Member Reviews

When her friends arrive to interrupt Tess Townsend’s wedding night, it’s unnecessary. The disgusting old duke she was forced to marry took one look at her and dropped dead. She is left with a title, wealth, and estates until an heir is found. Oh, and her virginity. Justin Thornton is a successful and wealthy businessman. He doesn’t believe it when the solicitor tells him he is the new Duke of Wansford. He’ll just go to London, sign the papers, settle the old dowager, and return to Bristol to tend his business. Imagine his surprise when he discovers that the old dowager is the beautiful young woman he met at a scandalous masquerade. Upon their introduction, Justin proposes a marriage of convenience, three months together, then on to their separate lives, no attachment, no love. How’s that going to work? The story is fast-paced and lots of fun. The narration by Beverley A. Crick is excellent. There are a lot of surprises, mostly for Justin. The characters are terrific. Tess and her friends are delightful – beautiful, intelligent, ambitious, and protective of each other. Their investigation firm is great. Justin is intelligent, successful, and proud. He starts out as a bit of a jerk, but soon comes to see Tess for the treasure she is. This is the first story in a new series that promises to be fun and entertaining.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Kate Bateman is an auto purchase author for me. So, when I saw that she had a new series starting, I couldn't wait to read it. This book lived up to my expectations. There was romance, a little bit of intrigue, and sexual tension that came off the pages.

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This book was just what I needed to get me out of the doldrums I have been in. Everything I have been reading lately has failed to excite me and cause me to want to finish it quickly to see how it ends. The story of Tess, the young dowager duchess of Wansford and Justin, the unexpected heir to the dukedom of Wansford is well written, hot and sexy and I was able read it quickly because it kept me engaged. Now I am looking for to the next book from Mrs. Bateman to see which of Tess's friends will find her HEA.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Second Duke's the Charm is the first book in the Her Majesty’s Rebels series.

Tess Townsend has married the Duke of Wansford. He is old enough to be her grandfather. The marriage contracts were written in her father's favor for the grand sum of 2000 pounds. When he finally arrives on their wedding night, he clutches his chest and falls to his death of a heart attack. The wedding night of her worst fears has turned into relief making her the Dowager Duchess of Wansford—and still a virgin.

Tess and her two best friends investigate start their own business of saving those who need help, primarily women. They create the business of King & Co. with fictitious Charles King as head of the company. A disguised new client arrives to hire them to retrieve some missing letters. The client is revealed to be the Queen of England.

Justin Thornton learns that he is the new Duke of Wansford. Solicitors having had to go back several generations to find a living male heir. Wealthy in his own right of his own shipping company, he now has duties of aq Dukedom that is prosperous in its own right. One night at a masquerade party he meets a beautiful woman dressed in red. After a scandalous night they each hold the night dear to them, until they meet again with each being revealed as the Duke and the Dowager Duchess of Wansford.

Justin comes up with a shocking plan for them to marry, live together for three months and to separate in order to live separate lives. The passion that grows is a surprise to them both but becomes inconvenient as Tess needs to work on Queen Charlotte's case. Tess's behavior is suspicious as several attacks are made on their lives. Justin thinks Tess is responsible but why would she put her own life in danger.

This is a fantastic story with plenty of romantic heat to entertain the reader. The relationship between Tess, Daisy and Ellie is wonderfully entertaining. This was a great start for a new series. Looking forward to reading them all.

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Brilliant. I loved everything about this; the friendship between the three ladies and the fact that they run their own enquiring agency, the anonymous and erotic meeting between Tess and Justin followed by their formal introduction at a social function was wickedly funny and endearing. I loved their reactions to finding out the identity of the other. They had an instant spark and the chemistry between them was undeniable and very well written. They were believable and lovable as a couple and I couldn't wait to see things conclude in a happy ever after for them.
Throw in a little bit of suspense and a secret mission for the queen to make the perfect historical romance with mystery, humour and heat.

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4.5 stars

When a book starts with a trio of friends dealing with a dead body, I'm automatically going to be invested. Add in the fact that they form a private investigation firm aimed at helping women and I'm all in.

