Member Reviews

This was a book unlike any other I have read before. Very unique, but I am not sure it was in a completely positive way.
I couldn't help but think that his clients must be able to identify themselves in the story. If not, then he changed the details so much that the stories are so far from the truth, what merit do they really have?
His inner thoughts sprinkled throughout reminded me of the movie Inside Out and got boring after a while.
The chapters dispersed between client stories with explanations of therapy theory/modalities were interesting, but I mostly kept reading to learn more about Daphne and Levi.

An intriguing behind-the-scenes look at therapy and everything that goes into supporting a client. I enjoy medical memoirs so it was fun to see something similar with psychology.

I loved this book so much. I've always been fascinated by psychology, and curious what goes on in the psychotherapist's head as they are listening to their clients. Joshua names the different parts of himself that react in the therapy sessions, and gives voice to them--and the result is hilarious! He never makes fun of his patients, but there is a healthy does of self-deprecating humor involved.
Interspersed with the dialoge between him and his patients, as well as his inner thoughts, there are chapters that feel more self-helpy, but in a good way. He demystifies a lot of common mental illnesses like anxiety and OCD, panic disorder, and more. The chapters are short and the writing is always compassionate.
I can't believe it but I actually read part of this while sitting in the dentist chair and even laughed out loud! (I'm currently working through desensitization therapy (self-imposed) to get over my fear of the dentist, so this is all oddly fitting in a way).
5 stars, recommend to everyone!

In this book, therapist Joshua Fletcher opens the door to his office for an inside look into his profession and his mind. There are parts I liked, such as his stories and background of some of his clients (fictionalized in the book) and their successes or outcomes. Joshua has a unique sense of humor that some may enjoy, there were a few parts where I felt there was too much information shared and not necessary. Overall, an entertaining read.
Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#AndHowDoesThatMakeYouFeel #NetGalley

I enjoyed this book, but it wasn't my absolute favorite. I think it would be a good read for some of my patrons, but I don't know how popular it will be.

Oh gosh, so relatable and true! What got me was how blunt and honest it was. Would recommend to anyone considering!

This was an interesting book - I enjoy any book that gives you an inside look into another world or profession that you'd otherwise know nothing about -- fine dining chef; olympic athlete; deep sea fisherman; drug smuggler -- whatever it is, it's interesting because it's a perspective you wouldn't otherwise know, and this book is no different. It's interesting to hear about therapy & the life of a therapist from their perspective. Fletcher has obvioiusly chosen a few pretty extreme and dramatic cases here as examples, and I think the writing mechanism of splitting his internal monnologue into several players ('empathetic', 'irrevrant' etc) for the most part works - it occasionally gets annoying but I see where he's going with it and it helps you see that therapists have reactions just like anyone else, but then the added layer of their training to help sort out what's going on with their clients. The therapy stories are told in several smaller chunks, skipping around amongst them; also interwoven is Fletcher's own personal history of losing his brother to cancer. The therapy stories are obviously paraphrased as many of his clients speak in very complete thought-out sentences that do not really seem like natural dialogue, and are also obviously edited down to a few key salient meetings as they often seem to progress very quickly from initial chat to big breakthroughs & leaps in progress, apropos of almost nothing. Additionally, sometimes the narrative seems a bit forced (e.g. the carrying a vaccuum he purchased around town and then just happening to end up at his famous actress client's big show, and happening to have wine in his bag that he picked up earlier specifically for this purpose even though he didn't plan on going to the show til he walked past... nd then just happening to run into her in an alley as he walks around later that night...)
He has a weird ability to both be self deprecating and self aggrandizing at once. I think this book would be interesting for anyone to read, but of particular interest and comfort to those who may be considering therapy or re-trying therapy, as he has several sections that are very accepting and welcoming and letting people know if they don't get on with one particular therapist it is not their fault & lays the groundwork for what you should expect and how therapists should work with you with empathy toward your goals, but also maintain professionalism.
Overall a fairly quick read with some interesting insights.

Joshua Fletcher's "And How Does that Make You Feel?" is a memoir as well as a glimpse into what occurs when Fletcher, a British psychotherapist, treats his clients. He candidly admits to having had his own issues with drugs, panic attacks, and depression. His personal problems notwithstanding, he is gratified that he has opportunity to help men and women cope with such negative emotions as worthlessness, anger, fear, and guilt. He is trained in cognitive behavioral therapy and humanistic counseling. Fletcher encourages his patients to speak freely, since his office is a place where confidentiality is assured unless someone poses a danger to himself or others.
Fletcher repeatedly attempts to be humorous, with mixed results. One particular incident about having to use the bathroom ASAP made me cringe. Still, I applaud the author's sincerity and dedication. He assisted a doctor who suffered from crippling phobias; persuaded a famous actress that having an abusive parent need not derail her happiness; and convinced to a man who believed that he might harm those he loves that bad thoughts need not progress to bad deeds. "And How Does That Make You Feel?" has compelling chapters that lucidly define anxiety, phobias, and OCD, and explain why they pose a threat to those afflicted with these challenging conditions. However, I would have enjoyed this book more had Dr. Fletcher omitted the extraneous material in which he gives us TMI about his flaws and preoccupations.

