Member Reviews

I adore Katherine Center. I have yet to read a book of hers that I haven't liked. The same is true for The Rom-Commers. The story centers on a screenplay writer whose career has taken a backseat as she became primary caretaker for her father. She is given the opportunity to meet one of her favorite screenwriters, who has tried to change genres and written a horrible draft of a rom-com, which she is on a mission to fix.

It was a delightful, easy read, with some thought-provoking passages:

"I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we're longing for - adventure, excitement, emotion, connection - we turn to stories that help us find it. Whatever questions we're struggling with - sometimes ones so deep, we don't even really know we're asking them - we look for answers in stories."

I highlighted even more, but this final one was the kicker for me:

"Tragedy really is a given. There are endless human stories, but they all end the same way. So it can't be where you're going that matters. It has to be how you get there."

I loved the multiple reflections in this narrative about life purpose. The ardent defense of romance as a genre, and of love and hope. The emphasis on kindness and gratitude. The inner turmoil and tension when one feels like they can't pursue their dreams because of the immediate needs of a loved one.

This was 5 stars for me - I highly recommend! (TW: death of a parent, illness of parent)

Many thanks to St. Martin's Publishing Group and NetGalley for this e-arc!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Arc. I’ve read a lot of Katherine Center and while this wasn’t my favorite by her, I found it perfectly enjoyable. I didn’t really connect with any of the characters, and I found it very formulaic, but it was still a nice, fun, fast read. You knew exactly what you were getting from it and I really enjoyed the cameos from the characters in The Bodyguard. 3.5 stars rounded down because I just can’t seem to give it four.

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Things I liked about this book: I really loved Emma's sense of humor and her witty comebacks, I loved that it read like a love story to rom-coms, I loved the tension between Emma and Charlie. I devoured the first two thirds of the book so fast. I really wish we had gotten Charlie's POV though because he game off very hot and cold which made him less likeable to me. I do think it was explained in the end but by that point it was a too little too late for me. I also wasn't a fan of how Emma reacted to the third act conflict and my opinion of her changed a little after that. Loved seeing Jack again though, that was a fun addition.

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Katherine Center's books are usually an automatic read for me, but this one seemed to have missed the mark. Emma was funny and quirky, but Charlie was so hot and cold that I felt like I had whiplash. I found myself skimming a lot of pages because the scenes just felt long and unnecessary. I really wish the book would've been a dual POV, because hearing things from Charlie's side may have made him seem less of a dick.

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Katherine Center does it again! "It" being making me feel allllll the feels. I couldn't put this book down. It was a sweet, clean, closed door romance that incorporated real life scenarios with the characters. Emma and Charlie are loveable and such a fun couple! I would love to see their story on the big screen. I have already pre-ordered my own copy of this!

Thanks so Net Galley and SMP for this ARC!

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This was absolutely wonderful. Katherine’s writing is (and always has been) just so heartwarming. I love the stories she creates. This one is a top favorite now. The humor and banter between the two main characters was phenomenal. As always, the characters are so relatable. They make you both laugh and cry. They feel real with how well she writes to create them.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of The Rom-Commers. This book was perfect.

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Katherine Center has done it again! The Rom-Commers is a delightful romantic comedy.... about romantic comedies! Emma Wheeler is a writer who put her own professional dreams and aspirations on hold to care for her father until one day she is pushed into an opportunity to work with the very famous and successful screenwriter of her dreams, Charlie. Despite being one of the most successful screenwriters of his time, he has written an absolutely horrific re-write of a beloved romantic comedy and Emma has been tapped to help save there day. There are a few problems though (as every romantic comedy should have). Charlie does not know he is going to work with Emma, he has a knack for saying hurtful things that she overhears, and worst of all, he doesn't believe love or romantic comedies. Emma sets out to show him the beauty of a romantic comedy, and help her learn the essential rules of a true rom-com, of which their own relationship starts to follow.

This book made my cheeks hurt from smiling at times, and even got me to laugh out loud a few times. Again, this is what a good rom-com should do, right? The defense of the rom-com was a fun angle to read, and the story hit all the rights spots with following the rules.

Thank you to NetGalley, Katherine, Center and St, Martin's Press for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I highly recommend this book to unashamed lovers of romantic comedies and to people who pretend to be above reading romantic comedies alike because it is an enjoyable book. I also want to thank Katherine Center for writing books that make me smile and laugh, and spread some cheer in a world that can use it!

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This was just really slow and predictable. It's the first time I have NOT liked a Katherine Center book and I;m really disappointed. It felt like a giant RomCom cliche.

