Member Reviews

I was looking forward to Katherine Center's newest release, The Rom-Commers, which was a sweet, lighthearted read that also had its emotional and deeper moments. The opposites attract trope was so strong in this one, which I loved -- we have grumpy Charlie Yates who is trying to (and not doing so well at) writing a romcom since he doesn't really believe in love and sunshine Emma Wheeler, who is a lover of love and brought in as a ghostwriter to help with Charlie's romcom. The premise was so fun, but I did have a hard time buying into their relationship and getting invested, but one gesture after the next, around the 50% mark of the book, I started really enjoying it. 

The romance wasn't alway the centre of the story as there were other storylines as well, including Emma's family situation and her role as caretaker for her father and Charlie's health. I found myself less interested in some of the side stories than the love story which at times pulled me out of the book. I wanted to focus more on Emma and Charlie at times to get more invested in them, which eventually happened. I did really enjoy the ending of the book though and the commentary around life and how it isn't perfect or easy but to make the most of it with your people. I also really enjoyed the appearance of Jack Stapleton from The Bodyguard (which still remains as my fav by KC!)

Overall, I enjoyed this one and rated it 3.5 to 4 stars! If you are looking for a light yet emotional opposites attract, grumpy x sunshine romance about two screenwriters that also has side stories about family, health, and being happy in life, check out The Rom-Commers!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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There is a reason that Katherine Center is so loved for her stories and particularly, her romance books. Her books are the type that will have you swooning and feeling giddy as you are reading it. She has the ability to give you all the feels, and her books always leave you wanting more. Her newest book, The Rom-Commers, is no exception. Thank you to the publisher to giving me the chance to read an early digital copy of this book. It is so hard to do Katherine Center justice in a book review so I will say this, go read this book!

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I really enjoyed The Rom-Commers! I thought that it was such a refreshing fun romance book. This may be my favorite Katerine Center book!

Thanks to St Martins Press and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I loved this book so much that as soon as I was finished with it I wanted to read it again. Emma and Charlie are the most endearing characters and I loved their love story. This is fan Katherin Center book and I am a huge fan of all of her books!

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The Rom-Commers, an emotional tug-of-war, pairs perfectly with the classic 1934 romantic-comedy, “It Happened One Night.” The movie, known for humor, sexiness, and wisdom, is a mirror for Charlie’s screenplay. Emma deems the screenplay’s script terrible and explains, “The job of a rom-com is to give you a simulated feeling of falling in love, and that stories exist for the emotions they create.” Charlie’s script did neither, so Emma is hired to fix the screenplay.
Katherine Center believes we and her characters gain wisdom through struggles. Through thought provoking dialogue with Charlie, Emma reveals her true feelings realizing she is the supporting character in her own story. Themes of unfulfilled dreams, sacrifice and guilt immerge in the kitchen, poolside, and at the worktable as Emma and Charlie spend time together. The emotional tug-of-war is filled with rom-com snooty disrespect, admiration mixed with some flirty banter, and even a distrusting, quitting attitude! How will this end? That’s what Katherine Center’s readers look forward to!
Wise beyond her years, Emma describes love as “feeling hopeful, and kind, sunshiny and soothing…like your heart is glowing.”
To experience humor, sexiness, and wisdom like Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert’s “It Happened One Night,” read The Rom-Commers. Your heart will glow.

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Every Katherine Center book I have picked up has been a winner. She has a way of sucking you into a story right out of the gate, and not letting go until you close the final page. Emma has had tragedy in her life that has deprived her of chasing her dreams. After a tragic accident, Emma has been taking care of her Dad 24/7. Although she has been an inspiring screenwriter, she had put aside the opportunity to make it big on account of her responsibilities. But that is about to change: she gets the chance to work on a script with her longtime writer hero, Charles Yates. Charles has been in the midst of a writing drought. If he finishes this script - a rom com, no less - he can make the movie he actually wants to write. Problem: he loathes rom coms and doesn’t believe in love. The banter in this book is outstanding. These two fight all the time but the chemistry is electric. While they eventually get their happily ever after, there is quite a bit of sadness in both of their lives. That is my only warning in an otherwise delightful romance.

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted copy.

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Katherine Center just doesn't disappoint.

While I enjoyed her last novel (Hello Stranger), The Rom-Commers brought back my love for her angsty-but-satisfying stories. I loved Charlie and Emma, and the callbacks to her novel, The Bodyguard. Emma’s internal and external dialogue often made me laugh out loud.

This is one of my favorite summer reads.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC in exchange for my review!

