Member Reviews

(This review contains spoilers!)

I am one of those people who are very easily entertained by anything I read. I did start and finish this book in a matter of hours because I was interested in the overall story. However, there are a lot of things in this particular book that I couldn't turn a blind eye to. Again, I am generally nice when rating and reviewing books because I respect that authors have a story to tell and it takes a lot to not only write it, but to publish it.

The dragon shifting was one thing that caused me to cringe internally., and a lot Not because of the fact that they are dragons, but because for practically every single shift, it is mentioned how they need to "get naked". After the third time, it just became too repetitive for me. Time to shift, need to remove clothes, shift back, get dressed. I think it didn't need to be mentioned so often because the reader gets the idea.

Then there's the fact that the dragon king needs an heir or else his power weakens and his people die. That storyline is interesting in itself but my issue came again from redundancy. Arwen mentions her womb/only being wanted for her womb maybe five too many times. Those womb mentions just felt really awkward to me but I could just be picky.

The relationship between Arwen and Drae felt underdeveloped. Maybe I like slow burn romances but I would have liked to see a lot more development of their feelings. I know Drae didn't love Joslyn but his feelings toward Arwen just felt really rushed anyways. Well, both of their feelings really. Also, kissing right after she's killed? I know Arwen felt bad, but really? She was imprisoned and interrogated by Drae and suddenly she loves him too.

The whole mistress plot was for lack of better word, icky. I am really really sorry because I want to be nice, but I was getting so annoyed by this whole story of desperately needing an heir, Drae loves Arwen but chooses Joslyn for safety, and the best, Drae loves Arwen, they can't have their own child, but they marry anyway with the agreement that he will sleep with maybe three other women if necessary......what...

There's also the major "not like other girls" mentality Arwen has and the purity culture during their one intimate scene which were, again for lack of better word, cringeworthy at best. The war/battle scenes also did not feel fleshed out enough but I am still sad for Regina.

All that said, I am more interested in Raife's and Kailani's story so I won't abandon this series just yet. I think there's potential for future books so I'm a little hopeful. This story, for me personally, was 2.75 stars, rounded up to 3 for Goodreads.

(Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an ARC of this book.)

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What a great story, full of adventure, suspense, magic, and romance. The tension between Drae and Arwen is palpable through the pages and their connection is off the charts, the plot is full of secrets and mysteries, I love Arwen and her personality, and the king is the best of the best, love him, another great fantasy romance that kept me entertained from beginning to end. The Last Dragon King is the perfect combination of adventure, fantasy and romance. Highly recommended

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The title made me want to read this book all on its own. Dragons, magic and a strong FMC? Sign me up!

I thought the book started out really strong. Fast paced, it quickly grabbed my attention and I didn’t want to stop reading.

The King needs to find a new queen and produce an heir all while in the midst of war. our FMC is the provider of her family and is strong, smart and of course, there is more to her than being human.

This felt instalove to me but I didn’t hate it.

I loved the magic and wish there was more. In fact, that’s exactly what this book needed- more world building, more magic and more chemistry.

Overall, I enjoyed it this book!

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At least it was a quick read. Arwen is the long lost dragon queen and he is the king and their ultimate goal is to make babies. I am sure there was more to the story but the word womb kept being mentioned every other paragraph.

“My dream woman would have hair the color of moonlight, she’d want to hunt and shoot bows and arrow with my friends and me, she wouldn’t fuss over dresses and fashion, and she’d eat normal portions of food, not pick at salads like a bird.”

Arwen isn’t like other girls. She hunts and is super powerful and beautiful. Her only friends died in front of her but that won’t stop her from seeking passion with the king. Also she is a virgin because purity matters.

Read if you’re into that I guess. I was not

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Thank you for letting me read this and review it. I personally did not like it as I thought I would. The concept sounded amazing which is why I thought I’d read it. Per synopsis. But the absolute execution of said concept wasn’t good. It was there somewhat. I just couldn’t finish it. DNF. Personally I don’t think I can rate this. It was a first book in a series. Maybe it gets better?

