Member Reviews


As a huge fan of rom-coms (both books and movies), this book was right up my alley! I love reading romance about celebrities, but the MMC Charlie being the FMC Emma's famous screenwriter hero was a premise I hadn't read before! I loved the initial storyline with Charlie and Emma having to work together on a script but coming in from totally opposite directions. The plot at the last 20% of the book landed a little over the top for me, but I did really like how the ending ultimately settled out. Emma was one of my favorite female characters I have read in romance - she was compassionate, understanding, and just really sweet (she actually overshadowed Charlie in my opinion)! Katherine Center doesn't disappoint and I will definitely add this book to my home library of her novels.

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emotional hopeful inspiring medium-paced
Plot- or character-driven? A mix
Strong character development? Yes
Loveable characters? It's complicated
Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes

There were a lot of gems in this book. Particularly, the way that Katherine writes the story and makes the reader feel like “we’re in the know” with how Emma shares things with us. There were also a lot of genuinely endearing moments throughout.

That said, I really did not like the way Charlie dealt with his feelings for Emma. And his feelings about cancer but that’s another thing. I think Emma deserved more honesty up front and instead of rejecting her without explanation many times that he needed to tell her why he didn’t think it was a good idea to start something even though he obviously loved her.

I also thought Logan was a bad friend and even worse manager and the wild way the arrangement came to be was a bit distracting.

The underlying themes of the book were really sweet, and I loved the ode to rom coms throughout.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for my review!

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I laughed out loud, I cried, I felt all the feels. Katherine Center just gets better and better.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A predictable ending made throughly enjoyable with a heartwarming main character. I can always count on Katherine center to give me a feel good book.

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I'm in love. This was such a wonderful story and of course, the perfect rom-com. I will never miss a Katherine Center story. I always fall in love with the characters, and can't stop reading until I finish the book. This story had all the elements that will make it one of the best books of the year!

Emma has a chance to co-write a screen play with her favorite writer, Charlie Yates. However she is leaving her dad who needs full time care with her sister. This is the first time she has done something for herself in ten years. When she gets to California, things do not go as expected. She does not know if she can stick it out especially when her all time favorite writer thinks that she is a nobody and does not want to work with her. He really has no interest in writing a rom-com script. Emma decides to take her big chance and try to win him over to romance.

This is a can't miss novel! I easily read this in a day. I felt so many emotions while reading. I laughed, I cried, and did not want to stop reading. I loved the romance and the message. After finishing the book I definitely felt lighter. I highly recommend this amazing novel!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC.

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This was such a heartfelt love story! Love stories don’t have to be happy 100% of the time, and this story definitely had that little bit of sadness throughout. It was such a quick read and had me hooked from the very beginning. I loved the characters of Emma and Charlie. Emma was the best kind of quirky and Charlie was a lovable grump. This book comes out June 11th, and I highly recommend it!

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*4.5 stars* I am on a Katherine center roller coaster. I thought the first couple books I read were alright, but then LOVED the bodyguard. I jumped into Hello Stranger and it was absolutely not for me. So I came into this one with trepidation, and absolutely finished it in under 24 hours. Did I say 24? I meant 12.
Is the male mc perfect? No. Is the female mc perfect? No. And that's okay. Was it the best story ever? No. But I couldn't put it down. They had chemistry, and I ate it up with a spoon.

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Ok so I always say this but this is definitely my FAVORITE Katherine Center book! Emma and Charlie rock! I smiled throughout the book and I giggled out load, my five year officially thinks I’m weird but hey at least I’m happy hehe. Trust me and please read this. Just read it. Also I’d recommend to read The Bodyguard before reading this book but it’s not necessary to pick this beauty up!

Y’all…please go to to get a signed copy of this amazing book! PLUS IS HAS SPRAYED EDGES! And it’ll come with beautiful post card with a book quote (probably until supplies last).
You don’t want to miss you! I’m KC fangirl! Give me alll of her books asap!

Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for the amazing arc!

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The Rom-Commers lived up to his name! This novel had me smiling and swooning throughout! I read the entire book in just two sittings. Katherine Center knows how to write non-eye-roll-worthy rom-coms. She writes romance plus. I appreciate that her books always have a deeper side to the plot. Her books walk the line of plot-driven vs. character-driven perfectly. She writes characters the reader can root for and wraps them in delicious plot that is nearly impossible to put down.

