Member Reviews

2.5 stars

It took me a bit to get into the story, but then I really enjoyed reading the book. I wouldn't say that it's a complete retelling of Cinderella, but it definitely has some elements of that story in it. I have to say, that the characters weren't fleshed out enough for my taste and I think it would've made the story more interesting to give them more depth, so we could understand their motives better. The worldbuilding was also a bit confusing and some things that happened were just too predicable and too convenient for my liking. Either way I might still read the second book, cause i'm curious to see, where the story goes.

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I received this ARC from #netgalley for free in exchange of an honest review.

My favorite Disney movie is Cinderella so this book was for me! I love the world building and retelling of this classic love story. It is more raw and real than the original and I really enjoyed the read. I can’t wait for the conclusion!!!

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Vanya embarks on a perilous mission to secure her and her sister's freedom, leading her to an audacious plan to steal the coveted glass crown and settle their debts with their stepfather. However, when circumstances take an unexpected turn, Vanya must assume the identity of the princess intended to wed Prince Dimitri, all in a desperate bid to protect her sister's life. Who can Vanya actually trust in the city of the dead, Tal?

“Stealing Glass” by Liv Strom is a Cinderella story but with twists. I like the changes to the classic Cinderella story. The gritty and dark setting of the city, the pretend princess being a thief who is daring and brave, and Dimitri being on a mission for revenge are some of my favorite parts. I especially like the twists at the end that I did not see coming. I cannot wait for book two in the series. 5 out of 5 stars, perfect.

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Stealing Glass by Liv Strom
Book 1 - Tales of Bones and Roses
༘Spoiler free ༘

⭐️ 4.25/5

🌶️ 2/5 (the tension in this book without being explicit was top tier for me)
YA, Fantasy, Romance


➳ fairytale retelling
➳ rebellion
➳ forced proximity
➳ magic
➳ training

✨ Be kind, for tomorrow will be a better day. ✨
A must-read cinderella retelling with a cunning protagonist willing to risk it all to protect her family, and those less fortunate. With writing and world-building that will captivate your attention, and make you feel as though you are a part of the story.

We’re introduced to Vanya and Lumi, impoverished orphaned twin sisters willing to steal and risk it all to protect each other and finally be free of the debts they owe to their stepfather. After a failed jewellery heist, Vanya is tasked with stealing the glass crown from a royal ball.

Vanya is clever, and though this is a cinderella retelling, she’s the sort of character who knows when to opt for practical leather boots over slippers for a speedy retreat.

We meet Dimitri, a crowned prince with secrets of his own, who complicates Vanya’s mission. Each character we meet along this journey is multifaceted and complex with their own individual motives and allegiances.

This book was riveting, the plot was well written and injected the perfect level of foreshadowing for eagle eyed viewers. Reading this felt natural, and in truth, I wasn’t able to put it down.

⋆ Hand drawn map included as well as an overview of the characters, important historical figures, locations and magic system prior to the first chapter
⋆ the author seamlessly immerses readers into Vanya’s world. It is a rare thing to find an author who can seamlessly integrate world-building into their writing without overwhelming readers, Liv Strom succeeds.
⋆ i fell in love with the characters, and felt moved by their plights.
⋆ Vanya & Dimitri really moved me, and i look forward to seeing where the next book takes them.

⋆ i loved the magic system, and would have loved for that to have been even more deeply interwoven in the story… though i believe that may be the plot for the next book
⋆ the cliffhanger at the end is both a like and dislike, i love that i'm already on the edge of my seat for the next book.
⋆ i would have appreciated a bit more of a deep dive into the antagonists/villains of the story

**Fantasy Scoring**

World-building ➷ ✅
Foreshadowing ➷ ✅
Plot ➷ ✅
Relationships ➷ ✅

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Very impressed with the world-building Strom did here - also love a book that has a map at the beginning, ha!

I did feel however, because it is such a complex world, too much explaining was done to try and make the reader understand this fantasy world that the writing was a bit too clunky in quite a few places. Definitely would recommend more show vs. telling.

Side note - I did get some subtle similarities between this world and the Shadow and Bone series. I feel readers that enjoyed S&B would really dig into this!

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A solid 3,5 and I have a feeling the second book will be even better. The story is a great premise and I love the world in which it's set and the characters.

There are some spots where the pacing feels a little slow, and I imagine that will pick up in book 2 when less things need explaining. But even with the slow pacing in those areas, the world building didn't feel complete. Some information was dropped in a little too easily and some not explained enough.

Despite that, I loved the characters and the plot, and the pacing definitely picks up in the second half of the book in the best way. Of course, it ends on quite a cliffhanger and I can't wait for the second book - I'll pick it up immediately.

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A thief pretends to be the princess that is supposed to be marrying the crown prince in order to gain her freedom from her wicked step-father.

Ohhhh my, this was so good. The writing is beautiful, the plot was enticing and it was a nice, darker twist of the story of Cinderella. It's giving Six of Crows, ACOTAR, BBC Merlin and a hint of Brigerton and it's beautiful.

