Member Reviews

I would give this 2.5 stars
The premise of this was so good, the execution...not so much.
The first half of the book was really enjoyable - fast paced action, character development and a potential for a really great romance.
The world itself and world building was good, the foundation for the story was there.
The romance part kind of fell apart and brought the whole story with it - Arwen and Drae were so hot and cold.
Also what was the point of the other potential wife, the dynamic was weird between them all on top of the fact that he is widowed. What was the reason for all these other women, I think that energy could have been spent on developing the relationship between Arwen and Drae. It was just too much and then they would choose each other and something else would happen, they would change course and repeat. How can you build a relationship with absolutely no loyalty from the FMC or MMC. I guess maybe that was the point thinking about how it ended, but I think there were better ways to accomplish that.
Aside from the romance aspect of this had a lot of potential, I would be open to give the next one a chance since it is in this world.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I liked this book because it advertised the fact that the dragon king needed a wife and that was the main purpose of this book. I liked the perspective of the FMC and how she was able to have emotional maturity for many situations she was put in that I personally would have thrown a tantrum. I did have issues with the obsession with offspring and the hyperfocus that it had to be done a specific way, I understand the constraints of the book world but still made me shudder a bit.

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I am completely addicted to this series!!! This book was absolutely enchanting and I binge read it and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!! 6 stars if I could!!
I just reviewed The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone. #NetGalley
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I struggled with this one. I really wanted to like it, but it missed the mark for me. Unfortunately, it took me a very long time to finish it. I could not connect with the characters. It had potential, but I feel like it needed more development. The characters fell flat, and the author did a lot of telling instead of showing, which really took away from the enjoyment in the book. I do think there is potential there, so I would give her writing another chance down the road.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Amazing as always! I’m excited to see where this series goes. Does end on a cliffhanger. Highly recommend especially if you like dragons!

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this was shockingly good. i was hooked from the first to the last word.
This book hits on some of my fav subgenres and it was refreshing. I loved the mix of fantasy that was used here in that the King can transform.. that was pleasant. The marriage games was so entertaining to me and you can really feel all the characters energy , love, loss and everything in between. I need book 2 asap.. i did not expect that end!

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Holy Moses, Batman! I don't know what I expected when I first started reading this one but I am now hooked. I've already added the rest of the series to my TBR list. The spice level is fairly low, but the storyline is on point! The chemistry between Arwen and Drae is palpable. I really enjoyed their story and can't wait to read the rest of the series!

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I really did enjoy this book- it was a great read. I simply wish the character descriptions were more detailed. Yeah, we know Drae had braids, and Arwen had blonde hair, but it wasn’t enough to paint an image in a reader’s head. The relationship between Drae and Arwen could have been more descriptive as well- more of a buildup. Personally, I love Leia Stone’s works, and while I can’t say I was disappointed with the
read, I wish it was more in depth.

The fantasy setting of this book, as usual with Leia Stone, was perfectly in tune with the story. I love how she paints her settings and fantasy realms. The only thing that really made me decide this book was a 4 out 5 instead of 5 out of 5 was descriptions. But I did thoroughly enjoy the read. Arwen was independent, strong, and had willpower. I enjoyed reading about her adventures.

Thank you Netgalley for this free copy.

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I enjoyed this story with all the characters within. The main characters were Arwen and Drae.

Arwen lives with her mother and sister in the village of Cinder. Her father die when she was young. Her father was a hunter so she had to learn the skills so that her family would not go hungry. After return from a hunt she finds out some news. The king is looking for a new wife and has decided to go to their village.

Drae is the last dragon king. He has lose his wife in childbirth. He is going to all the villages throughout the kingdom looking for a wife.

This was a fun story to read. It had action, adventure and suspense throughout. It had a few giggles within.

I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. This is my honest unbiased opinions.

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Thank you NetGalley for sending me a copy of The Last Dragon King. I really enjoyed Arwen as a character. I liked her conversation and her interactions with the dragon king. I liked the romance between the two of them and the story was very nice.

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A lot has happened in 358 pages so I can say for sure that this is packed with action. In each chapter something is going on and somehow you don't get bored.

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When the dragon king comes to Arwen’s village looking for someone with enough magic to carry his child, she thinks she has nothing to worry about! Until her mother tells her differently.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you for allowing me to review

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While the premise and world building of this book is quite good the overall 'not like other girl' vibes the main character Arwen constantly oozes is just off putting.

Single POV, War Time, Death, Betrayal. Forced Proximity

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This book was actually released in 2022 and it is the first of a 4 book series. It was very predictable as it had many of the classic fantasy tropes. - "I'm not like other girls", enemies to lovers, secret/unknown magical powers, etc. The story moved too quickly, so I did not feel like I knew Drae or Arwen well enough to be too invested in their story. I don't know the full breadth of either of powers, and I felt there could have been more conflict regarding her powers, not just about her potential inability to provide Drae a child. The word womb was used way too many times.

I would not spend money to finish this series, but if I happen to come upon them, I would read more.

2.5/5 stars

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I really wanted to love this book. The beginning really had me. I loved the fml and her backstory. It then started to give a bad wattpad story. The way that child bearing was talked about was very weird to me and was so important. The relationship was very frustrating in so many ways. I did feel like somethings and decisions were made fast. After a while she started rot feel like a pick me. The purity was also very weird. This book just wasn’t my cup of tea.

Thank you Bloom Books and Leia Stone for a digital e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and author Leia Stone for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

"The Dragon King is looking for a wife.

This news throws the women in my village into a tizzy. The king will be sending out the royal guard to bring women of childbearing age to his castle in Jade City.

There is only one requirement: the woman must carry enough magic to produce an heir for him.

I’m a watered-down human with a mere ten percent dragon magic lineage, I know I won’t be chosen, but for some reason the magic sniffers command me to present myself to the king as a possible wife.

I’m ready to go to Jade City until my mother tells me a terrifying secret. A secret that could get me killed… by the king himself."

This is the first book in the Kings Of Avalier series. I love reading book.

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While this was a quick read, it was not for me. It started off promising. I liked Arwen and her background. I had assumptions about where the plot would go, and for the most part I was right and I was down to be okay with it but boy did the plot lose me. I get that this is a standalone book so they had to fall in love rather quick but it didn’t even feel plausible. The chemistry really wasn’t there for me so it all just didn’t click for me. I was hopeful that there may be some epic battle scenes or drama to bring it back for me, but even that was lacking.

**Potential spoiler below**

I found the focus on purity and child bearing to be very off putting. And for them to be so in love so quick and have the whole side plot of not being able to have kids together (which the solution should have been obvious but they got there eventually) to be very annoying.

Thank you to the publisher for the e-arc

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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There’s one word that caught my eye: dragon! I am living in my dragon book era right now! This book was phenomenal!

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This book started out so strong but became less and less appealing the more I read on. On one hand, this was a super quick and easy read which I knocked out in a couple of days, on the other hand I was left feeling somewhat confused after finishing the book. The story had a lot of potential but the characters and the pacing left quite a bit to be desired. It seemed that a dramatic event was happening out of the blue far too often and they were rarely ever fully fleshed out. Despite my criticisms I did really enjoy reading this book, I just wish that more time was spent delving into the characters and details of the events of the story. Sometimes it felt like I was simply being told what happened rather than really being drawn into the story and being shown what happened (if that makes any sense haha). I think this series definitely has potential!

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