Although entertaining and poignant, I was hoping it would be reminiscent of "You Should Talk to Someone" by Lori Gottlieb, which it is!, I just didn't get as hooked as I initially thought from reading the summary and the first 50 pages or so. Good book, fun read, just didn't hit the same way.

Josh has a wonderful way of explaining things and I think this book is further proof of it. I found Josh's podcast a few years ago and it is also something I turn to when trying to understand my anxiety. Key word is, understand. If you've ever wondered what your therapist is thinking, then this book is also for you lol. In this book, he presents fictionalized characters and shares what therapists think and what he thinks. There's a lot that you can learn from this book. Although it didn't suck me in like fiction does, I found it to be interesting an am glad I read it!

"And How Does That Make You Feel?" has a wonderful mixture of humor, education, and sincerity contained within its pages. As a therapist, I can relate to the multiple perspectives or "voices" in Joshua's head (Analytical, Detective, Irreverent, etc.) when he is engaged in sessions with clients. As a client, I can relate to the courage it takes to do the difficult work of therapy. I found myself chuckling and cheering for Joshua and his clients as they formed relationships and tackled various mental health concerns. I will be recommending this book to my colleagues and anyone who is curious to learn more about the therapeutic process!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Having been to a few therapists myself over the years (PTSD, anxiety, depression), I always wondered what they were thinking as I spilled my feelings. Did they think I was weird? Am I an anomaly? How do they know what to say/do?
Thankfully, Fletcher has written this book to explain it all. How therapy works (or doesn't), how there's not a one size fits all category of therapist, what they are trying to do to help us. And, lo and behold, they're not invincible to the same feelings./disorders as us.
He does this through telling about several case studies. ALL of them were fascinating! And his methods of trying to pull out of us what the problem's roots are.
And he discusses his own problems too! His own personal demons and foibles. How he tries to work through them. And all with a sense of humor that I found to be appreciated.
All in all, the book left me with the confidence that, if I ever needed therapy again, I would be much more secure and less apprehensive about it.
I encourage people to read this. You'll feel better about yourself!

This is an extremely creative book.
It features 13 voices, including:
These 13 voices appear throughout the book with characters named Daphne, Noah, Harry, Levi, and Zahra.
If this all sounds complicated, it is.
You'll either love it or hate it.
I hated it.
I recommend reading the sample to see if you'll like Fletcher's creative prose.

Through client stories and the inner dialogue of a therapist, Fletcher provides the reader with a unique understanding of therapy and the inner workings of a therapist's mind. I enjoyed reading each inner voice of the therapist, including intuition, critic, empathy, etc. as I was able to see my own work in a different perspective. Fletcher shows that it's important to humanize therapists because at the end of the day most of us are drawn to the health professions due to our own personal background. I would recommend this book to any healthcare worker, anyone who has been through therapy, or anyone who may be interested in pursuing therapy as an option.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC!

I LOVED this book. Therapist Joshua takes us inside his office as he treats 4 fictionalized patients. He also takes us inside his mind and his many thoughts in each session. He himself has experienced anxiety, so he knows what it’s like to work through the exercises he’s working on with the patients (and why they might want to avoid certain things). Joshua is the type of therapist who a lot of people would like to see. Read this book; you won’t be disappointed.

And How Does That Make You Feel by Joshua Fletcher is a candid inside look at therapy through the lens of a therapist. The author uses four fictionalized cases and his own life experience to explore and provide education on themes such as anxiety, depression, grief, seeking help, self-harm/suicide, relationships, and personal growth.
Other therapists will likely relate to and enjoy this book as I did. I found myself giggling out loud to some of the inner dialogue during the therapy sessions, as I have experienced very similar thoughts. I also think this narrative can help to make therapy more approachable for those who are engaging in or thinking about engaging in it. The author provides some basic psychoeducation about anxiety, depression, and therapy in general.
Overall this was a really enjoyable read and I recommend it! There are some “heavier” topics brought up throughout the book however they are done tastefully and are not explicit in nature.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for granting me an e-ARC in return for an honest review. This book will be published on February 27, 2024.