Also there's another book coming out next year which I need immediately because I need more of Vanya and Dimitri's love story. It's definitely far from over!!


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I loved it! It was fast paced and very good! I loved Dimitri so much and can’t wait to continue with the sequel once it releases!

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This is a Cinderella retelling and wow what an interesting take. Cinderella is a thief and the fairy godmother is evil. I really loved the dark spin on it and I didn’t think I would. She takes the trophy for badass princess!!

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This was such a wonderful and enjoyable read!!!! I loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre. Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Not just another dark Cinderella retelling, and I adored it. This was a beautifully sick and twisted fairy tale dream. Seriously, who even thinks of these spins? The vibe in Tal? Top-tier spookiness. Vanya? The princess I never knew I needed. I absolutely loved the intricate weaving of the plot and the fresh take on a tale as old as time. My only reason for docking a star is the ending with her sister. It felt like a left turn on a straight road, like the author suddenly remembered she existed and tried to weave her back into the narrative. Despite this, it's an enthralling read, and the world-building, the plot, the characters: all chef's kiss.

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Stealing Glass is a romantic fantasy duology, and a darker more interesting retelling of the classic story Cinderella.
A tale of poor twins, left in the wake of their late mothers actions and debts. Leaving them to steal, lie, and cheat their way around the city of bones and roses also known as "Tal". A magical debt sigil marked them the day their mother passed, ensuring they pay every cent back to their wicked stepdad Kirill. In one more year they'll be old enough for their stepfather to sell them into the brothels if they can't steal enough to pay their outstanding balance. An older mage approaches the twins step father with a proposition for the girls, a job that would promise a clean break from Lowtown along with the misery of their past, a relief from their step father and step sister would be the cherry on top. Both girls only wanted one thing, to bring back hope and peace to Tal. They couldn't do that while living this life, so they're desperate and decided that no job was too big if the reward meant freedom. The mage made a deal with Kirill, the girls had until the bell struck midnight to retrieve the magic glass crown from the betrothal ball of the prince who's foreign fiancé hadn't even shown up fact nobody has even met her yet.
They dress Vanya up as a noble, and her sister Lumi as a hand maid and paint them with fake nobility sigils to encourage their entrance to the palace. Once they get inside the job begins. The plan becomes desperate for some improvisation. Vanya gets caught stealing the glass crown by the stone cold Prince who mistakes her as his foreign princess, sparks literally fly.
This was SO good, it's like one of my favorite stories as a child evolved and twisted into something more mature and provocative. There is a healthy dose of a slow burn romance and their relationship is practically poetic. There's underlying themes of government corruption. The faith that these girls still have in their dying city is really inspirational. The world building is fantastic! Everything about this was so well constructed and absolutely magical to read. I loved it and can't wait to see what comes next! This gets published October 20th 2023 so don't forget to add Stealing Glass by Liv Strom to your TBR.
Thank you NetGally, the author, and the publishers for this ARC in return are my honest opinions. #stealingglasscinderella #netgally

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Stealing Glass by Liv Strom is a fantasy romance that flips the script on traditional fairytales. Meet Vanya, a spirited street thief, and Dimitri, a dark prince, in a corrupt kingdom full of secrets and magic.

Strom's storytelling is captivating, whisking readers into the vivid world of Tal. The romance between Vanya and Dimitri is a slow-burning connection that goes beyond physical attraction.

The book's pace is as swift as a thief in the night, weaving together royalty, magic, and betrayals in a seamless narrative. Strom's cliffhanger ending leaves you eagerly anticipating the sequel.

Stealing Glass is a magical ride filled with charm, mystery, and a touch of humor. Perfect for fantasy romance enthusiasts, this book will steal your heart... like Vanya stole the crown.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Posted to Goodreads (link attached)
Posted 10/5/2023 at 11:05 pm EST

Thank you to Net Galley and Victory Editing for this ARC of Stealing Glass by Liv Storm!
This book is 1 of 2.
4.5 out of 5
Cinderella meets a dystopian society.
Vanya is a poor girl growing up in a town where poor means you are used and spit out without so much as a second thought. Just across the bridge are the nobles and the prince.
By a twist of fate (and maybe some good fortune from the goddess or family bloodline) Vanya finds herself impersonating the princess set to marry the crown prince.
As Vanya falls more for Dimi she also discovers something more in herself….she has magical power inside of her. This power proves that she is more than just the poor girl everyone thought she was. She has some seriously powerful descendants. Vanya is set to discover that there is more than meets the eyes to not just her sister but also to Dimi.
The book leaves you on a serious cliff hanger and leaves you desperate to know what happens next.
Every girl secretly wants to be a seriously badass princess and this book delivers on a girls fantasy to be just that.
Thank you again for this ARC!

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I did not love it, but I did not dislike this one. I was super excited to get this ARC as the general synopsis of it made it sound great!

