Member Reviews

Aspiring screenwriter, Emma Wheeler has sacrificed a lot to take care of her father after a tragic accident that left him half paralyzed and killed her mother. Her little sister’s dreams have always come before hers until she gets a job offer that she cannot refuse. She is hired to ghost write with her favorite author , Charlie Yates. The problem? Charlie Yates can’t stand rom-coms, doesn’t believe in love, and doesn’t work with ANYONE. Emma is determined to make him change his mind. Throughout the process, it looks like she might do just that.

This book was the easiest five stars I have ever given! Katherine Center absolutely KILLED IT with this one. Her writing style is just so wonderfully casual and light that you feel like you are actually in someone else’s head for a bit. The way she writes from Emma’s POV is incredibly charming. I loved her immediately.

The story itself is beautiful. Emma is working through the grief and guilt she feels after her parents’ accident. Charlie is struggling to see the good in life after his wife leaves him on the same day he is diagnosed with cancer. The emotion their stories bring to the table is just so raw and inspirational.

I 1000% recommend this book. Katherine Center is an absolute must-read author.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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This has about everything a romantic comedy should have. It made me laugh and tear up, it had you routing for the main characters and truly caring what happened to them. The Rom-Commers was such a wonderful book and was exactly the romance I was needing to read.

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Emma Wheeler, a devoted daughter and aspiring rom-com writer, has tasked herself with caring for her disabled father following a tragic accident. When her best friend and former boyfriend, Logan, presents her with a life-changing opportunity, Emma takes a leap of faith, leaving her father in the care of her younger sister, Sylvie.

Enter Charlie Yates, a renowned screenwriter faced with an unusual challenge: to write a romantic comedy, a genre outside his comfort zone. Logan orchestrates a collaboration between Emma and Charlie, forcing them to work together on what could be the most epic rom-com ever. However, Charlie isn’t into the plan and is used to working solo, creating tension between the two.

I promise this story will tug at your heartstrings, with Emma’s father’s situation, flirty banter and moments of humor, even some dramatic and stressful moments that brought tears to my eyes. The Rom-Commers is packed with all my favorite tropes, including forced-proximity, grumpy v sunshine, and strangers-to-lovers, making it an easy 5 star read for me - my first of 2024!

The only gentle critique I have about this book is that at times, I noticed a few words that felt a bit like leafing through a thesaurus. Overall, though, 'The Rom-Commers' is a delightful journey that I'd gladly take again!

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Katherine Center is SO UNDERRATED TO ME! She does the romcom perfectly!!! This book had me giggling and giddy and also shed a few tears by yanking on my heart strings.

One famous screenwriter is tasked to write a romcom and he's failing miserably,.. against his wishes his agent sets him up with a very inexperienced romcom writer and the rest is history. It's a enemies to lovers, close proximity, grumpy sunshine perfection that was just everything. I loved the pace, I loved the characters, I loved their adventures and quirks, (LINE DANCING!! NO 6 FT COWBOY FOR YOU!) I highlighted so many great quotes I just can't recommend this book enough. This WILL BE the romcom of the summer! BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT!!!

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I have always been a huge fan of Katherine Center so I was excited to see this as a read now on Netgalley. However this one did not hit the mark for me, and nobody was more surprised by that than me. I didn’t connect with the characters like I did in her other stories. They actually kind of annoyed me. Don’t get me wrong! There were some really good parts, but in the end it just wasn’t for me. This won’t stop me from reading everything she writes because I do think she is brilliant.

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To say that I was excited to receive an ARC of Katerine Center’s newest novel, The Rom-Commers would be a total understatement. Center has proved herself book after book and she is an immediate read for both me and my circle of reader friends. The Rom-Commers does not stray from Center’s previous hits, it’s witty banter, serious undertones and slow burn romance is truly a delight. Emma has put her entire life on hold to care for her injured father, but when a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presents itself, her sister steps into make it happen. Before she can change her mind, Emma is thrust to LA to help famous screenwriter Charlie develop a romantic comedy. Except, Charlie isn’t expecting her and not exactly welcoming. Determined to prove herself, Emma stays on and despite all the reasons why it shouldn’t work, both Emma and Charlie come together in an attempt to write a successful plot. I can’t wait for everyone to have the opportunity to read The Rom-Commers and know it will be loved!

