Member Reviews

Absolutely fantastic!!!! I can't believe I waited to read this, it hit every emotion so well, and I absolutely adored both Emma and Charlie. This is truly a love letter to the romcom genre and how can you not love that?

The characters: Emma was so sweet and relatable. She falls a bit into the mary-sue category just in the fact that I think many readers will relate to her and her adoration for romcoms and the way she went to bat for the genre and what falling in love means to someone. Also, she was a very strong character that I would love to emulate for her ability to care for her father and sister despite the sacrifices it meant to her own dreams.

Charlie - this man is infuriating in the best ways possible. I wanted to shake him and get him to communicate, but also those small moments where him and Emma started to understand each other were so poignant and beautiful that I really can't be mad at him. Also this poor man needs some hugs, wow, there was some serious bad timing in his life.

The ending - everything you could ever want in a romcom. Romantic gestures, tear jerking moments, a kiss for all other kisses to be measured against. If you are an Emily Henry fan then this is the book for you, hands down.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an electronic advanced readers copy of this book.

Interested in a fun, well-written and engaging book, this might be the one for you. The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center is a wildly entertaining romantic comedy about Emma, a "failed" screenwriter who is taking care of her invalid father when she gets a call from her high school ex - who is now a well-connected screenwriting manager. Her idol, Charlie Yates, is in need of a ghostwriter - successful at other genres, he has tried to put together a romantic comedy which is quite terrible.

Flown out to LA, Emma discovers that Charlie hasn't even been notified that she would be helping him. They come to a grudging agreement to work on the script. Hard to tell much without spoilers, but I would definitely recommend this if you are looking for a fun book with witty dialogue and interesting characters. Fans of her other novels will find a fun cameo from a character in one of her other novels.

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This is my second book from Katherine Center and I really adored it! The Rom-Commers was adorable, wholesome, and just everything you want in a fuzzy, contemporary romance. I loved seeing Emma face her guilt and trauma over her mother’s death and her father’s life changing injury. I appreciated the growth and compassion we see from Charlie and his character arc is one of my favs for a male love interest. The only reason I didn’t rate this 5 stars was because of Charlie’s reason for pushing Emma away. I kind of HATE the sort of spineless decision like that, where you take away someone’s choice and as someone who works in the medical field (specifically specializing in leukemias and lymphomas), the whole scenario wasn’t realistic in the slightest.
!!Minor spoiler!! You don’t get accidentally diagnosed with metastasized lung cancer, especially via x-ray. Bronchitis is not easily mistaken as cancer and that just blew my mind - there’s an entire internet out there where more research could’ve been done. The only chance you’re going to get incorrectly diagnosed with cancer is through a MASSIVE screwup where a completely different patient’s sample is ran under your identifiers OR you’re being treated by the most unqualified person in existence. The one niche area of expertise I have in completely screwed up the end for me. Google is free and could’ve easily given a more realistic scenario here. !!Minor spoiler over!!

Overall, I loved 95% of this book and think it should be on any romance lover’s must read list!

Emma Wheeler has been caring for her disabled father for 10 years, putting a hold on her aspirations and life so her sister can complete her schooling and live a great life. Emma’s high school friend calls her with an opportunity of a lifetime, helping a famous screenwriter, Charlie Yates, rewrite his rom com. Thus, Emma’s sister takes over the care of their father while she ventures out to LA for 6 weeks in order to save a terrible script. When Emma learns that Charlie doesn’t actually care about this movie and doesn’t believe in love, she’s determined to take him under her wing and convince him that love stories matter.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, NetGalley, and the author for sending me an early copy!

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Title: The Rom-Commers
Author: Katherine Center
Genre: Romance
Rating: 3.00
Pub Date: June 11, 2024

I received complimentary eARC and ALC copies from St. Martin's Press and Macmillan Audio via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. #Gifted

T H R E E • W O R D S

Brisk • Entertaining • Cliché

📖 S Y N O P S I S

Emma Wheeler desperately longs to be a screenwriter. She’s spent her life studying, obsessing over, and writing romantic comedies—good ones! That win contests! But she’s also been the sole caretaker for her kind-hearted dad, who needs full-time care. Now, when she gets a chance to re-write a script for famous screenwriter Charlie Yates—The Charlie Yates! Her personal writing god!—it’s a break too big to pass up.

