Member Reviews

Wow this book was just so good and so easy to get lost in. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I just didn't want the story to end. I just couldn't get enough of these wonderful characters and I just loved getting to see their journey. I will most definitely be reading more stories from this wonderful author.

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I went on a spate of reads involving a semi-anonymous / masked hook-up or one night stand that resulted in the characters being important to each other in some way and I am in no way mad about it!!

This book features Tess, our FMC, who is widowed on her wedding night to the (very old) Duke of Wansford. She goes on to form a secret detective agency with her friends Ellie and Daisy. Then we meet Justin, our MMC, who by a series of unfortunate events (for everyone else) has become the new Duke of Wansford. Justin and Tess meet before they actually know each other for a hookup at a house party where Tess is masked.

Justin is a starchy business man who has vowed never to fall in love (DOES HE NOT KNOW HE IS IN A ROMANCE NOVEL??), and Tess has a lot to hide in her side hustle.

👍🏻Recommended!The chemistry between these two MCs was off the charts and the spice in this was SPICING. I loved the (semi-bananas) side plot involving the actual QUEEN OF ENGLAND (lolllll). This is a very solid start to a new series and I’m excited to read more!

Romance Details
- M/F, age gap (he’s 30, she’s 21)
- He’s a businessman-cum-duke, she’s a widow
- Marriage of convenience
- One night stand turns more
- Open door, explicit, 5+ intimate scenes

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Kate Bateman is one of my favorite Historical-Romance writers. You always get a wonderful story and very interesting characters. Here is a tale of love at first sight and two star-crossed lovers determined to hide not only their true feelings but some significant secret from each other. Both are intelligent people, except when it comes to dealing with each other. Love the dash of suspense/mystery that adds to the misunderstandings these two already have with each other. As Grand Gestures go this one was wonderful.

Tess Townsend's father sold her to the highest bidder and now she is facing life with a lecherous old coot, the Duke of Wansford. To her everlasting thanks and great good fortune, he drops dead on their wedding night leaving her still a virgin and the wealthy Dowager Duchess of Wansford. Life is good, except Tess really wants to experience what lust is all about but doesn't particularly want to get married to do so. She likes her independence and being able investigate crimes against women with her two best friends, Daisy and Ellie.

Justin Thornton, through the death of several other heirs, now finds himself the new Duke of Wansford. He doesn't need the money; he has a fortune earned with hard work in the shipping business and the title is more an annoyance since it will attract attention he could do without. As a diversion he stops at a house party where he meets and has a delightful encounter with a woman he named Scarlet for her enchanting red dress.

Meeting again in a ballroom in London, Tess, the Dowager Duchess of Wansford and Justin, the Duke of Wansford, come face to face with the reality of their prior encounter. Justin needs a wife and Tess could use the continued protection as the Duchess of Wansford, so they strike a bargain and make an agreement suitable to both. Love has no place in this bargain, but passion in abundance is a given. Unfortunately, the omissions and lies and a nasty thing called jealousy invades their passion filled nights and blows up this perfect arrangement only to make both realize that love and trust are two very precious things not to be taken lightly.

My thanks to the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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Sometimes to be enjoyable, a historical romance doesn't need to be exceptional. It just needs to be a little fun and a little different. Second Duke's the Charm is basically that. It wasn't a perfect book, but it did feature a secret mission from Queen Charlotte, a lively group of female friends, a handsome man who's cynical about love, and a few murder attempts.

Tess Townsend was married off to the Duke of Wansford, only to be lucky enough to have him die on their wedding night before anything could even happen. These days, she uses her money and influence to run an investigation agency with her two best friends. The only problem is that the distant heir to the dukedom has finally been tracked down, and while she fears whoever he is might displace her or try to shut down the agency, it's almost worse - he's hot and he's proposing a marriage of convenience between the two of them. To Justin Thornton, it seems like a perfectly reasonable deal. Until, of course, feelings get involved.

Tess and Justin are a strong central couple with good chemistry, and I do love a marriage of convenience plot. But to me, the most fun elements were the investigation bits, when Tess and her friends were sneaking around balls and gardens to find answers about a blackmailing scheme. Meanwhile, the murder attempts on Justin's life added an extra level of action - at least until the extremely underwhelming reveal of who was behind them.

Basically, this book was fun, if nothing special, and it made for a great travel read!


