Member Reviews

This felt like I'd read it before, not in a way the author was inspired by ... no it was just done before. Let's call it a trope soup.

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Was a fast read! I enjoyed the storyline and the pass of the plot. I do think the characters could use more development to create more of a connection, but I would recommend it and buy it for my friend as a gift.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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The Royal Matchmaking Competition is the perfect ending to this series! I’m so glad I got this ARC because it led me to the rest of the books. The writing of this series is just superb, the characters are lovable and the plots are always top notch. I will be checking out Zoiy’s future works!

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The Royal Matchmaking Competition
3.5 Stars

I didn't realize The Royal Matchmaking Competition book was the third book in a series. I haven't read the first two books, but I didn't find it difficult to keep up with the storyline. This book was lighter than I expected with elves.
I enjoyed reading about the ruling family with their tight knit families. I'd recommend this book for YA readers.
The pace is too slow. I prefer a quicker pace or more consistent. I enjoyed the interesting characters, world-building. I found myself disappointed in Prince charming. He's so whinny, indecisive and at times too stupid to live. Just way to predictable for me.

Overall, this wasn't a good fit for me. Some of the contestants are immature or annoying. Either way, I became bored early. Ilona Andrews wrote a galaxy matchmaking in their Innkeeper series, and it was done better. It was less predictable.

Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing, for an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Young teens who are brand new to fantasy, or fans of The Selection, will enjoy this third installment in the series. It's a light and easy read, you'll speed through it. It has more action than the previous book, but I didn't enjoy it as much. The premise is strong but the actual plot and characters just don't keep me interested, while at the same time it feels rushed.

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YA Fantasy Romance
Marriage Competition
Book 3 of a series

This is the second part of Prince Zadkiel’s story. He has narrowed his choices down after the first elimination round. The rebels are running amok and hearts are being broken.
This book is perfect for young teens, they would absolutely love this book. It is a very cute romcom that will have them in stitches.

Although this books has a lot more action than the previous book, I did not enjoy it as much as I had hoped. None of the contestants stood out for me, either one of them could have won the RMC and I would have been fine with it. I did enjoy this book a lot more than the previous book though.

I recommend this whole series for young teen who are just starting to read fantasy for the first time. It is light and easy to grasp, overall they are a ton of fun.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.
A huge thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for this e-arc.

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Thank you Victory Editing and Zoiy G. Galloay for an arc copy of The Royal Matchmaking Competition to review.

The concept of this book is a great idea and the characters are relatable, well crafted. However, I feel the books a fairly good read, but the pacing and narrative don't reflect the strength of the plot idea and character design. The story loses it structure in the middle of the book and delays elements of worldbuilding too late in the structure of the story.

I finished the book with a push because I liked the characters and wanted to see the outcome of the competition. The ending is good and ties up a lot of the loose ends in a satisfactory way, despite sluggish pacing in the middle.

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Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for this arc. Another fun romtasy outing for this series. Enjoyed this just the other two and am excited for more of this world. It was hard to pick a fave suitor too at times which is always a good struggle in a multi romance book.

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This was lighter than I expected. Not my favorite read but it was fun. I’d recommend it for people who like fantasy with not super high stakes.

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I took my time with this review as I had a bit of catching up to do. This was a good sequel to the previous book that left on a cliff hanger, and although these books are not targeted towards me, I have to say, as a teen, I would have loved this!

If you are into YA and want to get into fantasy romance, I would give these books a go!

I gave it three stars because it could use further editing/proof reading, but that's down to pure pickiness on my part.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the free copy of The Royal Matchmaking Competition in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for this eCopy to review

I found The Royal Matchmaking Competition a solid read. It was a little confusing at first working out who was who and what was going on. I also felt it lost its way a bit in the middle and dragged on until it picked up at the end.

The magic and government of the Empire became clearer as the novel progressed and I enjoyed the ending.

I felt it took Zadkiel far too long to realise which contestant was perfect for him

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I was really hoping to love this book. Unfortunately, I struggled to even find it interesting. The description was right up my alley, but the plot lack anything compelling. It didn't feel like any of the characters interactions had anything to them. It felt very unromantic for a story where there is supposed to be a decent amount of romance. The rebel plot line was also pretty meh. It didn't feel very well thought out. This could be because I never really came to care for the characters, but I was never worried about any of the plot line having to do with the rebels. I did enjoy the general writing style, I just think that there are definitely some areas that are lacking depth and need work in the future.

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Not really sure how I feel about this book.
Zadkiel has narrowed down the contestants but I still don't feel like his attraction to any of them makes any sense to me. Their interactions do not feel enough and I was unsure until the very end who he would pick.
They are ok books. Light, fluffy romance with a bit of a mystery going on but they lacked the pull of other books like this. I don't hate it but I don't love it either.
The undercutting story seems rushed and a bit hard to believe and nothing ever feels fully resolved. I see there will be a couple more books in this series so maybe by the end it will.

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Not for me honestly, ot a third of the way through but pot, characters and writing style weren’t my favourite. Not necessarily bad but nit my favourite to read,

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I found this book better than the first. The soon-to-be Emperor is just trying to find a wife according to the treaty. Not only does he have to find a wife but now he has to deal with rebels and on top of that he has to deal with war!!.
Seemingly all decisions that need to be made, have to be made within his RMC.
This was interesting and constant actions. The boy trying to become a man and get married all at the same time. Interesting and fast moving. I don't know that I would let my teenage boys read simply because of the kissing scenes. They don't need anymore ideas than they already have.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with guidelines.

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Set in the Velazian Empire, where Prince Zadkiel, an elven royal, finds himself at the center of a Royal Matchmaking Competition, with numerous contestants vying for his affections and the coveted title of future queen. Amidst the backdrop of this competition, the empire faces external threats from rebel attacks and internal tension with those who didn't make it into the top five.

“The Royal Matchmaking Competition” by Zoiy G. Galloay did not align with my reading taste but is a great book for those who like sweet fantasy romance. I would describe the book as a very light surface level romance that’s sweet and teen friendly. The introduction of numerous names early in the book created confusion for me. I really didn’t like any of the girls, I thought their personalities were kind of annoying. I gave it a 3 out of 5 stars because it has positive aspect others would like but it’s just not my kind of story.

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