Emma’s younger sister steps in for caretaking duties, and Emma moves to L.A. for six weeks for the writing gig of a lifetime. But what is it they say? Don’t meet your heroes? Charlie Yates doesn’t want to write with anyone—much less “a failed, nobody screenwriter.” Worse, the romantic comedy he’s written is so terrible it might actually bring on the apocalypse. Plus! He doesn’t even care about the script—it’s just a means to get a different one green-lit. Oh, and he thinks love is an emotional Ponzi scheme.

But Emma’s not going down without a fight. She will stand up for herself, and for rom-coms, and for love itself.

💭 T H O U G H T S

After not absolutely adoring The Bodyguard and Hello Stranger over the past two summers, I was determined to give Katherine Center one more shot. I was hoping for a return to her earlier writing style, unfortunately that didn't happen.

There is no denying Katherine Center knows how to write banter. However, the banter overtakes the narrative entirely. Neither main character is overly likeable, in fact, Charlie is down right mean at times. I didn't feel any chemistry between them, hence wasn't rooting for them to end up together.

I would have preferred more of a focus on Emma with her family - the caretaking, the grief, their relationship dynamics, the history. It was the scenes that included her father that really hooked my attention. Otherwise, I was overly invested in the story.

My main issue is how the whole cancer aspect was handled. It definitely knocked it down another rung. The book would have been fine without this plotline and I am not even sure what compelled the author to include it here. This whole part left an ick feeling, and was just a solid no from me.

The audiobook narrated by Patti Murin was fine. Nothing really stood out and I would have expected a different tone for Charlie's voice, but it read mostly in the same voice. I didn't necessairly notice as I was also reading with my eyeballs, but I can see how it would be an issue for someone solely listening. The bonus content and the author's note are a nice addition at the end.

There is no doubt in my mind The Rom-Commers will be one of the most popular titles this summer. However, it will not be a favourite of mine. It's evident to me Center has taken a more comedic approach to her writing than focusing on depth and development, which is what originally drew me to her books. This is the third straight release that wasn't for me, and so it's officially time for me to break up Katherine Center as a favourite author. Maybe I will still read more in the future, but they won't be on my most anticipated lists nor will they be a priority.

📚 R E A D • I F • Y O U • L I K E
• The Bodyguard and/or Hello Stranger
• banter
• closed door romance

⚠️ CW: death, death of parent, grief, cancer, injury/injury detail, traumatic brain injury, medical content, medical trauma, chronic illness, car accident, cursing, alcohol, panic attacks/disorders,

🔖 F A V O U R I T E • Q U O T E S

"You had to maximize joy when it fluttered into your life. You had to honor it. And savor it. And not stomp it to death by reminding everyone of everything you'd lost."

"I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we are looking for- adventure, excitement, emotion, connection-we turn to stories that help us find it."

"Tragedy really is a given. There are endless human stories, but they all end the same way. So it can't be where you're going that matters. It have to be how you get there."

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The Rom-Commers is a contemporary romance novel about a twenty-something aspiring screenwriter who is hired to fix the script of one of her idols.

Emma Wheeler has put most of her Hollywood aspirations on hold to care for her father after a devastating accident and diagnosis. But an old boyfriend finds her an opportunity to doctor the script of a famous screenwriter, Charlie Yates, who can’t nail the nuances of a romantic comedy. What begins as a reluctant co-writing venture ends up being so much more. However, Emma can’t step away from her family obligations forever, and Charlie is sending some serious mixed signals.

The Rom-Commers is a sweet and funny romance novel that is about more than just the couple. I found myself wanting to highlight so many paragraphs where the characters mused about love, life, death, and taking care of people.

