Member Reviews

a fun filled adventure.
really enjoyed this and was an easy read to lose yourself in, a great holiday book

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I thoroughly enjoyed this and found it refreshing to read about ‘older’ women having a good time and romance. I found this to be witty, fun and heartwarming but also realistic. Denny is retired and when her step sister invites her to her hen holiday with the rest of the Old Ducks she doesn’t expect to find that her lost love is staying in the villa next door. This had a real sense of friendship, second chances and the message to not let age stop you from doing what you want!

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This book had me laughing out loud all the way through. If I knew of a local old ducks group I'd be faking my age so I could join. If this is what it's like to be 60 I can't wait. Each character was very different and had achieved a lot in their lives but when they got together with a similarly aged group of wannabe disreputable men they all turned into teenagers again. As someone who won't see 40 again it was great to read of older ladies who don't always want to be knitting matinee jackets and baking cakes. They still wanted to have fun and fall in love. But if you're much younger don't let that put you off, it's a great read anyway but you might just look at your grandparents a little differently afterwards.

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If you enjoy books with humor and older/mature characters, then you will love Maddie Please's books. The Old Ducks' Hen Do is the second Old Ducks Club book, but can very easily be read as a standalone. Denny has recently retired and is bored. Her stepsister, Juliette announces she’s getting married and invites Denny to come along with the Old Ducks. Denny had heard about their exploits on their last trip and she can't say no, although she will not get carried away like they do. They have rented a Mallorcan villa, and it is beautiful. Imagine Denny's surprise when she finds out that one of the men in the villa next door is Bruno Browning, the man who broke her heart. Denny wants to enjoy herself and just maybe, she and Bruno can finally talk to put things behind them, or maybe rekindle a romance. Whatever happens, Denny realizes, with the help of the Old Ducks, she will live life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

This story is told from Denny's POV. When I retired I had a lot of the same feelings as Denny. Did I do the right thing? What am I going to do with my time? She was definitely relatable and I was hoping that things would work out for her in whichever pathway she wanted. Although the Old Ducks tried to keep her busy and not thinking about Bruno, they also supported her and made her think about what she wanted. We all need friends like that. With their antics, their observations and their interpretations of what was going on around them, they kept me smiling and laughing throughout. I will only say that there is an hilarious scene involving some skinny dipping and some nuns that had me spitting out my coffee. If you love books with more mature characters, if you are a mature character and need a reminder to live life to the fullest, or just enjoy a well written, humorous story, then I recommend you pick up The Old Ducks' Hen Do.

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"The Old Ducks' Hen Do" is the second book in the Old Ducks Club series but can be enjoyed as a standalone. Recently retired Denny joins her stepsister Juliette and the lively Old Ducks on a trip to a Mallorcan villa for Juliette's pre-wedding celebration. Denny is surprised to find her former flame Bruno Browning living in the neighboring villa, sparking hopes of closure or even rekindled romance. Through Denny's perspective, readers relate to her post-retirement uncertainties and root for her happiness. The Old Ducks add humor and support, encouraging Denny to seize the moment and enjoy life. With entertaining antics and hilarious moments, this story celebrates living life to the fullest and is recommended for those who enjoy humorous tales featuring mature characters.

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Lighthearted, fun, filled with antics and humour. The old ducks hen do shows that there is life in those old ducks yet

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Such a special book about friendship and laughter! It refreshing to read the older generation enjoying themselves too.

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What is there to not like about this book. Old Ducks, A Hen's Do, a villa, an exotic location and lots of laughs. I just couldn't put this book down as I was enjoying it that much. It is fun, crazy, a great holiday read and it is so easy to read. Who doesn't like a book that makes you smile?

It is certainly not a fast paced book but it is so much fun you won't notice. Love the Old Ducks (reminds me of myself and my friends), loved the location and I could feel the sand and see=a in the pages as I read. So much fun and frolicking.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Hilarious journey of a group of women of a certain age. Friendship through thick and thin.

Very enjoyable.

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I found this book to be super enjoyable and entertaining. I am really, really interested in reading books about women past the age of 50 or 60 these days. Not sure if there is a name for this genre? This is a story of each woman’s experiences in life and also the entertaining of their friendships and relationships. With age comes wisdom and lots of laughter. Thank you, NetGalley!

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Such a fun book to read. I was immediately captured into the story and fell in love with the characters.

