Member Reviews

There’s one word that caught my eye: dragon! I am living in my dragon book era right now! This book was phenomenal!

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This book started out so strong but became less and less appealing the more I read on. On one hand, this was a super quick and easy read which I knocked out in a couple of days, on the other hand I was left feeling somewhat confused after finishing the book. The story had a lot of potential but the characters and the pacing left quite a bit to be desired. It seemed that a dramatic event was happening out of the blue far too often and they were rarely ever fully fleshed out. Despite my criticisms I did really enjoy reading this book, I just wish that more time was spent delving into the characters and details of the events of the story. Sometimes it felt like I was simply being told what happened rather than really being drawn into the story and being shown what happened (if that makes any sense haha). I think this series definitely has potential!

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Série de Leia Stone rééditée par Bloom Books et qui sort aujourd’hui en France, j’ai passé un bon moment avec ce livre mais il y a quelques bémols

Nous allons suivre Arwen, une jeune chasseuse qui aide sa mère et sa sœur à survivre dans un petit village reculée du royaume mais un jour, le roi exige que toutes les jeunes femmes du royaume qui ont un minimum de magie le rejoignent à Jade City pour qu’il puisse choisir une épouse… Arwen va tout faire pour éviter cette situation mais c’est surtout qu’un lourd secret se cache dans son passé…

Le livre se lit très rapidement, on passe un bon moment avec les personnages, l’intrigue avait un potentiel de dingue mais j’ai trouvé que cela manquait d’explications, certains éléments de l’histoire étaient survolés… Idem pour la résolution de l’intrigue, ça me laisse sur ma faim… Les personnages sont sympas même si certaines de leurs réactions m’ont un peu exaspérés…

En bref, un roman sympa mais qui souffre de beaucoup de bémols…

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This one started off so strong! I’m was intrigued and pulled right it. And then I don’t know where it started to go wrong but unfortunately it did.

I loved the action and a bit of suspense! I didn’t really like the romance plot though. It was good at first, but then it was frustrating and a little repetitive and yeah. Just lacked what I look for in that area.

The way it ends though does have me intrigued. It was a quite easy read though and for the most part enjoyable!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of The Last Dragon King (Kings of Avalier, #1) by Leia Stone.

I was surprised by how much I liked this book. It had Bachelor and Fourth Wing vibes. I love that the main character is a hunter and fighter with morals. That the King snuck into her village to access the community.

There was definitely a slow burn romance there. Being able to turn from a human into a dragon is pretty sweet. I read this book in a day and enjoyed every minute.

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The king plans to summon women with magical abilities to his castle in Jade City to bear heirs. Despite having a minimal dragon magic lineage, the protagonist is unexpectedly chosen by magic sniffers. Excited to go, a shocking secret from her mother reveals potential danger, hinting at a threat from the king himself.

I have to be honest, this was badly written. I'm not a really critical reader but the style of writing reminded me a lot of bad wattpad fiction. The story sounded promising and I liked the premise a lot. BUT the romance was lacking depth and it just moved too fast. many plotpoints and characters didn't make a lot of sense to me. The characters are written very shallow... I couldn't bond with them emotionally.

It was entertaining but just that. I am unfortunately not a fan.

I received and ARC from netgalley for a honest review. Thanks for the arc, NetGalley!

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I devoured this book in 1 day. Some fantasies are dense with the world building, Leia Stone struck the perfect middle of developed world and fast pace while still being an easy and captivating read. This scratched the fantasy itch I didn't know I had at the time and I jumped right into the second book- The broken Elf King.

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Easy and fast read about a dragon king who needs an heir and him falling in love. Cute romance and it moved quickly.

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The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone is a YA fantasy romance set in a world where the king is a dragon shifter. It follows Arwen who lives in a small mining village. When Drae the dragon king sends out a decree that he is in search of a new wife and is selecting women from every village, Arwen could not care less. She just wants to live a quiet life with her family. However, the king's people select Arwen as one of the women who could potentially marry the king, and her life is turned upside down.
I found this to be a fun and fast-paced YA fantasy that can be read quickly. I enjoyed the premise of the book and I was intrigued by Drae's character but I had some issues. Arwen was not my favorite main character because she is "not like other girls." I also found the pacing of the romance to be weird. It would seem like we were establishing the romance but then we would move 5 steps back and that was frustrating. Then once we finally got to a good place with the romance some decisions were made that I did not like. It was a pretty upsetting circumstance and Arwen had no thoughts or questions about how that choice would impact her life. The issue did resolve but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Besides that, I thought this book was fun and I am curious to see where the series goes.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the ARC in exchange for a review!

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I should know by now that I dont like the FMC in 80% of the books I read... and this was no exception. She was so picky and made me roll my eyes too many times. I found the plot interesting, tho.

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Thank you Bloom Books and Leia Stone for a digital e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a quick and enjoyable YA fantasy book. In a time where dragons are all the rage, it came at a perfect time.

This book is detailing a fictional world where the last dragon king is in need of an heir in order for his people to keep their magic. He decides to test the magic of women from different villages to determine who will be able to produce a viable heir. Enter our MC, who does not know her own magical capabilities. She is quickly thrown into the path of the dragon king against her will. During this time she begins to fall in love with him of course.

