Member Reviews

A must read! A page turner. Loved the twists and turns of this story. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop. I liked the unique plot of the story. Really good!

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I absolutely loved this book. I read it in the span of an evening, I could not put it down. I loved the world building, the storyline and how it sets you up for the next books. I can’t wait to finish the series!

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The Last Dragon King was a quick, and relatively fun read that I was able to finish in a couple of hours. For a fantasy romance book set in a medieval world, the dialogue feels more modern (and not because of the use of slang). I wanted to enjoy it more than I did, and while the characters are interesting in the premise, I found Arwen to be a bit lacking in character development. Drae was interesting and as a widower in need of a new wife, the story started off strong. I am interested in the series, so I may try the second book. I think other readers will be interested if they like this genre.

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This book narrates the quest of a king seeking a wife, but the execution feels incomplete, as if it aimed to check all the marketability boxes. The romance, typically a source of excitement for me, falls flat, lacking the depth that makes a connection compelling. The protagonist's attempt to be "not like the other girls" through activities like hunting doesn't add the intended uniqueness; instead, it renders her character somewhat insufferable.

Despite these criticisms, I won't go so far as to say I hated the book. I found enjoyment in the plot, recognizing its untapped potential, especially within the well-constructed world grappling with the war on magic. The book's ease of readability allowed me to finish it swiftly, salvaging some positive aspects from the overall experience.

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This book tells the story of a king who is looking for a wife and the execution just seems incomplete. It felt like the book tried to tick all the boxes to make it easily marketable, which seems to be an epidemic these times. The romance felt flat, I usually get very excited about just anything that the love interest does, but here it was bland and almost like they weren't made for each other.
However, the thing that I disliked the most about this book was that the MC was "not like the other girls" because of things like hunting and talking about the best kills whilst not wearing cute dresses. But, the thing is, she really isn't like the other girls, yet she is still written in an insufferable fashion.

But to say that I hated the book would be quite an exaggeration, I still enjoyed the plot. I think that it had great potential had it been more developed as the world-building was not bad at all with all the war on magic. The book was very easy to read and it made me finish this fairly quickly.

: ̗̀➛spice level: 0/5
: ̗̀➛ POV: 1st person
: ̗̀➛strong MC

*I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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I did not like this book. I did not like the characters, I did not like the plot, I did not like the purity culture BS. This book sucked, basically.

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This book was quite fun at first. It gave off a lot of YA vibes with how the fmc acts and talks but it wasn't anything that bothered me too much. Arwen, though she was pretty naïve and simple-minded at times, was a decent main character. She did sound like a typical YA character and had some "pick-me" moments. Though she was a strong character, she repeatedly said a lot of things that were hurtful and cruel and the dynamic between her and Drae was just confusing. Drae is the dragon king but she just has no respect for his position. Also, there's a lot of slang in this book and it was quite jarring to read.

Arwen and Drae's banter was pretty cute but their relationship buildup happened too quickly and easily. I would have loved more development between them. I almost feel like after the 70% mark, everything that happened just wasn't crucial to the plot at all. The book seemed to have lost track of the plot. The ending was entirely confusing and I was so extremely disappointed with it. This book could have used some more worldbuilding. It was a very fast read but only because we honestly don't really get much about the world and the magic/different powers in it. The actual story could have been developed more and the characters could have had more growth. The ending was all over the place and it really felt like things were thrown in there just to awkwardly end the book. The story had so much potential but this was a very poor attempt.

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These really remind me of the Married to Magic series by Elise Kova, including how the worlds are interconnected. and each group having their own abilities and land.

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This is a good quick book if you’re looking for something to pull you out of a slump or to dip your feet in the water of another genre.

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I really enjoyed this story. Original concept with the magical powers of dragons, and enjoyable characters.
I'm torn about my rating as I felt the story needed a little bit more world building, and "the baby saves everything" idea was a bit annoying.
My actual rating is 3.5, but will round up to 4 stars.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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The description of this book intrigues me a lot.
The first part was really good, but then I kinda got bored.
I didn't really get attached to the MC, but it was a great read.

