Member Reviews

Thank you, NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books and Gretchen Rue for this ARC.

I love cozy mysteries and when you add food in them then I am already hooked. I enjoyed this book, the characters were relatable and the mystery kept me on my toes. I was able to picture the island and the surroundings because I felt the details were not overwhelming but just enough to connect to the place and people. I will definitely be following this series so that I can continue to get to know the island and the people.

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I honestly loved everything about this cozy mystery. The characters were easy to connect with, especially Este. The way the town was described makes you want to go, during season of course lol. This is a definite recommend for me for other cozy mystery readers. Definitely will be looking for the next one!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Cozy mysteries with food always grab my attention. This was a good one and def a fun one for cozy mystery readers. The cover design suits the story very well.

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Thank you NetGallery!

This book is a nice cozy mystery that takes place in a small town on an island. The setting seemed very real and I liked the main character. There was a lot of twists and mystery in the book. A cozy mystery to pick up and read during the colder months.

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Oh this was such a warm and cozy read. I remember having that "feel good" feeling while reading this one. the small island town setting was giving homey vibe and I loved that thing so much I guess that was my favorite part of all (well except the pies) and to me split pine felt like a place I'd like to settle in after retirement. The mystery wasn't really up to the mark like it was just meh even for a cozy mystery and the ending was absolutely disappointing. I guess I was just here for the vibes and feels so it didn't bother me as much as it usually would. But hey who cares if the mystery sucks at least I have those amazing pie recipes that I'm so going to try out. I have a feeling they're gonna turn out awesome. wish me luck guys!

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I gave 5 stars to A Pie to Die For by Gretchen Rue

Este March runs the family-owned Lucky Pie Diner on Split Pine Island in Northern Michigan. The pies at Lucky Pie aren’t just good, they’re magical, with a family recipe that grants certain customers their greatest hopes and dreams when they eat the pie. The remote island is closed to outsiders over the winter months, but on the last day of the season, the unpopular new produce vendor, Jeff, turns up dead on his boat, and Split Pine Island’s peace goes up in smoke.

Tom Cunningham, the local sheriff, casts suspicion onto Este, who may have been the last person to see Jeff alive. Not to mention several people witnessed her getting into an argument with the rude vendor in some of his final hours. Este decides to clear her name and her diner’s reputation by launching her own investigation, which means she must turn suspicion on her friends and neighbors, because only a local could have murdered the victim.

As Este investigates, she uncovers a deeper web of secrets, finding that many of the locals had reason to either frame her, or kill the victim. The clock is ticking to figure out the killer, and the clues in the case are flakier than an apple pie. Este will have to uncover the killer before her future crumbles.

-------- REVIEW --------

Wow, this book had me hooked! I have read books by this author before, but this was my favorite so far. THIS book is what a cozy mystery is too me: all the people in town who feel like one big family, the food descriptions had me drooling and the coziness of the town, or in this case island. It almost feels like the island is a character of itself. Traditions and descriptions of life here were explained well.

The writing style was perfect. I could picture myself on the island during the low season after tourists had left. It is the perfect book to read right after Halloween if you like to read during the season. Can't recommend it enough, and I am eagerly waiting for the next book. Pick up this first installment in a new series, you won't regret it!

This book comes out Feb 6

Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Book for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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A delightfully delicious cozy mystery

This is my first experience with a Gretchen Rue novel, and I am now officially a fan. Rue has a knack for setting a scene and describing detail that makes everything feel three dimensional and true.

In this first of a series book, we are introduced to a pretty special island with a pretty special protagonist in the form of the owner of a diner/pie shop. What follows is an engaging and well-written adventure into murder, with a healthy dose of recipes.

I would be lying if I left out my inner hope that the recipes described in the story were left as a gift to readers at the end. Spoiler: they are!

I very much enjoyed her abilities in character development and active plot movement. Here’s looking to the next adventures with Este!

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A Pie to Die For by Gretchen Rue is a cozy mystery set on a Michigan island in the Upper Peninsula. The lead character runs the Lucky Pie Diner on Split Pine. Este is the third generation of her family who has been in charge of the diner. She has a gift for making "lucky pies", that might be able to bring good luck to the person who eats it. She refuses to guarantee any positive outcomes from her pie, but the possibility brings customers to the diner in hopes of getting a lucky slice.

After a new produce distributer is murdered, Este is suspected. She decides to investigate the death herself rather than trusting the sheriff.

The book is interesting and the characters are quirky. The author does a good job of conveying the rhythm of Split Pine, and the reality of living in a small community.

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC of this E-book #APieToDieFor
All the opinions for the review of this book are my own.

Este March runs the island's diner, Lucky Pie Diner. The island just celebrated Halloween and prepares for winter when fewer tourists are there. Este's pies are known for being lucky but not all of them just one. One lucky person may get the "lucky pie" Este knows which pie is lucky and the town knows about the lucky pies. They all hope they receive one for whatever reason they need it. Este knows when a person is the one for the lucky pie. Rumor has it that the pies are magical but Este never corrects anyone. The local produce vendor that provides for the grocery and the diner sends a new guy to deliver the produce but is instantly unlikeable and ends up paying for it with his life.
Este is the center of the mystery. She is determined to find out what exactly happens.

I loved the premise of the story. The island and the characters were all likable and even the bad guy in the story was unlikeable to me. That makes it believable. The story begins slowly and introduces a lot of characters at first. I love a cozy with recipes which includes this one but the author spends a lot of pages describing how Este is making a pie or making a dessert. Este's inner dialogue goes on a little too long in my opinion, I kept waiting for the real mystery solving which did happen about halfway through the book. I also would have liked to see more about Este's father who passed the diner on to her.