Kate Bateman is quickly becoming one of my favorite historical romance writers. Her plots are always unique, the characters are always fun, and she does a wonderful job of navigating tricky tropes with skill and humor. Second Duke's the Charm, from page one, more than delivered on these fronts! Both Tess and Justin are characters that know what they want and watching them break down their barriers to open their hearts to each other had me kicking my little feet. I did finding myself wishing at times that we were getting more balance between the two perspectives (we get much more of Tess than Justin) so that we could delve even deeper into the romance of it all. That being said, this was one of the best historical romances that I have read this year and I CANNOT WAIT for the next two books!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review! However, I will not be posting this review on Goodreads or sharing this book on social media until St. Martin's Press answers the demands of Readers for Accountability.

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If there is one thing to be said for Kate Bateman is that knows how to build a series. I've dabbled in almost all of hers, here and there. Each of her characters are interesting enough that you want to learn more about their stories and see them get their own HEA's. I can see that this will be the first in the 3 book 'King & Co., Investigative Agency' series. What I like is that we've set up a book for both extremely likable side characters Daisy and Ellie. You're given a few hints at who might be paired with whom, but I'm definitely interested to follow this through.

What I liked about, Second Dukes A Charm:

- Fantastic chemistry between Tess (Scarlet) and Justin - the sex scenes are incredibly steamy.
- Tess was a bit of a badass - she's definitely more than just a pretty face.
- The concept of the private investigator theme - I love HR's where the heroine has a small business, is a researcher, or does charity works.
- Girl gang - she has a pretty great duo of friends, definitely ride-or-die besties.
- The Maple Syrup scene. That's all I'm saying.

What I didn't like as much:
- I think we may have needed a bit more in regards to the attempted murder plot line. And no one seems rationally too worried. We learn a major plot point in the last 10 pages that I would rather have seen play out than vaguely referenced.
- The ladies all have so much defensive training and weapons, it would have been nice to see them in action.
- I needed a bit more of Justin really falling in love. We see him after the 3rd act breakup, but I need to see a little bit more of that mushy goodness before then.

End on a high note!
- We get a grand gesture, and it's marvelous.

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Super cute story that leads you to want to read the rest of the series. I wish there had been a little more back story about the duchess; the storyline felt a little rushed. I look forward to the series and here is hoping the ladies find a little more trouble and danger along the way.

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Perfect historical romance novel for me. I hadn’t ever read anything by Kate Bateman before but I am certainly going back to read her backlog now. This was sexy, it was heartfelt and it immersed you in the historical era. I also love the changes it made to be able to give the main protagonist and her friends a sense of agency in a world that didn’t give women any. Loved loved loved.

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This author is a go-to for me, and I just loved this book. Tess' father married her off to the highest bidder, an ancient duke. Happily for her, her husband managed to kick the bucket before Tess had to withstand his touch. So now she's a widow, but wants to know what all the fuss is about regarding attraction and males. She goes to a party where such hijinks would ensue, where she could experiment in disguise without ruining her reputation. Tess then encounters Justin, a man who sets her on fire (the first time this has ever happened). She almost decides to throw caution to the wind and, uh, well, you know. :-) But at the last second reason reasserts itself and she walks away, much to Justin's dismay, as he finds her just as fascinating. Back to Tess' real life, the search has been on for her husband's heir, and he is finally located. Wouldn't you know it's Justin! Tess is horrified but figures he won't realize who she is since she was in disguise at that party. Ah, but recognition involves more senses than just sight, and it takes Justin about ten seconds to recognize Tess as the woman who had toyed with him (in his mind) at that party. But attraction is attraction - and Justin needs a wife, and dreads the idea of the ton marriage mart. He offers a deal to Tess - they will marry, then spend one year together, and after that they will part ways, and a nice financial settlement will be given to her. (Justin isn't one for personal entanglements.) Tess never wanted to marry again and lose her independence, but Justin's offer is more than generous financially, and as mentioned, he sets her on fire....she can't seem to say no. But what will Justin say when he realizes she's a fraud and is still a virgin? Can Justin's cold plan really go off as he anticipates, with no emotional attachments? This is a SCORCHER of a series starter! Can't wait to read the rest of the series!

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Forced into marriage by her father, Tess Townsend was both surprised and delighted when her husband the Duke of Wansford collapses and dies before he can consummate the marriage. With the help of her friends, Elle Hall and Daisy Hamilton, she gets him into his own bed. They had been hoping to get her away from him before he did the deed by declaring a fire in the Dower house. He would be discovered in the morning by his servants, and everyone would assume he retired after doing his husbandly duty with his bride.