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Exclaimer : I devoured this book
I was kinda busy preparing for the exams but after them I started reading and read it in about 3 hrs this book was awesome
I kinda got worried when the part about mmc having to cheat on the fmc but im really glad that didn't happen and they had a happy ending

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The first bit of this book was SO GOOD and it had me racing through the pages excited for what came next, but ultimately I was incredibly disappointed. Our FMC felt *extremely* obvious with her "pick-me" type personality, and it pretty much felt like the only trait her character possessed. Our MC also wasn't anything special? You could literally put anyone in his place and it wouldn't change the story one bit.

The concept and book description was what initially drew me in, but that's pretty much where the originality and good execution ends. Which leaves me disappointed and bummed I didn't find a new dragon-based read to obsess over.

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Was it perfect? No. But I still enjoyed parts of it.

Arwen is different. And that was my first problem. She is described as being "not like the other girls" because she hunts, doesn't like dresses, has no refined table manners, and likes to talk about her best kills. This seemed like a wasted opportunity to me, because she really isn't like the other girls in her village: she's self-sufficient, she's a hunter, and she's stronger than most people. Because she had to step up at 9-years-old when her father died and she and her family had no one to provide for them. And that experience makes her different enough without the need to look down at girls who don't live like her and, say, faint at the sight of blood and gore. But oh well.

The constant use of the term "purity" also made me wince a few times (girls talking about giving up their purity/virginity...).

But other than that, I liked the world-building and see a lot of potential for the coming war against the human queen who wants to rid the world of magic (someone else who loves to talk about purity, only this time connected to purity of the blood...).
I also enjoyed the slightly infantile humor and bickering (reminded me a bit of Gena Showalter) a lot, and Arwen and Drae in their own twisted way make a fun couple. But their very rocky road to love was, for me at least, paced a bit oddly, and especially the hole breeding magical heirs aspect was a bit iffy for me at times.

But flaws and all I enjoyed it more than it annoyed me. The writing was engaging enough to make me finish it in one sitting, and I am curious to see the brooding elf king find his match.

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The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone has so many of elements that I love to see in books from dragon shifters to a marriage competition . I had a lot of fun guessing what the plot was going to throw at me next and adored the love interest of this story. Sadly I didn't care much for our point of view character. nothing was super off about her I just couldn't seem to get attached. I am certainly planning to read more by the author as found this writing style enchanting . The Last Dragon King will be a good read for fantasy readers looking for a bingeable read with a romantic dragon shifting love interest.

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This is by far one of my most favorite fantasy reads, not just this year, but all time. Leia Stone really knows how to keep a reader guessing while giving them just enough angst to keep them interested. I can't thank her enough for how Amazing a read it was. The story was definitely a favorite of mine. The idea of taking all the available and fertile women of the kingdom to become the queen???? Without making it a competition?? WONDERFUL! Nothing against a little competition, but this focused more on him and why he made the decisions he made. The characters, I could kiss them(if they were real of course). The Dragon King is brave, smart, hopeful, and romantic, but he's also willing to listen to others and just do what he wants as a King. I felt he did take a little bit of a back step whenever big decisions needed to be made that had to do with just him, so I was a little disappointed in him then. But our heroine is by far the saving character of the book. She is BRAVE, TRUE TO HERSELF, OUTSPOKEN, and JUST LOVELY! She wants to be a woman without being known for just having children......can't say I blame her, but she stands up for everything she wants and even gets stuff she didn't say out loud was her goal. All in all, this is the AMAZING start to a series that can and will stand the test of time, at least in my books, can't wait to read the next one!

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Did not finish, couldn't get past the unlikeable main character and the uninspiring plot! Felt too similar to other fantasy books and not well enough written to stand out.

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This is a book that I did not finish. I just could not get into it and I hated the characters. I will not be recommending this book.

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I really enjoyed this book! My students are always asking for more fantasy, and I think they will really enjoy this! Can't wait to add it to my shelves.

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This fantasy read involves a royal wife competition, dragon shifters and an evil queen. I enjoyed the meeting of the two main characters and the learning of the dragon shifters and other magic. I would have like to see a bit more world building and details in the story because at times it felt that things were happening a bit fast to follow easy. Also, be sure to check trigger warnings in this one as there is a couple more possibly sensitive topics for some people.

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