Their love is not an easy one. Even though her feelings are reciprocated, because of her lineage it is predicted that a child they produced would end in heartbreak. This is where our characters deal with their major hurdles, marriage for convenience while being in love with each other or marry one another but lie with others to produce children.

I will admit, I got a bit angry when I read the second option. I understand why it was offered, but still annoyed me. Luckily the love between the two chests tees was too strong to allow this and there was a happy ending between the two.

While dealing with the turbulence of their own relationship, we have the underlying turmoil in the kingdom, which is set up in the background and will obviously be explored further in the rest of the series.

The MC was a bit annoying at times and definitely felt a bit like a pick me girl. She used the womb a bit too much. Drae I actually really liked and wished we got to explore more. His past heartbreak with his wife and children was so upsetting and made me understand his actions a bit more.

Overall, this was a quick and light read. I found myself enjoying it and will probably continue the series.

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A quick read and who doesn’t love a dragon story!? I enjoyed the theme of this book, but the writing and word choice was a little off for when the story was supposed to be taking place. The romance was nice, but I found myself being heartbroken for the female lead. So be prepared for all the feels! Can’t wait for the rest of the series.

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Dragons are so in right now and it was a delight to read this book. Perfect for fans of Rebecca Yarros and Samantha Young!

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When i first started this book, it was a bit hard to get into and i decided to continue reading thinking that it was just the world building and the story line would pick up. I was a bit disappointed to find out that this book was not what I imagined it to be from the description blurb.

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Arwen lives in Cinder with her mother and sister. She’s a nobody…or is she? When the Sniffers come to Cinder seeking anyone with enough magical potential to bear Drae, the dragon king, children, Arwen’s reality changes rapidly. Soon, she’s caught up in a game of politics, romance, and war. Can love flourish when the fate of the kingdom is at stake?

I enjoyed this book a LOT. It was a quick-paced read that drew me in from the beginning. I saw the nods to other popular books and series, and I thought they played out well. I loved the banter between Drae and Arwen as they navigate life as dragon shifters. I found myself fully immersed.

My biggest issue with the book was Arwen as a character. When she appears, she’s a tough character who doesn’t take bull from anyone. When she gets chosen to compete for the king’s hand, we see her ferocity in action. And then it just kind of stops. She quickly faded into a shell of the person she used to be. I wanted to see her fully stand her ground and push back more frequently than she did. Not that she was completely wishy-washy, but she wasn’t as tough as I expected or wanted.

Overall, a very solid read and I’m looking forward to future installments!

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Yesss I loved this!!! Arwen and Drae were so cute and the chemistry was amazing. Some of the plot near the end wasn’t my favorite and I really felt for Arwen. But I loved how it wrapped up and set up for the next book. I can’t wait to dive into the series!

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The Last Dragon King - Leia Stone
When the news reaches the village that the royal guard will be sending magic sniffers to bring any magical women of childbearing age to the castle, the women are frantic, but excitement is brewing.
Arwen isn't phased by the news, believing she wouldn't even be a contender, but when her mothers secrets come out, Arwen tries to run.
When she is discovered by the sniffers, Arwen does what she can to keep her mother's secret, knowing her life could be on the line as a result. But as she begins to fall for the Dragon King, she finds it harder to hide her true self, knowing she may be punished for the choices of others.
As I'm new to the fantasy/romantasy genre, I've been hunting for what I really enjoy. This book appeared in Netgalley and I figured I may as well give it a shot. It was a quick and easy read that sucked me in from the beginning. I enjoyed seeing Arwens transition from scared denial to acceptance to be an entrancing journey. I ended up giving it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5, but I will say that I wish it was a but more in depth and had a bit more detail. It felt like I was reading a short story or the bones of a story. I'll definitely be giving the rest of the series a go! If you're looking for a quick and easy read to cozy up with on these chilly winter days, give this one a try!

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Unfortunately, this book was a miss for me. I found the writing to be very simple, and it never allowed me to actually get into the books or relate to the characters at all. For example, "seeing my mom so happy caused me to grin goofily at her." There was a lot of slang/modern slogan for a fantasy book, which made it difficult to read.

Overall, I would not recommend this book unfortunately due to the poor writing and very "not like other girls" attitude of the MC, which is quite disappointing because the blurb sounded fantastic in theory.

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If you're looking for a quick-reading romantasy that you can easily finish in one or a few days, featuring a dragon shifter king and dragon magic, filled with popular tropes and a FMC who isn't like other girls, you might want to check this book out.

For me personally it was a bit too predictable, too much "I'm unlike other girls because I don't like dresses and makeup", and filled with events, choices and developments that didn't make much sense. But the ebook is around 180 pages, the story isn't complicated and there is cool dragonfolk magic involved. I did like the character art that pops up throughout the book.

2,5/5 ⭐

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This is a wonderful story. The world building is a wonderful thing to behold. I love the break down that you get through your the book. The little culture details are fantastic. The characters are so amazingly vivid that they pop right into your head. I love the interaction and witty banter shared. The overall plot with all of it’s twists and surprises was an action filled ride that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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