Justin Thornton has only been in England a month when he's informed that he's the new Duke of Wansford. The previous Duke's solicitor Josiah Turnbull delivers this news and has to go through the family tree to show Justin just how it came to him. It seems some very unfortunate accidents have taken the lives of those before him. He's also informed the Duke's widow has been taking care of the estate with the aid of the estate manager since the Duke died and all affairs seem to be in order.

Now Justin figures since the previous Duke was in his seventy's when he died, his widow must be of a similar age. He will be traveling to London but he's going to make a stop and attend a house party and his friend Tom Careby's estate. It would be just what he needs, a night of debauchery and no strings.

Tess and her friends Daisy and Elle have opened an investigative agency under the name of King & Co. they aid ladies in society with problems discreetly under the pseudonym “Charles King, Esquire”. The fictious man is always out on an investigation if someone wishes to see him.

Now Tess wants to experience life and with the help of her friends she's going to attend a house party with the intent of being kissed. All the guests would be masked so no one would know who they are. In the company of Daisy and Elle, Tess begins the pursuit of her goal.

By chance she's drawn to the cardroom and the only man without a mask. She stands by his side as he beats his opponent at the game and then their eyes meet.

Oh, what an adventure 'Scarlet' has, and she is very grateful for the mask she wears.

Once back in London, King and Co, has a most distinguished visitor. Queen Charlotte herself has a problem she needs handled discreetly and she believes the three women in front of her can deliver in a way most cannot.

It's at Lady Iverson's ball, that Justin the new Duke of Wansford meets the Dowager Dutchess Tess. He recognizes her after a minute and decides they much to discuss and that they should dance. During the dance he expresses his wish to become her lover and her husband. It would be beneficial to both of them.

I love this story, the wickedness of it, the intrigue around King & Co, and how the relationship between Justin and Tess develops.

I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

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For the young Dowager Duchess of Wansford, the second duke is indeed the charm in this first book in a new series from Kate Bateman.

When Tess Townsend’s much older husband passes away on their wedding night before any joining can take place, she’s relieved. Tess is left to run his household and estate until the next duke in line takes her deceased husband’s place. Maintenance and improvements, along with the investigations she and her friends undertake at their private detective agency, keep her busy, but she feels like she is missing out on some of the more physical aspects of life.

Imagine her surprise when, shortly after she dons a mask and seeks out one of those more physical experiences, she discovers that her very eager partner from that encounter is none other than the new Duke of Wansford.

Justin Thornton never expected to be a duke. He has a prominent shipping business and is only distantly related to the former Duke of Wansford. When he inherits the title and discovers the Dowager Duchess is the masked lady in red that he recently kissed at a party, he proposes an arrangement of sorts: a marriage of convenience with a physical component that has an expiration date. He will no longer be prey to be circled by the mothers of the ton; his needs will be met; and with a change in their living arrangements scheduled after three months together, neither will fall in love.

Oh, dear readers, we know how that will turn out. I just adore it when an MMC falls head-over-heels in love and is shocked by the outcome.

Bateman’s books are always fun, and this one kept me grinning.

I loved how strong, intelligent, and capable Tess is. I loved how Justin recognizes and praises her for her accomplishments. She is not just a pretty face to him.

I loved the female friendships and look forward to reading more books centered around the ladies from the private detective agency.

I liked the meddling servants.

And I adored the chemistry between Tess and Justin. Their attraction is on fire and cannot be contained to a bedroom.

Although at the end, I wasn’t completely sold on the grand gesture, I did enjoy the accompanying grovel.

All in all, this is a fun start to a new series.

I received an advance copy from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley. All review opinions are my own.

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Kate Bateman does it again. I received an ARC of this book through Netgalley, and I had a pretty good idea of what to expect, in terms of writing style. As usual, the characters are so well developed, their emotions and the scenes so vividly described, it’s impossible not to see what they see, and feel for them.

