Member Reviews

Tess Townsend finds herself widowed after her much older husband dies on their wedding night. And still a virgin. She starts an investigation firm with her two friends to help less fortunate women. After much deliberation, Tess agrees to a marriage of convenience with the new duke. However, her latest case – a request from the Queen – may cause trouble for Tess and Justin’s budding relationship. Will Justin interfere in Tess’s latest investigation? Can she catch the culprit without destroying her marriage?
Justin Thornton owns a successful trading company. Much to his disgruntlement, he learns that he inherited a dukedom. Justin is shocked to discover the Dowager Duchess is not some crone but a beautiful young lady. And she happens to be the mystery woman he encountered at his friend’s party. Justin proposes a solution that could benefit them both, a marriage of convenience. However, he knows his new wife is keeping secrets. Will Justin learn Tess’s secrets? And will they cost them their marriage?
I love the deep bond that Tess shares with Ellie and Daisy. The three women are willing to go to the extremes to help and protect the other. Ellie and Daisy also help Tess become are of the pros of her new windfall. What I admire the most about Tess is her decision to use her independence to help other women in need. She and her friends know what little rights or help women received in that era. They wanted to help others escape bad fates or situations.
I understand Justin’s cynicism towards love. He had witnessed his father’s deterioration after his mother’s passing. For a young child that would form a lasting impression. What I love the most about Justin is how he admired and approved of Tess’s business sense. He knew there was more to her than just looks. Justin even encouraged her to continue than holding her back.
SECOND DUKE’S THE CHARM is the first book in Kate Bateman’s brand-new historical romance series, HER MAJESTY’S REBELS. I decided to try out the author’s latest series since I adored her RUTHLESS RIVALS books. It did not disappoint me! I found myself quickly immersed in the storyline and characters. I cannot wait to see who Bateman will pair Ellie and Daisy, Tess’s two best friends, up with. I am kind of hoping Daisy will be paired up with Ellie’s cousin, who happens to be Justin’s friend, Edward Hussey. It feels like it would be a recipe for disaster or fun.

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Great story with a strong woman and her friends. She gets a second chance at love with the new Duke. Lots of action and romance keeps you glued to the story.

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Her Majesty's Rebels is a new series from Kate Bateman that feels like MacLean's Hell's Belles meets Quinn's Bridgertons, and I'm so excited for the next few books. Second Duke's a Charm delivered on some of the best tropes historical romance has to offer: marriage of convenience, forbidden love, intrigue and strong female friendships. I ate it up.

Thanks to SMP, NetGalley, and the author for the eARC in exchange for my review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

I am a Kate Bateman fan and have read her previous series Bow Street Bachelors, Secrets & Spies, and Ruthless Rivals. I was ready to love this one immediatly but it fell a little short in the middle, but it didn't stop me from loving it. The premise of a Virgin bride on her wedding night was made even better for it to be her 2nd wedding night. She gets all the benefits of being a duchess without having to sleep with the old, decrepit Duke. Bateman has a way with weaving the "feels" throughout her books. Justin seeing Tess across a room before she married the old Duke, becoming the Duke and finally getting the girl. What I didn't like was Justin's apparant lack of care for Tess. When she needed his comfort he didn't comply, and his lack of comfort wasn't addressed like I expected it to be. Or maybe it was and I missed it. He does go to te extreme to prove his love for her, and it backfires (but in a good way)
I really enjoyed the banter between Ellie, Daisy and Tess and how they have created their own way to independence. Stories hinted at for Daisy and Ellie and I look forward to reading them. I'd love one on Edward too

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A big thank you to St. Martin’s Press for proving me the arc via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

I live for new Bateman releases, so I was ecstatic to receive this arc and to see her new series.

This one was fun, but I didn’t love it as much as I’ve loved the Bow Street Bachelors or The Ruthless Rivals. The pacing of this was slightly off, and I missed Bateman’s signature banter or lighthearted tension. Generally, with Bateman novels, I’m completely sold on the couple, but they just didn’t have the fleshed out chemistry that I’ve come to expect from her. I wanted some bigger plot points that never came - though there were definitely some fun moments.

Though, will I read the rest of the series? Without a doubt.

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This delightful read is an absolute gem, offering a refreshing escape with endearing characters and a generous dose of girl power.

The Plot:

Tess finds herself in a peculiar situation when the Duke her father had arranged for her to marry passes away on their wedding night, sparing her from a life of misery. Embracing her newfound freedom, she joins forces with her two best friends to establish an investigative agency, reveling in her status as a widowed bride. However, there's a small detail that complicates matters—Tess is still a virgin, untouched and un-kissed. Determined to explore her desires, she attends a scandalous masquerade in a striking red dress, hoping to satisfy her curiosity. To her astonishment, when the new Duke arrives to take over the estate, he immediately recognizing her as the mysterious woman he intimately kissed (and engaged in a few other memorable encounters) at Careby's masquerade.