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this was a solid read in that trademark katherine center style. light on the romance but heavy on the characters. the ending felt rushed but i was hooked by the 3rd chapter. i'm not a big fan of down-on-their-luck FMCs but i really enjoyed Emma as a character and as a writer.

4 stars.

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This book. This book! I laughed, I cried, I loved every single character…except for TJ but also even TJ…. This is a story about the stories we tell ourselves about our own lives. It’s about grief and joy and our inability to avoid them both despite our best efforts. It’s a delicious love story and wonderful family story and a smile-inducing friendship story. It’s about two Hollywood screen-writers so it shouldn’t have been surprising how cinematic many of the scenes were. As with every Katherine Center book I’ve read and loved (and I’ve loved each one I’ve read) she shares her characters weaknesses with us in ways that help us see our own. She forms them for us in wholeness and with dignity. Thank you Ms. Center for another uplifting, entertaining, swoon-worthy read.

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Katherine Center has done it again! There aren't enough stars to express my appreciation for this book that I stayed up late to finish. I think this may be my favorite book of hers yet.

The plot follows the story of Emma, an aspiring screenwriter who gets the once in a lifetime chance to work on a rewrite of an absolutely terrible script with her favorite beloved screenwriter, Charlie. There are some complications along the way though. Emma is the sole caretaker of her father and will need to temporarily relocate for the project and Charlie doesn't believe in love, which makes it hard to write a rom-com.

What follows is a story that took me on a whole emotional ride. There were moments I laughed so loudly; I was worried I would wake up my sleeping child. There were moments my eyes stung with tears. There was joy; there was tension. It was a book I couldn't put down and am sad that I won't be able to read for the first time again. I would love to see this one turned into a movie. I can picture it on the screen!

Thank you to Katherine Center, her publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Ohhhh Katherine! I just adore your books and can not get over how relatable they are to my life at times. Sarcoma. The whipped cream challenge. The line dancing italian. The googling, hilarious. I just adore your wittiness and the ability you have to make me laugh out loud during your books. The love and passion Emma has for Rom-coms is adorable, obsessive and hilarious. The love she has for her family is real. Charlie is an incredibly, real character. I love his story and how he evolves throughout the book. The family drama aspect is realistic and relatable to so many people in this world. The inner struggles of love and loss are both things that we can all sympathize with. As usual, this book is another win in my eyes. K.C. has a natural ability to suck you into her books . The Rom-Com was perfect. Perfect in my eyes and Emma’s. 4.5 ⭐️

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Katherine Center has quickly become a must read author for me. Her books pull me in and stay with me for a long time. This one is no exception.

Emma and Charlie have immediate chemistry - in how much they don't like each other. Charlie is a famous screenwriter who has written his first rom-com. The only problem is it's horrible. Emma's agent brings her in as a ghost writer to help Charlie re-write it and fix it. When Emma arrives at Charlie's house it is quickly apparent that Charlie had no idea about this agreement and wants nothing to do with her. Finally Charlie agrees to let her stay and help him. The story that proceeds from there was unforgettable. It takes a special kind of story to make you feel everything that the characters are going through, to cry for their experiences, and to feel the need of having to know the ending that you don't put down the book no matter what time it is.

This book will make you feel all the emotions, but know that it's a happy ever after. Highly recommended!

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Katherine Center is in my top 3 favorite authors, so to say I was thrilled beyond thrilled to see this in my inbox was amazing! Thank you so much to the publisher for selecting me!

She’s one of my faves for a reason - this book, like the rest, will DEVASTATE your emotions in every way possible, and once it’s over, you’ll want to go watch the movie (because I’m a visual person), only to be redevastated all over again because there’s not a movie. Yet. Maybe one day? Except for Happiness for Beginners, thank goodness.

All I know is that I’m 100000% in love with Charlie Yates, and as an indie writer I felt myself sync up with Emma on multiple levels. This book is laugh out loud hilarious and pulls on every heart string imaginable until you’re taking a belly swan flop straight into the deep end.

Oh, and did I mention Katharine Center is probably the only author on the planet who can write a full page about nostrils and keep me on the edge of my seat? Yep. She did that.

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Reading 'The Rom Commers' was a beautiful sucker punch because my eyes are stinging from going between smiling and tearing up. This book is funny, poignant, heartbreaking yet life affirming that had me glued. Just when I thought this book was 4 stars worthy because Emma made me cringe, she hit me so hard I saw a five (million) stars. Seriously, it was *that* beautiful I'm ashamed I didn't realise earlier.

