Member Reviews

I love Katherine Center.
What I don't love is St Martins Press remaining silent when it comes to what was posted to their socials by an employee.
This is getting ridiculous.
I will not be reviewing any titles from this imprint on any social platform until a statement is made

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This is such a great feel good book. This story of two screenwriters working together leaves you with all the feels. I love Katherine Center and this book doesn’t disappoint. You will be rooting for our couple Charlie and Emma. Such a great book for with vibes of a traditional rom-com.

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After loving The Bodyguard and Happiness For Beginners I had high hopes for this book. Both of those books had depth that felt therapeutic alongside a romance filled with undeniable chemistry. This book was really missing both of those things for me.

Although this book didn’t do it for me I know lots of people who have loved it so I encourage you to still give it a try and see how you feel. Here are my thoughts…

First the good:

My favorite character was Emma’s dad. I highlighted quite a few things that he said and he gave me the heartfelt KC moments that I crave. He taught us how to find joy in the midst of suffering.

Emma’s sister and boyfriend were also another high point for me. I loved how they were loyal and selfless. Their relationship though short on the page was a highlight for me.

Charlie had some very swoon worthy moments, when he got out of his own head he was a sweetheart.

The kisses were written very well. By far the best part of the book. It was the only time I really felt tension and longing between them though.

The Bad:

The writing style felt disjointed, there were pages and pages of dialogue. A lot of it was question and answer format. Lots of dialogue was italicized or there were explanation points at the end. It felt like that shouldn’t be necessary to get the point across…

Then there would be a random change of pace where Emma would essentially “break the 3rd wall” and start talking to me as the reader to explain something. It just made for a very odd reading experience.

The humor felt forced. I always saw the scenes coming that were supposed to be funny and unfortunately they fell flat for me.

Emma was all over the place as a character. She was mature one second and then incredibly immature the next. The way she keeps throwing herself at Charlie made me cringe with second hand embarrassment. I really wanted to see her develop a little more self confidence.

There was also a situation with her sister that she handled very poorly and though there was fault on both sides the sister had to grovel for forgiveness. It felt petty on her end and made me like her less.

I’m all for flawed characters and love a grumpy MMC but Charlie’s lack of ability to communicate and his tendency to be kind of jerk when he was trying to protect his heart came off a little too strong. It built walls between him and Emma that felt unrealistically easy to tear down in the course of a 6 week budding relationship.

Because we didn’t get his POV we had to guess as to his true motives for acting a certain way or saying something rude and I didn’t like that very much.

I really struggle with books where one or both of the main characters are fighting their feelings the entire book. I just want to shake them and tell them to make a decision! The back and forth gave me whiplash and by the end I didn’t even care if they were together or not.

There was a massive miscommunication plot point thrown in at the end that was then swiftly resolved in a far too simple way and again I felt annoyed by that…

Overall, I don’t regret reading this and I can see how it would appeal to some and not others but it just wasn’t for me. I will continue to read through her backlist and am hopeful that I enjoy her future books more.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 
Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley.

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I am a huge fan of Katherine Center. I have read most of her books and have enjoyed them without exception. The Rom-Commers is going to the top of the list. I followed her advice and chose it for my read on a recent plane ride and fell into the story of Emma and Charlie (with his perfect nostrils). Yes she actually wrote that and not just once. And that is one of the things I really like about Center’s writing - in the midst of the most romantic minute, or the largest and loudest altercation, she inserts humor - so while I may be having my heart broken I am also experiencing the absurdity of the situation - and while tears may be rolling down my cheeks I am having the hardest time holding in the laughter. She just knows how to break it up, whether it is Emma dragging her broken suitcase down the driveway in an attempt to get away from the worst humiliation or showing up uninvited, or was it when her agent said “Imaginary love is the only thing she’s got.”

