Member Reviews

"What Will People Say" by Taniya Gupta is an interesting collection that touches on themes of identity, culture, and societal expectations. The poems are thoughtful and often introspective, shedding light on the struggles and questions many of us face in our own lives. Gupta’s voice is authentic, and there are certainly moments where her words resonate deeply.

That said, while I appreciated the themes and the intention behind the work, it didn’t quite captivate me as much as I’d hoped. Some poems felt a bit repetitive, and I found myself losing focus at times. There are definitely a few standout pieces, but overall, it didn't leave a lasting impact on me.

It’s worth a read for those who enjoy reflective poetry, but it might not be a collection that stays with everyone.

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Taniya Gupta's "What Will People Say" is a poignant and insightful novel that delves into the heart of societal expectations and personal identity. Gupta's storytelling is both compelling and thought-provoking, capturing the essence of cultural conflicts and the struggle for self-acceptance. The characters are vividly drawn, and their journeys resonate deeply, reflecting real-life dilemmas and emotions. The narrative is beautifully paced, with moments of introspection balanced by gripping drama. "What Will People Say" is an evocative exploration of the courage it takes to defy norms and live authentically. This is a must-read for anyone seeking a profound and enriching literary experience.

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I could relate to this book in so many ways. It sadly reflects our patriarcal society. As children we don't notice certains differences in behaviour between how an adult or society in general treat a boy and a girl, but we do notice them as we start growing up. The author talks about how parents (and everyone else) expect a son to be born, as if having a daughter is a shame; how women are the ones doing all the house chores, while men provide for the family; how even though girls might get the best grades and stay out of trouble, they're always behind boys... It's a heartbreaking but meaningful book and I recommend it to everyone. Rating: 5/5 stars.

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What Will People Say is a poetry book full of such heartbreaking and emotional poems. The author's experiences from childhood are depicted in each poem and almost tell a story. I liked the style of the poetry and how the author wrote each one. This book depicts life in other cultures and shows how different a person's life can be from another.

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This was a great collection of poems.
They were very emotional and touching, written beautifully. Much was relatable to me.
The poems also gave a glimpse into a different culture (at least for me), not just a different life. I also appreciated the translations.
Some of the poetry was spread out over the page, creating different layouts, sometimes shape poetry, and influencing the way we as readers perceive it, which was well-used, but not overused.
The tea pairings for each chapter were a nice touch.
All in all a beautiful poetry collection, furthering understanding.

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4 Stars!

What a very poignant selection of poetry from the author and you are able to really connect with them and get a sense of their upbringing.

You can see how raw a lot of this is to do with the authors upbringing and see hat the women in her family have had to deal with time and time again.

I think seeing her mental health and how she goes about it and sees herself towards the end was truly inspiring.

Trigger Warnings: Physical and Emotional Abuse, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Rape

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An interesting and engrossing poetry collection. I'm a tea addict, so enjoyed the inclusion of tea recommendations. I would read more by this author.

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final rating: 3.5

"how many more generations
will it take before this society
stops burying girls
under the weight
of countless expectations"

thank you to the publisher && netgalley for an e-arc of this!

this book shows the journey a south asian woman goes through from a young age to adulthood and encapsulates the sexism and patriarchy she has to deal with, which i believe many south asian women will relate to.

i liked the poems and felt like i related to the whole "what will people say?" epidemic that effects the south asian community a lot. this phrase and mindset has ruined many lives.

i also felt touched at how the author highlighted that some of the women in our communities have taken their hurt and rage and suffocated it their whole lives. it is heartbreaking && unfair.

i enjoyed how each section started with a tea recommendation - it was a cute edition && a great way to introduce people to different teas and their origins.

overall, i liked this book; however, some of the writing was a little simplistic and felt like it didn't carry deep && heartfelt emotion. i understand for the author these words will mean a lot, but some of them felt a little bland to me && didn't hit in the right way. however, that is only some of the poems - i did feel other poems were quite impactful && touched on some very serious issues.

also, reading the sentence "yun hi chala chal rahi" made me open my spotify && listen to the song from the film swades that i really loved when i was younger - it's a really uplifting song && i feel it really fit the vibe of the end of this book.

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The volume deals with profound personal life experiences, pain and abuse. It is valuable as a place to speak one’s own thoughts, to make space for these kinds of experiences to be heard. In terms of poetry, I found the rhythm and the line breaks to make many of the poems sound repetitive, as if I was reading the same thing over and over. They also read more like prose or long messages. I enjoyed the pairing with the teas of each section and the insertions in hindi, which gave the specific texture to the book. The feminist themes the book explores are relevant from the very title.

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thank you for inviting me to review this book! because wow... it was a ride!

just from the description i already knew that the author was about to pour her heart out to us readers, and she reached my exact expectations.

the poems are very modern, they care more about the impact of the experience rather than creating any sort of musicality or aesthetics with the words. i didn't feel like there were a lot of rhymes, but that's kind of what modern poetry is anyways.

now, open up in such a raw and brutally honest way by revealing exactly what you went through and in quite shocking details takes a lot of gut, so i highly respect the author's bravery for pouring out her words and also giving encouragement for women who might have went through similar situations to seek help and become the best version of themselves.

in the 21st century, women are still silenced. we might have rights in its own small and subtle ways, but there is still a long way to do. it's voices like these that we need to encourage other women to free themselves from any shackles that society forces upon them so that they can become their own person.

i really recommend this book for any woman who wants to find consolation or guidance through a healing process against any toxicity in their lives.

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What Will People Say is a poetry book by Taniya Gupta.
I loved this book. The beginning of each part has a tea recommendation, and I thought that was nice to make it part of the experience of appreciating the words. Each section of the book focuses on a different theme of the authors life and experiences, and the last section has a hopeful ending.

