Member Reviews

If you are looking for a quick fantasy read, this book is a great choice! The fast-paced nature of both the action and the romance helped to keep me engaged until the end. The only reason I couldn’t quite give 5 stars is the character development was somewhat rushed, and I wished that I could have more time with the characters. That’s the sign of a good book though, right?!

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I was completely enthralled with The Last Dragon King. The main character, Arwen, was so relatable and charming that I was hooked from the beginning. Having such a strong female presence not only in Arwen, but also in the Royal Guard with Regina made the story more compelling. The magic system and fantasy world were also so digestible for the reader that it was easy to fly through the book. One thing I loved the most about this book is that it was to the point and wasn’t repetitive like many other fantasy books.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book., especially for someone reading fantasy for the first time or looking for an easily digestible story about dragons and romance.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

What do you get when you mix the Selection with Fourth Wing? You get a Bachelor style romance with fire breathing dragons. It’s kind of fun until it devolves into drama and chaos.

I love a good dragon story, I also love romance, so I was excited by the premise of this book. And it started out slightly annoying, but still lots of fun. Then it got a bit icky and immature, which was disappointing.

Arwen is a stereotypical Tom boy girl. She just wants to hunt, she doesn’t want to be a princess, she doesn’t want to wear dresses or better herself, she’s always beautiful even covered in dirt and blood, blah blah blah. She’s meant to be a strong female character, but I just found her weak. Her thoughts rambled and when she faced pain she just wanted to give up and die. I also couldn’t believe that she didn’t want what the king was offering and just wanted to live in dusty, poor Cinder Mountain.

The first part of the story is about the Dragon King trying to find a wife so he can have an heir. There are lots of girls all vying for his attention, dates and stolen kisses. It’s a lot like the Selection by Kiera Cass. Arwen is obviously perfect because she’s beautiful without trying and loves hunting and swords. She is also adamant that she is more than just her womb. You could start a drinking game based on the amount of times womb is written. She even grabs her womb at one point (like, does she shove her hand up through her cervix?).

The second part becomes pure unbelievable drama and chaos. There’s cheating, there’s back flipping, there’s jealousy. The king does annoying things and then he says something nice or sad and she instantly forgives him and falls more in love. He decides to marry another girl, then warns all men away from Arwen because he’s jealous and she finds it attractive that this man wanted to keep her single while he got married!. There’s icky moments where his first betrothed is murdered and then Arwen and the King are making out the next moment. Or they start getting hot and heavy in front of his dead wife’s grave!

There’s also a weird purity thing that was just cringe. Arwen thinks of herself as pure, or keeping herself pure, or wearing a white wedding dress to show off how pure and wonderful she is. A woman having sex before marriage is even described as a whore. I’m all for people doing whatever they want when it comes to sex, a woman has a choice when it comes to her body, which shouldn’t have anything to do with being pure or being a whore.

The Last Dragon King was disappointing, especially as I enjoyed the beginning. Maybe just read it until he chooses a wife and then put it down. The rest was just immature.

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The Dragon King, Drae, is seeking a wife with measurable magic to produce an heir and continue his magical line. Without an heir, the magic throughout the kingdom will diminish and lead to the deaths of all dragonfolk. The FMC, Arwen, was thought to have a minor amount of magic and selected to be presented to the King and further tested. However, her past was hidden from her since birth, and there's more to her than originally thought.

The plot is filled with drama, twists, and turns. It was hard to put down with the fast-paced action and tension-filled romance. If you're looking for a book that will have you go through a rollercoaster of emotions, then pick this up! BUT, a note of caution for my swoony romance/HEA lovers: no matter how angry or upset you get, keep reading. It'll all work out in the end. This book has:

• NA Fantasy Romance
• Dragon Shifters
• Hidden Identity
• Fierce FMC
• Marriage of convenience
• Low spice 🌶
• HEA 🥰

I love fast-paced books, but it did feel rushed here and there. I actually wish this book was a bit longer. The romance development with the two main characters could've been fleshed out a bit more, and the ending extended. And I seriously almost DNFd at the 80% mark. I was so mad 😂. (IYKYK - It does work out, though.) Overall, though, I'd still give this a 3.5⭐️ rating because I enjoyed the majority of the book.

I've always been a huge fan of Leia Stone and I'm incredibly grateful to have received this ARC! Thanks so much @read_bloom!