A sincere thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Katherine Center is a new favorite author for me, so when I saw “The Rom-Commers” I knew I had to snag a copy! “The Rom-Commers” follows Emma Wheeler as she gets her shot to write a script with one of the great cinematic writers of her time- the problem? He doesn’t care about the script at all because it isn’t his genre. Emma, determined to sell the greatness of the rom-com genre, forces Charlie into a variety of rom-com scenarios. But what if faking rom-com moments lead to love?
I love a good rom-com, so reading this book was straight up fun. Center really captures the essence of the genre in a way that makes you look forward to the next opportunity to watch these two characters go through a fake, but proven rom-com moment.
The plot was slightly predictable, but as Emma would tell us, that’s part of what makes a rom-com so great!
In the end, I gave this book a solid 5 stars. I was engaged and enjoyed reading every last page!
Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest review! Look for “The Rom-Commers” this June!

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Katherine Center is always a must read for me and this may be one of my favorites! I loved getting into the mind of a writer through this story that follows Emma as she moves to LA to assist world famous screenwriter (and someone she has admired her whole life) Charlie. Emma is leaving her father who she is the primary caretaker for, and Charlie is suffering from writers block. The banter between the two is wonderful and I couldn’t put it down!

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Katherine Center has done it again! This was a fantastic story of an up and not coming screenwriter, Emma, whose ex is an agent in LA and knows how good she is. He pairs her with a well known screenwriter going through the “yips” with his writing, Charlie is not for this pairing! He does not need help with his romantic comedy screenplay, it doesn’t need to be great, it just needs to be good.

I laughed out loud at many parts with the dialogue between Charlie and Emma and felt like I was listening to my bestie telling me a story, at times. It is well written, fun to read, nd had it not been for our own family emergency, I would have had it done in a day, I couldn’t put it down!

The only thing I didn’t love about this book was the cover. I miss the beautiful, colorful flowers on many of Ms Center’s books.

Thank you NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Katherine Center is undoubtedly the queen of writing great romantic comedies! The best thing about her books is the warmth and comfort you get after finishing them, similar to the feeling of wearing your favorite item right after taking it out of the dryer. I felt the same way after finishing this book.

"The Rom-Commers" is a story that revolves around Emma, who has been taking care of her injured father for the past ten years. Despite aspiring to become a screenwriter, Emma has put her dreams on hold to ensure her father receives proper care. Meanwhile, Charlie, who is a successful screenwriter, is facing writer's block. His manager suggests that Emma might be the perfect person to help him deliver the ideal rom-com.

I enjoyed how this story mirrors the romantic comedy themes that readers love. The creative use of "research" for the script, including the kiss and the line dancing scene with the sexy Italian cowboy instructor, as well as all of the grand gestures, was very clever. I loved Emma and Charlie and the way their personalities - Emma's sunny disposition and Charlie's grumpiness - complemented each other so well. Their undeniable chemistry was there beneath their hilarious banter.

The ending sealed it for me. I loved all of the small things Charlie did at the hospital to endure that Emma’s father was taking care of. I loved the cameo from Jack Stapleton of The Bodyguard. The epilogue tied up all perfectly, and I experienced various emotions. If you're new to Katherine Center's work and want a romantic comedy to read this year, I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGallery and St. Martin’s Press for giving me a copy of the book.