We first meet Tess Townsend on her wedding night as her 70+ husband, the Duke of Wansford enters her bedchamber. She is only 19, having been sold by her father for 2000 pounds. Thankfully, this marriage doesn’t last long, and because she is newly married, a waiting period is observed to make sure she isn’t pregnant before searching for a successor. Meanwhile, she enjoys a fulfilling life with her friends Daisy and Ellie. She has no desire to remarry because she enjoys such freedom as a widow, even though she is far too innocent to pursue affairs like many widows do. Still, she has been able to donate to charities, and along with Daisy and Ellie, she has formed King & Co., a detective agency. You see, in addition to being a remarkable beauty, Tess has a sharp mind and intends to use it. It’s unlikely any husband would continue to allow her to do so.

By the way, it’s clear that Daisy Hamilton and Ellie Law will enjoy their own stories at a later date. They are a great addition to the story. Ellie is the daughter of a barrister (last name Law—hahaha), and she is also exceptionally intelligent. She is quick to point out legalities and such. Two years after Tess has been widowed, and after extensive searching for the next heir, a new Duke of Wansford is discovered, Justin Thornton. Explaining how she found out, Ellie explains, “Because I happened to overhear a conversation between my father and Josiah Turnbull at dinner the other night. And when I say ‘happened to overhear,’ I mean ‘shamelessly eavesdropped the minute I heard the name Wansford.’”

But it’s really Daisy who steals the show when the three women are together. Discussing the size of the new duke’s package, Daisy says, “No harm in inspecting the merchandise. Men do it all the time. Why shouldn’t we return the favor? Can I help it if current gentlemen’s fashion provides a snug outline? No.” When Ellie scolds her and says she should avert her eyes, Daisy counters, “That’s like touring the British Museum and averting your eyes from the statues.”

Meanwhile, Justin Thornton is busy minding his own business—a very successful shipping business—when he’s approached by the previously mentioned Josiah Turnbull, from the firm executing the late duke’s estate. When Justin is told he is the next duke, he tries to turn it down, but alas, it’s not so easy as that. Begrudgingly, Justin makes his way to London to take over the title. He has no idea who the widow of the former duke really is, but when he sees her, he immediately recognizes her. Little clues are sprinkled in, regarding their history—a history which Tess only knows of minimally—and they indicate a long-standing regard Justin had for Daisy from the moment he first saw her.

Early on, it becomes apparent what’s going to happen but that, by no means, detracts from the enjoyment of watching the plot unfold. Justin and Tess are complex enough characters that we’re never really sure how they’re going to act in a given situation. Although it’s Tess who appears to be the main character at first, it’s really Justin who undergoes the transformation. He starts as a very intelligent, cynical, logical, and business-driven man, but there’s a gooey center in there and Tess brings it out. For as long as possible, he denies deeper feelings for her, to the point that he convinces her he doesn’t care and she doesn’t believe him when he claims he does.

Along the way, Tess complains to her friends that she fears she can’t abide by the terms of her agreement with Justin—a marriage of convenience, during which intimacy will be required for only the first three months, after which time, he will leave London and they will remain married in name only. She’s afraid of falling in love with him; Ellie and Daisy assure her that once she gets to know him better, she’ll be able to find fault with him, but that’s not what happens. After less than a week of marriage, she confesses, “...I think I’ve made the very grave mistake of falling in love with him.” The ensuing conversation is quite funny. Daisy curses, “Oh, Hell.” At the same time, Ellie asks, “What did he do?...He didn’t turn out to be nice, did he?” When Tess starts to tell them some of the nice things he did, Daisy says, “...Of course you fell in love with him. What woman wouldn’t?” She explains it’s on the list of all of the nice things that men can do, inadvertently, that make women fall in love with them. And when Tess questions the list, Daisy is undeterred, saying, “Of course there’s a list. It’s one of those unwritten laws. Like the fact that the week before you get your monthly courses, you have to force yourself not to stab everyone with a letter opener because they’re so irritating.” Tess, matter-of-factly, agrees, “We do all have a ‘stabby week.’”

Interactions between Tess and Justin are intense and clearly reflect the deeper feelings developing between the two of them. Because we are privy to the thoughts of both MCs, we can see how Justin intentionally ignores his feelings and pretends he doesn’t love Tess, until it bursts out of him, almost without his permission. We then learn the truth about the first time he saw her. We also learn that the things he assumed he knew about Tess are not real; he saw what he wanted to see. Although we don’t know how they will overcome the ensuing rift, we know they will because these two deserve a happy ending. I highly recommend this book and look forward to more.