For ten years budding screenwriter Emma Wheeler has put her dreams on hold to care for her father after a family tragedy. This changes when her ex-boyfriend and hot shot manager Logan offers her a six weeks job in Los Angeles working with her screenwriting hero Charlie Yates to improve his 'apocalyptically bad' rom com script.

I absolutely adored these characters and their banter. Being a bit more in the cynical side, I identified the most with Charlie. Charlie understands that its better to keep your hopes low so you never have to be disappointed, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Yet despite her personal circumstances, Emma is upbeat and a huge believer in love.

While Emma had me hooked from the first page, at times I found her over-the-top sunshiney which annoyed me at times and made me cringe, when she'd try to push Charlie's boundaries then get upset and take it as a personal attack when he tried to re-assert them (refer to chapter 22), or her near-martyrdom by refusing to find a way to balance her caring responsibilities. But then, towards the end Emma made this beautiful speech about how real enduring love is an action we choose for the people in our lives that I understood her better regarding the sacrifices she made for her family.

This book was such a beautiful blend of sunshine and rain in the best way. By the epilogue, I was a puddle.

To paraphrase Emma I convey my aggressive, loud, unapologetic gratitude to St Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC. I will be buying the audiobook and ebook when it releases on 11 June.

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As always, Katherine Center has created perfection. The story of Emma and Charlie is an endearing love story full of humor and wit.

The touching story of Emma and her family is one that many share but is not often told in stories. It was enlightening, encouraging, and heart breaking - a perfectly crafted story that I already want to read again.

10/10 recommend to everyone, rom-com fan or not!

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4.5 ⭐

"I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we're longing for--adventure, excitement, emotion, connection--we turn to stories that help us find it. Whatever questions we're struggling with--sometimes ones so deep, we don't even really know we're asking them--we look for answers in stories."

The ultimate rom com! It was witty, funny, cute, angsty, and swoon worthy. I don't know how to explain Katherine Center books other than a good time or that it's like a hug from a friend.

Charlie and Emma are perfection. I could read entire books on their banter. Charlie shows his feelings in such unsuspecting, subtle, and sweet ways. He's definitely a grumpy but soft of the inside love interest. I mean.... He has the cutest relationship with a guinea pig. Should I say more?

The book talks about really important topics like loss, guilt, sickness, etc. but in a way that makes you feel seen.

I will say at times while I loved the MC being vulnerable and putting herself out there, sometimes the love interest pushing her away did make me want more grovelling at the end. And sure, did he do X, Y, and Z (spoiler free here)? Sure. But I'm selfish and love groveling.

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Thank you NetGalley for my ARC! Another Katherine Center book for the win! I LOVED The Rom-Commers… almost as much as I loved The Bodyguard, which was one of my favorite reads of 2021. Center writes so much life into her characters and stories and my heart pulled at every moment in this one. I felt ALL the emotions during Charlie and Emma’s journey—there were lots of laughs and lots of tears. I selfishly would’ve loved to see more of their story flushed out in the epilogue but, all in all, The Rom-Commers was perfection!

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I think this book might be perfect. It’s fun and sexy but also goes so deep. I got teary! I underlined multiple passages! I giggled! It was a great ride. Highly recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC of The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center. As soon as this ARC hit my Kindle I knew the weekend was a wash. I love all things Katherine Center she is in fact my personal Charlie Yates! Her reference to Vonnegut in this novel only solidified my love even more!

We all have dreams and plans growing up of who we want to be and what we will achieve in life. We idolize and emulate people we want to be and know. Emma Wheeler was no exception until her life literally came crashing down around her. Giving up her dreams of being a writer and living a glamour filled Hollywood existence were put on hold nearly indefinitely. Emma was getting by as teacher, taking care of her father, raising her sister through college, and taking one off pity jobs from her highschool boyfriend.

Until the day she got a call that would change her life. She was given the chance to ghost write a Rom-Com with Charlie freaking Yates! Her writing God, the sexy not sexy, nerdy writer of her dreams. Leaving her sister in charge (against her judgement) and flying to CA to follow her dreams and hit it big was the break she needed (also against her judgement). Until she realized Charlie did not need or want her help revising his terribly written Rom-Com. The only thing he believed in less than her was love itself.

Does love really win? Meet cutes don’t actually exist right? Happily ever after is for hopeless dreamers….

Like all Katherine Center books: I laughed, I cried, I identified with the hopeless romantic, and as I finished the last page I prayed for her next novel to come out ASAP (and also for the arc).

Pub Date: June 11, 2024

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