“we are born with the desire
to nurture everything
but somehow we forget that
we wildflowers need rain too”

The female energy makes this book so relatable and comforting, and I would recommend it to friends, mothers, sisters, and aunts. I think women of all ages can find something that speaks to them and makes them feel seen. I look forward to purchasing this book and sharing it with others.

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Overall I really enjoyed reading this book. I found myself connecting to a ton of the metaphors and personified emotions and descriptions. I did find challenges in fully comprehending the story, I found myself rereading just to make sure I didn't miss anything. It felt like at times that the story jumped forward and I missed some important details. I did really enjoy how the author included the reader in her experience by adding the tea suggestions and giving advice for different things.

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PUB DATE: 09 JAN 2023
Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This is the first poetry I'll be reading and it was a beautiful beginning. I've never been interested in poetry because I thought they would be boring. But, this wonderful has changed my mind and I might be trying other books in the genre.
The story of this poetry is one as old as time, it talked about how it's being a woman is like and society expectations foisted on us. It's something so many women can relate with, I definitely related with some things. This poetry was heartbreaking to read, but it was also a balm to my soul. It was heartbreaking to read the ordeals of the narrator, but a balm when she started to learn to love herself. This is the type of book that you can always go back to, it will comfort and soothe you when you're feeling pressured from society.
Reading this poetry was amazing and you should definitely add this to your TBR list

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"when I realized that I had let others craft
the book of my life
defining my role in every chapter writing my character as the villain time and again..."

What a remarkable book of poetry! Being from a South Asian background, the notion of, "what will people say?" always seems to dictate the way of life. Letting go of this thought is liberating.

The poems in this book really packed a punch. The subject matter throughout was raw and hard-hitting; an inner monologue pertaining to what it is like for a female trying to navigate her way through life and adhering to cultural norms, in a patriarchal society.

"I am a kite
meant to soar high
but the string to my dreams
got tangled with the expectations of the ones it was handed to..."

I thought that the tea pairing with each chapter was unique and gave an almost comforting touch to the heavy subject matter.

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I feel privileged to have read this volume of poetry. The short length may imply it’s a quick read, but it turns out you need to take the time with each poem to really absorb what is being shared with you. Gupta takes you on an unbelievable journey that thankfully ends in healing and encouragement. It’s not my place to “judge” autobiographical content but I’d be happy to read more from Gupta in her style.

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What Will People Say: Poems
Taniya Gupta
5 Stars

Trigger Warnings: Domestic violence, violence and abuse

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher Central Avenue Publishing for my copy of What Will People Say: Poems. I have not received any rewards or compensation for this review and therefore all views and opinions are of my own, the reviewer.

In summary: Poems covering disparity due to cultural norms.

What Will People Say: Poems is heartbreaking. Just. Heartbreaking. And extremely Moving. The author Taniya took the reader through the cultural disparity being born a girl and suffering domestic violence throughout her formative years. I found my mouth agape with the poems being able to illicit deep visualisations of injustice and heartbreak.
All the poems contained in this book are worth the read, I never felt bored, only feeling sorrow for the writer as they convey their pain in the form of poetry.
I recommend reading this book to understand the imbalance between females and males in certain cultures and how these imbalances should be addressed.

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What Will People Say, or “log kya kahenge” by Taniya Gupta is a collection full of emotion and feeling. Some things I particularly liked was that there’s a trigger warning page and that each chapter has a tea paired with it. A heartwarming collection about sexism, culture, mother-daughter bonds, misogyny, anxiety, forgiveness, and healing. My review will be on goodreads and Instagram.

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Painful, haunting, and beautiful- these are the kinds of poems that will have you sobbing halfway through. The author writes of her trauma, healing, and the hurt of existence in such a mesmerizing way you can’t help but read over and over again.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Central Avenue Publishing for providing me with an early copy of this book

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The poems in this book were heartbreaking. It was the poet's experience from childhood and how she had to heal from the trauma during her adulthood. She was just a kid who already thought of things that only adults should be concerned with. It seems like the kid had to be mature and grow up at a very early age. The emotions of this poetry book are really heavy and deep.

I was honestly baffled by the style of poetry because it was not what I was used to. The passages were long and almost like a paragraph just separated into stanzas.

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"What Will People Say" by Taniya Gupta is a heartfelt poetry collection that explores identity, trauma, and societal expectations. Gupta's writing is relatable, vulnerable, and powerful, making it a safe space for readers to reflect on their experiences.

The poems delve into the complexities of growing up in a patriarchal family, tackling the suffocating expectations of "log kya kahenge" with courage and sensitivity. Gupta's words are a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and that our stories are a testament to the human spirit.

The book also thoughtfully explores trauma and mental health, creating a supportive space for readers to confront their own experiences. Gupta's words are a beacon of hope, reminding us that healing is possible, and our voices deserve to be heard.

Through her poetry, Gupta challenges the systems that perpetuate oppression, inspiring readers to question the status quo and forge their own paths. Her words are a call to action, promoting empathy, compassion, and inclusivity.

Personally, I found the book to be cathartic and validating, reminding me of the strength and resilience within every woman who has faced similar challenges. "What Will People Say" is a celebration of the human experience, with all its complexities and imperfections.

Gupta's masterful use of language creates a symphony of emotions, making her poetry accessible, lyrical, and deeply personal. Her writing is a testament to the richness and diversity of South Asian culture, emphasizing the importance of representation and voice.

What Will People Say" is a remarkable debut collection that announces Taniya Gupta as a powerful and necessary voice in contemporary poetry. Her writing is a gift to anyone who has ever felt the weight of expectation, the sting of shame, or the thrill of self-discovery. This book reminds us that our stories matter, our voices deserve to be heard, and we are stronger than we ever imagined.

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