Member Reviews

Read if you like: romantic comedies, enemies to lovers, forced proximity
Emma gets the opportunity of a lifetime to screen-write with famous screen writer Charlie Yates. But when she gets to Hollywood, not everything was as promised. The more time Emma and Charlie spend together, the more they struggle to deny their chemistry.
Overall, there were things I liked and things I didn't. This isn't one of my favourite Center novels, but I did enjoy it. I liked Emma but I struggled with Charlie and the chemistry between Emma and Charlie wasn't as believable.

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This was my first read of Katherine Center, who delivers a charming rom-com with the aptly titled "The Rom=Commers".

Our endearing protagonist is Emma Wheeler, an aspiring screenwriter in the middle of juggling the demanding roles of caregiver to her father and protective older sister. When her ex-boyfriend turned BFF Logan presents her with the opportunity to collaborate with her screenwriting idol, Charlie Yates, Emma's world is turned upside down. Despite Charlie's initial resistance and grumpy demeanor, Emma's persistence and sharp insights into his script gradually win him over. What follows is a journey of unexpected friendship, creative collaboration and perhaps even a chance at love.

Center's writing sharp as she effortlessly balances wit and emotion. Emma and Charlie are not only relatable but their banter sparkles with humor and authenticity. What felt less authentic was the chemistry between the two: while their relationship was endearing, it lacked the "spark" found in timeless romance novels.

Nevertheless, "Rom-Commers" is a rom-com lover's dream. Center weaves a unique plot with her signature blend of humor and heart, making it impossible not to root for Emma and Charlie as they navigate their personal and professional challenges. The supporting characters, especially Emma's family—her devoted father and spirited sister Sylvie—add depth and warmth to the narrative, grounding the story in genuine familial dynamics.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was born to love Katherine Center books. I’m pretty sure it’s coded into my DNA. Imagine my surprise when I enjoyed, but did not love, this whole book. That’s the first time that’s happened with one of her books. Still, did I go preorder her book even though I had the digital ARC? Yea, absolutely. I will reread it again later and I will hope it hits differently next time now that I know the ending, but it was a somewhat painful journey to get to that well deserved ending and not quite enough reward from page to page to keep the disaster thoughts at bay.

So what I didn’t love was the chemistry between the main characters during the meat of the story. You know it’s there, it’s cannon. It’s written all over the pages that there’s chemistry and both characters were “”done for” long before ever knowing each other. Friends predicting it would happen, preexisting crushes, etc. but I didn’t feel it like I usually do when I read her books. I took it at face value and that’s not usually something I have to do when I pickup a Katherine Center book. Usually I feel it to my toes.

That’s my only complaint. I loved the story. Well except some of the tragic back story hit really awful! I get it, she needed a big tragedy to get where she was. But it did seem to make her so completely inflexible with her sister which was sad. I love the twists, and loved the resolution even more. The epilogue was its own redemption to the entire story (not that it needed redemption but it was easily my favorite chapter in the whole book). I love that it showed the growth over time, so much love, and even a little of the pain we go through as people making it through life. But in her version of experiencing the bittersweet challenges life throws at us, her characters had so much love that it gives the reader hope that they too can be okay, and it’s still such an happy ending. I loved that. Overall it was a 4/5 and had I felt the chemistry oozing off the pages it would have been an easy 5/5. That’s just because I’m a romance reader and you read what you need. To me it just felt like a story this time.

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Just finished the Romcommers and it was so cuteeee. Now it wasn’t my favorite Katherine Center novel but it was so enjoyable. I just adore how Center takes her time building the chemistry and friendships between the MCs before she focuses on romance. My only issue with this novel is that I wish the characters had more romantic scenes that really showed their love for one another. I felt like there was some romance missing in this one.

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The Rom-Commers is an enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity romance about Emma, who dreams of writing for the big screen, but has put her dreams on hold to be her father’s caregiver. When she is given the opportunity to work with her favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates, Emma finally takes a shot at her dream. But when she arrives at Yates’ doorstep to start working, she discovers her best friend lied, and he has not agreed to work with her.

While I enjoyed reading The Rom-Commers, I thought it lacked the magic of Center’s best books. The plot held my interest despite the fact the book mostly takes place at Charlie Yate’s dining table. I thought the caregiver storyline was well done and easy to relate to as someone currently in that role. However, The Rom-Commers lacks the character growth for the female protagonist typical in Center’s novels. In fact, I wish both protagonists would have been further developed, especially beyond their careers and work.

