Member Reviews

This was a fun read! I typically don't like the mystery + romance schtick, but it worked very well here. I loved the friendship between Tess, Ellie, and Daisy of King & Company, and the lust between Tess and Justin was palatable. I would have liked to learn more about Justin and his background, and think that there could have been more details shown rather than told. Overall, a good read. I'll be reading Kate Bateman's backlist and eagerly awaiting her next in this series.

Thanks to NetGalley & St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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This was an energetic and mad dash to love. A marriage of convenience that blossoms into immediate passion followed closely by love. Tess and Justin are the perfect compliment to each other, both are driven to better the lives of others and filled with passion and commitment. Their meeting and subsequent courtship was full of teasing, laughter and light, even transferring to the bedroom. Passion tempered with humour is the very best kind. Bateman’s writing always grabs me right from the start, kicks up my blood and fills my heart.

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Tess and her friends are great. Working together to bring justice for other women by investigating things like blackmail. Tess is a widow, her much older husband, a duke, died on their wedding night. Along comes Justin, the new duke. Handsome, charming, and a heart of stone. He offers a marriage of convenience, three months then go their separate ways. But as his heart of stone starts to warm he will have to do a grand gesture to let her know his heart is hers.

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This book cemented it - Kate Bateman has become a new favorite historical romance author for me. The reasons are all there on the (lovely) cover: A virgin duchess. An unconventional duke. A passionate marriage of convenience. A terrific basis for a historical romance, no? But wait - there's more. There's a mystery running throughout, that of a plot to blackmail a member of the royal family. The detectives are a trio of young women (including our virgin duchess Tess) whose focus is on helping young women who find themselves in predicaments that many male detectives can't be bothered with. But back to the romance side - there's no real question as to how things will end up, as with all romances, but the question is how will the couple get there? And this journey was lovely - what's meant to be merely a marriage of convenience becomes inconvenient when those pesky feelings, and Tess's work, both get in the way of their business arrangement. I can't to wait to see what's in store for Tess's business partners - and to get busy reading those books by Kate Bateman that I haven't yet read.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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This novel was solid middle of the road for me. There were parts I enjoyed, parts I didn't, and parts that I felt could have been eliminated in order to focus on things more important to the story.

Let's start with the good. There were some wholesome moments where I felt you got to see the true personalities of the characters (for example Justin rescuing the dog, and Tess being true to from and rambling on about truffles). I also enjoyed the banter between Tess and her friends (although I have to laugh at the fact they thought interrupting her first wedding night by saying the Dowager house was on fire when it wasn't was both genius and incredibly stupid. As if her husband wouldn't have just come back incensed at the interruption and most likely have taken his ire out on his new bride).

That being said, I never felt there was a deeper connection between Justin and Tess that went beyond anything but lust. There were so many instances where they could have talked, should have talked, but instead were distracted by their "blood heating", or they were kissing, or other endeavors that I felt like neither of them really knew who the other was. At one point (during an argument where he once again thought the worst of her) Tess even points that out, telling him that he is "confusing desire and convenience with real intimacy and emotion." And while she was absolutely right, that was another thing I had an issue with. How could they claim to be in love with each other when they didn't even TRUST each other?

And finally, the things that I felt needed to be "shown on the page" rather than the things that were shown. One of the sub-plots in this novel involved these seemingly random "accidents" that happened first to Justin, then to the pair of them. It soon became obvious that someone was trying to kill one of them. However, when the culprit is revealed it is just sort of... casually mentioned to Tess by Justin making it feel very anti-climatic. And I still don't understand how Justin possibly thought wagering a ton of money knowing he was going to lose it would prove his love to Tess. She never cared about his money, and she knew he knew that. As grand gestures go, that one was wholly.... odd. I would have preferred to see him show his supposed love for her in another way, one that made more sense even if things did work out for them in the end.

All of these things considering, the ending of the story perfectly set up book number two, and I admit to being just curious enough that I will probably give that one a read as well when it comes out before decided whether to finish out the trilogy.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the publisher. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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I usually adore Kate Bateman’s books. Unfortunately, this book did not resonate with me the way her stories normally do.

