Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this version of the "Riding Hood Story" and liked it immensely. It did, in fact stand out amongst many I have read in the past adn I really liked the creative narrative and storyline, ass well as the characters.

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After reading Beauty and the Blade, I was awaiting the second part of this series: Little Red Shadow. Because SC Grayson is able to spin the retelling in a big way, it is fine that it doesn’t have the sugary sweet of Disney (since I’m a big fan: a retelling is always a hit-or-miss in my opinion. And since I have a high preference for the Disney original, you need to have a really good story to compete.)

We see little Red (aka Scarlett) who is not afraid to stand up against the Wolves: a gang, who owns the streets around where Red has her bar. Benedict is a character, which isn’t there in the original story (or he would be the hunter, but since he is clearly no hunter, I don’t think there was supposed to be a similarity). In all, yet again an interesting twist to the story and a lot of bite (pun intended) in this story as well; highly enjoyed it!

So, in all, I would really recommend this story. And I’m also looking forward to The Hood and his Thief, the third part in this series. Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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This was a fun read. I’m glad it’s a 2nd book in a series, so now I can go read the first book.

Thank you to NetGalley and City Owl Press for this ARC. ~I was given this book and made no commitments to leave my opinions, favorable or otherwise~

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I didn't realize Little Red Shadow was the second book of a series when I requested to read this book. Thankfully, you can read this without needing to read the first book. The focus of this book is on new characters, and it is a very light retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. You will see the characters from the first book, you just have to be a little patient. Having not realized this was the second book, I also get a change of pace and say, I will be going backwards to read the first book of this series.

Our main character is Scarlet, who takes the place of Little Red; and the Big Bad Wolf is a gang called the Wolves, and their leader. We also see a red hood briefly in the story. These are the only ties to Little Red Riding Hood. Overall though, I enjoyed this story giving the book 4 of 5 stars.

Upon first opening the book and seeing the dedication I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. The book is dedicated "For all my stabby ladies and gentlemen." While I wish there was more stabby stabby in the book, it does deliver the fights. There is also a joke that gets going between Scarlett and Benedict with windows. To prevent any spoilers, I won't get more specific.

I enjoyed reading about Scarlett and her background, and the blooming romance with Benedict. They didn't exactly love each other at first, but it did bloom. The romance follows what felt like a natural progression, and feels complete by the end. I loved how things came together at the end, especially when we get one last window event.

I also enjoyed seeing the growth Scarlett went through. In the beginning she was a lone girl, going all the way alone. She was even protecting her closest friend by pretending to be her and enticing an unknown assassin to come for her. She never asked for help, and only took help when she was basically pushed into it. By the end, this is no longer the case.

If you've tried the first book, Beauty and the Blade, I'm willing to bet you will love this book too. Watch for a review of the first book, Beauty and the Blade because I'm going to be reading it as soon as I can get my hands on it. I loved the writing style of S. C. Grayson. You should give Little Red Shadow a chance.

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The second book in The Talented Series does not disappoint! Devoured this book in one day, it was just so compelling. I had to know what happened next with Scarlett and Benedict. How could they be together when the odds are stacked against them based on his station and her background?
I loved the progression of their relationship through the story - it felt very natural and I found myself rooting for them.

The fighting rings having sprung up was an unexpected twist for me but it makes so much sense.

Two of my favourite quotes; “You convinced me to save myself. You showed me there are things worth fighting for besides just survival.” & “Don’t hide from me, Little Bird.”

I do hope for more in The Talented Series in the future - I will read whatever S.C Grayson writes as she is a superstar 🌟

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

Another good installment in the series. I actually liked this one better than the first. Loved seeing the relationship grown between Scarlett and Benedict and the reappearance of characters from the first book.