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I really feel that Kate Bateman can do no wrong in a book. Every one I read I enjoy, and Second Duke's the Charm is no different. She is a phenomenal writer. The plot, while slightly predictable, was very good. I loved how this was a marriage of connivence; it's one of my favorite tropes. I love Tess's group of friends and cannot wait for their stories! If you are a Kate Bateman fan, this one will not disappoint!

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Every time I pick up a Kate Bateman romance novel, I know it’s going to be a terrific ride, and the first in her newest series was no exception. I’m never going to be mad about a marriage of convenience romance, or a hero who insists over and over again that he’s not at risk of catching feelings, because he gets proven wrong every time and it’s satisfying every time. Bateman’s romances are hilarious and engaging, not to mention steamy to boot, and they always get me hooked in for the next one. The ultimate resolution could have used a little more fleshing-out — as well as the culmination of the assassination attempts — but overall a very strong intro to this new series. More of the ladies and their investigative business as well, please — and is the next book going to be about the real Mr. King showing up?

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this edition from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion.

This is book 1 of a new series by Kate Bateman, Her Majesty's Rebels. In this story, Tess Townsend is a young debutante who was just forced into wedding the aged, lecherous Duke of Wansford, by her uncaring and indebted father. However, her sentence was stayed on her wedding night, when her husband keels over before he can consummate marriage, much to the young bride's shock and relief. Tess had been prepared to fight rather than submit to the disgusting blandishments of her unwanted husband, and hiding to help her were her two best friends. Instead, they were now faced with the disgustingly naked corpse of the old duke.

But they quickly suss out the advantages of Tess's situation - all the advantages of the title of Duchess without an old Duke to deal with, and the freedoms of widowhood, so long as they manage the situation, and safeguard Tess before her father can get her under his thumb again.

A couple of years pass by and Tess has gained support and stature in Society, as the respectable widowed Duchess of Wansford, and dedicated herself to learning how to manage the dukedom while the search was on for the heir. She has gained the respect and support of those under the care of the estates by actually learning to manage it successfully. And in secret, she and her friends have successfully started and run and investigative agency.

But Tess does feel something is lacking. She is trapped in her position because she cannot let her circumstances come to light, or her position in the Ton threatened, so she cannot take a lover, or marry again for love. But to get a taste of what she is missing, she and her friends attend a house party/masquerade noted for it's licentiousness. There, in disguise, Tess engages the passionate attentions of handsome stranger.

Justin Thornton, a successful Bristol merchant, who is heavily invested in the trade between Canada and Britain, has just learned that through a series of unfortunate events in the extended family, that he is now the newest heir to the Dukedom. Irritated by his unwanted inheritance, and suffering a sense of ennui he cannot shake, he decides to accept an invitation to a friend's house party. There, his interest fixates on an mysterious beauty in scarlet red, and they engage in a passionate tryst, that is unfortunately interrupted.

After getting her taste of intimacy and passion, Tess and her friends return to London where their services are engaged secretly by a member of the Royal family to seek out and stymie a blackmailer before an indiscretion comes to light publicly and causes them embarrassment. As part of their investigation, they are to connect with the blackmailer, who will be seeking a woman in a red dress at a Tonnish ball. Justin makes his entry into Society at that same ball, and when he sees Tess, he recognizes her as his beauty in scarlet... and also a girl he remembers having a deep infatuation with from afar several years previously - but knowing he never had a chance because of her popularity and beauty, he set those thoughts aside long ago.

Then he is further surprised to find out she is the widowed Duchess of Wansford. He quickly recovers though and forges a plan that would get him what he wants - Tess in his bed, someone to manage the Duchy he does not want to deal with, and an avoidance of the social whirl and Marriage Mart. He offers Tess a marriage of convenience... except they get to live together for 3 months and he gets to indulge with her in a passionate affair before they part ways. He has a rule of not letting relationships last beyond three months so as not to have to deal with messy emotions and attachments. Tess is shocked and stunned, but ultimately agrees.

I quite enjoyed the girl power dynamic of Tess and her friends. They have a fun friend dynamic, and funny dialogue, and I love their partnership.

"Real life is clearly a badly stuffed sausage" Ellie grinned. "I should put that in a sampler."

"It's one of those unwritten laws. Like the fact that the week before you get your monthly courses , you have to force yourself not to stab everyone with a letter opener because they're being so irritating."
"We do all have a 'stabby week,'" Tess agreed.

