Member Reviews

Miranda Rijks has crafted a truly amazing character in house cleaner/homemaker, Maria Hinks!

I’ve learned that a story can be elevated when I fall in love with a character - they aren’t often likeable characters, but strong, magnetic characters that fuel my obsession with the story. I kept reading because Maria was compelling and intriguing; she had high agency. I didn’t really know or care what she looked like and I certainly didn’t like how she went about realizing her goals, BUT Rijks put one likable/emotional moment - one - in Maria’s backstory and I was hooked to see if she got what she wanted/needed. Rijks also doled out just enough breadcrumbs and just the right amount of misdirection, keeping me intrigued about what motivated Maria and how this created the conflict in the story. Maria kept me engaged and completely invested in the goings on in the Letwin household!

Rijks takes the Letwins, an ordinary blended family, puts them in a beautiful 1750s-style Georgian rectory, and then starts to heap on the conflicts; a troublesome teen from a first marriage, overworked parents with a young child, and enough grief and secrets to keep them all unstable. Readers are slowly made aware of what’s troubling Imogen and it’s not only the death of her mother, but the revelation of a deathbed secret that shatters Imogen’s life.

Rijks explores impossible decisions and being cruel to be kind, but most of her examination is on the nature versus nurture debate.

I was held captive by Rijk’s story and was reminded again why I love her psychological thrillers! You'll have to read this one to discover why I loved Maria so much and if the Letwins will 'let Maria win' (see what I did there?!) over their household to her liking ... or not.

I was gifted this copy by Inkubator Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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5/5, I really enjoyed this book!

Imagen is going through a rough patch having just learned she is adopted and seeks help with her b&b business. The women she hires just so happens to be someone from her past, or so she says she is…
#theHomemaker #netgalley

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First thoughts...what a complete mindf***!!

This was a new to me author, and I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome of reading this book, I can't wait to delve further into her other published works.

Things I loved:
1. The author's writing style - reading the antagonist's version of events was new to me.
2. You thought you knew what was going on the entire time until you realized that you really didn't.
3. I liked that the heroine got the ending that she deserved, but it wasn't an overly happy ending. She didn't get everything and it wasn't over the top like most endings can be.

My only wish was to know how Maria found Imogene in the first place. I also wish that the author delved into the antagonist's back story a little more. It kind of felt like a footnote or an afterthought thrown in at the end.

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Thank you to Inkubator Books and NetGalley for this ARC!

This was my first Miranda Rijks book. I absolutely love finding new authors through NetGalley. This book kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire read and I will need to add Miranda to my list of go to authors.

I found the characters in this book very unlikeable but the secrets and twists kept me reading. It was a quick fast paced thriller that left me shocked.

5 stars and I suggest picking The Homemaker up once it is published later this month!

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If you have followed my book reviews for a while you will know I am a huge Miranda Rijks fan and I couldn't wait to get into this one!

I did enjoy the book, but it wasn't my favourite from her. I don't know whether it is because I normally really enjoy her books and so expect more, but this one left me feeling a bit flat.

I did race through it and wanted to keep reading - I really enjoy the pace she sets and this is something Rijks does really well in all her books. I felt however, that I spotted some plot holes in this one, making the whole thing seem implausible and taking away that element of 'it could happen' which obviously usually heightens the anxiety while reading. Maria was a menacing character and I liked the character of Imogen - who you root for despite her flaws and imperfections which make her more realistic.

As I said, I still enjoyed the read overall but unless you have already read her other books, I would start with those and not this one.

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THE HOMEMAKER took me on a wild ride. The character of Maria was really something else. She definitely kept me on my toes the entire time. I did feel for Imogene's character, as she was dealing with a lot after her mother's passing but tried her best to keep it together. The ending had a good twist and that's something I always enjoy. I would definitely recommend this one!

Many thanks to Miranda Rijks, Inkubator Books and NetGalley for my gifted copy.

This review will be shared to in the near future.

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True to Miranda Rijks style, this fast paced story immediately drew me in. The Homemaker kept me on edge the entire read. Short, quick chapters, with character point of view narration identified twists a disturbing tale…..a psychological thriller that’s hard to put down. This one doesn’t disappoint!
Thank You to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and Miranda Rijks for the opportunity to read and enjoy this ARC.