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Just a classic Katherine Center. The woman doesn’t miss! I loved the concept, I loved the writing, I loved the structure. It was wonderful start to finish, with a couple cameos from her books’ other leading pairs. This book will leave you happy and the journey Charlie and Emma go on in this book will leave you kicking your feet (and maybe shedding a tear or two).

p.s. Be sure to go to Katherine Center’s website and read the book’s author’s note - it’s fantastic.

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Great romance about two scriptwriters thrown together to rewrite one of the scriptwriter’s lousy scripts. Of course the writer is a great scriptwriter usually and his partner is one on a not great trajectory and has always adored him from afar. The neat thing about the story is that it follows the prescription for the rom com they are working on. Brilliant and funny and oh, so fun to read.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the E-ARC I loved this story. I loved it even more than The Bodyguard and let me tell you I loved that book. I just loved Emma and what can I say about Charlie except that we all have a little bit of Charlie in us. I dont want to say too much and give anything away but this book has all the feels and not even in a mushy way but in a total this could totally happen to me way. This book is a must read

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Very cute and fun. I love stories that take place around the entertainment industry and found this to be surprisingly moving at times.

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Katherine Center does it again – this is absolutely, hands down my favorite book she’s ever written. The Rom-Commers was just so absolutely delightful and perfect I don’t even know what else to say – I LOVED IT! Emma and Charlie are just big dumb dummies, who eventually figure it all out. But my heavens getting there with all the banter and “non-romantic” interactions that just somehow are the most romantic things in the world – it’s just sheer utter perfection. Who knew tying shoes could be so romantic?? The way I cackled and laughed out loud reading this book, and how it also deals with such heavy subjects (loss of a parent, health scares, etc) – it was just hands down one of my top reads of 2024. This should immediately be added to everyone’s TBR, do not pass go, do not collect $200, just read this book now! You will not regret doing so.

Can someone also call Netflix to get them to make this one into a movie – we really need it, like now!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided to me through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Katherine Center and St. Martin's Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book!

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I think Katherine Center is an underhyped author. I have not seen NEARLY enough posts about this book that was easily one of my favorite romances that I have read this year! I truly think everything Katherine touches turns to gold, and The Rom-Commers is no exception!

For the past ten years, Emma has been the sole caretaker for her father, putting her life and dreams aside to ensure his needs are met. She dreams of being a rom-com screenwriter, but has to scrape by on smaller gigs to balance her home life. When a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with her favorite writer, Charlie Yates, arises, Emma is torn, but with a push from her family she heads to LA to work with him. It'll be no easy task to rewrite Charlie's beyond-terrible rom-com script, but as a hopeless romantic, if anyone can do it, it's Emma. To say Charlie is a grouch is an understatement, but Emma may just be the one to thaw his frozen heart.

Everything about Katherine Center's writing style is fun and endearing. I was smiling, giggling, kicking my feet this ENTIRE book. I also LOVED the way she broke the fourth wall and spoke to us as readers, it was something I've never seen executed quite this well.

I was rooting for Emma and Charlie the entire time - the perfect balance of golden retriever/black cat energy with a "tough guy" who is actually way softer than he seems. Plus, this delves into some deeper topics like traumatic injuries, sickness, and attachment styles, and does them incredibly thoughtfully and well.

This book is incredible and absolutely needs to be on your TBR!

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Absolutely loved this book! This was my first Katherine Center book and I could not stop listening! I found the characters to be relatable and realistic without some of the mini tropes that are prominent in romcom. I really appreciated the writing style and appreciated a well done ending!

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for the opportunity to preview this as an advanced reader copy!

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"The Rom-Commers" by Katherine Center is a delightful blend of humor, heart, and the magic of romantic comedies. As a fan of rom-coms, I found this book to be a charming escape filled with memorable characters and genuine emotional depth.

Emma Wheeler, an aspiring screenwriter, is a protagonist you can't help but root for. Her journey from caring for her ailing father to seizing the opportunity of a lifetime in Hollywood is both inspiring and relatable. Emma's unwavering passion for rom-coms and her determination to revive a disastrous script penned by her idol, Charlie Yates, forms the crux of the story.

