Member Reviews

This book is delightful. It’s hopeful but realistic at the same time. It is full of likable characters that seem like real people. Just a sweet, wonderful book.

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It made me laugh out loud. It made me cry. The characters leapt off the page, the story flowed beautifully, and even in it's predictability I found it utterly enchanting. I adore this story just like the last two I've read by Katherine Center. Bravo!

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Katherine Center can do no wrong! I am so glad I got to enjoy this ARC before the pub day because it gave me something to devour this weekend! I loved Emma and Charlie’s dynamic, and Cuthbert was the perfect addition to the story.

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This book was effervescent! By far my favorite Katherine Center book thus far. It was a story of grumpy/sunshine and familial ties and an homage to rom-coms and good people and big dreams and it was all just such a JOY to read. There was also grief and tragedy and illness, but it was all handled with such love and care, and the ultimate message was one of pure hope and abundance. I highly recommend this sparkly little book when you just want a pick-me-up and to read something good and joy-filled!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for gifting me with an ARC to review! All opinions are my own. It was such a delight!

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This book had Katherine Center's typical sweet, quick and full of heart story telling. The main characters had a lot of fun banter and chemistry which made this such a great read! I loved the plot and how quick-paced it was. It was fun to have characters from her previous book, The Bodyguard show up! I felt like the representation of care-taking as well as grief was really well written. I think there was a little too much tell rather than show how they fell in love but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

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This was a fun book. I could not put this book down. I loved Emma and Charlie. After reading this book you will want to write your own love story.

Katherine Center knows rom-com. And you will too after this. It’s almost a deep dive into the genre. You will feel things. And laugh!

I related to Emma’s as a caregiver. I am
My dad’s caregiver. And I know what Emma struggles with. When she said she can’t remember the last time someone took care of her and that was her mom— omg! Tears. I felt that deep.

This will be the book to have on the beach and read for the afternoon. Netflix— we need this as a movie.

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. The Rom-Commers is delightful romantic comedy about overcoming struggles and a second chance at career dreams. Emma is a writer who hasn’t been able to put her writing first due to family obligations. She gets the opportunity of a lifetime to rewrite a script with her favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates. It was truly one of the best books I’ve read in a while. I was engaged through the book and couldn’t put it down. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I would highly recommend.

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Emma Wheeler gave up her dreams of being a screenwriter to be the sole caretaker for her father, as well as looking after and supporting her younger sister Sylvie. When she’s given the opportunity to write with her all time favorite screenwriters Charlie Yates, to help rewrite his most recent script for a romantic comedy, that is terrible!
All the characters were done perfectly! I loved the relationship between Emma and her father. I loved how Emma cared for her sister. I loved the banter between Emma and Charlie.
This is my favorite book from Katherine Center to date, and I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an early copy.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC of The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center.

Sadly this one was just okay for me. I’ve loved Katherine Center’s two other books but this one missed the mark for me. It felt rushed and like something was missing from the story. I was more interested in the back story of Emma and her family than the “Romance” between her and Charlie. ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️

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I enjoyed this book a lot more than Katherine’s previous books. It certainly exceeded my expectations. It was a MOSTLY lighthearted story with some sad bits sprinkled in. I’m

I laughed.

The one liners and subtle jabs in this book are hilarious.

The banter between the sisters is 👍

“‘I don’t have anxiety. I just worry all the time.’ Charlie gave it a second and then said, ‘I’m just gonna let those words echo around the room.’”

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Another knock-out romance winner from Katherine Center! And a new favorite. How does she keep writing amazing stories? A new book always goes to the top of my list.

Emma has sacrificed a lot over the last ten years and now has a chance to work with an amazing screenwriter in Hollywood. She’s put her writing career on hold to care for her dad.

I loved her character; she’s a romantic at heart but without a lot of practical romantic experience. But she definitely knows what works and what doesn’t work with a rom-com script. She’s been brought in to fix a script from the famous Charlie Yates.