The Rom-Commers is the story of Emma and Charlie. Emma lives in a small apartment with her disabled dad who she provides around-the-clock care for every day of the week. Her dad suffered an accident that left him unable to take care of himself physically, but he still has his wit and sense of humor. Emma has been his care-giver for ten years. During the past decade her life has mostly been on pause. She couldn't travel so she had to attend college online, and she hasn't had the opportunity to do much outside of the house. Emma also looks out for her little sister, Sylvie, who just graduated college and is set to arrive back at their cozy Texas apartment the day the story opens. For work, Emma writes screen plays that mostly go unnoticed by the literary world except for her former high school boyfriend, Logan. Logan is a literary agent in Hollywood and calls to offer Emma the job of her life, working with her favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates. Her sister and dad tell her not to worry! They have everything under control as Emma anxiously leaves her family and sets off for Hollywood to meet her idol and re-write a book with him, his first romantic comedy. Upon arriving at Charlie's house, she quickly learns he is not expecting her and has no intention of writing with her. Furthermore, he couldn't care less about the rom-com he is writing, because he is only doing it so that he can get the green light on his 70's mafia screenplay. Oh, and Emma will be living in his McMansion while the re-write happens. As the story unfolds, love will be in the air and lots of hilarity will ensue. In the midst of the plot, it is revealed that Charlie is a cancer survivor and his ex-wife left him the day he was diagnosed. Lots of unresolved feelings and opportunities for misunderstandings are going to take place. This is not exactly an enemies-to-lovers trope, but there are certainly moments this feeling arise as Charlie has a rather hard-shell exterior.

I did not love this book as much as her others, especially How to Walk Away, but I think I will always be a Katherine Center fan. She is one of the few romance writers that doesn't make me cringe and roll my eyes every other page. The spice is pretty tame as well. I should include there are possible triggers for those grieving the loss of a parent.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this incredible ARC.

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Blown away yet again by the absolute GOAT. This book is relatable and tender. The characters are so dimensional and watching the story come together was organic and magical all at the same time. A story about love. A fun Hollywood moment. A throwback mention to bodyguard. Family and trauma. Independence and personal growth. Laughs.


If I’m being picky, I don’t love the cover. But that is so secondary because this book is incredible.

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first off- This book gave me WHIPLASH!!!! And who knew that it could be enjoyable! This story gives you a dark reclusive successful writer, and an exuberant quirky female who has the talent to become a successful writer herself but because of circumstances in her life she hasn’t had the opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed each of the characters in the story

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Katherine Center does it again! This book takes tough situations of life and great chemistry of the main characters and merges them into a perfect rom-com!
Emma has spent ten years of her life taking care of her sick father. She had the opportunity to work for her favorite screenwriter with his newest venture - but there’s a catch. She has to go to LA for six weeks in order to get the job. With much sacrifice, she decides to do it. When she arrives, Charlie (the screenwriter) knows noting of this deal worked between his agent and this girl!
Their banter and chemistry is just perfect through the book! Absolutely loved this book!

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Thank you NetGalley, Katherine Center and publisher for allowing me to read an ARC for this wonderful book. I DEVOURED IT. I tried to slow myself down so that I would have it longer, but how could I do that with a Katherine Center book? As a writer (don't worry world, you don't have to worry about reading anything of mine, I'm completely unpublished aside from my book reviews!), a Rom-Com lover and a daughter of a man who had an accident leading to a traumatic brain injury (TBI), this book really struck a chord with me. I still had my mom who was the main caregiver for him, and while she was at work and we were at school, we had nurses who would come in to stay with him and help him as needed so unlike Emma, I did have help. Saying this, I want to state that the most important part of this book is how Katherine is able to describe that fear of leaving a parent with a TBI to an absolute T. It has been a long time since I've been able to connect with a character quite like I did with Emma. I love how balanced Katherine wrote it as not to downplay the TBI/Meinere's, trauma or cancer talked about by the more lighthearted scenes between Charlie and Emma.
I also absolutely adored the connections to The Bodyguard that were thrown in. It made it feel like we got to visit favorite characters again!
I cannot wait to be able to give copies of this out to my friends!
Happy reading y'all!

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My oh my I loved Emma and Charlie so much!