I mostly liked the romance between Justin and Tess. He had that long ago infatuation with Tess, which she never knew apart, because his admiration was from afar, and he never met her. But all that coupled with their mysterious hidden identity meeting at the house party, marriage of convenience but with hot-sex, and her hidden virginity... but he believes her to be an experienced seductress thing... well it's all over the top. But I do enjoy the bits of lighthearted teasing and humorous dialogue that Bateman intersperses in the story, and ultimately I do like the MMC and FMC and am willing to believe in their story. Especially considering he is ultimately harboring a romantic in hiding; and especially one who saves puppies from ponds while cuddling them in his own shirt...

What is there not to love about a handsome, sexy man who cuddles puppies?

4 stars out of 5

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Kate Bateman has quickly become one of my go-to authors for brilliantly written and intriguing historical romance, so even though I don't normally enjoy the 'widow trope', I took a chance on this story. Fortunately, the heroine is widowed in the very first chapter and there is definitely no love lost between the duchess and her duke, so I was able to dive into the story and follow along easily.

I really loved the beginning half of this novel; the friendship between Tess, Ellie, and Daisy was so amazing as they truly supported and loved each other. I also loved the buildup and sexual tension between Tess and Justin as they muddle through their growing attraction for each other in the face of their marital arrangement. However, I do feel as though it got a bit repetitive towards the end as I waited for the resolution of Tess's investigation and for her relationship with Justin to finally evolve into a true love match. Overall, this was another fantastic story by Kate, and I look forward to Ellie and Daisy's books🖤

Tropes: marriage of convenience, secret identity, self-made hero, widow heroine, newly inherited Dukedom, lessons in seduction, she falls first/he falls harder, girl gang, STEAMY🔥

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A gorgeous, sexy man with a smirk who loves maple syrup and puppies? Yes, please. Not to mention he gives a new meaning to bath beads… Sigh.

Kate Bateman’s first book in a new series is about three female friends who run King & Co., London’s most exclusive investigative agency. The book, which revolves around Tess and Justin, is a tale of love, passion, and intrigue.

Tess Townsend is a beautiful woman who was forced into a loveless marriage by her father. However, fortune smiles on her when her repulsive husband dies on their wedding night, leaving her with a title and her virginity intact. Enter Justin Thornton, a shipping magnate with an aversion to love, never expected to inherit a dukedom with a widowed Duchess included. But when he attends a masked house party and kisses Scarlet aka Tess, he realizes later that she is the Duchess and proposes a marriage of convenience that will benefit them both. Tess will get to keep her title and own her own business, while Justin can secure his position in society and continue his life as before. However, what starts as a business arrangement soon turns into something more.

Tess is a strong and independent woman who has faced numerous challenges in her life. She is not afraid to take risks and is willing to fight for what she wants. Justin, on the other hand, is a man of power and influence who is used to getting what he wants. However, as he gets to know Tess, he realizes that there is more to life than just business and that maybe he has a heart after all.

Add in Tess’s closest friends and business partners, the intelligent and reasonable Ellie Law, and the straight-talking and naughty Daisy Hamilton and the entertainment is complete. I can’t wait to read their stories.

This delightful story is a perfect balance of sweet and spicy leaving readers feeling satisfied and eager for more. Bateman has created a world that is both captivating and intriguing. The romance between Tess and Justin is heartwarming, and the premise surrounding King & Co.’s mission to help unfortunate women is compelling. If you are looking for a good historical romance, this one is worth checking out.

Thank you to Ms. Bateman for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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Pretty much everything about “Second Duke’s the Charm” by Kate Bateman bothered me. I will say I loved the opening plot device – young, virginal Tess is married off to an old Duke only to have him die on her wedding night.

I also like a marriage of convenience. But I don’t need to hear multiple times that neither party will fall in love. They will bang like strangers and then live their separate lives, there will be no feelings, love is silly and inconvenient, and yeah, I get it, we’ve all read this trope before.

I usually enjoy historical romance with a bit of mystery. But, when three young women run an investigative business pretending to be a man, and then their client is the highest authority in the land, I begin to eye-roll.
I keep rolling my eyes when Tess pretends to have vast sexual experience for no good reason. I get the initial need to claim consummation, but then why continue to lie, especially to your husband?

I then cause permanent damage to my eyes, rolling them so hard during the three friends’ discussions of the sexual activities of one of the young women (who will no doubt get their own book), and the criminal law assistance / sexual interest of the other friend, and their very modern chatting throughout the first third of this book. I don’t want to read Sex In The Victorian English City.

