Member Reviews

I liked this book well enough to finish reading it. It was cute.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~

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I received an advanced reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Lots of laugh out loud moments in this tale that was based in London. I found it very easy to read and managed to devour it in one sitting. Perfect for people who love cute romance books and I would highly recommend.

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Thank you Boldwood books & netgalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This was cute! Charlie is such a kind, softie and I love him with Sarah! It was an incredibly sloooooow burn, but it was enjoyable. I appreciated the dual POVs as we were able to see their true feelings and internal conflicts. The sight seeing was fun and I enjoyed seeing the characters from the previous books! Overall, cute read!

Pub date: Nov 17, 2023!!

Always the Bridesmaid: ★★★☆☆ (i3)

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Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter was a fun little read. Although I hadn't read the other books in the series I feel this works fine as a stand alone. Jess and Charlie were an unlikely match that somehow worked in the end. Jess, the selfless friend and widow with Charlie, the "class clown" of the friend group dynamic, not exactly the perfect match in the beginning. The snarky banter between them worked for me and makes for an enjoyable read and progression into their relationship. While I liked the book a lot, I found it a bit sluggish in spots and the repetitive use of some words bothered me a bit. Overall I think this is an enjoyable light escape into the world of romance.

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I was obsessed with Charlie. He was exactly the character I needed right now. I was in the mood for some comic relief and Charlie provided that throughout the novel. I loved that he also had depth to him, so he wasn’t just a one sided character. He really was the perfect person for Sarah, because he balanced her out so well and brought out a different side of her, which was exactly what she needed after becoming a widow. I also thought the author did an excellent job writing Sarah’s character. I thought that the way she went through the grieving process was very believable and made me relate to her more as a character. I felt myself rooting for her throughout the novel. This book was such a great read. I was so invested in the characters that I had trouble putting the book down because I was aching to see how they developed and how their relationship ended up. Although this book is part of a series, it reads well as a stand alone.

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I normally have a lot to say about books I'm reviewing, but for this one I don't - just because it didn't feel to me like it had anything special. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. I liked it, and although I did consider quite a few times just giving up on it, I stuck it out because I did get just a little bit invested in the enemies to lovers relationship that was going on. However it's definitely not something I would re-read, and I don't think I'd willingly pick something up from this author again.

I did think that Jess from the previous book getting married so quickly in this one is a bit unrealistic after all her established commitment issues, but that was set up with a proposal at the end of the last book, so i suppose it's not so much an issue with this one - though I guess I would've liked to see her putting it off for a lot longer to get used to actually dating Jake before they got married.

Charlie, the MMC in this book, wasn't as likable as he was supposed to be - though I did sympathise with him sometimes, I think that often Sarah was right about him just being rude. Some of it was British humour, some of it was literally just him being needlessly rude. I also think that in an attempt to set up an enemies to lovers relationship, he was described from the start as someone she wouldn't fall for - but that description just made him sound kind of gross, and throughout the book I kept suddenly remembering it and being put off.

Basically, it's a fine read - if you want an average romance, which sometimes people do, then this is for you! I'll also say that it did get better when I got about halfway into the book - the wedding day brought appropriate drama to really get me invested in them, and after that there were some points that were quite sweet. My opinion of the book definitely improved once I'd reached the wedding.

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Always the Bridesmaid is a cute romance novel by Laura Carter.
The novel was easy to follow and such a cute read. I loved that it was set in London. I got so into the novel that I felt like I knew the characters. A brilliant novel that I highly recommend.
💖 Thank you to netgalley, the publisher and author, Laura Carter for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance E-book of Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter in exchange of an honest review.

"Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter is a down to earth, believable romance set in London. The book enthralls readers with its masterfully constructed characters, clever banter, and detailed descriptions of London's prominent locations as their initial hostility eventually turns into friendship and love. A must-read for lovers of romance/enemies to lovers and those looking for an interesting, short read, the novel manages to give a pleasant and gratifying romance despite some flaws in character development. Readers are captivated by Laura Carter's narrative abilities and are compelled to learn more. The plot centers on the odd duo of Sarah, a selfless widow, and clever comic Charlie as they negotiate the mayhem of the wedding preparations and forge an unexpected bond. The book captivates readers with its well-crafted characters, witty banter, and vivid descriptions of London's iconic landmarks. Despite occasional inconsistencies in character development, this charming and satisfying romance is a must-read for fans of Romance.

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Quite fun an charming set against the background of England. My biggest complaint is that the FMC needs therapy DESPERATELY. Being a widow is hard, especially at such a young age, but she lets it control her whole life out of fear of being disloyal to her husband. I loved all the characters and might go back and read the other books. Charlie is a great foil to Sarah and I think their relationship works really well and grows naturally. The plot is fun and hijinks abound around the wedding, but once that's done and we get to see Sarah and Charlie just being friends it is quite sweet.

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Thank you for the Arc.