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This title had me thinking the book would be about a group of older ladies getting together for a “hen do” or a bachelorette party. As I often overlook book summaries, I just went with it hoping for the best. It really was about a bunch of ladies who are over 60. each has a different path they have been through, yet get along just grandly on this vacation of a lifetime.

Little did Denny expect to find her old college boyfriend with a group of mates in the place next door. They have some unfinished conversations from about forty years ago. It takes them quite a while to get conversations going where they became comfortable speaking to one another

This book progresses very slowly. I actually read an entire series of 5 books while reading this one. The other series had lots of action while The Old Ducks Hen Do was slower paced and I lost interest several times.

While these old hens found their own fun, it was not enough to hold my attention very long. It wasn’t until three fourths of the way into the book that it got more exciting and it progressed more smoothly.

Due to the slow pace, I give this book 3 out of 5 tiaras. I expected more entertainment, some humor, maybe even more flirting. Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for access to this work.

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I'm loving this series of brilliant books
Giving life after sixty some different looks.
This time it is Denny Lambert who is Mallorca bound
Never expecting her first love there to be found.

Denny is joining her stepsister's hen party stay
With the Old Ducks off together on holiday.
Next door to their villa is a stag party, too,
The first of whom is someone she once knew.

Get ready for adventures and romance
As Denny considers giving Bruno a second chance.
However, when they discuss their past
Maybe the truth will be revealed at last.

A fun read, with surprises and so much more
The kind of book I totally adore.
Great characters, mischief, sunshine and romance
I hope you'll also give this book more than a chance!

For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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I liked this book, I just wish it lasted longer. I would definitely share this book with my patrons at the library!

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Thanks to netgalley and publishers for arc
This author is new to me but I will go read more of her books now after this book
The old ducks club is a name given to a group of friends who some of them are related (stepsisters) others are just long term friends and now in to their second or third marriages, they are on a hen weekend in Mallorca this time with Denny for the first time.
It’s her step sister Juliette getting married to a major and Denny who has never married but just retired recently has come for the first time on an old ducks holiday
She has a great time with the girls as they call themselves skinny dipping in the sea was great til the nuns caught them! They had a beautiful villa with fabulous pool and close to shops and tow so easy to eat out or in then the villa right next to them had a group of men arrive and Denny was stunned as Bruno the only love of her live was one of them what was he doing here? She last heard of him living in Italy. What was she going to do?
A story that proves your never to old to be in love or have fun

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A little boring for me and the story dragged quite alot. Not one if my favourites to read. It made me feel a little u comfortable too. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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The book is a great reminder that aging is all in the mind! Having the right spirit and being open to new adventures can keep those of us pushing 60 and beyond young in spirit.
Another entertaining read from Maddie Please with a cast of unique characters and lots of laughs! I enjoyed how all the ladies found love - if only within themselves, to begin with!

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Denny is on a vacation for her stepsister Kim‘s Hen do with their friend Juliet and after listening to Juliet talk about her grandkids and her children and listening to her stepsister she relishing in her singleness right when a man in the suite next-door comes out onto the patio and Denny is shocked when he calls her name and she finds out it is her ex boyfriend from her college days. Bruno is the last person she ever expected to see it she certainly didn’t know how much running into him would change the rest of her life and her singleness. Maddie Please is one of those authors I found on net Galley and quickly got familiar with the rest of her catalog all of her books are written with middle age romance in mind and although some of her books have those from the younger generation they’re always focused on people my age which I love she never disappoints and is the author I can depend on for sweet fairytale romances where the prince and princess face real life issues. I love her books in The Old Ducks Hen Do is no exception it is a second chance romance and the author definitely knows how to build up the tension and have you palpitating for the emotions you know are coming. I highly recommend this book especially for those over 50 who still love romance. I want to thank Boldwood books and net galley for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Not my favourite book by this author but it was an easy read. I found it dragged out in some parts and I found it a little boring. But overall it was an ok read

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Free courtesy of Netgalley

Well the old ducks are off on holiday again, but this time they are off to Mallorca to join Juliette on her hen do.

Denny is Juliette's step sister and has recently retired, she joins the old ducks on the hen, imagine her surprise and shock when her old boyfriend from uni, Bruno is staying in the villa next door on a stag do.

He left her with no reason the last time she saw him, can she forgive him and get over herself.

It is a great book, really funny and I would definitely recommend you read it, you can read it as a standalone but it would be better if you read The old ducks first

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