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Artisan Bread from Your Bread Machine is a technique and tutorial guide with recipes by Manuel Monade for using the bread machine to make high quality loaves at home. Released 19th March 2024, it's 192 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats.

The breads included here along with the techniques produce lovely crusty breads. It's not entirely clear how much time saving is possible, the prep and processing times aren't revolutionarily shorter than normal, but much of the process can utilise convenience shortcuts and automisation so that it's less work intensive.

The first quarter of the book introduces the concepts, tools, ingredients, and supplies. The author goes into detail on different types of flour, four types of yeast (and which to choose for which purpose), tools, and troubleshooting. Mini tutorials are included set apart by highlighted text boxes throughout: why use a thermometer, measuring ingredients, leftover bread uses, choosing gluten-free flours, making a sourdough starter, etc. There's a chapter on different types of bread machines, their cycles, and how to use them with the included recipes.

The recipes are written simply and understandably and are grouped in thematic chapters: traditional loaves, crusty loaves, sourdough, sweet breads, flatbreads rolls & bagels, seed nut & fruit breads, and herb and cheese breads.

Recipes include a short description/introduction, ingredients in a bullet list, and prep/cookiing instructions. Recipe ingredients are listed with imperial (American) units, followed by metric in parentheses (yay!). Yields, proofing and processing times are included and easy to understand. Roughly 25% of the recipes are accompanied by one or more photos. Photography is clear and in color throughout.

The author/publisher have included a cross referenced index which includes ingredients for ease of lookup. Ingredients will mostly be accessible at any moderately well stocked grocer; some of the specialty flours might need to be sourced from bakery suppliers.

Four stars. Really lovely recipes and simple instructions, well written.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Artisan Bread from Your Bread Machine by Manuel Monade was a brilliant book and so easy to follow, my house smells lovely..........This is a must book if you love the smell of freshly cooked bread and eating fresh warm bread.......The only down side of this book, is I can't stop baking bread and I am hooked................and so is my hubby.....

This book is about adapting basic artisan baking techniques to a bread machine context, which bought my dusty bread maker alive again.

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Made three random recipes from this book. They were all delicious! Instructions were easy to follow.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The way the author explains all the steps was very helpful. Before even getting to the recipes, they explain the how and why. Very well written directions.

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Artisan Bread from Your Bread Machine is filled with so much info and recipes that it’s amazing. It’s not just a recipe book, with a few things to toss in your machine, but a volume of knowledge that helps you learn the whys and the hows to make baking with or without your bread machine much easier. There are variations and add ins for certain recipes, and I’d love to try them all in time. I don’t think someone looking to make their own bread could go wrong with this book! Check it out today!

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Unfortunately the layout of the recipes in this ebook was so bad, I couldn’t even understand what the recipe was telling me to do, so I haven’t even been able to try any of them. Hopefully it just still needs to go through layout finalization prior to publishing, so take this review with a grain of salt that it very well could be awesome. I just can’t tell because I can’t even figure out the recipe ingredients to try a loaf!

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Some nice recipes although I only got to try one as my access to the ebook expired before I had a chance to try any others. Some clear pictures of finished products would have helped.

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These recipes dont seem very easy to make. And also there are no photos of any of the finished breads and the format is kinda plain to read. The breads might come our looking and tasting good but this cookbook itself didn’t catch my attention. I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

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It's nice to have new recipes. It didn't format the best on my kindle, but I appreciate the opportunity for an ARC.

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If you’re interested in understanding the methodology and science behind the bread making process and the strengths and limitations of your bread machine, this book is for you. He not only explains how to use your bread machine to make artisanal loaves, but the why behind the process. He provides different options for each recipe depending on what you hope to achieve and how you’d like to prepare your loaf. For the beginner, these options can seem a little overwhelming, but as one becomes more experienced, they will allow for more freedom, exploration, and customization.