Synopsis: Emma Wheeler, a life-long romance reader, self proclaimed rom-com expert, and aspiring screenwriter gets the chance of a lifetime to work with her hero of all heroes on his rom-com screenplay. A chance that is way too good to pass up, until she reads his draft and realizes it is a straight up dud. She has her work cut out for her.
Katherine knows how to write a girl in her lowest, but really trying to scrape by to a better place. Hilarity ensues, some heartbreak, and of course a lot of love and healing. I loved their story so much.

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The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center was yet another of her titles that I just could not put down. The push and pull of the characters was exciting and kept me engaged. I definitely recommend you pick this one up - and not put it down until you have finished (if you don’t prolong to savor the end like I had to).

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I loveeeeeeddd looveddddd loved this upcoming novel by @katherinecenter. If you’ve been around here, you know she’s one of my auto-buy authors and this time around is no different.

• I’m going to take a chance and say this is top 2 of her books for me (no one can take Happiness For Beginners from first… but also maybe it was a season when I needed to be reminded to LOOK for the good and to stop waiting on the other shoe to drop. As someone shared lately, “there is no other shoe”)

• I loved the “normal” characters that interact with famous ones. I love that Jack Stapleton makes a couple cameos. I love the risks the characters are willing to make in order to overcome their fears, rejections, and slights in order to become better, wiser, stronger, beautiful people.

• “The whole trick of life; be aggressively, loudly, unapologetically grateful.”

• “Tragedy is a given. There is no version of human life that doesn’t involve realms of it. The question is what we do in the face of it all.”

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Emma Wheeler has sacrificed everything for the past ten years to care for her father. When she is presented with the opportunity of a lifetime - to re-write the script of her long-time screenwriter crush, Charlie Yates, she has to take a leap of faith if she wants to make her career dreams come true. Emma moves to L.A. for six weeks to work with one of her idols, but, as it turns out, he has no desire to work with her and he doesn’t believe in love. How can two people who are such opposites work together to write a believable script?

Overall, I really loved this story. Emma and Charlie are complete opposites (hello, grumpy/sunshine), but the dynamic works so well! Both Emma and Charlie had realistic backgrounds (including past trauma) that made them feel like real people and not just characters on a page. The incredibly swoony “research” scenes gave me all the feels. I highly recommend this one!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh Katherine Center, I simply adore you and your love stories. For the last 10 years, Emma has been taking care of her dad, and has had to watch her life pass her by to be by her dad’s side. Finally, leaving the caretaking duties to her younger sister, Emma moves to LA for 6 weeks to work with her idol, screenwriter Charlie Yates.

This story had everything I was looking for: comedic scenes (especially the can opener IYKYK) character growth, growing relationships, and of course some romance. I love how I always become sucked into the world and characters in KC books, and this was no different. I can’t recommend this enough!

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This book is about a “failed writer” who comes into the opportunity to rewrite a movie script with a writer whom she has idolized for years. Emma has put her writing dreams on the back burner to be a caregiver for her father, while Charlie has experienced immense success in writing movie scripts. While they both have tragic backstories and a love for writing, their similarities end there. The premise of these two writing a rom-com together and falling in love sounded so fun!

However, I sort of had a love/hate relationship with this one.

What I loved:

I loved Emma’s passion for rom-coms and the art of writing them. I loved how close Emma’s family is, even with their struggles and the tragedies they face. The ending! I really loved the final chapters, but I can’t tell you why without spoilers. ;) The premise, the setting, and the banter were fun in this story.

What I didn’t love:

I wish that this book had been a dual POV, because I feel like Charlie would have been easier to connect with that way. I was really disappointed that this book had so much language and crass humor in it. Katherine Center books are generally “cleaner” than this, in my opinion. All of the inappropriate content just really took away from the book for me. Additionally, there were parts of this story that just really seemed to drag on with some of the scenes feeling a bit unnecessary.

I wouldn’t broadly recommend this one, but I might recommend it to you depending on your reading tastes.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for my free e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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All the stars, all the hearts…
I mean, do we really even *need* a written review of this book? Katherine Center wrote it-you already know it’s going to be good,

Read it if you enjoy….
-happy endings
-forced proximity
-close knit family
-90s romcoms (this -like all her books- gives me the same goofy smile I get when I watch my Meg Ryan faves)

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