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Thank you St Martin’s Press for the gifted finished copy and MacMillan Audio for an ALC.

I first read Katherine Center when The Bodyguard came out and have made it a mission to read all of her backlist. I’m getting close but The Bodyguard will I think forever be my favorite. I’m happy to report that The Rom-Commers gave me a lot of the same feels as The Bodyguard. I did a tandem read of audio and digital at the same time on the plane to Rome and the time literally flew by. I loved both the banter between Emma and Charlie and the true devotion Emma had for her father.


Read if you like:
Witty banter
Family devotion
Reaching for your dreams

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This was a fun, glowy binge read!! I loved the snark, banter, and character development in this story.

My one hang up from giving it 5 stars was the cancer scare tossed in. I felt that was needlessly emotionally manipulative and insensitivity VW for many readers.

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Thank you St.Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the chance to read and review this great book!

5/5 - get in line for this book NOW!

My new favorite book by Katherine Center. Great plot, wonderful characters, inspiring message. I could go on but that would keep you from reading this book. Get your highlighter ready!

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*thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was unfortunately not for me 🙃 I thought both of the characters were super immature and I could connect with either of them on any level. I also was not invested in the plot. Even though this book was a miss for me, I will still be picking up her future books!

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Wow. I... kind of hated this.

First of all, Charlie is an awful person. He constantly berates Emma on both personal and professional levels, lies constantly, and achieves a state of arrogance that would've numbered his days in any other genre.

Emma laps it all up because apparently she loves to be negged and refuses to live a life of her own. It's clear she never grew up past her pre-teen years, and the level to which she loves playing nursemaid to all the men in her life is honestly nauseating.

And what is up with how many times the plot hinges on overhearing other people's private conversations? It happened at least 5 times.

This author is usually a great big yes from me, but to this, I am clearly and plainly saying no.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Katherine Center continues to write some of the best and most heartfelt rom coms I’ve been read. I loved watching as Charlie and Emma’s relationship as coworkers grow into a friendship where they supported one another through some difficult parts of life. That support blossomed into an adorable relationship. I found both Charlie and Emma to be very real characters—even if that meant that some of it was hard to read. Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for my arc!

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Katherine center has been a favorite of mine since i read the bodygaurd and this book did not disappoint. Such a fun and quick romcom read

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I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley- thank you!

For me Katherine Center is the Charlie Yates of rom com novels. So many of her books are my favorites in the genre. I liked the witty banter in this book, but I didn't connect with Emma and Charlie in the same way I have with her other characters. It was still a really good read, just not my personal favorite of hers.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reader copy. I'm new to Katherine Center, but this was lovely, emotional, and took great turns that I didn't expect. Amazing read!

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Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for an advanced copy. Unfortunately this Katherine center was a huge disappointment. There were a lot of issues with this book, Charlie was an ass. It was boring and I had to force myself to read it. I kept thinking it would redeem itself at the end but I think it managed to get even worse. There was little to no chemistry between the main characters and no banter. I didn’t care for the lazy twist of a cancer scare. This book just isn’t it. I don’t know why it’s been so highly rated.

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I have been so deep into LitFic that I needed something light and that was gonna be a quick read- this book for sure scratched that itch. There’s something about a book that has book-related Main Characters (in this case, both screen writers) that really just gets me into it.

Every bit of this read was enjoyable and everything you want in a romance (closed door which was a nice change of the popular pace!). The only part that drove me bonkers was how quick the Female MC was willing to forgive and forget how rude the Male MC was to her. I’m like girlfriend, stand up for yourself!! But other than that, I did love it.

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A rom com, indeed!!

Charlie really bothered me for a while, but I ended up just LOVING him! He’s a sweetie cutie pie in disguise.

I also loved the emotional story involving both of their parents and how difficult that’s been and the anxieties they have about life and their lowest points.

I really liked how it talks about how life isn’t perfect and you won’t always be happy, but a little sadness is okay, but you should still on to hope and live life the best you can!

Katherine Center always writes a charming story!! Her characters are always so strong and her stories so sweet!

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I loved the premise of this novel, and the insight into the work of screenwriters was fascinating and a refreshing take on the writing about writing trend. The characters were rich and well developed, and Emma’s voice was engaging; I devoured this. Katherine Center never fails to succeed with her own spin on the romance genre, and Emma’s life and her world were so full outside of the romance plot, which makes the story feel so realistic. However, I felt that the conflict in the last act felt very contrived, and Emma’s decisions and reactions felt totally illogical to me. I lost a little faith in the story and its realism, but aside from that, this was an enjoyable and meaningful read.

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