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Overall I enjoyed The Homemaker. The characters were interesting and events moved quickly throughout, but at times the story seemed implausible.
I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but I found myself lacking motivation to return to the book.
Although The Homemaker may not be my cup of tea I expect may others to absolutely love it. I will be keeping my eye open for other releases by Miranda Rijks.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this pre release.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end! This book is a chilling psychological thriller that delves into the twisted mind of a seemingly ordinary woman named Maria, who takes on the job as a housekeeper for Imogen and her family.

As the story unfolds, the reader is taken on a suspenseful journey through the dark recesses of the mind, where Maria's delusions and sinister intentions become increasingly apparent.

Miranda skillfully builds tension throughout the story, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Maria's true intentions are gradually revealed. The juxtaposition of Maria's seemingly normal behavior with her sinister thoughts and actions creates an eerie atmosphere that permeates the entire story.

This book was absolutely fantastic! I read it way to quickly lol. I highly recommend it to all of you thriller lovers!

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Ho-oh-oh-oh-ly cow! Maria, the new maid, is Cookoo for Cocoa Puffs,

Imogen, the wife, is keeping secrets and Josh, the clueless husband, has no idea what's coming...and I was THERE for it.

If you love domestic thrillers centered around obsessive whackadoos are you ever in for a treat.

Miranda Rijks remains the queen with a capital "Q".

Thank you to the publisher for gifting me a copy. It is my pleasure to write an honest review.

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Ahh, dear. I'm kicking myself as I usually manage to keep my eyes on the archive date and download before they occur, but I somehow managed to miss this one. I have just purchased it as I still want to read it as much as ever, My apologies for missing the archive date.

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Page turner of a book enjoyed the book and couldn’t put down great suspense book would read more from the author

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A decent, if simplistic, thriller with plenty of action to keep you interested. The outcome is predictable but the author spins a great tale getting there and there are some interesting characters and relationships to explore on the way.

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Maria always wanted a family, now she’s found one.

Maria seems the perfect answer to all Imogen’s problems. Help where she needs it running a business, a home and bringing up a small child. Maria gets what she always wanted, a perfect little family, except things are far from perfect. As hidden secrets and lies unravel things go from bad to worse for Imogen.

I loved this book and read it in a day, full of twists and short fast paced chapters meant I couldn’t put it down. I requested this book purely down to the author as I’ve read a few of her books and this once certainly lived upto the others. The ending was a tiny bit rushed and neat for me but that’s just me being picky. Fab read and I hope it’s a huge success for the author. Thanks to @netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

Publication Date - 22/10/2023



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If you loved The Housemaid, you will simply adore The Homemaker. A thrilling ride with twists, turns, unanswered questions, secrets, lies and blackmail, The Homemaker will have you questioning every assertion.

Maria accepts a position as a cleaner for the wealthy Letwin family, which she quickly manages to turn into a live-in arrangement through a combination of careful planning, exploitation and sheer opportunism. However, Maria’s razor-sharp focus on Imogen and her 5 year old daughter, Ava, her determination to ingratiate herself into the family as an essential member, her insistence that the Ava call her “GanGan”, and her reckless derailment of Imogen’s B&B business are all transgressions that pale in the face of her true villainy. And you’ll have to read this to find out what I mean by that.

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So good!! I love a good thriller definitely during spooky season. The characters have excellent growth! Very surprised by ending

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I have become a big fan of Miranda Rijks after reading her last two novels. This book is a great easy read with an excellent storyline that keeps you captivated. I highly recommend this book and all her others.

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This author sure knows how to deliver the thrilling punches to keep you hanging on the edge. Was filled with sadness, joy, mystery and love. Worthwhile read

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I really enjoyed this book. Miranda Rijks is one of my favorite authors and she did not disappoint with this one!

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Imogen is living a happy but busy life with her husband and daughter. When she discovers she's expecting, she and her husband Josh decide to hire someone to help ease her workload of running a household. Enter Maria, who seems too good to be true by making herself invaluable to the family. What follows is a rollercoaster of twists and turns!

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