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While the plot was intriguing, the world and character building were lacking. The inner thoughts of Arwen were more childish than great hunter, future queen material. Granted, she is 18. It has promise.

Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC.

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Embarking on my first adventure with an ARC in the fantasy genre proved to be quite a delightful experience, and I'm genuinely grateful for having chosen this particular book. However, a twinge of guilt crept in as I realized the book had already hit the shelves, and I found myself fashionably late in penning down my thoughts for a review.

I'm absolutely enamored with this book! The joy I experienced following Arwen Novakson and King Drae Valdren's journey was beyond containment. The dragon element was a pleasant surprise, and I never anticipated falling so deeply in love with this story. There was constant squealing, and I found myself shedding tears throughout the read.

I'm counting down the days until I can hold the hardbound copy of this book, and can we talk about how gorgeous the cover is? The visual appeal of a book cover is a big deal for me when I'm deciding to make a purchase. I'm practically bubbling with excitement to dive into the sequel of this series and soak in all the captivating artwork within the pages. The way the art aligns so accurately with the book's descriptions just adds to the whole experience for me.

Ughh! I can already feel the waterworks coming when I finally have the physical copy of this book in my hands. It's officially climbed up to my list of all-time favorites! If you're into dragons, fantasy, and a sprinkle of romance, I wholeheartedly recommend this gem. Trust me, you won't regret it!

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I enjoyed the story itself, but at times the main character was a bit too "pick me" and a lot of the story moved at a weird pace - almost too quickly, I think it would have benefitted more from a bit more suspense and slow burning. I did enjoy it overall though!

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I’ve seen a lot of negative reviews for this series but I don’t get that all. I really enjoyed the characters, the plot, and the overall feel of the book. The world building just pulled me right in.

It was an easy read for a weekend away.

I liked Arwen and her fierce independence. I enjoyed the ying & yang between her & the Dragon King, Drae. Although I’m not a huge fan of the Bachelor tv shows, this was fun despite the high stakes, her life on the line because of her secret.

I’ll definitely be picking up the rest of the series.

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Loved it! It’s a fast paced book that gets right into the story and builds the world as you go along. It’s part of a series but can be read as a stand alone. I’ll definitely be picking up the other books.

Thanks Netgalley for this copy!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5) The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone. Thank you to @netgalley and @read_bloom for the ARC.

This book is part of the Avalier series, but can be read as a standalone.

“The Dragon King is looking for a wife.” And due to his dragon genetics he needs someone powerful enough to carry a baby to term. Troops and sniffers are sent throughout his kingdom to bring back any eligible women with magical power. Arwen is 1/2 dragonfolk, half human who has taken on the responsibility of providing for her mother and sister, following her father’s death. When her mother hears of the sniffers she tells Arwen a secret that could cause the death of her and the king.

The story has a really nice flow to it. Although I found the story slightly predictable, it was a very quick, cute read.

Personally, I wish this book had more spice, and more world building. However these factors won’t prevent me from checking out the rest of the series.

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I was excited to read this well because I love dragons in fantasy (GoT super fan), but this one fell short for me. The characters were too YA to be in the roles they were in. The main character spent too much time trying not be like other girls, but she ended up being a cliche like other girls.

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The Last Dragon King is absolutely riveting I could barely put it down. Arwen is a fierce to be reckoned with and Drae such a forlorn and tragic history who could not help but fall for Arwen the moment he sat her drenched in Cougerin blood. A match fitting for the days that will come. I was thrilled to see his council wrong about Arwen and Drae’s heir and now they glimpse a future worth fighting for! I honestly can’t wait to see what comes next

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The Last Dragon King is a standalone fantasy romance, but also the start in the Kings of Avalier series. Leia Stone has already written several books, however this will be my first book I'll read from this author. I was drawn to the cover, as well as the description: This book will be perfect for Fourth Wing fans. What will Leia Stone have in store for her readers?

The synopsis of this book had really drawn me to the story. It really describes the storyline very well, without giving any spoilers away. Arwen and Drea are wonderfull characters which you'll really get to know well. Arwen is an ordinary girl from a small village, however she hunts which makes her special. She only has little magic, so when the sniffers come to her village she is sure they won't choose her. However, they do choose her because of the great amount of magic they smell. What she doesn't know is her mum has kept a secret for her, which could change everything. Arwen needs to cope with this shocking reveal fast and can only hope Drae doesn't choice her as his wife.

