Member Reviews

4.5 Stars. On Tess’s wedding night her ancient husband drops dead at her feet. Two years later, Tess goes to London in search of a kiss and shares a passionate moment with a stranger. A few days later she learns her mystery man, Justin, is a distant relative of her husband and the new duke. Justin propose a marriage of convenience and after weighing here options, Tess agrees. The pair begin a physical relationship that leads to feelings. The B plot involves Tess and her friends trying to stop a blackmailer and someone trying to kill justin.

This is the first book in a new series and I assume that the other two books will be about Tess’s friends. I really liked this book. The plot moved a long quickly and I read the book in a single afternoon and was entertained, but I found the A and B plots a little disjointed and I found myself skimming when we got to the B plot chapters. I would have preferred to have just the main marriage of convenience plot but I also don’t enjoy mysteries. I absolutely love the cover as it so perfectly captures Tess and Justin’s first meeting. I do wish we had gotten more of Justin’s hard shell around his heart shattering because he was so cold at the beginning of the book. I absolutely loved Tess and her friends and am absolutely looking forward to the next books in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I knew I would really enjoy this book from the very first page when Tess's much older husband drops dead on their wedding night, saving her from a forced marriage to someone she hates. Now free to do what she likes, Tess and her two best friends open a detective agency and successively solve mysteries to help noble women avoid scandal. But when the new duke turns out to be the handsome man she had shared a secret passionate kiss with, she debates whether she can trust him with her independence and her heart. The main characters have such a great dynamic! Their constant banter is very engaging, and their genuine support for each other throughout the book, even when they were fighting, was very sweet! I absolutely adored the friendship dynamic between Tess and her two best friends! They were so fun, and I really hope the rest of the series follows their relationships! This was such a fun romance, and I can't wait to read the next books in the series!

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This was a fast-paced, swoon-worthy read, that I found I did not want to put down! The story was fresh, original and exciting with characters that are realistic and likable. It is everything you could want in a rousing romp through the pages of a historical romance and more!

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.

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First in the Her Majesty’s Rebels series centering around 3 best girlfriends who form an elite and discreet detective agency called King & Co.

This one revolves around Tess Townsend, a young dowager duchess whose much older husband dies on their wedding night. Obviously, she’d like to know what she’s missed out on. 😂

Justin Thornton is a successful shipping magnate who grumpily inherits the dukedom.

This story falls into the marriage of convenience trope with some trust issues thrown in and reminded me a bit of the Charlie’s Angels TV show with the leading ladies sharing similar characteristics, both physically and talent/personality wise.

I really wanted to like this more. It’s an interesting premise, but I really didn’t connect with either Tess or Justin and found them irritating at times (especially Justin). I might try the next outing. Just wasn’t bowled over by this one.

My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s for providing the free early arc of Second Duke’s the Charm for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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This book is a great read! I adored it. I will definitely be looking up more of Kate Bateman's stuff.

I love Tess, and Justin is a great foil for her. Tess forging independence and trying to be her best self while living in kind of limbo is very relatable- the society she lives in severely restricts her behavior and forces her into a mold that doesn't fit her. She's a great steward of the dukedom, and I love how much everyone around her wants her to be happy.

I am a sucker for the marriage of convenience, and also the "man who eschews romantic entanglement accidentally becomes a wife guy." Not sure if that has a name as a trope? But I love it. They had great chemistry and I love how you see both of them pulling the other towards a place that meets their needs.

I love Tess' friends, and I look forward to reading about them in the next books. I do occasionally find side-characters to be annoying, but these ladies are fun and clearly individuals with their own minds, not stock characters. I like their business, and though it's a bit fantastical it didn't bring me out of the story. I like that while the ladies' mission was a bit byzantine, it was ultimately

The only reason it isn't five stars is because I found the resolution to Justin's conflict to be a bit lack-luster. The assassination attempts are resolved off-page, and there wasn't any set up, just "Oh it turns out such and such was behind it. Bummer!" I don't mind a red-herring, and maybe I missed a line somewhere eluding to who was actually behind the plot? I feel like the story kind of lost steam there, despite being very strong up till there. I also didn't like that they floated the "is someone killing the heirs" thing and then dropped it? Like it felt like Chekov's plot to me.

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I found this book to be a delight. I love the descriptions of the time period, places, and people. You feel like you are there. The story will keep you glued to your seat. It is such a wonderful love story with really two sets of forbidden love.

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This is a masterfully written book, with strong female lead characters. The female lead, Tess, is forced into a wedding, by her father, with an elderly Duke. She enlists the help of her two best friends to create some kind of distraction/upheaval to keep the Duke from consummating the marriage. This is just the beginning...
Tess, Daisy, and Ellie are the best of friends and also business partners, as private investigators; quite an unusual profession for women at that time. They are very much the antithesis of the "normal" aristocratic females of their generation. This historical romance novel is well written and entertaining. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.