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Second Duke’s the Charm by Kate Bateman
Her Majesty’s Rebel’s series #1. Historical regency romance.
Tess Townsend, the Dowager Duchess of Wansford, needing something to keep her busy after her first husband died before their wedding night, is part owner of an exclusive investigative agency. Their current case is to find the blackmailer that is threatening the Queen. Undercover, Tess wears a scarlet dress and mask to a party hoping to identify the blackmailer but instead runs into Justin Thornton, her soon to be next husband. Their marriage, for Justin, is a way to have his cake, and leave when he’s had enough. He doesn’t trust his wife, considering where he first met her, as well as the fact that someone seems to be trying to kill one or both of them.

Justin fell in love at first sight with Tess, but his station at the time meant he had no chance at all with her. Sigh. If only he’d tell her rather than keep his distance.
Of course, she goes off the rails too when the unexpected happens.
It’s an intriguing and multifaceted story with steamy interludes, romantic outings and dangerous accidents. His grand gesture is comical.
The undercover agency added a bit of mischief along with the often bawdy humor between the women.
Captivating and engaging. A historical romance that will keep you breathless and entertained.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.

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This is the first in a new historical romance series about three women who run an investigative agency and I absolutely loved it.

I'm always so excited to start a new Kate Bateman novel because she writes such great female characters and I know I'm going to be hooked instantly. I LOVED the badassery and friendship between the three women and I wish the rest of the series was out already!

Tess and Justin had amazing chemistry and banter and even though marriage of convenience isn't one of my favorite tropes, I thought it was done so well here and I really enjoyed it. The fact that they made an agreement for both a marriage and an affair really kicked things up a notch and it was steaaaaamy.

I highly recommend this one! (Also how gorgeous is this cover?? The colors are so dreamy 😍)

Thank you so much to the publisher for the ARC!

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Second Duke’s the Charm is another deliciously delightful story from fabulous author Kate Bateman, and hopefully the start to a new series with these wonderful characters.

Poor Tess. Her father pretty much sold her off to an old, repulsive Duke. Fortunately for Tess, that old man died on their wedding night – before the marriage could be consummated. So now Tess is the Dowager Duchess of Wansford, with independent means and the freedom of a widow. Poor Tess again, though. She is young and vibrant with wants, desires and needs. But if it becomes known that the marriage was never consummated she will no longer be eligible to be the Dowager Duchess. She’ll lose her income, her home and her freedom. She’ll no longer be able to afford the investigative business she runs with her two best friends Daisy and Ellie. Keeping the secret is important, but so is finally experiencing the pleasure she can now only dream about. So she attends a masquerade notorious for its licentiousness, where she hopes as an incognita, a masked woman with no name and no morals, she can find a handsome stranger and do a little “passionate experimenting” without fear of discovery. And yep, she does meet a man. A handsome handsome handsome man who doesn’t even bother to be masked.

I love the masquerades in these Regency romances. It always makes me think of the why-didn’t-Lois-Lane-recognize-Clark-Kent-when-he-was-Superman question. But it usually seems to work and people remain anonymous. Except when they don’t. Turns out that handsome man was paying very close attention to every detail about Tess and recognizes her when as the new Duke of Wansford he meets the Dowager Duchess. Gulp. Tess isn’t so anonymous now, is she? Of course she recognizes him because he wasn’t masked, but she doesn’t realize he also knows she was that lady in red who stirred something in him.

Justin does not want to be a duke. He’s already a successful businessman and doesn’t need the income nor the residences and especially not the hassles of running a dukedom – and having a wife. He never imagined he would inherit the dukedom; they had to go quite a way down the inheritance line to even find someone eligible. But . . . responsibility.

When he meets Tess he has an “Aha!’ moment: they can enter a marriage of convenience, she’ll retain her position, he’ll have a wife for appearance sake. Problems solved. Except this whatever it is between them – heat, desire, longing, tenderness – isn’t very convenient.

Author Bateman excels at this sort of thing. The characters are intriguing, adorable, infuriating. The romance is sweet, scorching and often laugh-out-loud funny. Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing an advance copy of Second Duke’s the Charm via NetGalley. I absolutely loved it and can’t wait to see if there will be a second book in this series, or anything else at all written by Kate Bateman for that matter. I voluntarily leave this review; all opinions are my own.