The storyline has a nice flow to it, making The Last Dragon King an easy-read. This book features a "he falls first" trope as well as dragon shifters and evil queens. I really enjoyed reading this book. Leia Stone has a really nice writing style and also manages to create a great worldbuilding.

The Last Dragon King is one of my favorite dragon books so far. This book is amazing and makes me really curious about what else there is to come in this series. I can't wait to start reading other books by Leia Stone, since I think her other books also will be awesome. Just because the book is sometimes a bit too fast paced, I give The Last Dragon King a 4.5 star rating.

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★ ★ .5 | 🌶

18+ check TWs

Note: I try my hardest to not include spoilers in my reviews. However, spoilers and how you define a spoiler is subjective. Proceed with caution.

*A special thank you to Netgalley and Bloom Books for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*


I’m definitely having mixed feelings about this one, y’all.

The beginning of this book started off strong. We had a strong FMC, who kind of gave off Feyre vibes. But, as the story progressed, Arwen turned into a “not like other girls” type. Which I didn’t love.

As for Drae and Arwen as a couple, I liked it in the beginning. I just wish there was more tension. There was a lot of telling instead of showing, which just wasn’t helping their chemistry. The story as a whole could have been longer, or we could’ve had more time to grow attached to the characters. I just wasn’t invested as much as I wanted to be.

There were two main things that bumped this book down from a 4 star to a 2.5 star: the deaths and the mistress storyline. I mean, I could understand the first death, but the SECOND? Completely unnecessary for the plot. Just a death, to have a death. Especially of one of the best characters.

As far as the mistress plot line, it gave me such an ick that I had to force myself to finish the book. It was thrown in as a conflict at the last minute and I just didn’t like it. It didn’t need to happen.

All that being said, I do think I will read the next book just to give the series the good ol’ college try.

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Three and a half
I quite enjoyed the beginning of this and the premise of a Kings magic being tied to both his heirs and his people was an entirely new one to me. I even quite liked the heroine although I can see some readers might find her views and reactions perhaps frustrating. I think for me as much as I enjoyed it the romance was just too juvenile although I hasten to add this isn’t a children’s book. The couple had communication issues and that meant their “romance “ yep I did intend the clarification, just didn’t quite convince me. However I would like to know how things progress and I’m very intrigued by the Elven King so not a waste of my time.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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I couldn't put it down. This book was awesome and I'm obsessed.
Right, now to an actual coherent review. First of all thank you so much to NetGalley, Bloom Books and Leia Stone for this book, I am so grateful.
This book was perfectly paced and super engaging, so much so that I read it in one sitting. It has been such a long time since I last sat down and read a book without needing breaks so thank you for this wonderful addition to the romantasy genre.
I loved that one of the biggest messages I got from this is the fact that a woman can be a warrior AND a mother and both make her a strong powerful woman. I felt very empowered by Arwen the entire way through; she was feisty, defied social norms and fought for what she believed to be right but also felt just as powerful when *SPOILER* deciding she wanted to marry the one she loved and have babies. There needs to be more books like this in the genre that show how motherhood is just as powerful a weapon as a sword.

As soon as I finished this, I bought the second book on kindle because I just had to see more of the fantastic and interesting world Leia Stone has created!

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The Last Dragon King is absolutely riveting I could barely put it down. Arwen is a fierce to be reckoned with and Drae such a forlorn and tragic history who could not help but fall for Arwen the moment he sat her drenched in Cougerin blood. A match fitting for the days that will come.

I was thrilled to see his council wrong about Arwen and Drae’s heir and now they glimpse a future worth fighting for! I honestly can’t wait to see what comes next.

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Was a quick enjoyable read. Will be continuing the series. Wished there was a little more growth in Arwen.

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A quick bingeable book that started off really really strong and was gripping with tons of potential. She’s a fun writer and overall was a quick easy read.

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This is a fun romance with the rags to riches/girlfriend (wife) competition tropes. Our ML needs a woman to bear his offspring and secure his kingdom. She is just trying to protect her family and keep them fed. Due to her not skipping town in time, she winds up drafted unwillingly into his wife contest. She is spunky, snarky and doesn't sit down and shut up. Certainly no royal in their right mind knows what to do with her. So it makes her perfect. It really is an enjoyable story and deserves a good read.

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