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Tropes: marriage of convenience, Big Secret
Steam level: 3
First in a series

3.75 stars rounded up. This is a lighthearted, escapist HR that hits all of the expected notes. Like a sweet wine, it goes down smoothly with little fuss. The writing is rock solid (as usual with this author) and the spice is just the right level. The banter between the MC's and among the secondary characters, especially the King & Company ladies, is spot on. However, the trade-off is a lack of depth; I never really felt an emotional bond between Tess and Justin. Also, the mystery involving who might be trying to kill one or both of them was a bit of a letdown.

I would recommend this as a fast weekend read if you're looking for an amusing diversion with just enough open-door steam.

I read an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my voluntary review. Thanks to the author and Net Galley for this opportunity.

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Whew, this was one steamy AF read! Goodness the chemistry and raw need between Tess and Justin just about burned up my Kindle! I really enjoyed this book and it showed me what I love about historical romance. The characters were well written and I adored Ellie and Daisy—Daisy the most with the absurd things that came out or her mouth. But Ellie was practical and I enjoyed her too. This book was so well done. Even with the breakup and getting back together I really had a good time reading this story. I truly hope Edward and Daisy get a story and Ellie too! I’m excited to jump into some more Kate Bateman reads!

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Second Duke's the Charm
Second Duke's the Charm is the first book in a new series, Her Majesty's Rebels, by Kate Bateman. When I pick up one of her books, I know I am in for a good read. Her stories have fearless independent heroines and hunky-- but sometimes oblivious --- heroes. There is always suspense, romance, drama, humor, sex, fun and witty banter. Blackmail and attempted murder also make an appearance. This book is no exception. I just smiled and chuckled through the first couple chapters and couldn't wait to see what happened next! The fist chapter finds our young heroine Tess forced into marriage to a lecherous old man and it is their wedding night. Determined NOT to be bedded, Tess has a pistol under her pillow to ward him off. Her 2 best friends, Elllie and Daisy, have a back up plan, too. When the Duke of Wansford enters Tess's room, he leers at her and drops to the floor --dead! Ellie and Daisy arrive and the 3 of them figure out a plan. Tess is now the Dowager Duchess, but a VIRGIN!

Tess, Ellie and Daisy establish King & Co., a secret investigative agency, to help other women who have been bullied/manipulated by men and don't have the means to escape them. Her Majesty's Rebels refers to these three smart women who are not only close friends, but the owners and investigators. Queen Charlotte is one of their clients.

Two years later ...
Our hero, Justin Thornton, is a self-made rich shipping magnate. He is NOT thrilled to learn he's inherited the Wansford dukedom. It took 2 years to find a new duke. Thinking that the Wansford estate is in debt and the widow must be as old as the deceased duke, he finally accepts the responsibility. Added to that burden, Justin is not happy that he must marry some "empty headed chit to provide an heir'!

Daisy and Ellie convince Tess to attend a house party. In a scandalous red dress and wearing a mask, "Scarlet" is looking for a little sexy fun. Justin also attends this party. Tess notices a mysterious stranger and begins steamy rounds of kissing. Neither is aware of the other's identity.
Oh --- can you see the upcoming sparks flying and misunderstandings in the rest of the book????

I received an ARC from Net Galley for my honest opinion. I enjoyed reading Second Duke's the Charm. I can't wait to read Ellie's and Daisy's stories! Write faster, Kate!

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I loved this book so much I read it in just one day! Tess and Justin are an enthralling couple, and their story is filled with passion and warmth, as well as many twists and turns! This is the first novel in a new series, and I look forward to reading the rest!

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I ultimately found this to be a solid and nicely steamy series starter about a group of three females who own and operate a detective agency. Second Duke's the Charm focuses on Tess, a widowed duchess and Justin, the new duke who was formerly an accountant. I don't enjoy recapping a book or sharing spoilers, so I'll just say if you like…

*strong MFCs
*marriage of convenience
*fantastic chemistry
*historical romance series
*open door romance

…give this one a try.

I'm absolutely looking forward to reading more of this series. Kate Bateman is still a newish-to-me author and reading this reminded me to take the time and read the books of hers that I haven't yet.

Recommended series starter and author.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Paperbacks and NetGalley for the DRC

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Kate Bateman has quickly become one of my favorite HR authors, and I was really excited by this one. The plot reminded me somewhat of Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage; the plot wasn't the same, but there were similar beats between H and h.
This was a really fun read, full of yearning, longing, sultry looks and actions.

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I love a good Regency mysterious romance, or romantic mystery, so I was excited to see Kate Bateman's new series, Her Majesty's Rebels. The novel started out strong, with a gorgeous intelligent heroine and her spunky sidekicks solving a blackmail puzzle for Queen Charlotte. Enter the brooding self-made hero, and things were looking great! Now we have a shame marriage and virgin masquerading as a merry widow... even better! Here comes the steam! This is great! And then things grind to a crawl. The protagonists stop communicating. The mystery is tied up with no energy or intrigue. The hero wins back the heroine in a way that I found confusing rather than clever. Bateman is always fun to read, even with a lackluster second half. I have hopes for the rest of the series.