In addition, I never felt a spark or obvious chemistry between the characters. Perhaps what was missing was simply tension outside the “workplace.” Or maybe it was Charlie’s digs that initially felt quite cruel and malicious towards Emma. While I did not think he crossed my line, it may cross yours.

Overall, The Rom-Commers is an enjoyable romance novel if you enjoy a true enemies-to-lovers where there is clear animosity. I recommend it so long as you are not put off by spiteful comments from the male protagonist.

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What an absolutely beautiful novel! It’s a novel filled with all sorts of adversity mixed with a whole lot of realism with a splash of a classic romcom. It’s a book of perseverance, joy, and perspective- and isn’t that what life should be all about? This book spoke to me and I’m certain of a book hangover. This one is beautiful inside and out (I mean, have you seen that gorgeous cover?) Thanks to NetGalley for this beauty.

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Well, Katherine Center did it again! Every book is better than the last. The chemistry of her charcters is wonderful. There is always a surprising aspect that happens, which I do usually expect now, but I never know exactly what it will be. This story had so many emotions and feelings throughout the whole book. I found myself cheering on the main character and just wanting everything to work out for her. Center's love stories are real and wholesome.

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I came across The Rom- Commers on Netgalley when it was a read now and immediately downloaded. I have had a hit or miss relationship with Katherine Center’s books. I’ve really enjoyed a few, and DNF others, so I was curious to see where I would land with this one.

The first time I started it, I found it didn’t match my reading mood. So I decided to wait and set it aside. I recently picked it up again and found it was a perfect fit for summer reading vibes. There was comedy, there was angst, and there was a whole lot of entertainment in this tale.

What I most loved was the development of Emma and Charlie’s relationship and all the complications that occurred during it. It kept me flying through the pages and looking forward to seeing how each character would move forward.

This was a rollicking good read and makes me excited to see what Katherine Center will come up with next. If you are looking for a romantic comedy with light spice but great relationship development this is the book for you.

Thank you Netgalley and SMP for my DRC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I love Katherine Center’s ability to write unique, quirky romcoms. I can always recognize her voice in her writing, yet each book feels new and different. I really enjoyed this one. I thought the plot was intriguing, and I enjoyed the romance between the main characters. KC can do no wrong in my eyes!

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The Rom-Commers was a hilarious and quirky romantic comedy novel about two writers who couldn’t be more different. Emma has big writer dreams and Charlie has been her dream writer crush for a long time. Never did Emma imagine that she would be asked to co-write a script with her crush, but when she finds herself in LA, at his house, sharing a space with him, she quickly falls for him and what could be.

I didn’t find Charlie to be very likable. He was kind of a jerk the whole time, but I understand why given his history.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reading copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I rounded up to 4 from a 3.75.

For the last 10 years Emma has put aside her dreams to be a screenwriter so she can take care of her father who was injured in a rock slide that killer her mom. When her high school boyfriend calls her with the offer of a job working with her favorite screenwriter she reluctantly goes to LA. Charlie Yates is known for his blockbuster hits and is trying to write a rom-com which is Emma's specialty. Charlies comes across as gruff, not liking people and really not wanting to work with anyone but I liked Charlie. I didn't care for Emma. There were times when I thought she could have been nicer and grateful for the opportunity to be in LA. She is so used to being in charge of her Dad's care and raising her sister that she just barrels into situations and can't read a room. Then when she realizes she made a jerk out of herself she goes off and does something dumb. Oh and her hair, it's almost a character in itself and is brought up a lot.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with a digital copy.

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This was such a fun, heartwarming, emotional read. I loved the way the story about the story was told, if that makes any sense at all. This book is a love letter to romcoms and romance and love, so many joys and feelings that I don’t have the words for just displayed on the page - not easy but simple.

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This was a fun, if a bit unrealistic, story. I like Emma and her gumption, and knowing what she wanted. The one disconnect for me was the way they talked about the legend Charlie Yates, he should have been about 87 with an amazing career, not in his early 30's. However, it was a fun sweet story for the summer.

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I did not like this one as much as <i>The Bodyguard</i> but it still has the same fun banter that I love to read. The dialogue saved me from giving this book a lower score. The characters were a bit odd. I found it strange that a unknown, homebody of a writer fell so easily into a comfortable step with a celebrity. And not just any celebrity - her number once favorite celebrity. She's so obessed with him that her family knows how often she quotes from him. And there is no issues for them going out into public. I honestly don't know why I remain stuck on that, but I can't seem to get past that. And yet, she allows him to demean her so many times.
I know I'm not doing this book any favors with my review. It was a lot of fun. It just wasn't my favorite Katherine Center.

