Member Reviews

This is a cozy read about friendship and love. I loved the characters and how they supported each other through the good and rough times in their lives. It showed how important friendships are to women. I also liked how many of the characters found a way to make a difference in the world by using their talents, experiences, and resources. It inspired me to think about ways I can serve others. Another theme of the book is that love can always be found when you open your heart to it. The book did get a bit spicy in a few places and I had to skip over the love scenes! Other than that I couldn't put the book down! I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy a book about friendships.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Robyn Carr explores the intersecting lives of four women of multiple generations in her newest women's fiction novel The Friendship Club. I enjoy reading about characters at different stages of life and Sophia, Bella, Ellen, and Marni provide plenty of food for thought as they each approach a crossroads with the possibility of taking them in new, and in some cases unexpected, directions. Carr does a good job of making all of these women - and their circumstances - relatable. While they range in age from twenty-two to sixty, they're developed in such a way that I was able to identify and empathize with all of them even if I had not shared their individual experiences.

The female bonding and support is strong in this book, something I enjoy in real life and on the page. I appreciated the banter among the women, the fun they have, the secrets they share, the way they challenge one another but also have each other's backs, the empowerment that results from that. I also like the fact that Ellen and Marni, at ages when many are contemplating retirement, step forward into new opportunities. Reinventing oneself never goes out of style.

While the primary focus of this book is on the evolution of the women, there are also romantic elements. Some of the women find themselves entering into promising relationships as well as finding peace with past partners. A marriage faces emotional challenges during an IVF pregnancy, and, as in real life, one toxic relationship goes off the rails. There may be readers who are triggered by this.

Finally, as one who uses baking to deal with stress, I love Marni's multi-tier cake. Okay, let's be honest, I love everything Marni cooks and bakes in this book. It had me drooling and ready to hit the kitchen myself. Also, as someone who was primary caregiver to my late husband for many years, I closely identify with Ellen and the emotional challenges she needs to overcome in order to move forward into a new relationship. I felt like I was right there with her, facing those emotional hurdles, and feeling an immense sense of relief when she conquered them.

If you enjoy women's fiction, strong female friendships, overcoming adversity, and starting over wiser and stronger, give Robyn Carr's The Friendship Club a try.

Content Warnings: stalking, abusive relationship, cheating

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Four women from four different walks of life come together in a unique friendship that has the bonds of a lifetime.

Marni is a Famous cooking show host who has been married twice, lost a husband to death and one to divorce. Now in her 50s, she is happily single and living her best life. And excited to become a grandma. Ellen, who is Marni’s friend, and production person on her show. She spent years taking care of her husband, who is now no longer with her. Ellen two is happy to be living the single life. Bella is about to embark on a new phase of womanhood by becoming a mother. And Sophia, an intern, at the cooking show who quickly becomes a friend. It’s just learning the ways of life and love.

Robyn Carr beautifully blended some romance, some suspense, and some women’s fiction into a fantastic story. It shows the bonds and strength of friendship. Coming together when needed. Finding strength through someone that you care about. Building each other up in the best possible way. And being there just being there. Robin touches on subjects that can be strenuous and triggering for some people. She does it with class and style. She is able to take these harsh subjects and show what friendship is really like amongst women who care about each other. This story was more than I expected it to be.

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Warm-hearted, uplifting and addictive, The Friendship Club is the spellbinding new novel by much-loved number one best-selling author Robyn Carr.

Marni McGuire has done it all and seen it all. In her mid-fifties, the celebrity cooking show host has been married, divorced and widowed and is now happily single. The only fly in the ointment is that her pregnant daughter Bella is desperate to find her a man and refuses to believe that her mother is perfectly happy on her own. Deciding to humor her daughter, Marni agrees to go on the dates her daughter has set up for her – and is shocked when she finds her resolve to stay stubbornly single wavering as she begins to wonder whether her Mr Right might still be out there after all…

Marni’s best friend is also enjoying the single life – or so she tells herself, however, when one of their younger colleagues appears to be caught up in a toxic relationship, the older women join forces to show the intern that life’s too short to spend it with somebody who isn’t right for you. Meanwhile, Bella is worried that the impending birth of her child might end up putting a strain on her marriage.

As the four women find themselves navigating the challenges of relationships, dating, loneliness and romance, they find themselves relying on one another as they realize that good friends are worth their weight in gold.

Robyn Carr is at her absolute best with her latest page-turner, The Friendship Club. Witty, compelling and immensely enjoyable, The Friendship Club is a deft and astute exploration of women’s relationships at different stages of their lives that will make readers laugh out loud and shed a tear or two. Written straight from the heart and with all the flair, sensitivity and humor that have become her hallmarks, Robyn Carr’s The Friendship Club is sure to rocket up the bestsellers list and satisfy her legion of devotees and newcomers to her work alike.

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This book took until the sixth chapter for me to really get into it. I did finally connect with the characters in the book and wanted them all to succeed. I like how all the women came together to help each one out but also learn to be on their own and enjoy new things. This book was a feel good, easy to read, and heartfelt.

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A great story of four women, their friendship with each other, their relationships and support of one another as they navigate life's circumstances.