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for a honest review. I ATE this up, read this in less then 24 hours sooo good! It’s giving fourth wing, acotar, deal with the elf king all tied into one.
Arwen is a normal girl living in a normal down of watered down dragon folk. Until the dragon king comes to her town looking for a suitable wife. Then Arwen finds out some secrets her mother kept from her about who she really is.

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woah!! this book. very interesting and fun to read!! i loved it! would totally recommend it (believe me it is so good)

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Thank you SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for providing this ARC for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own and freely given.

"The Last Dragon King” presents an intriguing premise where the Dragon King's search for a wife sets the stage for a tale filled with anticipation. The concept of women being chosen based on their magical potential adds a layer of suspense and excitement. The narrative initially captures the reader's interest, evoking vibes reminiscent of 'The Selection,' making it a quick and engaging read. However, the novel encounters a downturn around 20% in, as the promising start loses momentum.

While the book has its strengths, such as the interesting premise, it falls short in character development. The lack of connection between the main characters and the absence of sufficient lore/background leave the reader yearning for more depth. The overemphasis on "purity culture" and the immature characterization of the female main character, coupled with an excess of "I'm not like the other girls" vibes, detract from the overall enjoyment. The pace of the story accelerates too swiftly, leaving little room for the reader to fully invest in the characters and their relationships. Despite its potential, "The Last Dragon King" struggles to maintain its early allure, leaving readers wanting more substance in both character dynamics and world-building.

Rounding up from 2.5 stars.

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I wanted to read this book so much cause it was my first ARC and I have such a high anticipation… but I couldn’t continue reading it… When the book doesn’t involve you, you begin to find fault with everything. And I did find fault, the more I read the more things were getting stranger and weirder for me.
Unfortunately this book is not for me, and I just dnf it(((

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The book was very engaging and had me emotionally involved a few times to the point of tearing up. I loved the character building of the side characters and definitely need book 2.
I will say that, there were unanswered questions and there could have been more development regarding the certain topics such as certain dragon clans. The push and pull between both the MC’s were a bit messy and I felt our heroine forgave too easily and rushed past how she felt. Some of the ending felt a bit rushed but I’m hoping in the next books, all questions will be answered and fill in the rushed parts

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Thank you, NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to review this book with my honest opinion.

I wanted to love this book. I can say that I only just 'liked' it, and there were a lot of elements that I did not enjoy by a great margin. This book is part of a series, but I do not believe I will be continuing on. The main characters were not my cup of tea. I myself fancy a protective relationship from both partners and I could NOT get on board with the other partners. The one 'spicy' scene was actually pretty realistic if you ask me, but what I am looking for in a book is something to daydream about. Something to knock me off my feet. Well, you get my drift.

Overall, the plot was good and I was able to finish quickly. There was a lot of suspense and it was pretty thrilling. The twist was interesting but again, not my cup of tea. I'd say if you are looking for a fast paced fantasy read with an interesting premise, pick this one up and form your own opinion - you may end up really loving it!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks bloom books for providing me with this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was really looking forward to reading this story as the concept sounded amazing and right up my street. Unfortunately I was massively disappointed. The writing style was not great and was very reminiscent of the stories I have read on wattpad. The plot seemed to be a bit all over the place and everything seemed to centre around how the FMC wasn't like other girls. This trope has been done to death and is utterly tedious now.

In addition to this, the romance was pretty abysmal. I struggle to connect with a romance story where the two people who are supposed to be so in love they are just perfectly fine with mistresses and letting each other run off to have sex with others. The only sex scene in the entire book was short, focused entirely around a purity culture and the FMC didn't even orgasm. For this reason amongst others I couldn't remotely connect with the MMC.

Unfortunately this was a no go for me and I struggled to not DNF

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⚠️ Disclaimer
Thank you to Bloom Books publishers, Leia Stone, & NetGalley for sending me a copy of this book in return for an honest review. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

▪️ Speedy synopsis:
When the last Dragon King’s soldiers round-up all the eligible women with magic across the country, Arwen finds herself an unwilling participant in a large dating competition.

🔺 What I liked:
The general premise of the plot was interesting. I liked the secret the FMC learns about herself.

The pace was quick and it pulled me in. It was a speedy and easy read.

There was a bit of tension and suspense in the first half of the book.