The beginning seemed a little long as the author was explaining why you can make artisanal loaves in the bread machine and not just by hand in the traditional way—that the machine itself is just a tool at the bakers disposal. He clearly has a passion for baking and has made a recipe book to help bakers get the best breads possible from their bread machines.

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Bought my machine out of retirement. A good collection of recipes for your bread machine with clear advice and methods to make a range of artisan bread. Loved it. Thanks to Ad Lib publishers and Netgalley for a review copy.

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It’s amazing how simple bread really is…just a few ingredients and you have mouthwatering aromas coming from the oven and you find yourself salivating. But bread isn’t always easy to make and Artisan bread is even trickier, right? Not with this book! While I got a Zojirushi to make bread when the arthritis set in, and covid hit, I love that this book helps me take things to the next level. You will LOVE this book and the bread you can make.

A great holiday gift for ANYONE who has a breaker, or is getting one from Santa this year!

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Although the subtitle of this book is “Quick, easy and excellent bread at home, including sourdough’, it seems to be a rather complicated process to make these breads. Also, I assumed because of using the bread machine, the process would be simple. Too much narrative and no pictures of finished products!

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I approached this book with a lot of interest, because I have a bread machine and am always looking for more recipes to try, and I also make bread by hand. This book seems to meld the two methods together. Part of the work is done by the machine, and the rest is worked by hand. The recipes are well explained and detailed, although there are no pictures, and just like most good bread, these recipes aren't going to give you the fast loaf that you probably bought your machine to produce. If you aren't concerned with taking two days to get your bread, and are willing to do a lot of dough manipulation, then this book is for you. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy for review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Ad Lib Publishers for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

This book is amazing ! I don't even have a bread machine, but now, I want a bread machine !! With this book, it seems like bread would be so easy to make ! There are so many types of bread to make and they all seem so yummy, fresh warm bread !

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This review is based on an uncorrected e-galley of this novel.

Though I don't have a bread machine, I have considered getting one. I liked how this book broke down the different parts of breadmaking and how things work instead of just being a book of recipies

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I honestly never knew that there was so much that went into the production of artisan bread until I read this book. Given how labour and time intense the process is, I think this is a great book for those who simply don’t have the time to dedicate to making artisan bread, or for those who just want great tasting bread.
There are lots of really delicious sounding recipes, including some that are definitely following the artisan route in terms of their ingredients.
It would have been nice to have images of the baked loaves, but there were some blank pages which may well be what will be added here.
Overall this was an interesting recipe book that I would definitely recommend:
My thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read this advance copy. This review is left of my own volition.

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I was interested in seeing how to use the bread machine to make artisan bread. But after reading through the recipes, I’d rather make artisan bread by hand and use the bread machine to make simpler loaves. I also have a very hard time enjoying a recipe book that has no pictures. If you are a visual person, pictures and illustrations make a huge difference.

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Firstly, I use both my bread maker and hands to make breads - each have their place and each produce a different product. I thought that this book would give ideas to match the two. It does that but really using the bread machine as the convenient means to mix, knead and initial prove whilst then moving back to hands for subsequent process and finally to machine to bake, as one option. There is a lot of useful technical detail about flours, glutens and the stages of bread making. If an aim of the book is to encourage people to broaden their horizon I'm not sure that it will work. With absolutely no illustrations it can be hard to imagine an artisan style product from a machine. I don't see a lot of time being made available this way and feel that I shall continue doing most by hand (although sometimes let the machine do the mix and initial kneading) or simply produce an every day loaf in the machine. I'm happy to keep the two separate and can't really see the benefit of trying to merge the two. As the author says machines aren't hot enough for a good crust and bake in too dry an atmosphere. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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I really wanted to love this book. But right at the start you find out that if you want good artisanal bread you just cannot whack it in the bread maker and walk away. There are great recipes but honestly it seems to me that you have two choices, made all in your machine or if you want REALLY GOOD bread, just make it by hand. I will be trying some of the recipes out by hand and won’t breaking out my bread making machine.

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