"We’re in a global mental health crisis, and unfortunately many people feel disillusioned after their first attempt at therapy. To me, saying this is the equivalent of saying “I tried sports and I didn’t like it” when all you played was lawn bowling, once." Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the closed door of the therapist's office? What's revealed there may surprise you.
Similar to Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, this book delves into what goes on behind the doors of psychotherapist Joshua Fletcher's doors. This includes his personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors towards clients as well as these stories from his highly regarded clients. Structured around four client case studies, Joshua Fletcher lifts the veil of secrecy around an often-misunderstood profession. He details, with care and compassion, his clients’ nonlinear path to health and healing, as he works with them to overcome their anxiety. Along the way, Joshua chronicles the voices in his own head that act both as a hindrance and a guide in his treatments. He also educates his audience on anxiety and psychotherapy, explaining the origins of anxiety and the different modalities of therapy, in the hopes of normalizing the conversation around mental health.
"It’s important to remember that therapists are as human as everybody else. It’s okay to see them like any other human inside or outside the therapy room. Therapists don’t have everything worked out. We are flawed, we have our vices, and we constantly work on our own personal stuff." As a therapist, I couldn't have said it better myself. This book offers a glimpse into the not-so-scary side of therapy. "I promise that there is no omnipotent know-it-all waiting for you on the other side of the therapy-room door, ready to pounce at the first chance to judge or shame you. Instead, the person who awaits you is, ideally, someone who wants to listen and is willing to be a conscientious, nonjudgmental guest in your world for a short while."
Fletcher does an excellent job of portraying the often misinterpreted field of therapy. He honestly and vulnerably portrays himself as a human doing his best while trying to maintain positive human regard, professionalism, and hope for each of his clients. Throughout four client stories, we see what it's like to be in the intimate of rooms: the therapy office.
"Good therapy—beautiful therapy—is a life-enhancing experience as much as it is a remedial or mitigating experience. Good therapy is a gift." Highly recommend this book if you are at all interested in therapy, mental health, self help, anxiety...I. could go on and on.
Thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins & Joshua Fletcher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. Out 3/14/24 - def pick this up!

'And How Does That Make You Feel?' made me love Joshua Fletcher! I didn't realize he had an internet presence and is a bit Instagram famous. As a therapist, my interest is always piqued when hearing of a book about therapy. Josh does such a lovely job in not only explaining and describing therapy, but also in humanizing therapists. Oh how accurate his inner dialogue is! I loved the way there were different internal voices for the critical, compassionate, irreverent, etc. It was very relatable in how the mind tends to see situations - multifaceted.
The different client vignettes are highly entertaining. Not only are heavy topics addressed, but there is education behind them. Since Fletcher is known as 'AnxietyJosh' on social platforms, it makes sense that there is anxiety at the core of all his clients, but it's so much more. I especially appreciated his explanation and exploration of intrusive thoughts and OCD. This is HIGHLY misunderstood by many, and I am grateful he was able to share more about this. Also, the grief that is explored is so very powerful. I found myself tearful in learning about Josh's experience with his own brother.
This book is for everyone! I couldn't put it down. I love the short chapters that keep you wanting to learn more about Josh and the clients he works with. A vulnerable and honest look at a therapist and the clients he cares about.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and William Morrow for this ARC!

If you do nothing else for your mental health this year, at least read this book. I have never read such an honest take on the role a therapist (psychotherapist!) plays in a persons healing journey before and I wasn’t expecting to learn as much as I did - or enjoy it as much as I did.
The layout of this book has a really great flow to it that makes sense and chronicles a few anonymous cases through some fairly challenging conversations where you are exposed to the therapists inner dialogue. The way the author has presented his inner thoughts is tastefully comical/entertaining (at times) but also super informative and reassuring for someone who has overthought/wondered about the process/modalities/inner thoughts of a therapist during the therapy process (and following a therapy session). There were quite a few valuable insights regarding selecting a therapist and finding the right fit as well as trusting the process and seeing it through. Early on in the book he states that hearing someone say ‘I’ve tried therapy and it wasn’t for me’ is equivalent to saying ‘I’ve tried sports and it wasn’t for me’ after only being exposed to one particular sport; the analogy is simple but makes a ton of sense and it stuck with me - I didn’t realize the amount of various modalities that exist or know what qualified a person to become a therapist. Great information to travel with if you’re considering therapy.
This wasn’t a light read - some of the cases Joshua highlights are fairly heavy - but, again, helped illustrate the process of therapy from a therapists perspective and the value the right therapist can provide.
A great read that I’m grateful to have read - and would definitely recommend! Thank you NetGalley for the electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was honestly refreshing to read. The author is funny and relatable and gives us a realistic glimpse into his life as a therapist. I loved how it included the inner voices, including triggers, judgment, savior and more because that is something I think many overlook while being with their therapist. It was also nice to see as someone going into that world, that these thoughts are still present, but something to work around for the betterment of the client. I would recommend this book for people going into to mental health care, people in therapy, and people who stopped/are wanting to go into therapy.