The chemistry between Emma and Charlie is palpable, cliche but true. I loved these characters and kept rooting from them, separate and apart and together. I thought the situational elements of a disabled parent and the challenges of caregiving while supporting a younger sibling gave depth to the story. Emma just has to be taken seriously about her art, her story crafting - she really does make the best arguments for the importance of a good romcom despite what Charlie says.

A million thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a copy.

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Is there anything she can't do? I LOVED this book. I laughed, I swooned, I love their story. The characters were enjoyable, even though grumpy. I finished this book so quickly because I couldn't get enough. Definitely add this to your summer TBR.

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At time of review the St. Martin's Press boycott is still ongoing as SMP has chosen to still not address islamaphobic and racist remarks made by a member of their team.

The boycott of St. Martin’s Press, Wednesday Books, and other related imprints is a direct response to the publisher’s lack of accountability regarding statements made by an employee in their marketing department and their failure to respond to concerns about possible systemic issues within the department.

See for more information on the boycott and see how you can help not break the boycott.

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Even though this is one of my most hated covers ever I absolutely LOVED this book! Did I want to just reach out and shake the MC a few times, sure! Side characters too. Still enjoyed the hell out of it though!

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In "The Rom-Commers," veteran author Katherine Center takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions. A dedicated screenwriter with a passion for romantic comedies, Emma Wheeler has put her dreams on hold to take care of her injured father. When an opportunity arises to collaborate with her idol, Charlie Yates, Emma embarks on what she hopes is the journey of a lifetime. What she encounters in Hollywood is far from screenwriter-perfect, and she finds herself grappling with the authentic and challenging Charlie Yates. Suddenly, what seems like a fantastic opportunity becomes an absolute nightmare, and Emma is left wondering what the future will hold.

Throughout the story, Emma and Charlie's relationship evolves, driven by their shared passion for storytelling and the realization that real-life romance defies conventional scripts. Once again, Center has created a compelling read that balances humor and heart. This is definitely a book worth reading again and again.

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I loved this so much! The banter, the humor, and Katherine’s signature stance that the romance genre holds value. Emma still grieves over the loss of her mother, & works through family conflict while taking a shot at fulfilling a dream to write a rom com with her idol. Problem is, Charlie is a romance cynic. The pacing of their relationship going from butting heads to love was perfection. Many of Charlie’s quotes had me chuckling out loud

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Center is one of my favorite romance authors, and this may be her best yet! This one is grumpy/sunshine + enemies-to-lovers. My two favorite tropes in one book 😍. I laughed, I cried, I guffawed. Center pulled out all the stops for this one 🫶.
Emma Wheeler has always dreamed of becoming a screenwriter. Her dedication as a full-time caretaker for her father has prevented her from going all-in on a screenwriting career. But when she’s offered the job of a lifetime rewriting a rom-com script with her idol, Charlie Yates, she knows it’s an opportunity too big to pass up. Turns out, Charlie doesn’t want to work with a nobody writer, doesn’t actually believe in love, and thinks rom-coms are a joke. Never meet your heroes 😬. He’s surly, sullen, and so dang dreamy. Emma is not giving up on this project. She’s determined to prove to Charlie that love is real, both on and off the page.
This book is a beautiful tribute to rom-coms and love. But Center also handles the subjects of trauma, loss, and grief with such grace.
Thank you to and @stmartinspress for these ARCs! I cannot recommend the audiobook enough! The narration by @pattimurin was everything, and there are 2 audio exclusives!! (A bonus scene and an author’s note 😍.)
Rom-Commers - Katherine Center
🎉Out Now!🎉
“I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we’re longing for—adventure, excitement, emotion, connection—we turn to stories that help us find it. Whatever questions we’re struggling with—sometimes ones so deep, we don’t even really know we’re asking them—we look for answers in stories.”
“Be grateful—all the time—and laugh the rest off… There it is. The whole trick to life. Be aggressively, loudly, unapologetically grateful.”

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Another emotional book from Katherine Center.