I just enjoyed this. I wasn’t aware that this book belonged to a series. You can read as a standalone without feeling like you are missing anything. I’m going to check out the rest of the series now to see how the rest of the friends met.

Rom-Com vibes, quick paced, fast read. I only found the beginning a little slow to get into but once Sarah flew over to London and met Charlie at the airport, I was hooked. I laughed, I smiled and I did get a tiny bit teary eyed. I’d recommend.

Sarah was relatable, Charlie was down right adorable and her friends were very protective and encouraging.

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I liked Charlie and Sarah. I really enjoyed all the of their friends and how the men were protective of Sarah due to her losing her hubby. I thought it was funny how the women were the opposite and were encouraging her in a way to explore things with Charlie. I’m glad to see we got a lot of backstory to Charlie’s life. I would have liked to see a bit more about Sarah’s backstory a bit more. Both Sarah and Charlie went through some very traumatic experiences that in a way shaped the way think and approach situations. I really loved that the book was dual pov because I really enjoyed reading about how Charlie would react to being around Sarah. I thought it was sweet how he gave her space to evaluate her feeling for him until she didn’t feel guilty.

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This book was so fun to read. It was fast paced and funny. A classic rom com and I loved it. It was one of those books that plays out like a movie. Super enjoyable and fun and light. Charlie is a freakin CUTIE. and I found Sarah’s personality to be so relatable. If you want a fun quick read, 10/10 recommend!

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"Always the Bridesmaid" by Laura Carter offers a fun, comedic twist on romance. Charlie, the witty comedian, is paired with Sarah, a focused wedding planner. The duo's dynamic and humorous dialogue bring a lively vibe to the story. While the plot is enjoyable, a touch more depth in character development would elevate the overall experience. A solid 4-star read for those in the mood for romantic antics.

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Delightfully British-themed, with the slowest of burns, and a huge helping of laugh out loud moments.

All the characters from the previous books are reunited for Jess and Jake’s Surrey wedding, in the this sweet and saucy read. Sarah and comedian Charlie immediately get off on the wrong foot, when he rather abruptly collects her from the airport. The dual points of view allowed you to see further into Charlie’s constant jokes, and Sarah’s seemingly grumpy manner, to the conflicting emotions behind them.

There was just something about this book… Charlie in particular, with his humour, endearing averageness and self deprecating manner. It was just so incredibly relatable, and something I could identify with immediately. This book had the perfect balance between reality and fiction.

Beware: behind the humour are some tear jerking emotions that just complete the story perfectly.

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Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter is a heartwarming contemporary romance set in the lively backdrop of London. The story follows the unlikely pairing of Charlie, a witty comedian, and Sarah, a selfless widow, as they navigate the chaos of pre-wedding festivities and discover an unexpected connection. While their initial animosity gradually transforms into friendship and love, the book captivates readers with its well-crafted characters, witty banter, and vivid descriptions of London's iconic landmarks. Despite occasional inconsistencies in character development, the book delivers a charming and satisfying romance that leaves readers with a warm and fuzzy feeling, making it a must-read for fans of contemporary romance and those seeking an engaging, quick read. Laura Carter's storytelling talent shines through, leaving readers eager to explore more of her work.

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I was looking to reading this book as it sounded like it was along the plot of a friend who was always the bridesmaid and never the bride but unfortunately I had a really hard time getting into the story as the main female character had in fact had her own wedding.

For me Sarah comes across as someone who focuses on her friends then having to admit how she is coping with life years after the death of her husband. She says at one point she is a good person but has spent the week only caring about her feelings and been hot and cold towards Charlie for example on the day of the wedding she doesn’t want to acknowledge Charlie at the wedding even when stood next to him yet later on in the evening when all the others are dancing as couples she is more than willing to acknowledge him when he offers to dance with him. The next day when she finds out Charlie has already left the house they was staying at she decides that she wants to go see him just so she can make herself feel better about the way she treated him and not thinking about how Charlie might have left because he didn’t want to see her.
I wished at times Charlie would have had a bit more backbone and called her out on things but with his past you can understand why he might not have to that.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

I wasn’t aware this was a book in a series but is easily read on its own. Filled with a bunch of sweet characters, this was a quick and fun read.

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This was a very quick read too, but I have to say it was my least favorite. I struggled for a while on Sarah and Charlie’s connection, and didn’t feel the romance building. I also hated that the entire series ended and I feel it needed an epilogue like 5 years into the future. When you spend 4 books building a world and characters, you want the end! I do love this one was set in London, and the Jess/Jake wedding! Overall, I highly recommend this series for light easy romcom reading.

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I didnt realise this was a series but it read lovely as a standalone! The characters were great and the separate narratives felt very distinctive.

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I love that this can be read as a standalone, as I had no clue this was a series!

With that said, I enjoyed this and will be reading the others as well

It was such a cute and feel good book. The group of friends matched up perfectly with their personalities and all their quirks!

I can see this being a comfort read!

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