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Friendships come in all sizes and shapes. Some long term. some not. Some close, some definitely not. But the friendships developed over time and through troubles make the biggest impact on your life. THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB is built around a bonded friendship so close that two of the women are mother and daughter. Four women of differing ages and at different stages of their lives will carry each other through some of the most trying times, tempering the ups and downs that occur in each life. Robyn Carr is well known for her emotionally charged books featuring women at their weakest and strongest moments. Her stories always remind you that there is a way through the troubles as long as you keep your head up and listen to those who love you.

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Marni McGuire is a famous cooking show host, married twice, widowed and then divorced, she is now happily single. Her life is filled doing a job she loves, cooking and styling food, with her best friend and production manager/chef, Ellen, and regular visits with her sister and daughter. Her pregnant daughter, Bella, worries that her mother isn’t as happy as she could be though, and arranges a date for her. However, Marni strikes up a friendship with a man on her own and the sparks of chemistry fly between them.

Bella, Marni’s daughter has her own issues being overloaded with pregnancy hormones, her emotions are all over the place and her marriage is suffering because of it.

Marni’s best friend, Ellen, married later in life to an older man. He suffered an aneurysm two years after, severely crippling him mentally and physically, and she ended up a caregiver for many years before he died. Widowed and happily single as well, she’s surprised when her neighbor, a retired firefighter, invites her over for dinner.

Sophia, Marni’s college intern has found herself in a passionate relationship that quickly turns into a frightening situation when the guy turns obsessive. She’s reluctant to share, feeling embarrassed and somehow responsible, but Marni, Ellen, and her father, Sam all step in to help. I was frightened for her and all involved!

The Friendship Club was part women’s fiction, part romance, with a surprising amount of suspense thanks to Sophia’s storyline! I loved the strong, supportive female friendships portrayed here, as well as the two mature romances! Don’t even get me started on all the mouth-watering food mentioned! There’s a reason Robyn Carr is so popular. Her stories are completely engrossing from the first page, and I was fully invested as these women navigated the ups and downs in their lives!

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“Friends who become family” is a familiar trope that Robyn Carr excels in and that exactly what the story was about. Marni is a successful chef where she has made a “must see” tv show from her home with the help of Ellen and Sophia as her crew. So many characters show up in this book that at first I had to keep going back to the beginning to remember who was who. There is Bella, Marni’s daughter and her husband Jason. Sam is Sophia’s father, Tom is a one time date for Marni, Jeff is the ex husband of Marni, and Mark, who is Ellen’s neighbor. Quite a crew but they make for a wonderful story and they all become a family of friends. I loved it. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The first thing to mention is that THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB is certainly not a fluff piece. Not that there is anything even remotely wrong with fluff, love, and humor. Robyn Carr manages to add just the right amount of all three while tackling a much more difficult and challenging subject. Abuse. For sure since the main characters are women the initial emphasis is on women who have been victims of abuse, physical and emotional.

So many victims remain silent. Afraid of embarrassment or being judged as weak. Instead of putting the blame where it truly belongs, many believe that somehow it was their fault. What they did to cause the partner to lash out in retribution for something they unknowingly did. Hogwash. Robyn Carr could just as easily title this book Hogwash.
But I digress. THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB centers around a group of women who work together to produce a successful cooking show. Marni is the star, and the show is her baby. She worked her way up in various stages of the food industry. As a single mother she learned how to manage life and a career. In the meantime she also amassed a wonderful support group.

This group of women round out the story. Each contributes to a central theme that originally appears random, but then we come to see that each is a crucial element of the recipe. After all we are reminded that it is food and cooking that remains the core of the relationship of these friends and family members.

Marni, Ellen, and Sophia work together as a wonderful team on the cooking show. As such they are a cohesive group. Robyn Carr reminds us that people have lives that are much more complicated than appear on the surface. Our life experiences definitely shape who we are, what we become, not only in our personal lives but in our expectations.

So while these ladies are busy with chopping and cooking and following a recipe it is their lives that have become more complicated. Facing their pasts and looking for a better future. And being honest and open with the people who are so important to them.
Robyn Carr uses this quote by Maya Angelou, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time,” which kind of sums up the importance of this story. So if you are looking for a delightful tale with some extra spice look no further than THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB.

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The Friendship Club, a contemporary stand-alone by Robyn Carr, tells the story of middle aged syndicated tv show chef Marni McGuire and her close circle including her producer and 20 year best friend Ellen, her younger sister college professor Nettie, her very pregnant daughter Bella, and her college intern Sophia. All these ladies come together in a lovely tale of friendship, togetherness, and moving forward.

Other characters include Bella’s fellow attorney husband Jason, Marni’s ex-husband Jeff, Ellen’s neighbor retired firefighter Mark, Sophia’s father agriculture professor Sam Garner, and the charismatic, controlling, and sometimes violent Angelo. These characters, although secondary, provide the interplay, tension, and moving forward for the ladies.

This is an interesting study of the interplay between people in different relationships and how that interaction forms the crux of their lives. I did enjoy this book and recommend it.

