Member Reviews

The homemaker by Miranda Rijks.
Imogen just needed some help. But when she hired Maria she didn't know she was inviting a monster in.
Omg. Twisty and tense and gripping. I loved it. I love this author. A must read. 5*.

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I've lost track of how many domestic thrillers I've read where a nanny or housekeeper lies her way into a job because she has a hidden motive to get closer to her employer. This is one of the better ones. Maria and Imogen aren't likeable characters, but watching them interact while each hides secrets from the other was absolutely fascinating. I did find myself wondering if some of the events were physically possible, but it was a thoroughly entertaining read that left me holding my breath more than once.

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Thank you to NetGalley, publisher and author for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This story was a bit weird and had a weird vibe. The talent of this author to me was, showing how terrifying Maria's character was without saying much about it directly, instead, saying it through the way Maria lived and her thought process. This was a very entertaining read.

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Imogen has just lost her mother, her stepson is a jerk, and her marriage is on the rocks. She is burning the candle at both ends between her B&B business, her young daughter, and her new pregnancy. In walks Maria, a seeming dream-come-true. Maria helps out with the cleaning, cooking and everything else. Imogen finally feels as if things are coming together, until a secret from her past rears its ugly head. Things start going downhill from there, weird thing, strange things, dangerous things. All when Maria entered the picture. Is it a coincidence?

This book was a great page-turner. None of the characters were particularly likable, although I did feel bad for Imogen. There are lots of twists and turns here, and if can suspend disbelief for some of the craziness that happens, you will really enjoy this book. I did find this one a little unrealistic in terms of characters doing things that literally no person with a brain in their head would do. And the ending is highly improbable and seemed rushed. But I had fun enjoying this book for what it is! Great read for vacation!

Special thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an arc copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. This book is told in parts by Maria and Imogene. Maria comes into Imogene's life claiming to be her birth mother after she has secured a position in their household as "homemaker". I enjoyed this book and it did hold my interest and was fast paced. However, it was at times a little far fetched.

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How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria? That seems to be Imogen's predicament in Rijks' latest. This was a suspenseful, atmospheric and twisty thriller with the right amount of creep. It was hard to put down.

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Being my first encounter with Miranda Rijks' work, I found it remarkably easy to immerse myself in this book. The story maintained a fast pace, incorporating a dual point of view which I particularly enjoyed, along with well-developed characters. During the first half, my enthusiasm for the book was high.
However, the latter half failed to meet the same exceptional standard. I managed to predict the twist and anticipated another one towards the end, which unfortunately didn't materialize. Additionally, the narrative veered into an implausible territory with the murders, and the underlying motive of Maria's desire to integrate into Imogen's family was left unexplained. I anticipated a twist that would tie everything together in this aspect. Unfortunately, the ending left me somewhat disappointed.

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Maria is looking for a family, and when Imogen hires her as the housekeeper for her small bed and breakfast, it seems like she might’ve found the family she’s searching for until she realizes they aren't as perfect as she thinks.

There is plenty of drama as the story unfolds, with a compelling story that kept me reading to discover how things panned out. The tense atmosphere created from the character dynamics kept me turning the pages, but I found some of the character's actions hard to believe (can't say too much without giving anything away, but putting up with threats to keep a secret, even when it could put people in danger doesn't seem likely).

Love Miranda's writing and while I still enjoyed the story, it wasn't my favorite of hers.

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So fun! My first time reading Rijks' thrillers and this was such a great entry to her writing style. It was atmospheric and the right level of creepy! Loved it - everything about it ... the husband character wasn't as defined as the wife or homemaker, Maria, but it was so good. Maria, the homemaker, was sinister and it was a treat for this thriller reader.

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This book was a real page turner with very interesting characters. Maria, was particularly creepy.
I was hooked from the start and could not guess in what direction the story was going. I would never have guessed the ending.