Despite being part of a series it can be read as a standalone as the story arc feels quite complete.

🔻 What I didn’t like as much:
The ending felt very rushed. I disliked the time hop.

The FMC was a typical “I’m not like those other girls” characters that disliked wearing dresses and eating salad. It’s over-done and it’s 2023; let’s not belittle other women?

I tried but I couldn’t bring myself to like the MMC. He was so dismissive and rude. Additionally, I could tell he really wasn’t much of a giver in the bedroom because the spicy scene was brief and underwhelming. Not my type of book BF or real BF 😂

The romance in general wasn’t my favourite. Besides the kiss in the beginning I didn’t feel any chemistry or tension between the FMC & MMC.

Not much world building.


📚 Summary:
An ok, quick, and light read. No emotional investment required. Unfortunately not an aspirational romance, but some parts held my interest.

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this book can be described as The Selection with some dragon-shifting and magical wombs sprinkled into it.
the writing is alright for the most part, except for a couple of over-exaggerated scenes and reactions from the characters. while the story is not the most original and many of the plot points are predictable, I kinda liked the main character, Arwen - she had a couple of witty/funny moments that I really enjoyed. of course, it needed to be abundantly clear at every step of the way that she is not like other girls and can’t stand to wear a dress or put on make-up.
in terms of the romance, I can’t say that I felt any sort of spark between Arwen and King Drae - I was also put off by his strong desire to find a wife not because he wanted a partner but because he was looking for a powerful magical womb 🙄.
I think I liked the beginning of the story (when Arwen was still in her home village) more than rest of the events that take place in the capital.
I appreciated the fact that the book is fast-paced and the plot is easy to follow, which made for a really quick read, BUT I could not move past <spoiler>Drae’s suggestion that he marry Arwen but sleep with other women until he gets an heir - it was such an awful thing to say, and Arwen was like “Yeah, okay”. literally, wtf 🤡. it was giving The Handmaid’s Tale</spoiler>

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No. Just no. This YA fantasy left me pacing angrily in my room and venting to my friends. Here's why:

-Characters: In the beginning, the characters seemed lovable, but as the story continued, the protagonist acted more and more like a pick-me. "I don't like dresses, I'm so unique, I should marry the king because I'm so different"

-Weird references to wombs every few pages: I have no idea what was up with this, but literally every 3 pages the word "womb" came up. Don't ask why.

-Wrong Ideologies: I'm not going to spoil, but roughly 20% of the book was spent on a plot twist that was added near the end. Due to the twist, the characters came to an "agreement" that was just so messed up.

-Random curveballs: There were a bunch of new information that was just so convenient, added in with no foreshadowing whatsoever.

No hate to the author! This book just didn't hit the mark for me, but there are lots of readers who loved it, too. Keep in mind, this book is part of a series, and I received an ARC from Netgalley. I rated this three stars.

Post Date: December 4, 2023
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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for a review, although these are all my own thoughts and opinions and was not swayed by receiving a copy.
I thought this book was enjoyable! The love story was definitely rocky and I never knew what would happen next, kept me on my toes! The ending left more to be desired for sure in regards to the love story. I would have love to not skip 9 months in time and it would have been very enjoyable to read all about their thoughts/emotions during the pregnancy and everything. I was never bored, that’s for sure! Loved the twist with the powers, although I do wish we could have seen more of the training aspect as well, that was skipped over too. All in all, a great book! Can’t wait to read book number 2!

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Leia Stone is a new author to me. the description of this book, below, drew me in. Magic, dragons, strong female that provides for her family. A Dragon King that is in search of a wife that has strong enough to carry his heir (there is an underlying reason- it's actually a good one). Arwen has lived her whole life in a poor town, she hunts to provide for her family. She has no desire to leave her family especially to be used for her womb. Good thing she has no magic in her, she is human through and through.
When the Dragon King's convoy comes into her town Arwen's mother tells her to run. She doesn't understand why until her mom reveals a secret that changes her whole life. The magic sniffers tell her that she must go to the capital city where the castle is where everyone's magic level will be tested to determine who will be the King's new wife.
Meanwhile, there is a threat at the border of the kingdom that threatens their way of life.
A lot is going on in this book. It's only 288 pages, it's a one-sitting book that has so much potential. I hope that the author will take her time to develop the characters and storyline deeply. I felt like this was very surface-level. It was rushed. The love was rushed. The training to fight in battle was rushed. It would be more believable if time was taken to develop these storylines. There were some potholes in the story. Sometimes the language didn't match the proposed period. Who says "dude" right?
Despite these issues, I still enjoyed the book. I just wanted more depth. I can't wait to read the remaining books. I hope that they will be different but the story and the characters are worth the investment to read the next one. Author don't fail me now.

