Member Reviews

<b>3.5 stars</b>

The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone is my first book by the author. It's a fantasy shifter romance with lots of drama, angst and twits and some interesting characters.

It's a cross over between Cinderella and Bachelors. The Dragon King needs to get married soon to save his kingdom and he has just lost his wife after three stillbirth. So a kingdom wide hunt is on for eligible woman with enough magical power to carry the heir. Arwen thought it has nothing to do with her as she is a simple mixed blood but her mother discloses that she is actually highborn. Not just any highborn. She is the last surviving queen from the enemy Eclipse Dragon clan. She gets picked up by the sniffers and now she has to survive hiding the truth and definitely not fall for the King.

The FMC and MMC are quite young. 18 and 21 respectively. I liked Arwen. She is strong and sassy and sometimes impulsive. She protected and helped her family to survive through poverty and hunger with her hunting skills. She didn't like the idea of getting uprooted from her family and to be thrown into a contest because she isn't a normal girl. Being a royal guard is more enticing to her. But the King's tragedies intrigued her soft heart. He can very well be her death but the heart wants what it wants. I feel her heartbreak and misery through the story as she had to make some really difficult decisions. She showed her courage and stubbornness very well.

But I am so confused about King Drae. He is nothing like the alpha I expected him to be. He is all over the places with his emotions and his decisions. He wanted to choose Arwen because of her bravery and her fierceness but he never did. He chose another woman because his counsel thought she is better suited for carrying the heir. Only after that option wasn't there...he confessed his love. And again and again, Arwen made sacrifices. I really wanted to like him. But Arwen totally eclipsed him.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily

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I loved this book so much! I finished this book in a day. The romance was amazing. The world building was very well done. I can’t wait to finish the series!

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This story was nothing like I was expecting. Before reading this 200 page-turner. I read the reviews. I saw people rated this book 4 out of 5 stars or more. All agreed that this book read like a Wattpad story. I'm here to put that idea to rest. Though there are so many Wattpad traits, there were so many instances where this was just a short novel. This could be read as a stand-alone or a collection. This author did a wonderful job conveying a captivating story. I personally couldn't put it down, and, when I got up the next, I couldn't wait to start reading it again. Hands down this was an awesome read. Round of applause to the author for coming up with this masterpiece. If you love a nice Syfy romance with a dark twist, this is the book for you. It is a quick read with some errors in the text, but the book is so darn good you won't even notice it.

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This book and a decent premise, but it was not well written. I struggled to even finish it at times. It felt like a teenager wrote it and there could have been a lot of improvements. The hero and heroine were decent, but the plot was just weak. The ideas held potential, but it just didn't;t follow through. It felt pieced together from other fantasy series. I really think it could get there with some help.

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2 stars

This was very underwhelming. The start of this book felt really promising and the writing was easy to consume quickly but everything went downhill very quickly because of the following:

- "I'm not like other girls' FMC. How dare young women like pretty things like dresses!
- A weird focus on purity which read very judgemental and very random, followed by far too many references to wombs.
- The one sex scene was just... awful. I don't think the FMC even got to orgasm and pretty sure she was crying..
- Hated everything about the 'agreement' - just made me angry rather then sympathetic to the main characters.
- Don't get me started on how quick these people move on after a death..

The storyline was just so convenient, rushed and half the decisions being made by the main characters made no sense. I am disappointed I did not like this book and makes me unsure if I would continue the series...

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Just wow! I love her writing style! It’s a constant high. You never have to “make it to the next chapter”. The Last Dragon King is no exception! I’m not sure if it’s a thing but I call it “An Exciting Style of Writing!” I’m so excited to move on to the next book in this series!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I think that the premise of the book had a lot of potential but wasn’t very well executed. The plot was very rushed and seemed to jump from one thing to the next to the point I was having to reread pages to make sure I didn’t skip one. The magic system and world that the book took place in had a lot of interesting pieces but weren’t expanded on enough for you to truly understand them. Also, the emphasis that was put on the “royal womb” of the FMC was reiterated so many times, we get the point, he’s gotta knock you or one of the other girls up to produce and heir.

This book had a lot of potential to be set up similarly to the “Selection” series or the “Artifacts of Ouranos” series with a selection of women being pulled from their homes to compete to be the next queen but there was no competing in this books. They literally touched a rock were sniffed for magic and whoever had the most was set to be the new queen.

In all it was a very underwhelming book and I wish the author had taken a little more time to flesh out the details because I think it could’ve been a really great book.

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I think this book had really great potential but just fell flat for me in some ways. I would’ve like there to have been more world building done and have a better explained magic system. I think the characters themselves were fun for the most part despite being a bit juvenile at times. This was a fun and quick read though!

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It started off intriguing with the selection process and dragons but ended up being a disappointment. At the start I thought there was going to be a great slow burn romance which ended up being a relationship with very little chemistry. Neither character was charming or witty.
Some of the wording also pulled me out of the story at times. “Waiting on her man” 🤢 “nah”

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A fantastic read. I have read all of Leia's books and she never fails in drawing you into her stories

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Absolutely loved this book! I appreciated having a map at the start to see the locations they travel through. Loved how from the beginning with Arwen in Cinder Village it established that she is a strong female lead. As far as King Drae goes he wasn't my favorite at first, but as you go deeper, he grows on you. I appreciated the evolution of the characters and how it was not a straight shot to a happily every after. I couldn't put it down. Even with some stuff getting skipped over, it's a freaking page-turner. Drae and Arwen's story? Loved every bit of it. Can't wait to dive into the rest of the series!

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I absolutely Loved this title!!! The world building and emotional connection is amazing!! I strongly recommend this book and I am totally addicted to it.

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Oh my gosh, what did I just read and how can I get my hands on the rest of the series.

This is going to definitely be a re read kind of series with each new book that comes out. If you are in a slump and looking for a great action romance with magical creatures this is a great one! Each book is about a different king in the realm who all used to be friends and now must each forge their own paths before joining forces again the evil of the realm.

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