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Before I say anything else I need to make this plea. Please, please, please can we get this as a movie ASAP. I know, I know, the book hasn't even technically been released yet and I'm already obsessed with Charlie and Emma. They are my absolute favorite! They are adorable. Fantastic. charming. Delightful. Freaking Delightful. Seriously. I cannot get enough of them. Katherine, I need more of them in my life, if you please? 
So on to the review: Katherine Center does it again. She manages to make me absolutely adore these characters. One page I'm laughing out loud and the next I've got tears streaming down my face. It is an absolutely perfect emotional adventure. Emma and Charlie manage to give us a story with real life application. Life is what you make of it. "Happiness is always better with a little bit of sadness." It helps us appreciate the good times even more. 
And Logan. That fun, friendly side character that, for a moment, I really wanted to punch. I mean, REALLY wanted to hit him. I am an oldest child and I get the burden of responsibility that falls on the eldest child's shoulders in a normal family dynamic so what he did to Emma at the beginning of the book just made me so mad! I was so happy with how she handled that, she stood up for herself and didn't let him walk all over her despite how excited she'd been for the opportunity. I also loved how quickly these characters were able to forgive. ... Not instantly but it wasn't chapters and chapters of drawn out anger. They were hurt. They dealt with their hurt and they accepted that others are imperfectly flawed and moved beyond that to forgive. 
Have I mentioned how I could not get enough of Emma and Charlie because I really cannot get enough? I'm anxiously awaiting their next screenplay.

Thank you so much @netgalley, St. Martin's Press and Katherine Center for the ARC copy of The Rom-Commers. It absolutely made my day to read this.

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As always, I adore Katherine Center's work! I live in LA so it was a treat to read about it in the book. I loved the relationship development, the plot twists, the everything. Such a sweet story that I'd be happy to read again!

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The best of 2024! Katherine Center works her magic in The Rom-Commers. Emma knows rom-coms better than anyone. An aspiring screenwriter, she watches and memorizes all the great romantic comedies. How did she not know her friend manages Charlie Yates?! How did he keep that quiet? And how did he convince The Charlie Yates he should collaborate with Emma to rewrite the next best romantic comedy? How did the best screenwriter (in Emma's mind) write the worst rom-com possible? Emma steps up to the plate and flies out to California, leaving behind her dad and sister to assist her dream screenwriter with the rewrite.
Oh the banter, the miscommunication, the back and forth.......oh, it is all so good!! I think I say with every single Katherine Center books I read, but this needs to be a movie!!! When you read Katherine Center's books, you can see the book play out just like a movie in your head. (Or at least I can.) And I always want to see these come to life on the big screen! I was more than excited to see one of my favorite characters make a few cameo appearances! Jack Stapleton from The Bodyguard!! If you haven't experienced Katherine Center, please, please do yourself a favor and read The Rom-Commers! I will always recommend anything Katherine Center writes and will always be on the lookout for anything new she writes and devour it! Special thanks to Katherine Center for writing the stories I can't stop thinking about and make me believe in real, true love. Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion. 5 BIG, HUGE Stars for Me!!

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Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press, author Katherine Center, and Netgalley for providing me the eARC in exchange for my honest review. The title will be released on June 11, 2024.

A new favorite! I cried. I’m calling it—for me, this is THE romantic comedy of 2024!

- Grumpy/sunshine
- Romantic vs. Love Cynic
- Co-workers
- Hollywood
- Forced proximity: housemates

Emma, the heroine, is the best part of the book! She’s salt of the earth nice without being quirky or perfect. I was immediately attached to her over how much she loves her family and willingly sacrifices for them. Charlie is a top Hollywood screenwriter but also grumpy, lonely, wounded guy. He’s a little bit of a tough nut to crack but it was fun seeing how Emma draws him out of his shell and gets his moments of vulnerability.

There's plenty of mutual attraction, but it’s not a steamy book. Zero spice. It’s a lovely emotional slow-burn too. I liked that Katherine Center added small details in that allow us readers to really get to know the characters; it also feels like we get to see the main couple truly get to know each other. Emma and Charlie felt like real people. I also appreciated that we actually got details about their writing together instead of the author glossing over it (like I’ve seen in other similar books). Emma and Charlie build common ground before the relationship takes off and have some REAL conversations.

The Rom-Commers is sweet and heartfelt. It goes into the emotional depths with characters, like career roadblocks, caretaking of a loved one, grief over a tragic loss, divorce, etc. It’s also incredibly light and joyful. When Emma and Charlie are living in the same house while they work on a script, they get into funny situations. The “research” Emma and Charlie do to make the script they’re writing feel authentically romantic is EVERYTHING! I definitely got the swoony feelings.