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3.5⭐️ - I really enjoyed the flow of the story and the banter but wanted more from the MCs relationship.

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Katherine Center has knocked it out of the park once again with the delightful book The Rom-Commers! I am a long time fan of the author and always hope that her next book will be another must read and she has never disappointed!
The Rom-Commers is centered on Emma who is a talented, award winning screen writer who has put her own professional goals and ambitions on hold to care for her disabled father after a terrible accident happens when she is younger. Out of the blue, an old high school boyfriend who works in the star studded world in Hollywood calls her up and says he has her a new job... one she can't possibly pass up! He wants her to come to LA and work with her screenwriting hero, Charlie, to fix a script. Emma ends up going to LA only to find out that Charlie doesn't even know she is coming! Thus their story begins and after some ups, downs, slips and falls, they start to really weave not only a great script together but also a new friendship that feels like it could be more. I loved all of the characters in this book and just wish I had made myself read it slower to make the magic of The Rom-Commers last longer!

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Another fun read by Katherine Center - love the focus on romantic comedy and the behind-the-scenes Hollywood setting. Great characters, really enjoyed this one!

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This was definitely my least favorite book from this author.
The book was cute and had its funny moments, and was definitely a quick read. I did really like the characters backgrounds stories with Emma and taking care of her family, and Charlie’s battle with cancer and his divorce.
However overall the more I thought about it the more I started to not like it as much.
I know that for a lot of romances you have to suspend your disbelief a bit but this was a little too much. A lot of things that happened I felt like were more for convenience sake. For example in order to create a forced proximity situation with the MMC, Emma books a flight to a brand new city for a work event but doesn’t even learn where shes going to stay before she gets there. Things like this kept happening in the book, and the more I noticed it the more I couldn’t stop noticing it.
I also am not a fan of the grumpy x sunshine trope. Charlie didn’t even seem grumpy. He seemed mean and unwilling to learn. I just never felt their connection. I felt her obsession and infatuation (which is not the same as love) with him but it never really felt reciprocated. And I know he was supposed to be learning how to love but I just never felt their chemistry.

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I have loved the Katherine Center books I've read in recent past (The Bodyguard? So good! Hello Stranger? Also good!) so of course I was ALL in for this one.

Now, don't get me wrong, I did like it...but I didn't love it like I did the last two. Lets hit some highlights and some lowlights:

-I'm a sucker for a grumpy/sunshine trope and an enemies-to-lovers trope. An ABSOLUTE sucker, so I was here for that.
-Emma's dad. What a delightful PEACH of a man.
-Emma's light (and sometimes less than light) fangirling over Hollywood types. It felt natural given how sheltered she's forced herself to be over the years.
-The forced proximity
-The strawberry sweatshirt (though, I do question how it would still fit all these years later if her mom gave it to her)

What I struggled with:
-Charlie freakin' Yates. What a freaking grump of a grump on a grump. Emma is supposed to be entirely captivated by this guy but he spends 90% of the book negging her. What?! Until maybe the last 75 or so pages, and the occasional (and I do mean very occasional) glimpse of his humanity we got in their small moments...I just didn't see what she could possibly see in him. Sure, he's a brilliant screenwriter, but her infatuation seemed to be more than just a talent crush. If I wanted to be constantly harped on and negged, I'd spend time with my grandmother.
-How many times Charlie's full, government name was used. We get it. His name is Charlie Yates.
-Emma's martyr complex. I get she felt like, as the eldest child, had to give up her life to take care of her family after her mother died. I also understand that she feels an almost insane amount of guilt over her mother's death (but she was young and we take things very personally at that age and shoulder a lot of the burden/guilt when it really wasn't our fault). But the way she talked to her sister? Holy shit, if I was Sylvie I would have gone scorched earth. I'm glad she snapped back at her. What she said was harsh, but Emma needed to hear it.
-She's got floofy, curly red hair...and that makes her not-like-other-girls...I guess?

ALL THAT BEING SAID. This is still a solid, really solid book. Had I not read The Bodyguard first (and then followed it with Hello Stranger), my rating might be higher. But I had very high expectations going into this and it just didn't hit the mark for me, unfortunately. So, solid 3.

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Emma and Charlie were such a fun duo to see develop throughout the story! I really couldn’t tell which way their relationship would turn, and the back and forth struggle leading up to the end of the story was really heart wrenching. I also really liked how their pasts were so deeply interwoven into the present time, and the author gave us all the information needed to truly understand each of their personalities as a whole. It was a really satisfying description of Emma especially, which I appreciated. I loved this book!

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