The Good:

One of the things that truly captivated me about "Second Duke's the Charm" is the portrayal of strong female friendships. The bond between Tess and her friends Ellie and Daisy is simply wonderful, and I found myself eagerly anticipating their own stories. I have no doubt that their journeys will be just as compelling, and I'll be eagerly diving into those books as soon as they're available. There's an undeniable allure in witnessing strong, independent female characters defy societal norms, overcome obstacles, and, amidst it all, find love. It's a theme that never fails to resonate with me.

The Bad:

Now, I must admit, this is a rather nitpicky point, but it's worth mentioning. The male main character's name, Justin, didn't quite click for me. It felt out of place in the Regency setting, and I couldn't help but associate it with the numerous Justins of the 1980s. It became a slight distraction as I immersed myself in the story.

Additionally, I found the development of the main characters' romantic relationship a little lacking. The progression from intense physical attraction to sudden realization of love felt somewhat rushed. I would have appreciated a deeper exploration of their connection and the gradual blossoming of their affection.

Despite these minor concerns, "Second Duke's the Charm" remains a delightful and engaging read. The strength of the female friendships and the allure of defying expectations still shine through, making it a worthwhile journey. While I would have loved to see a more nuanced portrayal of the protagonists' love story, the book still holds its own as an enjoyable Regency romance.

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This was such good fun, from the very first chapter! I was rooting for Tess and her amazing friends from the very start! I love their investigations and their friendship and their love for each other. How perfect to be able to go into business with your best friends and do such good work! But with Tess agreeing to marry Justin, everything becomes muddled and possibly dangerous. Watching Tess and Justin navigate their new relationship was so lovely (even if I wanted to shake them a few times)! I can't wait for the next in the series!!

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I am constantly in awe of romance authors who skillfully strike the delicate balance between love and mystery, and Kate Bateman is undoubtedly one of them. In this captivating novel, she flawlessly intertwines the thrilling tale of a courageous heroine and her life as a spy with a heartwarming romance that blossoms between her and the hero. The intricate dance of passion and suspense within these pages is truly indispensable to the overall narrative.

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Good book. It has a lot going on so it’s fast moving. There’s a bunch of different mysteries happening at once but it flows nicely. The romance was good and I liked the main characters. A must read!

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I’m always amazed by romance authors who manage that perfect balance between romance and intrigue and Kate Bateman is one of them. She perfectly weaves the plot in this book of the heroine and her spy life with the romance between her and the hero. Both the romance and the drama are essential to each other. Tess is such a sweet and fun heroine. And I loved her friends and can’t wait to see their stories in the future! Justin (sigh I hate that name lmao sorry to any Justins out there. It just feels extremely modern. I know it isn’t but, all I think of is the slew of Justins we’ve had in pop culture haha) is the typical “I’m not falling for my wife of convenience” husband that immediately falls for his wife of convenience. It was delicious to see.
Props to the final climax of the story. Edge of my seat fun hehe 🐎

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This book was so fun! I loved the friendship between Tess, Ellie, and Daisy, and they were super funny. I also enjoyed the banter between Justin and Tess, and I thought they were cute together. I was never bored during this book. My only complaint it that I was hoping that there would be more investigation into who tried to kill Justin. Overall, this was a really good book and I would definitely recommend it!

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"Second Duke's the Charm" is the first book in Kate Bateman's "Her Majesty's Rebels" series. Having never read a book by Bateman, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised! This book centers around Tess, whose father forces her into marriage with a much, much older man in order to obtain money for the family. Thankfully (for Tess!), her creep of a husband falls to the floor dead before things can really begin on their wedding night. Tess enjoys her newfound independence and freedom as a young widow, but is still looking for love and passion in her life. When she comes across Justin Thornton at a city ball, sparks fly. And when they discover that he is the rightful heir to her late husband's property, they develop a marriage of convenience that quickly becomes more than just a business arrangement.

I enjoyed following along with the romance of Tess and Justin, and look forward to reading about the supporting characters in their own books in this series. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Great story, very entertaining. I really love Kate Bateman's writing style. Her skill for laying down the plot and adding plenty of twists and turns keeps the reader engaged in the story.