Please give it a read if you'e a fan of rom-coms and/or Mariana Zapata. (I recently read All Rhodes Lead Here and feel like these two books are somewhat similar in tone and tropes.) As long as you're not looking for sexy romance, this is a top tier romance I'd recommend to anyone and everyone!

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When I’m in the mood for a rom-com, there are few authors that can do the trick like Katherine Center. It’s so clear she loves the genre and finds so much value in it, she continually shows her readers the appreciation she has for their love of a fun romance that isn’t without depth. She understands the assignment.

The Rom-Commers gives us Emma and Charlie, two screenwriters with very different career paths, trying to fix Charlie’s very terrible movie, about a love he doesn’t believe in.

It took me til about 80% to bump this up from a 3. That’s when the book really started to shine for me. Center brought in some of those deeper themes that I love to find in her books and really wrapped up things in a lovely way. Emma’s dad also wins for one of the best fictional dads ever. He is an absolute gem.

The summer release for this one is excellent, it will make for the perfect beach and pool read for an enjoyable romance with some heart.

I will say I was disappointed to see some stronger language and more sexual content/innuendo (but still closed door) in this one than I remember in her previous work.

Thank you to St Martins Press and NetGalley for an electronic version of The Rom-Commers.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I'll start by saying that Katherine Center's last two books are two of my favorites. This one, however, was just OK. It was entertaining, but lacked the magic of her last two works and seemed like it was done in a rush. Regardless, Center is an outstanding author and I look forward to reading her next work.

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What a cute book! 😍 💕

I really enjoyed Katherine Center's newest, The Rom-Commers. I was nervous to read it because I absolutely LOVED The Bodyguard by her and had high expectations. I was not let down! This one is sweet, silly, fun and also emotional. {Trigger warning for anyone who lost a parent or who has a sick parent.} I smiled a lot while reading and I definitely needed that.

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Katherine Center has delivered another perfect book and I dropped everything to read it! The Rom-Commers is a romantic comedy that follows Emma Wheeler, a dedicated but struggling screenwriter, as she navigates the opportunity of a lifetime working with her idol, the renowned screenwriter Charlie Yates. Filled with humor, heartwarming moments, and unexpected twists, the book explores the magic of love stories, romantic comedies, Hollywood, and the unpredictable nature of real-life romance. This is a must-read addition to the rom com book genre.

This book caught my attention from the very first page, and I couldn’t put it down. The story took me on an emotional rollercoaster, from moments of pure joy to genuine tears, a testament to how deeply invested I became in the lives of Emma and Charlie. The Rom Commers is a love letter to rom coms and as a rom com lover I am here for it! If you're a fan of genuine, heartwarming romantic comedies, this is a must-add to your 2024 reading list. Huge thanks to Katherine Center for this delightful journey, and I can't wait to see if they turn this into a rom-com movie one day!

Thank you NetGalley, Katherine Center, and St. Martin’s Press for this eARC in exchange for an honest review. The Rom Commers releases June 11th 2024.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Another Katherine Center book that really knows how to hit you with all the feels! I read The Rom-Commers in a day - it was just totally un-put-downable!

The concept of two authors teaming up (one a bubbly romance author and the other a jades curmudgeon) was such a perfect meta plot for a romance book. And the evolution of their relationship and chemistry is exactly the kind of slow burn that keeps you turning pages to get to the 🔥

Will be recommending this one to EVERYONE.

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OK, where has Katherine Center been all my life? I originally requested this book because it was read now, and all my book club buddies rave about Katherine Center. I've not read anything by her before, but you can bet I'll be catching up with all her books.
I laughed until I cried. I love humor in a book, This book is full of 'bazinga's'. and the story is just fun. I'm not really, or I wasn't a fan of rom-coms, but I am now! Read this book in a day!
Grumpy met Sunshine are the perfect couple
I loved this book. I can't stress enough how much fun it was reading this book. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me this opportunity. As publication date draws closer, I will port review on goodreads, instagram and facebook.

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