoy the ride.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: romance

Everything Katherine Center writes is literal gold, y’all.

When romantic comedy obsessed writer Emma is given the chance to work with Charlie, her personal writing idol, on a rom-com script rewrite, she jumps at the opportunity. Even if that means leaving her sweet dad (who she is caretaker for) back home in Texas for six weeks. But how are they supposed to rewrite a rom-com when it turns out that Charlie doesn’t even believe in love? Emma is determined to convince him otherwise (for the script of course, right?) 💕

Katherine Center has a way of really tugging at your heartstrings. She is able to write such relatable characters whose humanity makes you laugh out loud one moment and cry in the next. In this story, I LOVED the dialogue and wit that was woven throughout. The beginning felt a little choppy and slow to me, but the pace seemed to even out quickly and I ended up finishing in one-sitting!

I hope you pick up The Rom-Commers upon its release on June 11, 2024!

Thank you NetGalley and for allowing me to read and honestly review this book in advance of its release.

#theromcommers #katherinecenter #book #bookstagram #2024reads #bookreview

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Katherine Center gets all the stars from me every time. I have such high expectations for her books, and they never disappoint!
The Rom-Commers had everything I wanted it to, amazing banner, characters with quirks, tender family moments, hidden twists, and a swoony romance. I loved every minute of Emma and her wild curly hair with her heart on her sleeve, which made Charlie’s somewhat frustrating guarded emotions all the better in the end.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This, by far, is my favorite Katherine Center book yet. It was a quick, easy read but was full of heart and feeling. I loved seeing Charlie learn about love and rom-coms while Emma learned to go after her dreams and to let someone else take care of her.

Katherine Center has quickly become a favorite author of mine within the last year, and I can't get enough of her books. I was so excited to get my hands on this book and I'm glad I didn't have to wait until June.

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LOVE this one!!! Katherine Center is the master at artful, quippy yet realistic dialogue, and she also has this magical power that makes you instantly fall in love with her characters. Emma is another in her long line of capable yet slightly bumbling heroines, and you'll fall for her and her bright red poofy hair faster than you can say "Rom-Commers." What a beautiful, sweet, hopeful book.

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4.25 stars!

I loved this book!! I loved the Bodyguard but I didn't have too much luck with Hello Stranger, and so I'm so glad that this book worked for me! I think Katherine Center thrives in a Hollywood setting. Also LOVED the Jack Stapleton cameos :))

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Katherine Center has officially restored my faith in rom-coms. With “The Bodyguard” last year and “The Rom-Commers” this year, she is redefining the genre and I’m here for it! Sure, there are still the normal tropes and a high cheese factor, but there’s also a depth and creativity to her writing that is thoroughly enjoyable. The banter between her two main characters and the will-they, won’t they tension had me up way past my bedtime, ignoring everything else in my life until I reached the conclusion.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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5 ⭐️

Synopsis: Emma Wheeler may not have had the best luck when it comes to love but she sure as hell knows how to write about it. When she pairs up with prickly, Charlie “I hate love” Yates to rewrite a romantic-comedy script, everything that could go horribly wrong, does. Or is it horribly right?

What I loved:
-Emma is an eldest daughter, as one myself, I felt for her every time she had an internal dialogue on whether to do what she wants or what she needs to do for others.
-Charlie reminded me of Roy Kent (attitude) x Billy Hargrove (looks). We know those grumpy layers are coming off eventually and KC does a fantastic job depicting this.
-The banter. Emma and Charlie are complete opposites and it’s just further proof (or should I say “research”) that opposites do indeed attract.
-Emma's dad. Like she said, she definitely won the dad lotto. I'm pretty sure I held my hand to my heart every time he spoke.
-Guinea pigs and video games about power washing, never thought I’d put those two in the same sentence.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! Out 06/11/24

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This book is exactly why I will always read anything KC writes. I loved it and honestly had trouble putting it down at night because I was so invested in what was to come.

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LOVED this adorable book and finished it in one day! A great chic lit with some meatier topics as well. It hooked me from the very start and I could not wait to see how it ended. It’s somewhat predictable, but with a few twists thrown in as the storyline unfolds. Highly recommend for a great feel good book.

Thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange of an honest review.

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I legitimately could not put this book down and finished it instead of sleeping. It feels insufficient to call this Katherine Center at her best because this book feels like one of the transcendent pieces of literature that defines a genre by the emotion and storytelling it encapsulates. This is a love letter to rom coms and does it amazingly well. Loved this book.
A huge thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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I absolutely devoured this book! I could not read it fast enough. I loved it so much. I loved the characters, the setting, the A-list LA vibes.. My only complaint is about Cuthbert but other than that this book was phenomenal! 5 stars as always with Katherine Center!!

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I LOVED everything about this book. Emma deserves the world. Charlie deserves to be loved. Ugh, it's so sweet and funny and sad and everything you want in a RomCom.

Katherine Center has written a lot of amazing stories with lovable and relatable characters but The Rom-Commers is just about as good as it gets. All the feels.

5 stars. No question. Read this you will love it.

Giant "Thank you" to Netgalley and St Martin's Press for an advanced copy of The Rom-Commers!!

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