The only problem is that Charlie doesn’t really want to work with her to fix the script; he just wants to make another film, but the rom-com is a prerequisite.

They finally find a way to make it work and spend six weeks reworking the script. Along the way, they get to know each other, and Emma tries to get Charlie to feel things again, like what feels romantic and how to fall in love.

Emma fiercely loves her family, and I love her relationships with her father and sister. I felt like I was getting a complete picture of this character.

The sign of a great book for me often involves tears, so this one definitely makes the cut as I shed some at the end.

I’m hoping that this one gets made into a movie. I could picture it in my head as I was reading it.

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Thank you to the publisher for a gifted copy of this book.

I feel conflicted about this book. It was bingeworthy for sure - I finished it in 2 sittings. I loved the dialogue and the premise of the book. However, I did not feel much chemistry between Charlie and Emma - it didn't seem like there was much development between them. But I still loved the grand gesture, and it definitely made me cry. So yea, I'm conflicted! Not her best work but still enjoyed it!

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This book was absolutely perfect in every way. Katherine Center has truly done it again with her incredible work. I fell completely in love with every single character (including Cuthbert) & the ending really warmed my heart. This is such a beautiful story about love & all that it conquers.

Huge thank you to Katherine Center & NetGalley for my arc of this one which is hitting shelves this June! This one will be a perfect summer read!

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THE ROM-COMMERS by Katherine Center is a sweet, funny story about overcoming grief, survivors guilt, illness, caretaking, and putting your life dreams on hold after tragedy. I know, sounds hilarious, right? It's told in Center's usual gentle, optimistic way. The first person, fourth wall breaking writing helps make it all more charming and touching.

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She’s done it again and of course I knew she would. I loved every minute of this book. I didn’t want it to end and that’s how you know it’s special. Center created a world where the characters are all so vivid and clear, the setting was a place I could clearly picture in my mind, and the struggles and conflicts felt authentic. I was completely enthralled. ❤️

Of course, this had a romantic element to it, but it also had a strong family arc and a sister storyline to love. It will make you laugh and smile and dare I say, shed a tear or two. 💕

And if you read The Bodyguard, you’ll love the Jack Stapleton cameo!!! He’s fantastically woven into this story. Perfect.

This book comes out in June and I hope everyone preorders it so you have it on pub day! 🎉

Thank you StMartinsPress and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. And thank you Katherine Center for the joy and fun you bring to us with your work. ❤️

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Katherine Center has quickly become one of my must read authors. This book lived up to everything I have come to expect from her books. The grumpy sunshine trope was done to perfection.

This book teaches that tragedy in your life doesn’t have to be the end. You can still have your happily ever after. Katherine even sneaks in a cameo from one of her other books. It’s all amazing.

If you’re a fan of well done romcoms do yourself a favor and read this one when it comes out in June.

Thank you to Netgalley and publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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I'm grateful I got to read this book before it was published. I was a great read that I could not put down. I love how it all tied up. It's def a great Rom- Com

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Complete and total perfection. Nobody sparks joy quite like Katherine Center. All the stars for this wonderful book!

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Another 5 star read!! I love that there was a gues appearance from bodyguard and all of this makes me want so much more out of this universe Katherine Center has built. I could tell I slowed myself reading this one. It was just too amazing to read in one sitting like I always do.

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I discovered Katherine Center‘s books last year and she is now a permanent addition to my must read list. Additionally, she is the author, I continuously recommend to friends and family. Nobody does witty banter between love interests like her. Sometimes banter in books can come off as cheesy or try hard, but that never happens in a Katherine Center book. Her banter is flawless! Emma Wheeler is a delight of a lead, and her POV was absolutely charming. Charlie Yates grew on me. (I didn’t always like how mean he was but I came to understand his reasons why). If you are a romcom girlie, this book is for you. I loved all the inside jokes about romcoms and the movies. And thank you so much for the Jack Stapleton cameo.

Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for it on this review

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