As a grumpy aside, I also strongly dislike shortform names with no acknowledgement the birth name is probably something else. Tess was most likely Theresa or even Tessa, but not in this story.

There is a murder subplot that is randomly inserted and then resolved in the blink of an eye (MMC: “oh, it was X trying to kill me, I took care of it.”).

The big conflict between Tess and her man (the new Duke) also happens so fast, in public (!), and secrets are strangely spit out, and it’s all not good.

I will say I loved the honeymoon period in the ducal home, and thought it was the most moving, authentic part of this book. It was also the part that was most like a true historical romance.

If you prefer faux-historical, pick this up. This just was not for me when there are so many wonderful historical romance authors to choose. 2.5/5

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Kate is becoming a favorite HR author for me. She knocks this one out of the park! It was just what I needed and can’t wait for the rest of this series.

Strong female leads
Hot about to be Duke
London and Country side
Some twists and turns
The ladies investigation work
Marriage of Convenience

So I’m finding I’m a sucker for marriage of convenience and here you add in a business man that is NOT going to fall in love- sign me up! Bateman nails it! Perfect for these two. Love that he was a business man before becoming a Duke- which he did not want. Loved the puppy and horse scenes so much!! Swoon!!

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Another new series from Kate Bateman and I think this one will be great fun.

Second Duke's a Charm starts with a wild wedding night, but not for the reasons you might think. Said wedding night leaves Tess a widow and a Dukedom in search of a Duke. Two years later, Justin is discovered to be that long lost heir. When he finds Tess as the duchess and he himself needs to marry. He proposes she keep her position, this time as HIS wife. They are both attracted to each other, so what could go wrong?

There are of course many other delightful details, but that's the gist of it.

Justin and Tess were quite the pair and their chemistry is there, right from the first forbidden meeting. However, my main disconnect is that we took so long getting them to the altar and then after only a week or two... they are completely in love? I don't know, I was missing a few steps.

This was a fast paced and fun Historical Romance and I think many will find it quite "charming". Pardon the pun. I was just hoping for a bit more than purely physical chemistry.

4 stars
2.5 on the spice scale

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Second Duke’s the Charm by Kate Bateman was a delightful read with layer upon layer of storylines and personalities. There were so many stories told and woven together.

This is Tess’s story, along with Justin, the second duke she is involved with after her elderly husband, whom he succeeds, dies on their wedding night. What a romp we’re taken on as they get to know each other better, and their attraction grows even though none of it is in Justin’s plans of love ’em and leave ’em, especially since he only marries Tess not to have to be on the marriage mart and be waylaid by mother’s of daughters needing a match. Or are there other reasons that need to be ferreted out?

The story has a good flow and intersperses the storylines to keep our interest. There are several twists and turns in the story and several unexpected happenings. Some unsavory characters and danger are included to keep us on our toes as we get more vested in the story. We learn about Tess and Justin a little at a time, including their friendships and business dealings, especially since Tess has a good head on her shoulders regarding the estate and its tenants.

This is the first book in a new series, Her Majesty’s Rebels, and I can’t wait for more. There is some closure and an unexpected happily ever after in the offing. There are some loose ends, primarily related to Tess’s two best friends and the business they share—incognito, of course. The title is spot on, and once again, Ms. Bateman has a winner.

Second Duke’s the Charm is a historical romance set in Regency England with the ton, expectations, and an unlikely romance filled with love. Pull up a chair, sit back, and relax as we’re taken on a merry ride with unexpected twists and turns.

I rated the book 4.5 stars but rounded to 5 stars here and on other sites.

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*Title: Second Duke's the Charm

*Release date: 12/26/23  read: 12/20/23

*Author: Kate Bateman- 1st time read author

*Format: e-ARC. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC💜! I voluntarily give an honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

*Setting: London 1814

*Genre:  Historical Romance, Women's Fiction

*Tropes: marriage of convenience, secret identity, opposites attract, age gap, investigation agency

*Look out for: virgin h, attempted murder

*Synopsis:  Tess, 19, is forced into marriage with the 72 year old Duke of Wansford. She doesn't want to consummate the marriage, and somehow her wish comes true. Her husband dies right before the deed is done. Widowed, she is granted independence and starts an investigation agency with her BFFs Ellie and Daisy. Justin Thornton has his own shipping company but is notified he has inherited the dukedom of Wansford. Tess and Justin met at a masked party as strangers, and again when he claims his title. They decide to enter into a marriage of convenience for three months, but will it become a love match?