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After Tess Townsend's much older husband dies on her wedding night, she's left a dowager duchess of means. She and her friends start an investigative agency, and she's living her best independent life until she meets the next Duke and sparks fly. I enjoyed the romance and how it overlapped with the ladies' investigation. I would definitely read more if this were to become a series. My only critique is that I would have liked for Justin's backstory to have been fleshed out a little more than it was in this ARC.

I was able to read this as an ARC through NetGalley.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book is the start of a new series called Her Majesty's Rebels by Kate Bateman. Book one is the story of Tess and Justin. I really enjoyed this one. Truly. I thought it was an incredibly strong beginning that drew me right in and the grnad gesture Justin makes at the end will be hard for any author to beat. However, I though the story dragged in the middle without any clear progression of either the relationship between the main characters or the side story of King & Co. It regained momentum toward the end and indeed ended very strong, but it wasn't, in my opinion, as well done as Kate's Ruthless Rivals series. I will still be moving on to book two as her books are must-reads for me. I gave this book four stars overall.

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Second Duke's the Charm by Kate Bateman is the First book in the Her Majesty's Rebels Series. This is the story of Justin Thornton and Tess Townsend. Tess was placed in a marriage by her father to an elderly man who shortly passed. Now she is a widower with a secret. Enjoyed this author's writing and loving this start to this series.

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On the night of her wedding to the honorary Duke of Wansford, Tess Townshend is determined to escape untouched. Thankfully, upon seeing his new wife, the old Duke’s heart gave out, leaving Tess wealthy, independent, and untouched.

Two years later, Tess is determined to experience the pleasure of physical intimacy, and has decided that a masked ball in the countryside is the perfect place to look. There she meets a mysterious stranger. After their tryst, Tess never expects to see him again, but is shocked to learn that he is Justin Thornton, the newly discovered Duke of Wansford.

Can the two keep their secrets and separate lives while acting at husband and wife? Or will reality, and feelings, get in their way?

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Second Duke’s the Charm is definitely, to me, a very different story then Bateman usually does and I loved it! I couldn’t sleep last night and I read almost the entire book in one night. I loved how the characters met and how they got to know each throughout the book. Also, marriage of convenience trope is one my favorites so that made me enjoy it even more.

So many people dismissed everything about the FMC because of her looks and didn’t look deeper, but I love how the MMC respected her opinions and decisions for the dukedom and never tried to change them because he thought he knew more then her just because he was a man.

Also, the grand gesture scene was so amazing and funny and not a grand gesture scene I’ve seen before so it made me love the ending even more!!

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really enjoyed this first book in a new series and can’t wait for the next! Tess was forced to marry a duke, but he died on her wedding night before the consummation. Fast forward two years and they have finally found the new duke, Justin. He’s more interested in his business than the dukedom, but is stunned to see the last duke’s widow is someone he longed for years ago.

They inadvertently meet at a party and when he realizes who she is later on, they agree to a marriage of convenience. Tess, meanwhile, has an investigation agency with her two best friends and an interesting blackmail case to solve.

The chemistry is great and so is the hint of suspense as well!

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I liked this book, the lead characters and the friends, and look forward to the rest of the series and the detective work underground for women

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It’s not easy to find a good historical romance these days, so when I discovered Kate Bateman, I was really looking forward to her new books. I enjoyed Ruthless Rivals (even read them twice), so when I got the chance to read this one, I couldn’t wait to get home and read it. Now, I won’t write much about the plot, since there is a book description and other reviews cover it pretty well. For me, this book was good, but there was just something missing. 🤷‍♀️
Ellie, Daisy and Tess are adorable. I loved King & Co., and would love to read more about their missions.
Tess and Justin’s story was okay, but I would prefer if there was a bit less passion and sexy time and a little more them getting to know each other.
Also, I loved Oliver. 😍
The book is not too long, it doesn’t have too many characters (whose names I can’t remember) or irrelevant side stories.

So ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me.

P. S. Thanks to NetGalley & St. Martin's Press 📚

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Kate Bateman introduces three young intrepid investigators who run King & Co—London’s most exclusive private investigative agency in Second Duke’s the Charm, the first book in her new series Her Majesty’s Rebels. The novel focuses on a marriage of convenience between the reluctant and still virginal Dowager Duchess of Wansford Tess Townsend and shipping magnate Justin Thornton, who inherits her late husband’s dukedom.

