Member Reviews

Short story collections generally don't get the love they deserve. This is one that deserves all the love! Horror's best writers are here, and able to step out of their mainstream successes to do some different themes in this format. As always, some shone brighter than others, but they all shared a bit of magical horror focused on the winter solstice. Perfect book for the horror fan to get in the mood for Christmas and stop mourning the end of Halloween

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If I see an anthology curated by Ellen Datlow then I just know it's going to be a hit. And this is Titan Books?! AND IT'S SEASONAL HORROR?? And the T.O.C.!?! Stop reading this review right now and just grab the book. A story a day keeps The Ghost of Christmas Future away!

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The stories vary, and while they were not quite what I anticipated, they were still enjoyable. They take the dark and eery parts of the winter and play with them. Definitely recommend reading if you want lingering scares of Halloween, or just like dark stories to accompany a long dark night!

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2.5 Stars (50/50 ) - Didn't love it, didn't hate it!

Tananarive Due saves this one!! I love a good snowy setting and she delivered. Plus, I'm left speculating and wishing I could find out more about what happened... and that's exactly what I love to get out of a story!

These stories are all quite slow and psychological too which I do typically enjoy but when a story is this short, I'm not sure it works for me in this instance, sadly!

Don't get me wrong though there are definitely some gory moments sprinkled throughout the collection (especially the first story) but you're definitely in for a slow-burn ride.

From early reviews this seems to be working fantastic for a lot of people so I think I'm just the minority on this one. I'm still quite new to diving into the Horror genre so it could also just be that I haven't found out my preferences yet, so until then, I'll be trying everything!


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I don't know how Ellen Datlow does it, but with Christmas And Other Horrors she's put together another stellar collection of creative, contemporary horror, this time around the theme of Christmas. There are some truly spectacular, eerie, and horrifying takes on the season and I promise you will find much here to relish and recoil from!

Thanks to Titan and netgalley for the ARC.

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Every once in a while - masochist that I am - I decide to read some horror. Now if you know me personally, you know that I am a notorious scaredy-cat. But I do love a bit of pure terror now and again (I work in healthcare, whaddaya know).

Living in South Africa means that my Christmases are sunny, hot, and mostly near the beach (or water, at least). So diversifying the Christmas experience is a lifelong hobby.

Long story short, that’s what drew me to Christmas and Other Horrors. This anthology covers December-ish traditions around the world - Kwanza, Hanukah, Solstice Celebrations and the traditional Christmas, as well as a variety of rituals and beliefs, many that I’d never heard of (they’re real - I googled them).

There is a smorgasbord of horror elements in this rather meaty anthology, certainly more than enough to entice this occasional dabbler. Settings range from the expected USA and UK, but also travels beyond, including Australia and Finland.

Although two of the short stories did not appeal to me, overall I really can’t recommend Christmas and Other Horrors enough. The reader must be willing not to consider their own holiday traditions too holy, though, lest they ruin it all by taking offence!

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I've wanted a collection of Christmas horror for so long.
I was always afraid that I'd only find Krampus stories.
This collection satisfyed that need to every degree, and now I have hope that I will find more.
All of these stories had their own unique, twisted take on the one holiday that some people dread the most.
I recommend, and dare you all, to read this.
You will absolutely love it!

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I think the cover of this and the title really made me hope for scary Christmas frights. That cover really is gorgeous. It's one of those books I'd just buy to have that on display!😂
But, the stories lacked the scares I was looking for, and I found myself a bit disappointed and a little bored at times.

I will say that a couple of stories did stick with me. I did enjoy Tananarive Due's story. She had the well written story that you'd expect from her and a nice creep factor. Also, M.Rickert's The Lord of Misrule had that a well done evil little kid horror trope.

All together, I gave this 3⭐️. I really just wanted more bloody scares!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to have an advanced ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of this e-arc. I really enjoyed this short stories collection.

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Everyone always associates Halloween with horror and ghost stories. What people forget is before recent times, Christmas and the Solstice was the traditional time for ghosts to come out and stories to be told. Think Dickens, one of the most iconic and well known stories, A Christmas Carol, is centered around Scrooge's experiences with ghosts and the supernatural. Halloween, Samhain, whatever holiday you celebrate in the fall, is only the beginning of stories surrounding the supernatural and entities unseen.