Charlie, a renowned screenwriter known for his apocalyptic action films, provides the perfect contrast to Emma's sunny disposition. His skepticism about love and his reluctance to embrace the rom-com genre set up a delightful "grumpy meets sunshine" dynamic that had me smiling throughout. While Charlie's character could have been explored a bit more deeply, the chemistry between him and Emma is undeniable and their witty banter is a highlight.

One of the standout aspects of the book is how Center weaves in serious themes such as grief, cancer, and personal growth without overshadowing the lighthearted romance. These elements add a layer of emotional complexity that elevates the story beyond a typical rom-com. Emma's internal monologues and her interactions with her family, especially her touching relationship with her father and supportive sister, Sylvie, bring added warmth and authenticity to the narrative.

The story's pacing is steady, with moments of fast-paced action that keep you engaged. While I wished for more scenes showcasing Emma and Charlie's collaborative efforts on the script, the overall development of their relationship from reluctant partners to friends and eventually lovers is sweetly crafted.

In conclusion, "The Rom-Commers" is a four-star gem that offers a perfect mix of laughter, love, and life lessons. It's a story that reminds us to appreciate the good in front of us and find light even in the darkest times. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a heartwarming read that will leave you with a smile on your face and a renewed belief in the magic of rom-coms.

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Katherine is a favorite author of mine and this book further confirmed that! This was such a sweet rom com that really did that balance of grief/depth and hilarious banter so stinking well. Emma and Charlie were such quirky, delightful characters and I rooted for them from the beginning! I also really enjoyed how Emma’s dialogue felt like I was just chatting with a friend. Definitely a great choice for a summer read!

•celebrity MMC
•witty banter🤌🏼
•single POV
•workplace romance
•forced proximity
•quirky, lovable characters

I loved this one so much I added the physical copy to my BOTM box!

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It really pains me to give a Katherine Center book such a low rating, but this was unfortunately only a 2.25 star for me. 🫣 All of Katherine's other books have been homeruns so I am surprised and bummed that this one didn't work well for me. I strongly disliked the characters in this book! Charlie Yates, Charlie Yates, Charlie Yates! So much about how wonderful of a screenwriter he is but he was obnoxious and grumpy and just all around unappealing to me. There was nothing swoony about him and there was no chemistry between him and Emma. I felt zero sparks. I didn't care for Emma, either. She was so rude to her sister, and I found her character to be boring. It wasn't the worst book I've ever read by any means, but I just could not get into this one. Even though this one didn't work for me, I am looking forward to reading her next one!

Thank you, Net Galley, and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in return for my honest review.

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Katherine Center continues to be an instant-purchase author for me. Her books are consistently among my favorites each year, and the Rom-Commers easily joins this year's list. I love how I almost always learn something new about an obscure medical condition in her recent books. It feels like a fun quirk, among an excellent of novels.

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Katherine always writes captivating stories and every one is just better than her last, I just love her!
If you are looking for a delightful romantic story about overcoming life challenges, you need to read this one, trust me, you won’t regret it.

Thank you St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this gifted copy and complimentary audiobook.

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Thank you to Katherine Center, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

If I have to read the name Charles Yates one more time, I may scream. I love the grumpy/sunshine trope, but this book took it to the extreme and made the MMC so unlikeable. Yeah, he was going through stuff but that doesn't mean he has to be an ass.

Also, you do not get diagnosed with anything, especially cancer over the phone. That is a big no-no, and honestly so disrespectful. Why didn't he get a second opinion??

This just wasn't for me.

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I will never not like a Katherine Center book. They are such a good mix of romance and harder topics. This book had me laughing and crying, usually in the same chapter.
I also really wanted to watch a romcom after finishing this one.

If you haven’t read a Katherine Center book I highly recommend them, but especially this one!

Thank you St. Martin’s press and NetGalley for a ARC in exchange for a honest review!

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I loved The Rom-Commers! Took me a little while to get into it but I loved how quirky Emma and Charlie were. They both went through some real life stuff and I like how carefully Katherine handled it.

I would recommend this to everyone!

Thanks for the ARC, NetGalley!

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