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Very interesting and had me gripped! Some great characters, in particular Maria was super interesting and unique. Loved the concept

Only issue *spoiler* is the use of mental health as an ‘excuse’. Enjoyed the twists and the premise just felt this could have been handled better

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Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator books for the ARC!

I found myself getting angry at the characters in this book. I haven’t felt visceral rage like that towards characters in a while. But I couldn’t put the book down. I was hooked early on and the book kept getting better and better! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 and would definitely recommend. Will be reading more by Miranda!

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Imogen, mum of a young child and another on the way, thinks she’s hit the jackpot when she finds a women to help her run her busy home and B&B. Maria seems like the perfect housekeeper. She cleans and cooks and does all sorts of things to help Imogen out. But looks can be deceiving and Maria is not your typical homemaker. In fact she has no experience doing anything of the sort. But Maria has a secret! And she hatch’s a sinister plan to immerse herself into Imogene’s life, making herself indispensable while at the same time uncovering more secrets so that she can blackmail Imogen to get what she wants. Which is a perfect family to call her own.

The Homemaker is the sixth book I’ve read by Miranda Rijks and like her other books, it is fantastic. It was suspenseful, thought provoking and character driven. I enjoyed the dual POVs of Imogen and Maria. At first I warmed to Maria but once I got a bit further into the story and realized how messed up and manipulative she was, I loathed her. Although I do confess, I enjoy a book with an evil villain! 😅

As for Imogen, I felt empathy for her as she had so much on her plate. She recently lost her mother, learned a life changing secret and is married to a successful dentist who brought with him a rather abrasive young teen from his previous marriage. Imogen is also the mother to a 5 year old and is newly pregnant, and on top of all this she works and runs a B&B. I found Imogen more likeable than Maria. But like everyone, Imogen has a secret, and if anyone finds out, it could destroy her marriage and her family as she knows it.

Thank you so much Inkubator books and Miranda Rijks for my electronic arc in exchange for my honest review.

Pub date: October 22, 2023

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This book is a little darker than Miranda Rijks usual style, but that made it even more addictive.
This is a great read and one that I’d definitely recommend. There are so many twists and an unexpected ending. It’s the perfect domestic thriller.

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This was an interesting read. The interaction between the "housekeeper" and her "daughter" was almost cringy at times. The husband was an ass at times however, if she is not telling him everything and lying it would make me not trust her either. I had a hard time getting through this one. At times, it was a little slow but maybe I just wasn't reading it at the right time. I'll give it another chance maybe later.

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A chilling read … Maria takes up a housekeeping position bringing much needed help to Imogen and her family, but Maria sees herself as much more than the housekeeper. Making herself indispensable to the family Maria moves in, her plan has worked she is Imogen’s birth mother or is she ? A great read with lots of surprises

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I read this book in a day and I never looked back! The twist and the plot were pretty easy to identify but the different POV's kept me intrigued to see how everything was going to unfold. A couple of the characters were so unlikable that it made it hard to feel bad or connect with them in any way. I do wish that the ending would've given a little more, I wanted to know how the characters dealt with the aftermath.

*I received a copy of this eARC via NetGalley*

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Really enjoyed this book. Very creepy in places and I really felt for imogen and how she couldn't work out if she was seeing things clearly or not.

Maria was very possessive and crazy at times but very clever.

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This was the first book I have read by Miranda Rijks and it was so easy to get into. Fast paced, dual POV which I enjoyed and great characters. For the first half I loved it.
However, the second half didn't quite live up to the early high standard. I guessed what the twist was and expected there to be another at the end (there wasn't), and it all got a bit far-fetched with the murders. And the main premise of Maria wanting to get into Imogen's family just wasn't explained. Why did she choose Imogen? This was where I would have expected another twist to tie it all up.
I'm afraid I was left a little bit disappointed with the ending.

3.5 stars rounded up

Thanks to NetGalley for an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow What an AMAZING book, this is that type of book you definitely will not want to out down, it's full of suspense and I just couldn't click onto the next page fast enough! This is definitely a highly recommended read.

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