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A heartfelt emotional story of four women from different generations that form a bond of friendship through thick and thin. All at different crossroads that might change their lives in many ways. Some even find romances when least expected. Loved the cooking that the women do, my stomach was growling a few times with the yummy cooking.

This was a book that I wanted to last, felt vested with these woman but I couldn't stop turning the pages. Fair warning though there are a few trigger points of domestic abuse and cheating, but woman are survivors!

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The Friendship Club is another delightful stand alone read from Robyn Carr. The story explores the friendships between  women, and the support they are to each other.

Marni and Ellen run a popular cooking show and have done so for the last twenty years. Both have a lot of life experience and now mid fifties and sixty years of age they are at a new stage in their lives. There is a lot of food talk so this will be very suitable for readers who love to cook.

Bella, Marnie's daughter is pregnant and dealing with all the challenges that go with that, Sophie who works part time for Marnie has some scary experiences that really rock her. Nettie - Marnie's sister is there as part of the group, bolstering up Marnie whenever she needs it.

For these women while they don't know it as we meet them, there are new beginnings about to happen in their lives . Exciting times!

I enjoyed it all, especially Ellen's neighbor Mark, retired fire fighter, coming up with a very moving way to help out in fire disasters.

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I always enjoy Robyn Carr’s writing style. In this book, I really enjoyed the female friendships and the diversity in age and background of the main characters. The support and camaraderie among the women in the story were a central theme that resonated well with me.

The book was a bit heavy at times with the focus on the psychology of stalking and gaslighting, but I still found the overall storyline compelling. It dealt with a variety of themes such as domestic violence, mental health, and second chances, bringing out a range of emotions as I read. The positive and uplifting nature of the friendships portrayed in the book left a lasting impression on me.

Overall, the author did a superb job of successfully weaving together multiple storylines that engaged me, with relatable characters facing real-life challenges.

I received an advance copy of the book. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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This is a touching story based on friendships, family relationships, domestic violence, mental health and second chances. It revolves around four women in different age groups centered around Marni McGuire.

Marni is a famous cooking show chef and have a successful TV show. Her daughter Bella is persistent when is comes to setting her mother up with blind dates, but Marni claims she is very happily single and not looking for a relationship since she is twice divorced.

Ellen, who works with Marni is widowed and after years of caretaking, now finds herself in a dilemma with her neighbor over a possible dinner date.

Sophia, who is an intern, has to deal with an abusive relationship.

The friendships in the book felt very real and heartwarming. There are there for one another no matter what the situation. Strong friendships make for a great support system!

I enjoyed the story and its characters. Many thanks to Netgalley and and the publisher for the ARC!

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I sometimes feel like i am a romance purist . This was a great story with amazing characters but it didn't feel like an HEA for any of the couples
I also felt the book was dealing with too much , staking , insecurity due to pregnancy, Trans issues. And top of that all the internal conflicts that the characters had.

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The Friendship Club is a womens fiction book about 4 friends who work together and who are each . having different issues in their life . I enjoyed reading about each character and watching them grow and work through their problems.

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This is classic women's fiction. There is romance, friendship with an upbeat ending. While it is not what you read when you want something weighty, it fits the bill. Is it a little formulaic? Yes. That is not necessarily a bad thing if the formula is done well as it is here. The characters were compelling and likeable. There was enough seriousness to keep this from being a beach read (not that that is a problem either, but something a reader might know). There is not literally a friendship club, but a group of women who are friends and who are there for one another. This is a book that most women need at times. I also think the male characters were interesting and three dimensional which is not always true in these types of novels.
I think it could have been a little shorter--there were a few parts where my interest waned just a little. I also wanted to see a little more dialogue because what was there was good.

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Every woman needs a Friendship Club in her life. I absolutely loved this book!

In The Friendship Club, Robyn Carr crafts a beautiful story of friendship and how those friendships can carry you through life’s joys and sorrows.

Marnie is a successful TV cooking show chef, widowed and divorced, and mom of Bella. Bella is an attorney who is five months pregnant and is experiencing the emotional, hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy. Ellen is Marnie’s producer, chef and a widow who spent the later part of her marriage caring for her ailing husband. She’s also Marnie’s right-hand woman. Sophia is Marnie’s intern and aspires to have a career in television, just like Marnie.

The Friendship Club is a well-crafted story about women of varying ages and life stages and how our life experiences can help guide others through similar situations, and how our pain can be used for good.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, for a review eARC.

#TheFriendshipClub #NetGalley

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I did better listening to this book than I did reading it. Four women join together for the Friendship Club and rely on each other to get through life. Bella is pregnant after undergoing IVF and a little psycho toward her husband. She is obsessed with eating healthy and freaking out that her husband is cheating. Seems a little over dramatic to me. Bella proves she has been strong though in the past with abuse and is going to help women everywhere by speaking up. Sophia starts dating a guy that she can't get rid of. She sees the abusive signs, but he will not go away. He goes as far as to break in and send himself things from her phone. The girls come help her and call the police. Marni is just a very strong women that is sure of herself and always willing to offer help! These four all discover there is more to life than they are content with, and rely on each other to find out what they really want in life.

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