I’m drawn to novels and stories where women work in professions that are unusual or considered beyond their reach because of societal limitations. I love the idea of King & Co. not only because it reminds me of a favorite TV show from my youth—Remington Steele—but also because it’s an intriguing idea that gives Tess and her two best friends the chance to use their innate skills to solve mysteries and conduct investigations on behalf of the Queen. I love her friendship and partnership with Ellie and Daisy and am excited to read their novels.

Forced by her father to marry, Tess Townsend became the Dowager Duchess of Wansford upon her much older husband’s death on her wedding night, but she still is a virgin. Tess investigates London’s most scandalous crimes with her two best friends and partners in their detective agency, King & Co. She values the independence she’s finally gained and will not sacrifice or risk losing it despite her longing to experience physical pleasure and intimacy. Tess has a passionate encounter at a party while masked with a stranger—never expecting to see him again.

Despite never expecting to be the long-lost heir to a dukedom, shipping magnate Justin Thornton reluctantly accepts the title and its duties. When Justin discovers that the stunning woman he kisses at a party is the Dowager Duchess, he convinces her to enter a temporary marriage of convenience. However, the chemistry and passion sparking between Justin and Tess is intense, fiery, and inconvenient. Tess’s work on a new case on behalf of Queen Charlotte draws Justin’s attention to her increasingly suspicious behavior, causing him to question her past, reason for marrying him, and motives. This reinforces his fear that she can’t be trusted, which shouldn’t be a problem for Justin, who doesn’t believe in love. But could he be in danger of falling for his own wife?

I love Tess and Justin’s passionate, sexy, funny, steamy, intimate interactions and love scenes full of banter that develop their characters and further the story. Intelligent, kind, witty, and innocent, Tess is a young, beautiful, independent, and clever businesswoman. Unfortunately, people only see her beauty. While she wishes things were different and she could be valued and loved for who she is and not just her looks, Tess uses it to her advantage in her investigations. Her relationship with Justin allows Tess to explore her sexuality safely. A self-made, work-obsessed, ruthless, clever, decisive, and cynical businessman, Justin is devastatingly handsome, tenacious, and used to being in control. He believes love is foolish and illogical. Neither is prepared for how they begin to develop feelings for each other that feel much deeper than passion and sex, especially Justin.

Bateman balances the secondary suspense plots well with her romance. However, I wouldn’t have minded more exploration of these suspense elements/plots. Her vibrant description, deft character development, colorful language and storytelling, and well-constructed action and suspense scenes draw readers in and keep them glued to the novel.

Second Duke’s the Charm is a sexy, funny, steamy, suspenseful, and fast-paced romance recommended for historical romance, marriage of convenience, and light mystery fans.

An advanced review copy was provided by St. Martin’s Paperbacks via Netgalley for review.

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Kate Bateman starts out her new series with a trio of female spies. This first installment Tess and Justin and their marriage of convenience. Bateman's writing is charming and fun, and exactly what I would expect from her. This novel is well plotted and paced. Her characters are interesting and I enjoyed watching their intrigue with the other grow into a relationship with feelings. Bateman does a lovely job of getting this new series on its feet and I found it to be a solid start to what hopes to be an interesting series.

Overall Bateman does a lovely job of balancing the plot and the character's relationship. Sometimes with historical romances with spies I feel like there is not enough development of the romantic relationship, but Bateman does a great job of keeping the relationship present. This novel then becomes a story of the learning to take on the unexpected, discovering of one's self, and opening your heart to another. I loved watching Tess come into her own, experience pleasure, and fall in love. This novel is enjoyable and one that any Bateman Fan is sure to enjoy. And while enjoyable while reading, this is not a new all time favorite of mine by Bateman, but it does leave me curious and interested in seeing where this series will grow.

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After her father forced her to marry the aging Duke of Wansford, Tess Townsend could hardly believe her good fortune when the duke decided to drop dead on their wedding night. Suddenly, Tess became the Dowager Countess while only in her twenties, and the search was on for the next Duke. Until then, Tess was free to continue working as a private investigator with her two best friends Ellie and Daisy. Two years later, once an heir was located, Tess was stunned to discover he was the man she had had a minor dalliance with at a wild house party several months earlier.