I've really been enjoying anthologies lately. There were a few well-known authors I've read before, but I was introduced to the writings of many I didn't know, which I love. I can then go and check out some of their other writings. There were also stories based in folklore and myths that I had not heard before, and I felt like I was getting to explore stories from around the world in a genre I enjoy. The stories were eerie and dark, and left me thinking. Some left me unsettled. As with any anthology, there were some stories I was drawn to more than others and that resounded with me, but all were solid and worth the read. I highly recommend this for someone looking for a non-traditional holiday book, that goes back to the roots of Christmas, Yule, Solstice, etc. storytelling.

Please be advised I received a free copy of this anthology in exchange for an honest review.

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A collection of 18 original horror stories set in the winter solstice, some had Christmas themes but others were more connected to winter in general or myths surrounding the winter solstice. Like all collections of short stories, some were real stand-outs while others where not as strong. I think the stories that were very abstract were not my favorites although they did have the same unsettling atmosphere as those I liked the best. With authors such as Stephen Graham Jones, Josh Malerman and Tananarive Due, you can expect some well written horror.

My favorite stories were "The Lord of Misrule", "Return to Bear Creek Lodge" and "The Importance of a Tidy Home". Each story contains an afterword by the author describing their inspiration for the story. There are stories for everyone here from those who celebrate Christmas, to a story set in Hanukah and even one story set to a Festivus celebration. Many of the stories are steeped in legends and myths and this would be a perfect read on a cold, snowy day with a cup of mulled wine to keep you company and your doors firmly locked! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a review.

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I love a great short story collection!

I saw a couple of the names that I recognized and HAD to check this out. Most of these stories are about the Solstice, so you won’t get a bunch of specifically Christmas related tales which was a tad surprising based on the title. A few of them do have holiday themes and atmosphere and I definitely love a good snowy horror setting.

This collection has a nice variety so there really is something for everyone in this book. If you do want that cozy, at home curled up by the fire for the holidays with your horror, there's some of that in here too!

If you are looking for true, consistent horror with all the blood and gore that comes along with it - this may not be the collection for you. There are some bloody and graphic moments throughout some of the stories, but most are more the psychological or slow-burn variety.

Live every short story collection - there are some stories I loved, and some that didn't work for me but I did enjoy reading this collection especially during spooky season.

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Typically, with any kind of anthology, I end up liking some of the stories while others are more forgettable. Unfortunately, in this case of this anthology, all of the stories were forgettable. I do like many of the authors who contributed stories to this collection, but I just couldn't get invested in any of the stories, and none of them stuck out in my mind after I finished reading.

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Short stories that are so fun to read and perfect for the Christmas horror fan. Most are solstice related, and they're a psychologically thrilling/slow burn collection rather than blood and gore. I appreciated some stories more than others but there's something for everyone in here.

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Ho-Ho-Horror! This holiday horror anthology begs you to no let the Christmas spirit in.

The holidays may be the most magical time of year, but what if that magic turns against you? In this short story anthology, some of our top horror writers imagine the winter solstice as a time of dark and brutal cosmic retribution. We are introduced to stories about spirits, gods, witches, saints and more whose powers are used to punish as easily as they are to reward. Stories represent all different religions, myths, folktales and more (not just Christmas). "There's nobody who deals in joy and horror more than the big man - Santa - who is always watching, always judging, and punishes or rewards us like a terrible god."

I picked up this anthology because it included one of my favourite horror writers, Cassandra Khaw. Her story, 'Cold', is a stand out because of her trademark prose and her folkloric inspiration. "She was a girl when the saint collapsed at her door, which is how all such stories begin." Wear a sweater for this one.

I may never get into a sauna again because of Josh Malerman's story, 'Löyly Sow-na". Our main character is visiting his Finish girlfriend's parents, and has been invited to sauna with her dad. The sauna experience turns suffocating and mystical. Just like Malerman's most famous book, BirdBox, this story makes you feel the world tightening around you with no real answers as to why, or what to do next.

The surprise stand out for me is Christopher Golden's 'The Importance of a Tidy Home'. It's based on Germanic folklore about spirits who visit houses during the new year and reward tidy homes. In this version, our main character is homeless, and is able to see these spirits enter and inspect homes. However, if the home isn't up to par, the spirits resort to gruesome punishment.