USA Today bestselling author Leia Stone weaves a captivating tale of undeniable love and heartbreaking battles in this start to the Kings of Avalier series, an epic fantasy romance perfect for fans of Fourth Wing.

Eighteen-year-old Arwen Novakson has magic, but just barely. So, when the Dragon King announces his search for a wife, Arwen knows she won't be in the running, as the king needs someone who has enough dragon magic to produce a strong heir. But, much to her shock, when the magic sniffers visit her small village, they command her to present herself at the king's castle as a possible wife.

This should be a dream-come-true opportunity for Arwen, but before going, she learns a terrifying secret about the strength of her magic, and if the king ever discovered the truth, he would have every reason to kill Arwen himself. Protecting herself becomes more and more challenging as her magic and her feelings for the king grow. Especially as she must watch him court other women.

Arwen can't help but fall for the charming, empathetic Dragon King, but she knows being together would put everyone in danger—herself, the king, anyone with dragon magic. With a magical war brewing, Arwen must decide how much she is willing to risk and how much she is willing to sacrifice for love.

Perfect for readers who love:

Romantic fantasy books for teens
Unputdownable & bingeworthy novels
Marriage of convenience
Dragons and shifters
Holly Black, Sarah J. Maas, and Rebecca Yarros
Available Editions
EDITION Paperback
ISBN 9781464218842


I received this book from NetGalley for this review. I was under no obligation to give a positive review. All opinions are on my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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Not my Cup of Tea!

“The Last Dragon King” is the first book in the Kings of Avalier series by Leia Stone and takes us on the journey of Arwen and the Dragon King.

When there are dragon stories in Romatasy, I'm always happy to be there! But “The Last Dragon Kingdom” was unfortunately a total failure for me.

The story started strong and I liked the protagonist Arwen. She is a good hunter and not only feeds her mother and sister, but also helps the villagers. But as the story progressed, I thought I had landed in a parallel universe. There was just way too much story squeezed into this Book, so everything became hectic and kept losing sense. I thought I was reading a comedy here.

The protagonist Arwen constantly changed her behavior and it was always 360 degree turns and certainly no longer comprehensible. And also very unbelievable. The relationship between Arwen and the Dragon King was also of a strange nature. After two days it was great love and then all the plot holes came again. I found the feelings portrayed so exaggeratedly that I didn't even take them seriously.

I find the concept of the story interesting, but unfortunately I didn't like the execution at all.
Unfortunately, “The Last Dragon King” only gets 1 out of 5 stars from me.

Many thanks to Blooms Book and NetGalley for the review copy.

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Having delved into this fantasy read, the tale revolves around the Dragon King's quest for a magical consort, stirring up excitement in a village. The arrival of the royal guard to gather women, Arwen included, brings forth a narrative brimming with suspense and romance. Despite her reservations, the magical sniffers insist Arwen participate in the selection. Her journey to Jade City takes a perilous turn when a shocking revelation from her mother adds an unexpected layer to the story. The story is commended for its gripping plot and the resilient character of Arwen, who bravely strives to break free from her predetermined destiny. Nevertheless, I perceived some inconsistencies in the plot, wavering character dynamics, and a lack of anticipated intensity. Despite these, I eagerly anticipated the next installment in this series.

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3.5 stars.

Thank you to Bloom Books and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I really wanted to like this book. It had great world building, a very interesting storyline and unique pieces. But the writing needs some work. It jumped all over the place, seemed half medieval then used “dude” in one spot. Arwen is also all over the place, Drae doesn’t act like an adult let alone a king. Weird purity culture and minor slut shaming.

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