Justin Thornton, now the ninth Duke of Wansford, was just as startled to learn that the woman he had believed was a “professional” at Careby’s was the Dowager Countess of Wansford. Deciding dispassionately to make the best of the situation, Justin proposes marriage, but tells Tess he can never fall in love because he has no heart. Even though the two make an agreement detailing where they will live, how long they will remain in each other’s company, and not to fall in love, the agreement is almost immediately broken when Tess and Justin fall in love.

I really appreciated the loyalty between the three women, and the deeply held trust they had in one another. Tess, Ellie, and Daisy are strong, determined women doing what they can to help women in difficult situations, in a discreet fashion, so important in Regency England. This was an entertaining read, with plenty of drama, intrigue, and romance.

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A cute start to a new series. I didn't even mind the virgin trope in this one, because the FMC is not meek and simpering. Tess and her 2 friends run their own private investigative services. I'll stop here and say that this universe has women acting & speaking more modernly than a typical historical romance, which I personally didn't mind too much. Some aspects were far-fetched, but overall the characters and setting are enjoyable. Justin started as the usual gallivanting manw***e, but it was all over for him when he finally got to know Tess beyond her looks. They made a good team. I will say, the 2nd outside conflict pertaining more to Justin's business didn't really last long enough for me to be invested, but it could have been made more use of. Also enjoyed a kid-free epilogue!

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I’m a big fan of the mistaken identity trope (not sure if that’s actually what it’s called, but that’s what I’m going with LOL) and Kate Bateman gave it such a fun twist by adding in the marriage of convenience trope. There’s nothing like a jaded and cynical hero falling head over heels for the heroine who happens to be his wife ;) Justin’s assumptions about Tess and her sexual exploits (and her creative ideas to conceal her level of experience) had me laughing so hard. I loved the reveal about their actual first “meeting” and the build up between them was so good. The steamy scenes definitely left me fanning myself.

As much as I loved the romance between Tess and Justin, it’s the female friendships that stole the show. Tess, Ellie, and Daisy were amazing and everyone needs ride or die friends like these. They also added some wonderful comic relief throughout.

Unfortunately, the story started to derail at the end and the final conflict and resolution just didn’t fully work for me. I actually think the groveling should have gone both ways on this one. Second Duke’s the Charm was still a very enjoyable read though and I’m looking forward to more books in the series. Ellie’s cryptic note has me very intrigued!

CW: forced marriage, financial problems (past), blackmail, theft, drugging, attempted murder, threats to safety

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*

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This is the first book in Kate Bateman's new Her Majesty's Rebels series. I loved Kate's previous series and couldn't wait to jump into this one. Tess is forced into an arranged marriage with a super old duke. On their wedding night, the old duke dies before consummating their wedding night. Tess decides it will be advantageous to continue the ruse that she was a full widow so she can escape her terrible father and live out her life with the opportunities widowhood allows. Justin Thornton is a shipping magnate who never expected to inherit a Dukedom. He returns to England expecting to meet with the Dowager Duchess; only she's nothing like he expected. He proposes a marriage of convenience so he can stop being hounded and she can keep all of the protections the duchy has given her. Tess must keep her detective agency and the secret mission from the queen secret from her new husband. It's hard to keep the marriage of convenience separate when passion and feelings become involved.

I liked this one. Kate Bateman is such a beautiful writer and makes unique plots in a genre rife with similarities. I don't love a spy/mystery plot because they tend to overshadow the romance. This has a nice balance of the two. At one point, I had completely forgotten their was a detective subplot (which is a positive for me.) Bateman keeps proving over and over to be an auto-buy author.

Tropes Included: widow, virgin heroine, masquerade, marriage of convenience, working heroine, secret crush, detective agency, grand gesture, gaining an unexpected dukedom

Thank you to NetGalley, Kate Bateman, and St Martin's Press for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own. #netgalley #KateBateman #StMartinsPress #SecondDukesACharm #HerMajestysRebels

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