Member Reviews

I’m not usually one for alien stories, but this book grabbed my attention from the very beginning, I just couldn’t put it down. Interesting plot, fast paced and highly relatable characters with backstories that tug at your heartstrings. I can’t wait to read what happens next!

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At first I wasn't really sure what this book was all about, I did love the cover and that was my main reason to start reading it, and you know what, it resounded with me, and I did like Stasia, she passed an image of a young woman, that was brought up in the foster care and because of that she suffered a lot… I imagine we will learn much more about Stasia past in the next book and I really want to dive on that. The book ends in a cliffhanger and I really want to know what happens next, we learn earlier that Jack is an elemental stepuli with earth affinity, his brother Brandon is a water elemental and surprise surprise, their sister lilly has a different element, she is fire.

I did like this book, and recommend this story, while it have some smut, is more on the young adult side and I did enjoy it.

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for the free ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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I wasn’t really able to get into this, unfortunately. I’m sorry to say I wasn’t able to finish it as it just couldn’t hold my interest. It was a really good concept and I’m sure other people would greatly enjoy it but it just wasn’t right for me.

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A very well-written science-fantasy romance, that manages to suck you in with its immersive military/nurse minutia. The mundane reality in which the story is set makes everything feel very plausible until the end.
The novel is well written, the book flows and touches lightly on important ethical questions.
It is not the first time SF books explore those questions of segregation, military government programs, clinical terror, psychiatric abuse and it reminded me of K-PAX, but also Stranger Things.

My only criticism will be that the abusive backstory of one of the characters (I won't say which one to avoid spoilers) was absolutely not necessary and just stuck out. It was already a sad and difficult story, it didn't need to be that too. To me, it took away from the powerful statement that everyday indignities, and cold medical processes, strips away the humanity of people, and is already a dangerous abuse. I thought the theme of child abuse was too lightly treated and put an extra shadow on the book that it didn't need, especially as it never is mentioned or referenced again. It felt too much like a throw-away horror in the passing to get tears without being really addressed.

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Rating: 2.2/5

Review: This started out pretty good, albeit a little long-winded. Descriptions of backyards and a dogs anthropomorphic behavior, sweaty face and barfing does not a story line make.

Like most novels, they all rise or fall with the MC. Stasia is a miserably built character that relies on the tried and true formula of having so much compassion that it leaks from her eyes in a constant stream coupled with an unawareness of her innate speshulness. Why she is so speshul that the elementals don’t even know just how POWERFUL SHE IS!!!!

Fug. The old reluctant or unaware hero is just chaff in the creative pot. Is it really that hard to come up with something creative that is not formulaic? Pick up the phone or send me an email (which is code for “Ask Anyone”) and I will pull something out of my rear that is better than the current YA/Romance/ been there done that, shtick.

I liked the idea of aliens on earth with different powers, yet these were rendered culturally flat. Just Earth humans that can move water, earth etc. I may pass on this series as recovery seems slim at this point.

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I really enjoyed this, although it's not my usual type of read. It was light hearted along with heart warming, fun and cosy. Stasia grabs the opportunity of a job in Washington as a chance of finding answers about her past. She is taken by her new neighbours, Jack is raising his younger brother and sister and they are aliens battling a US government organisation with bad intentions towards his families. His bond with Stasia crosses all boundaries, as all good love stories do. A very sweet story.

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I enjoyed this book. Nothing too deep here, just a fun, fast paced tale. It's a lightweight first-contact romance, told from the viewpoints of a human woman and an alien man. It's well enough written to keep the pages turning, despite the common misuse of apostrophes. I liked Stasia, Jack, Brandon, and Lilly, and was engaged in their unfolding conflict with the US military and each other. The aliens are exactly like humans, they have some magical powers but it turns out humans do as well, though the aliens maybe develop more slowly because Jack's family all acted much younger than they actually were. Lilly in particular behaves much more like a 12 year old than 16. Stasia is a nurse, and there are mostly credible nursing details. The book comes to a satisfying conclusion, while leaving plenty of story left over for the next book.

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