This book was fun to read and provided mouth-watering recipes for pies. I loved the mystery which had me guessing for a few chapters.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves cozy mysteries! A pie lover, bakery lover, or even island lover in the north!

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Absolutely loved this book. I discovered this author just a few months ago, and I have loved everything I’ve read. This story follows Este, who is something of a pie witch. Set in a small town with great characters and loads of charm, Este and her friends must clear her name from being a murderess. Looking forward to many more in this series!

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I loved this start to new series. A fun cozy about Este March who owns a special pie shop. The characters are good. The story plot flows smoothly. I do however wish for less about the food and more on the mystery. But still a fun story! Thanks #Netgalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are mine.

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I honestly did not enjoy this one. I know it was supposed to be a cozy murder mystery, but it was trying too hard to be cozy.

The writing is modern and easy to understand,

There were a lot of useless information, for one, i dislike the fact that almost every 2 chapters, the MC spent the whole 2 pages just to explaining her cooking. I would say it’s almost everything of the first 40% of the book.

Though it was interesting to know the "Rules" of the island, but I hoped for more involvement/elements of the actual murder itself.

despite there was a car on the cover, the cat did not show up until 50%, and the cat had little role in the story. It had nothing to do with the murder, the MC relationship and the cat were so basic that it would have been ok without the cat.

There were a lot of stuffs in the plot, the cat, the magic, the murder, the potential love-interest(?) but all of them were very basic, it never went deep.

Very slow-paced plot, there weren't excitement or thrills in the story, I was genuinely bored. in my opinion, there just wasn't depth in the story.

Nevertheless, Thanks for the copy!

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A solid start to a series that will please fans of pie-related cozies. A recommended purchase for collections where the genre is particularly popular.

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Thank you #NetGalley for providing me a copy of #APietoDieFor in exchange to an honest review.

I loved the mystery surrounding the town that's inaccessible for most of the year and now it has a murderer on the loose. The story is slow paced and introduces many characters at once so it's hard to keep up.
There are many paragraphs about main character, Este, baking pies and it feels more like a cookbook at that point.
Overall, the story is great, I loved the mystery but for most of the book I was genuinely bored.

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I loved this little island and all its residents and especially loved Este. I thought it was very intriguing how she was running a pie speciality themed restaurant and it has a little ’magic’ to it.
This was a very good mystery and I had no idea who did it. I was totally shocked at the end!

I am looking forward to the next book in this series.

Thank you NetGalley for opportunity to read and review this ARC all opinions are my own.

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What can I say, it’s almost Halloween and I just want a good cozy mystery, that’s all! Unfortunately, this book wasn’t it.

Basically, the island's food provider was found dead on his boat with an invoice of the order of our FMC, so now she’s kinda like a murder suspect and since she is no killer she is set on proving that she didn't do it.

Now with this in mind I expected more, just more. Why you may ask reader, well because 30-40% of the book was just recipes like literal paragraphs of Este telling us in detail what she is cooking, like I was just tired of it. I mean most cozy mysteries have something related to a library or cooking involved, and it’s okay, I like it but just when they mention it and then at the end put the recipes.

The investigation was a lot of rambling by the protagonist and nothing more, I didn't feel like we were moving forward and the ending was too anticlimactic. Although I must emphasize that I thought the writing was good, the pace was a bit fast but I like that and as far as possible the characters are entertaining.

"All it took was one rumor and suddenly I was a pariah"

My thanks to the author Gretchen Rue, Crooked Lane Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to get this ARC for an unbiased review.

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Este has lived on Split Pine Island, Michigan for basically her whole life minus college. She works at her family diner, The Lucky Pie. Este has magic and creates Lucky Pies. Everyone knows about the lucky pies but Este doesn't reveal which pie is lucky. The tourist season is winding down and Este is expecting her last produce shipment. When she realizes the new produce guy is charging more than normal. She is mad. Then the produce guy is found dead. Este is the prime suspect. She has to clear her name and she reveals some secrets on the island.

This is a brand new series and a promising start. I like the idea of lucky pies. I enjoyed following the clues with Este. All the food made for the diner made me really hungry. I can't wait to read more. I really like this author.

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The book introduces us to Este March, who has a gift. She's the owner of The Lucky Pie Diner, where magic exists. But she has the little problem of not being able to keep her nose in her own business, so she ends up trying to solve a murder.

The story is a cozy mystery, perfect for the season, with an entertaining writing style. The whole time I was trying to guess what would happen and I never guessed, It made me laugh and I was also surprised to find it had a *little* hint of romance in the perfect amount.

I would warn the readers that if they can't stand a lot of descriptions, this is not a book for them. In my case, I found it sometimes repetitive, but I still love it cause it has a fast pace and I enjoyed the pie descriptions, I can't wait to make my own with one of the recipes at the end. I just wish the *lucky* pies had a little bit more relevance.

To end, I would add it has ADHD representation, but don't read it if you think that would be the main focus or if you expect a big explanation. Este is just been Este, and I love that.

(Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book.)

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I have really enjoyed "A Pie to Die For" by Gretchen Rue. I can't wait for the next book in this mystery series.

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A Pie to Die For by Gretchen Rue was a solid, cozy mystery with a charming locale and good characters.

I've been gravitating toward moving away from cozy mystery stories and was hesitant to read this book. But I'm glad I did. This is such a well-developed story with nice locations and solid characters.

#APietoDieFor #NetGalley @crookedlanebks

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