* Tess Townsend- now 21, works at King & Co. agency. Her mother is deceased since she was a baby. Her father put her on house arrest a week before the wedding to keep her from running away. He made some bad investments and had a loan with the Mad King George. He dies right after she is widowed.

* Justin Thornton-now 30, into shipping and trading. Inherits title from Duke of Wansford reluctantly. He doesn't believe in love but proposes a marriage contract to Tess.

* Eleanor Law/Ellie-Tess's bff, works with her. Her father Sir Edward Law is a top lawyer and Lord Chief Justice.

* Lady Dorothea Hamilton/Daisy-Tess's bff, works at the agency too. Her real father is an Italian count her mother had an affair with but officially he's the Duke of Dalkeith.

* Anne Marie- Justin's ex-girlfriend who breaks up with him saying he has no heart.

*Review: I really enjoyed the Queen Charlotte cameo. Her granddaughter Charlotte had an epistolary affair but is now is getting married to someone else. Whoever has the letters plans to blackmail the crown. The Queen hires "Mr. King" to find the rogue and get the letters back. Justin and Tess create a pretty thorough marriage contract about sex, children, and finances. The lines blur and both fight their feelings because they put a time limit on their arrangement. Justin groveled pretty well with a Fool For Love . I hope her 2 BFF's get their stories told.

*Rating:  4/5 ✨

*Spice level- 4/5 🌶️

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Second Duke's the Charm is the first book in the Her Majesty's Rebels series by Kate Bateman. I've enjoyed Bateman's writing style in the past, and this time was no different. I look forward to the rest of the series.

A historical romance with a marriage of convenience, wit, banter, secrets, murder attempts, and delicious steam. I absolutely adored our FMC Tess and her best friends, who secretly run a detective agency for women wronged. Tess is fierce, passionate and strong-willed. Unfortunately I didn't love the MMC quite as much as her. Justin was kind of obnoxious but he did win me over by the end.

3.5 rounded to 4

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The thing I love most about starting a Kate Bateman's book is how I'm always hooked so fast. It always starts with a boom for me. Another thing I absolutely love is that she creates characters that you pretty much love instantly. In this one, the book started by showcasing the best friendship ever, which made me want to know more about all of these girls right away. I want their books now!

I cannot go on without mentioning the fact that I was kind of amazed to see my province shown as much in a historical romance book. I've read books that mentioned Canada but in this one it was really all about my province and I was like, omg it's us (as if I was a "draveur" in the river myself, but you never know, maybe in a past life) every time Justin talked about something from Canada hahaha!

I loved the detective side there was in this story and how it always did put Tess in the tricky situations with Justin, it was kind of funny how it always looked like the worst for her (sorry!). Our characters had amazing chemistry and great banter (but are we surprised, it's Kate Bateman and I feel like it's her superpower to write these). It was nice how they could make each other laugh and had an instant connection.

I survived the grand gesture, thank god, mainly because it was all such a failure and ended up being funny and cute instead of an awkward show in front of everyone (which makes me feel awkward as well, hence why I hate it). The only thing that was slightly missing for me in this one was a little bit of relationship development I think. For some reason it felt more physical than anything so I just couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Justin switched so fast from: I don't want to love to, I'm in love and okay with it. But then, it was kind of a love at first sight so I guess it makes sense I felt something missing, I'm just not the biggest fan of that. But that's totally a ME problem and this book is in no way less good because of my dumb brain.

I did find that the attempted murder part was kind of really fast resolved, only mentioned in a chapter as if it was an afterthought. I had wished it was maybe a more important thing, but then there were other mysteries going on so I can understand it wouldn't take a bigger part. Anyways, it all ended quite beautifully and I really enjoyed my read so once again, Kate Bateman confirms she's an amazing writer and I'm so happy to read anything from her.

Thanks to the publisher and the author for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Title: Second Duke’s the Charm
Author: Kate Bateman
Series: Her Majesty’s Rebels
Page Length: 320
Publication Date: Dec. 26, 2023
Publisher: St. Martin’s Paperbacks

The wedding-night death of her much older husband left Tess Townsend the Dowager Duchess of Wansford—and still a virgin. Now she and her two best friends investigate London’s most scandalous crimes, and while Tess longs to experience physical pleasure for herself, she can’t risk losing her treasured independence...