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Didn't realize this book was a sequel to a previous one, but still, it wasn't that hard to pick up on events and the dynamics of the characters. I loved the intriguing slow burn between Scarlett and Benedict, and this was a very clever world Grayson set up. Also love a good re-twist on folktales like Little Red Riding Hood, so inventive!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I enjoyed returning to this world. This series is a very fun take on the fairytale reimagining. It is also rather unique. We got some Victorian era take on London here mixed in the rougher side of town. After one gang disbands (in the previous novel), there is a bit of a power redistribution and the street gang shenanigans take a different turn - the Talented are being targeted in a different way, forced to fight one another or be taken down by the gangs. The plot was intriguing and I flew through this book.
I really enjoyed the romance in the book, as well as the side romance - yup, more than one. There is nothing like a fake-dating enemies-to-lovers with a side of forbidden. A little of everything for the reader that wants it all.
I look forward to the next instalment in this series - which has to happen because there are more gangs to take care off and I’m pretty sure there is more to see from these characters as a side show to whoever comes next.
Many thanks to NetGalley and City Owl Press for a digital copy of this book. The opinions expressed are honest and my own.

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Historical slowburn romance with a touch of supernatural. I liked the premise of the book in general, but the third person POV threw me off, and I struggled to get in to it. It needs a touch of editing, since the character names are mixed up quite a few times and you get confused how an unrelated character popped into a scene seemingly out of nowhere, only to realise it’s an editing issue. The cover made me think it would be a dark romance, which it was not. I enjoyed the book, but probably would have enjoyed it more if it was a dual POV in the first person.

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Little Red Shadow by @s.c.grayson Review:

Definitely a 4 star read. This is book 2 in the Talented series. Scarlet left the world of high society but is shoved back in as she is trying to save her friend from the vicious Wolf gang.

Scarlet is so fierce. I absolutely love her even if she can be too stubborn for her own good. (Maybe I see myself in her a little but I'll never admit that to my husband haha)

It definitely has spice so proceed with caution of you like closed door romances.

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Scarlett lives in the shadows as a gangster and thief due to her extraordinary talent for manipulating shadows. Her tumultuous past, marked by her parents' execution for possessing talents, propels her into a life of crime and espionage.

When Scarlett assumes the identity of her childhood friend Georgette to uncover the source of death threats during Georgette's debut season in high society, she becomes entangled with Benedict, the son of a Duke. Benedict, a charming flirt and a victim of threats due to his father's gambling debts, finds himself irresistibly drawn to Scarlett. Together, they embark on a mission to unravel the mystery behind the threats targeting the city's socialites.

“Little Red Shadow” by S. C. Grayson was a fun read with its supernatural gifts and world building. I liked many of the characters’ talents and the realism of the hate for talented people which is slow to change in the city. I really liked the ups and downs with Scarlett and Benedict’s relationship and the spicy scenes.

I didn’t read the first book in the series, but it didn’t even matter in order to understand and get into the book. I will read the other book after reading this one. 4 out of 5 stars.

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I didn’t know the author before finding this book on netgalley, and I also didn’t know it was the book 2 hihi! So after reading the first book, which I loved and fell in love with, it was such a pleasure to read another story sets in the same universe. I love how the Talented universe is built, with its good and bad sides. I also love the diversity of characters present, though I have a preference for the funny ones (Rhosyn and Kristoff). Also, gay couples??? YES PLEASE!! And I can’t even talk about the SPICYNESS between our characters, the piano scene nearly ended me!!!! It was such a beautiful retelling of the Little Red Riding Hood! I will be reading other books from the talented S.C. Grayson!

Scarlett would do anything for her friend Georgette, so when her friend’s life is in danger, the Raptor’s gangster go and investigate the threat. Faced with a charming duke, Benedict Pearce, and not with a bloodied killer from the Wolfs, she joins force with the handsome Lord Pearce in order to discover why and who wants her friend killed. The walls around Scarlett’s heart began to fall around the flirtatious duke, who will do anything to gain her heart.