The Rom-Commers is a heartwarming and emotionally engaging book. It tells the story of Emma Wheeler, who gets the opportunity of a lifetime: to collaborate with the renowned screenwriter she has always admired, Charlie Yates. Emma temporarily moves to LA for the project only to find out Charlie doesn't want to write anyone. With different agendas, both of them strive to complete the script together while slowly learning and figuring out the essence of rom-com, romantic gestures, and love itself.

Just like the author's previous works, this book strikes a nice balance of humor, wit, and somberness. I adore both Emma and Charlie. I like how they help each other come out of their shell both personally and professionally. I enjoyed the banter between main characters and them figuring out each other's tics and tells. It's slow burn in a good way. They are adorable together, and I love how secondary characters in this book root for them too! I also adore Jack Stapleton's short scenes in this book as I adore the author's previous book, The Bodyguard.

The familial love and loyalty aspect in this book is wonderful too. I love Emma's Dad so much. If you have read the previous books by the author, you will notice a pattern when it comes to her characters and their backgrounds. It's not a bad thing; it's just something I've noticed as I read more books by the author.

One thing I felt like I need to mention is that please check the content warnings of this book first. This book contains detailed tragic scenes that may be upsetting to some readers.

Thank you to the publisher for my copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Loved this book! I always finish Katherine Center books in less than 24 hour and my streak is unbroken. I loved the banter and the tension. I wished Charlie lied less. Somehow she always manages to make wildly unbelievable scenarios seem completely believable. Her characters come to life in my mind so easily. She always had magic in how she toes the line between sad and sweet. Love it.

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The Rom-Commers follows Emma an aspiring screen writer who is given the opportunity to work with THE Charlie Yates. Her idol and favorite screenwriter. But of course it can’t be that simple to live out your dream.

This was such a sweet story, had me laughing, crying at times, and really was the perfect package of a romantic comedy. It honestly felt like I was watching a rom-com, picturing this story as I read.

My only complaints were that this story didn’t feel like anything crazy and different. It felt like it followed the same template as every other rom-com I’ve read, but maybe that’s by design? Other than that, there were just a few details that didn’t add up near the end of the story, which felt like edits that were overlooked.

I really did enjoy this book, and even though it was extremely predictable, it was cute, the banter was fun, and I had a great time.

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Can I just say.. this was ridiculous. In the most warm, silly way. “The Rom-Commers” may become my new antidote to a spot of seasonal depression. It’s giggle-out-loud funny and has a guinea pig (!!) that you’ll accidentally get attached to. This is literal gold for rom-com lovers and beach book bringers. It’s sweet. It’s fun. It’s – as Charlie so perfectly said – dazzling. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Katherine Center for providing this eARC!

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3.5 rounded up

Thank you @stmartinspress for the complimentary DRC.

I loved The Bodyguard and went into this one with high hopes. I’m not sure if it just didn’t work for me, or if The Rom-Commers was a victim of wrong timing. I had just read three phenomenal romances and so this one had a lot to live up to.

One issue I had is with Emma’s hair. I don’t know why this irritated me so much, but I feel like often when you read a character with curly hair they have to wrangle their hair into place, or there is talk of taming the curls or giving it up and leaving it wild. I know a lot of women with curly hair that manage their curls better than I do my five strands of wavy hair… so, while minor, this bugs me.

As a caretaker I found Emma to be very controlling, a lot of it I understood, there was so much to monitor for her dad. However, I thought her family allowed her to become that way. When someone else stepped in for a while to help her dad, things changed. I guess I wish someone had just had a conversation with Emma about looking after herself too, instead of watching her give all of herself all the time for so long.

The moment that Charlie started showing an attraction to Emma was a little jarring, up until that point there had been no hints to show any romantic feelings building. In fact, he was pretty unlikeable for quite a while.

Having said all of that, Charlie and Emma ended up being a couple I cheered on. I loved the ending and the little nod to Center’s, The Bodyguard. I adored Emma’s dad, his positive attitude and the love he had for his girls. Overall, I enjoyed The Rom-Commers, it is perfect to pick up when you need a quick & easy read, with guaranteed HEA.