Cynical shipping magnate Justin Thornton never expected to inherit a dukedom, but he’ll do his duty. When the ravishing woman he kissed at a party turns out to be the Dowager Duchess, Justin sees an obvious solution: a marriage of convenience that will suit them both.

But the passion that sparks between them is anything but convenient. As Tess works on a new case at the request of Queen Charlotte, her increasingly suspicious behavior makes Justin question her motives—and her past. The infuriating woman clearly can’t be trusted, but Justin doesn’t believe in love, so there’s absolutely no danger of him falling for his own there?

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Being a fan of Kate Bateman's series, I eagerly dived into this promising installment. Tess takes the lead, finding herself reluctantly wedded to an elderly Duke. Fortunately, her fortunes change when the Duke's demise on their wedding night transforms her into a widow, granting her newfound freedom. Embracing her independence, Tess continues her investigative pursuits alongside her closest friends, Ellie and Daisy. This arrangement persists until a suitable heir for the Dukedom emerges.

Enter Justin, a shipping magnate uninterested in anything beyond physical pleasure, unexpectedly thrust into the role of Duke as a distant relative. The sparks between Justin and Tess ignite from their initial encounter, and it's a delight to witness the development of their story.

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Oh My Goodness! I LOVED this one! This is a fantastic start to a new series. Great banter, wonderful friends/side characters. Not only did I love the romance between Tess and Justin, I cant wait to get Ellie and Daisy's books. All three women were so unique and fun. I cant recommend enough!
Thank you to Netgalley for an early ARC! Review posted to good reads.

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Second Duke's the Charm is the first book in Kate Bateman's series Her Majesty's Rebels. Ms. Bateman's last series, Ruthless Rivals, was one of my favorite series EVER, so I was super excited to get my paws on this one. Though I didn't love my first foray in this series, I did thoroughly enjoy it!

Tess Townsend became the Dowager Duchess of Wansford on her wedding night...before it was even consummated. The much older man whom Tess was forced to marry by her father dropped dead before the deed, and Tess is still a virgin. No one knows that secret except her two best friends, Daisy Hamilton and Ellie Law. The three of them now run King & Co., an exclusive investigative agency; no one knows there is no Mr. King. Tessa longs to experience physical pleasure, but she doesn't want to lose her independence. Shipping magnate Justin Thornton never expected to inherit a dukedom; he was so far removed it wasn't funny. But he'll do his duty as the new Duke of Wansford. When the entrancing woman he kisses at a party turns out to be the Dowager Duchess, he presents an offer to Tess: a marriage of convenience. Justin doesn't believe in love and Tess wants her independence, so such a marriage would suit them both; never mind the intense passion they have for each other. When Tess works on a new case at the request of Queen Charlotte, Tess's increasingly suspicious behavior has Justin convinced there's more to his Duchess that meets the eye. He can't trust her, but that's not a problem since he doesn't believe in love...right?

This was an extremely enjoyable beginning to this series. I absolutely adored Tess; she was an amazing heroine. She had a sense of humor, was extremely intelligent, learned how to run an estate and also an investigative agency. She also acknowledged that she wanted passion in her life and wasn't afraid to seek it. Tess had no control over her life until her elderly duke died (before she had to pull a pistol on him to keep him away). Tess doesn't want anyone except her two best friends to know that she's still a virgin, as she fears it would ruin her dowager status and cause her to lose independence. Their investigative agency is very successful, though it's a secret that there is no Mr. King...well, a secret from everyone except apparently Queen Charlotte! The Queen hires them to track down a blackmailer. In her quest for passion, Tess attends a party in a mask and spies an incredibly handsome man with whom she makes out heavily. That man was Justin Thornton, who had no idea he was lusting for the dowager duchess! When he learned who she was, Justin thought it made sense to make her his duchess. They would be together for a few months, then go their separate ways. I learned to like Justin after a while, but he wasn't my favorite hero. He just appeared overly arrogant to me. I guess every woman he met fell in lust with him. A little humility never hurt anyone! I did admire his business sense and ability to make his own way in the world by becoming an extremely successful shipping magnate. I wasn't thrilled with him, however, until he helped a poor little pup who fell into the lake. Any man who treats animals with such kindness couldn't be so bad! He also acknowledged his feelings for Tess, which redeemed him in my eyes. Love scenes between the two were ice water-worthy, and details weren't spared; such moments were both very steamy and lovely. There was a lot of humor in this book much of it because of Tess's besties Daisy and Ellie. The conversations between the three woman were hysterical, and I can't wait to read their stories!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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