Member Reviews

This book was the definition of a romantasy. The story between Bash and Margrete was so beautifully wrote and i couldn't put this book down. This book was definitely a roller coaster and I neeed more!!!!

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Spice/ 🌶️🌶️🌶️
“Heros belonged solely in his stories because real life was messy and gray,”
“Show them all what you’re capable of princess. Show them why I bow to no one but you.”

“We may not be the heroes of our own story, sweet Margrete, but we’ll still triumph in the end, or so help the rest of the world when it experiences your wrath.”

Crown of Salt and Bone book 3 of the Azantian trilogy. I absolutely love this series since book 1. Wow, what a great way to finish this series. It was such a rollercoaster with this one but absolutely such a great read. I got this arc with thanks to Netgalley and thanks to publisher City Owl Press for letting me read this book. Margrete goes to the underworld to find Bash with the help of her crew and to bring him back to the land of the living. Bash loses his way and gets caught up in a dream-like state where he constantly goes through his memories. Bash struggles to remember what happened to him and tries to break free syncing Margrete. Margrete ends up making a deal with the god of death to save Bash.
This book was the ending that this series needed. The ending of this book was so good.

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I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. What an incredible series! The love story between Bash and Margrete was simply beautiful. This book is truly the perfect “romantasy” combination, never leaning too far to either side. The magic system could have been further explained or defined, though it wasn’t difficult to understand what was happening. I loved the morally grey aspects of the characters and the difficult choices they made throughout. I especially appreciated having a strong, independent main character who did not give up her power to save the world. This book really made you believe in the magic, love, and relationships it created. Amazing!

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This series is a must read for fantasy lovers! And we’re definitely given one! I fear if I say more, I would end up spoiling it but just know that this was very much devouring. So so loved and enjoyed reading it.

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I give this book 4 1/2⭐️ I really enjoyed it I love the different points of views, to see the growth of the characters. Action that had you on the edge of your seat and the ending done so good and beautiful.

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thought I had an idea of what to expect from this book, but I was sooo wrong. I was completely blown away not only by the unexpected twists & turns, but by the constant amount of surprises along the way. It kept me more intrigued than the first two books, and that's saying something, because they were fantatic reads, but this was EPIC on so many levels!!!
This was one of my most highly anticipated reads, with a very satisfying conclusion.

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Well this final book in the series did not disappoint.
Margrete came into her own throughout this book while not compromising who she really was deep inside. She fought tooth and Nail to get her beloved back after death took him away.
Bas lost himself before he died and found himself as he made his way back to Margrete. Their love for each other was the catalyst to change the gods themselves.
We saw hearts break and sacrifices made and the world was forever changed.
While I was glad to see how everything worked out part of it was bittersweet.

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I've been such a huge fan of this series since book one, and have had the opportunity to read an arc of all three books. I absolutely adored this story, and all the twists and turns woven within. I love the character development, and progression of the story so much. The main characters fight for each other and the love the have like their life depends on it. I loved being able to see how all the characters changed in some way over the course of the story.

This book and the series was so captivating and enchanting. Thank you Katherine Quinn and NetGalley for an arc of this book.

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Crown of Salt and Bones is the epic conclusion of The Azantian Trilogy. This story was so intense, and went in so many directions. Margrete’s journey to bring Bash’s soul back from the underworld to reunite with his body was a wild trip. Meeting the Gods and their home, seeing Margrete’s small group who would follow her anywhere, and watching Darius slowly change, it was all intense. The sacrifices made really surprised me, but were wonderful. There was nonstop action leading to a satisfying ending. I love the epilogues.

I received an advanced reader copy from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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Crown of Salt and Bone is book 3 in The Azantian Trilogy by Katherine Quinn.
This story was so entertaining, very well written and hard to put down.
The characters were fantastic. Margrete is an amazing lead.
It's full of adventure, drama and fun.
I thought the plot was really good and the characters well constructed, relatable and go on a good journey developing over the course of the book.
Overall, it’s a great fantasy. Highly recommended.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and City Owl Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Oh my my my....Katherine took me on adventure so detailed I felt I was there. If you're looking for a breathtaking adventure full of twists and turns this is the story that will expel you into an adventure that you will never forget.

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