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INFINITE STARS! Katherine Center does it again 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This one had so much humor, sadness, hope, banter... it was the perfect mix of happy and sad.
Books rarely make me laugh out loud, but I found myself laughing at the characters' dialogue and thoughts more than once. Emma is hilarious. She was so relatable too. Even Emma's family was amazing (can they be my family??).
Every single character was fantastic. Even the annoying character TJ (Jablowmie) was just the right amount of annoying to make me not hate him entirely. And Logan proved he's not actually a liar and just messed up once, so he redeemed himself. Emma is so sweet and funny and caring, and Charlie is the perfect example of someone who cares so much but just feel like he has to hide it under nonchalance and coolness. Every single character was so unique and added so much to the story.
I especially loved Charlie's character growth. If anyone knows how to writer character development, it's Katherine Center.
Everything in this book seemed so realistic too! Even the pilot waiting for Emma was based on a real news story the author read years ago.
Everything about this book made me want to have more faith in humanity. You never know what people are going through - as this book proved with Emma's dad's disease and Charlie's cancer scare.
10/10 recommend. So funny with sad moments that made the funny parts funnier. The summer's perfect rom-com!

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Emma Wheeler is an English teacher trying desperately to be a screenwriter and to get her big break. She is caring for her ailing father when she is presented with the chance to rewrite script for Charlie Yates. Emma has been a long time fan-girl of Charlie and jumps at the chance for this opportunity. Charlie is less than thrilled. This Katherine Center novel is an enemies-to-lovers/forced proximity, rom-com. As with all Katherine Center novels, I loved this one! I love how Center writes her characters. There are always funny moments, and sad moments, and uplifting moments in her novels. She handles tough topics sensitively. This one is fun, especially for those who love a good rom-com.

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The Rom-Commers, Katherine Center’s new book, does not disappoint. Emma Wheeler finally gets the chance of a lifetime: an opportunity to write a romantic comedy script with Charlie Yates, winner of multiple awards and her favorite screenwriter. It is her first trip away from her father and her responsibilities caring for him in ten years, but for the chance of writing with the great Charlie Yates, Emma risks leaving her father with her sister and venturing forth to LA. Unfortunately, the job does not quite turn out as promised so Emma fights to persuade the great Charlie Yates to let her work with him because she totally understands how to write a rom-com and Charlie Yates most definitely does not! As two opposites learn to work together, they find their writing approaches, strong opinions and personality quirks constantly interfere with the job at hand — writing a script that promotes the joy of love. Center’s witty writing, comic situations, and emotional tugs make this book a winner. Highly recommended! Thank you Net Galley for granting me a ARC for an honest review.

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I really loved this book 🥰
Two screen writers. An ex boyfriend. A major crush. It’s beautifully written!

“Who even was I on my own?”
“So what if I was wearing the same earrings I’d worn at my high school graduation? They were great earrings.”
“I fell in love all the time. Just… nobody fell in love with me back. Fiction really was all I had in the romance department.”
“Suddenly I was curious about him in a new way. Curious enough to stay.”
“I had armored up for a field of battle- and somehow we wound up in a field of daisies instead. Having a picnic.”
“Of course I believe in love. It’s the best things humans ever invented.”
“I think that you’re my favorite person I’ve ever met.”
“It’s a love letter to fun. And to love. And to you, I think.”

“There it is. The whole trick to life. Be aggressively, loudly, unapologetically grateful.”

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ARC READ THROUGH NETGALLEY. All opinions are my own.
I loved this book so much. I loved Emma. I loved Charlie. I loved their story. I loved the way it was written like Emma was talking directly to us. Also I did really like that it wasn't dual POV, I've read so much dual POV books lately that I forgot I really enjoy books written from one POV. Emma's life up until this point broke my heart a little as did Charlie's. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time dying to know what happened next (I did read this book in less than 24 hours if that's any indication of how much I enjoyed it).

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