This had a great and sexy premise to it, but ultimately it fell a little flat for me because of the world building. I felt a little lost between transitions of events and some of the information seemed to just appear out of nowhere, without much context in this work. I did see the elements of the Cinderella retelling in this, but I also found that it seemed to draw in some elements almost from the Little Mermaid.

The characters seemed to vary in dimension/depth and but I would say our most unique character in the entire thing is Eki, who is not necessarily one of our main characters. She seemed to have the most personality to me. Her story is not light hearted or anything, and her story just seemed so different to me, and I really appreciated that! Our MMC and FMC are incredibly stubborn and think that they're ten steps ahead but they're actually not (sometimes).

However, I will say that this could be very redeemable depending on how the second book goes. I often find that sometimes some books are best read immediately back to back.

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What if Cinderella was a thief, the fairy godmother evil, and the prince only wanted to marry for revenge?

Stealing Glass is a retelling of Cinderella that stays close enough to the original to be called a retelling, but with enough changes to make it interesting. The setting is intriguing, but I would’ve liked to see more of the dead. Some characters' intentions are unclear, especially the evil godmothers. The ending was quite underwhelming and felt too sudden, I just felt like we kept going mindlessly until the book ended abruptly. It’s quite apparent that Stealing Glass is just setting up for the next book but I think the last few chapters needed more work.

I found a few characters to be quite superficial, we first get hints of how they actually have their own lives, motives, and desires outside of what the main character sees but later it’s implied that they’re just face value. Kind of a regression if you ask me. Other than that the story got a little bit confusing at times, and I had to pause to try to catch up and understand.

Despite these criticisms, I still enjoyed the book overall. I found it to be a fun and entertaining read. I am curious to see where the author takes the story in the sequel.

If you like YA, romantasy, and royalty then this may be for you.

Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to net galley and the publishers for the arc. I was really excited when I read the description so I thrilled to be approved for an arc. however, once i started reading i realized this was not actually my type of book.

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3.5 stars for me!

Vanya is a thief trying to pay off the debt that herself and her twin sister owe to their evil-stepfather. When a heist at the Palace goes wrong, Vanya ends up in an even higher stakes situation where she finds her impersonating Princess Helia, the Prince's betrothed.

I enjoy a good fantasy romance so I was excited to be offered the chance to read this one, I really enjoyed the setting and the world building around the city of Tal. I thought the author did a great job of giving the city a dark, spooky vibe which was perfect for this time of year.

I gave it a 3.5 as I found myself a little lost in the story/characters at times and I had to go back and reread to make sure I understood what was happening. Overall though I enjoyed the story of Vanya and Prince Dimitri, I look forward to reading the second one as that cliffhanger at the end really got me!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Vanya is a thief trying to earn her way out from under the exorbitant debt she and her twin sister owe their stepfather. Because of the magical debtor's mark they carry, they won't be able to escape Tal unless they pay it. When a high-paying client enlists Vanya to help steal the king's glass crown, she's wary, but she can't turn it down because the payout would be enough to free herself and her sister. Her heist goes horribly wrong when the prince chases her down and confuses her for his betrothed, and she gets pulled into a larger scheme to impersonate Princess Helia and wed the prince.

The premise of this book immediately piqued my interest. I love romantic fantasy stories and re-imagined fairytales, so I knew the story would appeal to me. The author did a good job making me care about Vanya and Dimitri, and I appreciated the mystery surrounding Vanya's magic and heritage.

I almost stopped reading at the end of the second chapter because the author's writing didn't flow, and the sentence structure was unnecessarily complex and confusing. I found myself frequently having to re-read sentences to figure out what the author was trying to say, which significantly slowed my progress through the book. I read the whole book to make sure I wasn't judging it too soon, but the issue persisted throughout. Here is an example:

"When the woman loudly announced we were ready, Kirill, who true to his role as stepfather had been blessedly absent while we washed and dressed, approached with a lanky healer dressed in their formal dark-red, knee-length coat over red pants, with his cowl pulled up over his face to hide everything besides his narrow blue eyes."

I think the book would benefit from a thorough copy edit with an editor who focuses on reader clarity and overall flow.

This book would be enjoyable for someone who values the story over the experience of reading the story.

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I couldn’t put this book down and read it in 2 sittings.

The world created was described so well that I could imagine it vividly.

And the character development was on point! Vanya and Dimitri’s story was just so well done. I loved the slow burn and appreciated that their attraction to each other was well fleshed out, not insta love and not even reliant on physical appearance; as a lot of books can be. It made it all that more relatable. Not only their love story, but their own personal development was endearing to see play out over the course of the story. Their personalities didn’t just evolve; they developed for a reason and the reasons were clearly laid out.

I don’t want to write spoilers but something happens toward the end, If you know you know, which had better reverse itself!!!

My one slight gripe was that there was a lot of inner monologue. A lot of telling vs showing and that was a bit frustrating for me personally.

Having said this, I really look forward to reading the next instalment and see where the story goes from here!

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