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This first book in a new series was a winner. The story was good, the women were strong without coming off as masculine (something many writers fail at IMHO) . Our heroine and her 2 friends have created a investigation company called King & Co since actually letting the world know that a woman is running the company would be very bad for business at this point in history. It seems the Queen herself has a small problem that needs solving and these 3 are just the trio to do it but along the way our heroine who has lived as a widow since they could never find the heir to the Duke has finally arrived and sadly, he is perfect. The relationship between the 2 of them was fun but a bit oversexed to the point it seemed just something to eat up pages in places but at the beginning it is necessary to the story. Overall, it was hard to put down and after a certain point I just started to skim through the sex scenes to get back to the story which was multi-faceted but included someone trying to kill one of them (a part of the story I was enjoying but the conclusion fell flat). So 4 Stars for a great story that could have been 5 Star with a bit of work and imagination.

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Big thanks to St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy of this book via NetGalley. This review is being give honestly and all thoughts and opinions are my own

Kate Bateman is a recent find for me (if last year is recent lol) and after reading and loving A Wicked Game (which you should also read) I’ve been excited to see what she would come out with next and am happy to say I was not disappointed. Second Duke’s the Charm (title made me lol fr) follows Tess, a widowed duchess and Justin, a wealthy fur trader who inherits said dukedom. I do want to say that I loved how much the book purely focused on the characters and the romance, and you’d think that would be a given but, i did’t see a lot of filler text or descriptions and Bateman didn’t go into depth about the whole dukedom inheritance or estate stuff. She pretty much laid everything out quickly and in an easily digestible manner. I loved that we got both character’s POVs but did feel like sometimes I just couldn’t tell whose POV we were getting at first.

Tess and her friends were a lot of fun and I am hoping so hard that Bateman will give them books each (i mean she probably will). Daisy and Ellie were not only great friends to Tess but I loved the focus on their friendship and business as a whole. Also semi-spoiler BUT wouldn’t it be so fun and crazy if Daisy had a blast from the past as her love interest? IFKYK

Justin was a good hero who plays the perfect role of ‘I’ve seen how love ends and I don’t want it’ and then immeadiately falls first and harder for our heroine. I love a good boy obsessed book because Bateman really took ‘people in love do crazy things’ literally. Like he thought Tess was behind some hijinks and his main worry was if she was in love with someone else. Yeah he was also worried about the other thing he thought BUT he fr was like may beg her to not leave me.

This book was a lot of fun and I can’t wait for the next one!

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I've read several from this author--and I think this is one of the best from her! The character dynamic, the relationship, the sprinkled in spice, the Lies that each main character believes in and how it impacts their relationship, plus the pacing?? It had me gripped from the start.

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The wedding night death of her husband left Tess the Dowager Duchess of Wansford. She kisses Justin Thornton out of curiousity and he proposed a marriage of convenience. She agrees in order to continue her freedom to investigate London's crimes. j Will they end up falling for each other.

Kate Bateman always write terrific historical romance. This is another wonderful book. Lots of romance, independent female characters, great pacing. Totally enjoy it. The humour is great. Love the wedding night scene in particular.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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Second Duke’s the Charm is a quick, fun read from Kate Bateman. After losing her first husband on her wedding night, Tess has lived a life free of the rule of men, working with her two best friends running an investigative agency. Two years pass as a window and finally the new duke is found, Justin, a man who started at the bottom and worked his way to riches through his shipping company. In a marriage of convenience, Tess and Justin navigate through marriage, their new love and past secrets that threaten to destroy them.

I enjoyed this book, it was a quick read that I wished had more of the moments where you can see the characters really falling in love. I appreciated the strong characters, and can’t wait to read Ellie and Daisy’s stories!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this arc. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

This was really good! I loved Kate's voice and I was pulled in from the very beginning. I couldn't put this down. I love the development of the story and characters. There was so much going for it, and I would highly suggest grabbing this one. Especially if you enjoy romance! The romance is so well done! I don't read historical romance often, but each time I read one, they just get better and better! It always reminds me how much I enjoy the genre. If you love historical romance- definitely put this on your list!

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The first in a new series, this is not my favorite book by Kate Bateman. It’s a marriage of convenience that takes itself too seriously. I prefer laugh-out-loud humor, banter, and shenanigans, and there’s little of that here. There are some witty exchanges between Tess and Justin, but not enough to lighten the novel. The connection between them wasn’t believable and the ending felt rushed. The whole pace of the novel was uneven. I can’t help but feel too much of the original manuscript was cut, leaving a final version that is oddly choppy.

All that said, I love the idea of a Charlie’s Angels-esque private investigation firm owned and staffed by women and I will absolutely pick up the next book to learn more about Daisy and Ellie. I just hope their books have a little more humor.

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