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Second Duke's the Charm is another great read from Kate Bateman! Tess, an impoverished aristocratic young woman, is forced by her father to marry an old duke. Lucky for her, he dies on their wedding night. For self-preservation and to keep her widow's due, she keeps the fact that her marriage has gone unconsummated from everyone but her two best friends, Ellie and Daisy. The three of them form a private investigator agency, to help other young women from dangers amongst the ton. Tess is a happily widowed duchess about town, and one night goes to a scandalous ball, where she meets Justin Thornton, a handsome stranger, but leaves him before things get too serious.
Justin has just succeeded a long, unlucky line to become the new duke of Wansford. On his first night out at a ton event, he meets the dowager duchess-- who happens to be Tess! Tess, who he could not get out of his head after the masked event. Tess, who he saw two years prior and was instantly attracted to but knew nothing could come of anything because he was a merchant and with at the time no hope of any title.
Justin suggests a marriage of convenience that will last through the season, he will keep other women from throwing themselves on to him for marriage, and she can keep her life as the duchess of Wansford as-is.
Now this marriage of convenience just did not make sense to me. Justin was into Tess, Tess was into him-- but they enter in to a marriage that will just be for three months? I feel like there were other tropes that would work better under this scenario, but I still liked it. I just feel like it could have been done a little more creatively than settling for a marriage of convenience romance and don't know who thought this would be the best follow-up from Kate Bateman's last series (which I LOVED). Second Duke's the Charm is a fun read, I really liked it and especially liked a little cameo of a Montgomery aunt from Kate Bateman's other series! I am excited for Daisy and Ellie's books, and despite the dubious main trope, I could still get behind this book. It is funny, snappy dialogue and great characters. It is just the lazy, feels like last-minute trope that I could not get behind. It is an entertaining read and I will always enjoy a Kate Bateman book!

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Second Duke the Charm by Kate Bateman, book one in Her Majesty’s Rebels series, is a sweet, fun and romantic story. This close-knit group of smart, strong, intelligent women are not only close friends, but the secret owners and investigators of King & Co., one of London's most exclusive investigative agencies; working to take down criminals. It was unheard of for women to indulge in such brash behavior given the times, but Tess Townsend and her friends are good at what they do, and they enjoy the independence it affords them.

Tess Townsend, was bartered off in marriage by her father to a repulsive older man, was saved when her husband dropped dead on their wedding night; leaving her not only the Dowager Duchess, but also a virgin. Attending a masked house party, hoping for a little flirty fun, she gets more than she bargained for when her fling turns out to be the new duke. Shipping magnate Justin Thornton never expected to inherit a dukedom but, when the woman he kissed at a party turns out to be the Duchess, Justin sees a solution: a pleasurable marriage of convenience that will suit them both. Now all they have to do is figure out how to control the fiery hot, sizzling chemistry sparking between them. Justin doesn't believe in love and trusts no one. Tess wants to keep her independence and refuses to submit to any man. It’s going to take some shrew negotiating, and a grand gesture that doesn't quite go as planned before this marriage of convenience becomes a real, loving union between these two.

Ms. Bateman managed to create the perfect balance between romance and intrigue; crafting strong characters who live life as they see fit, not for how others see them. I love how the main characters to find and fall for each other while adding the marriage of convenience trope to it too. The chemistry between Tess and Justin was off the charts, and there was just enough of the investigative story to balance the romance. I loved her friends and can’t wait to see their stories in the future. I highly recommend Second Duke the Charm to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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I read "Second Duke's the Charm" by Kate Bateman on NetGalley. Tess is a widow and Justin has just become the new duke. Sparks fly between them but so do misunderstanding. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to more!

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I really enjoyed this book! I've read a lot of regency romance but I wasn't sure what to expect given this has a "bodice ripper" style cover and not the trad-pub cartoon/illustrated covers that I am more used to seeing.

I loved the dynamic between Tess and Justin and the marriage of convenience trope. It was fun to see how they evolved from insta-lust, to married, to then falling in love. Tess's friends Daisy and Emma are amazing and I really hope they each get a book as well!! The humor in this book is fantastic and I love how it modernized a regency book while still being in the regency time and norms.

This book is perfect for fans of Virginia Heath and Evie Dunmore, with strong female characters and swoony love interests.

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