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I feel like I haven’t had that many 5 star reads lately but this one deserves all 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I love a little play on a fairy tale and this is part of a series, so there’s even more to love! I actually didn’t realize this when I requested the ARC but I can say that you don’t need to have read the first book in order to enjoy this one. If you do read it in order you’ll see some returning characters!

The story was well thought out and fast-paced; I couldn't put it down! The author did a great job with the characters: I love Benedict! He’s supposed to be this incorrigible rake and he’s definitely a charming flirt but also he’s a cinnamon roll. Scarlett is loyal, strong and a total badass but a bit of a martyr. Her character really comes to terms with who she was, is and wants to be over the course of the novel. There was definitely some character growth for her. Benedict doesn't have as much inner turmoil, he wants to be able to make things right for his family and protect those he cares about -- which is very similar to Scarlett. He's really supportive of Scarlett and a big softy for her. I don’t want to give many spoilers so I’ll just say it’s an exciting mystery full of danger and intrigue, with characters you can’t help but root for. It’s a bit of a slow burn but there’s definitely a splash of spice towards the middle and end! I will 100% be checking out the first book in the series & keeping my eye out for the next one.

🐺He Falls First
🐺Fake Dating (but make it courtship)
🐺Strong FMC
🐺Brawls & Balls

I would recommend this book to any fantasy and romance lovers!

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Little Red Shadow by S. C. Grayson is an enthralling fairytale retelling.
This book was absolutely everything I wanted it to be and more. The descriptions and dialogue fit so well and painted lush pictures in my mind the entire time I read.
The characters were brilliant, and so refreshing.
I did not want it to end.
A phenomenal Little Red Riding Hood retelling.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Owl Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Thank you to netgalley and victory editing for the opportunity to read this eARC for an honest review.

I throughly enjoyed this book. Very well written and the characters had great depth. The subtle red riding hood vibe throughout the book made it all the more interesting.
Scarlett resorts to taking a gangs protection after the government turn against her parents. Benedict gets in with the wrong crowd trying to protect his family. When Benedict is forced to try and kill Scarletts best friend they join forces to help one another. The adventure they go on kept me hooked the whole time. Also Benedict is my absolute favorite!

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I absolutely love a fairytale retelling. If the story is about Little Red Riding Hood, Belle and her Beast, Snow White and the Dwarfs, I am all in. So, when I saw this gorgeous cover and read the incredibly intriguing blurb about Scarlett and a gang called the Wolves, of course I was all in.

S.C. Grayson has hit the ball out of the park with this retelling. 'Little Red Shadow' has surprising twists and turns I didn't see coming, keeping me engaged and intrigued through out and up until the very end. Grayson has written an amazingly unique story that easily stands alone without the Red Riding Hood aspect. A retelling hits the next level if it contains Easter eggs from the original story and so we get a red cloak, some mean and violent wolves, Grannie, and of course 'Red' herself.

This is the second installment in 'The Talented' series but this story can easily be read as a stand alone. Characters from the first story appear in the book but S.C. Grayson does a marvelous job of filling in the back story so that the reader doesn't feel they have missed something. The little tidbits about the first book have most certainly made me want to go back and read 'Beauty and the Blade'.

Scarlett is a former member of high society. Due to her unique Talent, she has been forced to hide amongst the gangs and criminals in the lower end of London. Even though she has had to do unmentionable things to survive, Scarlett has not lost her ability to empathize with others. Her caring nature has often times left her in a predicament she cannot easily escape. When she meets Lord Benedict Pearce she finds she is once again going out on a limb to save the ones that mean the most to her.

This is my first time reading a story by S.C. Grayson. I am in awe of the in-depth detail that went into this book, I could actually envision the smoke and smoot generated by the factories while I read. I look forward to future works from this author and highly recommend adding 'Little Red Shadow' to your to be read list.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Words cannot express how beautifully written this book is. Like it’s something about this and the characters that has me continually reading and reading and being so connected to them that just does it for me. I love it simple as that.

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