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I love a romance with a mystery element, and this series is perfect for fans of Maclean's Hell's Belles. It was swoony, steamy, and page-turning. I read it in like two nights, which is exactly how I like my romance novels.

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I have enjoyed every Kate Bateman book I've read and this first book in Her Majesty's Rebels series was a solid start to this series. I love that this series is about three women who have been lifelong friends, opening their own detective agency and taking on cases that Bow Street doesn't have time for, and that the cases are mainly women seeking help.

Tess has been thrown into a life she never wanted, being forced by her father to marry a decrepit Duke so that her father could try and get out of the financial ruin he's found himself in. Luckily for her, the old man dies on their wedding night, and she now is a widowed duchess with the means to follow her dreams and help those less fortunate.

Justin was truly the most reluctant duke I've ever seen. He's amassed his own fortune, so he truly doesn't want to take on the responsibilities of the duchy. That is, until he meets the widow of the former duke. Someone who first caught his attention years ago, when he was just an up-and-coming merchant. Now he's got the means to stand toe to toe with her, even without having inherited the duke title.

The attraction between Justin and Tess was tangible, and I loved the interactions they had. I loved how Tess was trying to show him the real her, even when she had SO many secrets she needed to continue hiding. And I loved how Justin, a professed bachelor who swore he'd never fall in love, slowly succumbed to Tess's charms until he couldn't imagine life without her.

This was a fairly fast paced story; the action kept me turning the pages. I was very satisfied with how this story turned out, and I'm excited to see what the stories will be for both Ellie and Daisy.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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I’m a fan of Kate Bateman, so I was thrilled to receive an arc of her newest book, Second Duke’s the Charm, the first in her new series, Her Majesty’s Rebels. 🕵️‍♀️

Tess, the Duchess of Wansford, narrowly escaped a miserable life when her elderly husband dies on their wedding night. Tess uses her newfound power and wealth as a widow to create a detective agency with her two best friends, Ellie and Daisy. They work to right wrongs done to women of the ton, and word of mouth keeps them busy. Imagine their surprise when none other than Queen Charlotte herself arrives on their doorstep asking for their help! The ladies quickly come up with a plan to help the Queen using Tess and her status as Duchess to their advantage.

While going about their investigations, the new Duke of Wansford is coming to town and jeopardizes Tess’s standing as an independent woman. Luckily for her, the new Duke is none other than the handsome man she kissed at a country party, Justin Thornton. 😱

Justin, not on the lookout for a wife, but knowing the marriage minded mamas of the town will hound him for his wealth and newfound title, proposes a marriage of convenience with young Duchess, Tess. Assuming Tess is an experienced widow who freely takes lovers, Justin believes three months of parading about town as man and wife and heating up the marriage bed will be enough to satisfy both of their desires so they can then live separate lives. However, unbeknownst to everyone but Tess and her friends, Tess is not an experienced widow. Fearing Justin will take away her independence and her detective agency, Tess is determined to play the lusty widow. This leads to some super steamy scenes! 🔥

My biggest complaint is that Justin often referred to Tess’s experience in a manner most would view as degrading or negative. He always said he was a businessman so he saw her marrying a wealthy old man, and then himself, as her being a shrewd businesswoman, but it still felt a bit icky. I also felt that during the final reveal of the who-done-it, Justin’s actions were more severe than necessary. And his subsequent grovel, haha! I won’t lie, I wanted more, but it was actually really funny, and I can appreciate it! 😂🐎

I’m looking forward to the next book in Bateman’s Her Majesty’s Rebels series. I hope it’s Ellie’s story, but Daisy is a bit of fun, so I’ll be happy with either one!

Thank you to the publisher and the author for the complimentary arc. All opinions are my own.

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It's hard for me be to objective about Kate Bateman because she was a love at first read author for me and almost everything I've read by her has been five stars for me. But I think that even if I didn't know who had written this, it would still have been a five star for me. It ticked all of my historical romance boxes - a bit of mystery, a bit of adventure, a mistaken identity romantic interlude, a marriage of convenience between two people who are obviously very into each other, and a group of women secretly running an investigative agency. I found Tess and her friends so delightful, and I enjoyed Justin as the sort of grumpy reluctant Duke of Wansford. I can't wait for more in this series. I tried to savor this but I was having so much fun that I couldn't.

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Kate killed this one as always!! Great read. Loved the leading lady and of course her man is swoon worthy as always. Excited for this new series!

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It’s an intriguing story with Tess the beautiful young widow and Justin the new Duke. I liked that Tess still believes in love, even though her own father used her for his own gain. I think Justin is perfect for her but there are obstacles, with Justin being the main one. It was great to see that Tess has her own surprises which adds to the story. It is a beautifully written love story that was very entertaining and I enjoyed reading. Bateman is a great writer who has never disappointed me and this story is worth reading.
I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley and are voluntarily leaving a review.

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