If you are like me, and get overstimulated by holiday cheer, this book is a great balance. Thank you to NetGalley and Titan Books for the advanced reader copy.

This book is best read during the winter solstice, but only after you’ve locked all your doors and checked that the chimney flue is closed tight.

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I thought this was an interesting collection of stories. I thought that including different holidays and folklore really gave this anthology variety and kept each story fresh. Of course I liked some more than others BUT there were none that I specifically disliked. If you want some variety in your holiday horror, his does a better job than most winter holiday anthologies I've read!

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This was a short story collection featuring horror stories about Christmas and other winter holidays. I've read a few of the authors in this collection but not all of them and I think that I discovered a few new (to me) authors that I really liked! I think that my favorite story out of all of them was The Importance of a Tidy Home, but all of these stories are fantastic. It was nice to be able to pick this up and read one of the stories whenever I needed a horror fix.

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Like all anthologies, some stories worked more for me than others. A good handful of the stories felt like a lot of buildup to no real payoff of horror or scare, and maybe would have been more effective fleshed out into a full novel. But the majority brought a great amount of suspense, horror, and holiday tradition. I appreciated the many different kinds of folklore utilized and the length of the stories that made it a quick read overall.

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I was so keen to read this anthology. I was anticipating demonic Santas, murderous reindeer and a bunch of unfortunates getting impaled on Christmas trees and strung up with lights. Basically, a not so silent night.

I was so focused on the cover image that I entirely missed where it clearly states ‘and other horrors’ and ‘winter solstice’. My initial surprise quickly turned into delight because, while I got Big Bad Santa, I also encountered an array of local legends and the darkness that lurks during the longest night of the year.

The Importance of a Tidy Home by Christopher Golden

Freddy knows all about the Schnabelperchten, who come one night a year to ensure households are prepared for the new year. Being homeless, it’s as though Freddy is invisible to them. This year will be different.

I loved the growing dread of this story. I hadn’t heard of the Schnabelperchten. I would be so dead.

“Chi chi chi.”

The Ones He Takes by Benjamin Percy

Joel’s family made it onto Santa’s naughty list last year and I am more delighted than I probably should be that Santa is the Big Bad of this story.

“You’re safe here, buddy. I’ll protect you.”

His Castle by Alma Katsu

Trevor and Cate have come to Wales for the holidays. A few of the locals are keen to introduce them to the tradition of Mari Lwyd, the grey mare. But Trevor and Cate grew up in Wales and they know a thing or two themselves.

“There’ll be revellers coming to your door one night”

The Mawkin Field by Terry Dowling

This story is set in Australia so of course there’s a fridge filled with beer in a random field. Colin Traynor stops by for a cold one.

“Don’t disturb the cupboards!”

The Blessing of the Waters by Nick Mamatas

Nasos has come to implore Father Gus to go ahead with the blessing of the waters. Father Gus may not believe in Christmas goblins but Nasos sure does.

“You can’t cancel it, Father. It’ll be your fault, what happens next, if you do.”

Dry and Ready by Glen Hirshberg

Aliyah’s father made his family promise to honour their Hanukkah tradition. She doesn’t know why it was so important to him but they grudgingly go through the motions every year.

I was lulled into a false sense of security for some of this story before being blindsided in the most wonderful way.

“So they know they’re remembered.”

Last Drinks at Bondi Beach by Garth Nix

Light and darkness, Bondi Beach and predators.

“Then you must bring her here. Into the dark. Bring her to me.”

Return to Bear Creek Lodge by Tananarive Due

Johnny comes face to face with the creature from his nightmares.

“Always take your shot, Johnny.”

The Ghost of Christmases Past by Richard Kadrey

Every year, the scar on Laura’s arm begins to itch and she prepares for her Christmas lockdown.

“I’m not going to end up like Reiner”

Our Recent Unpleasantness by Stephen Graham Jones

Jenner absolutely didn’t see what he saw that solstice night.

“I want my two seconds back, please”

All the Pretty People by Nadia Bulkin

It’s time for the Airing of Grievances portion of Festivus night.

“Grievances should be directed toward a person you know”

Löyly Sow-na by Josh Malerman

Russell has travelled to Finland with Hannele, his partner of six months. It’s time for him to meet her father.

“What are your motivations?”

Cold by Cassandra Khaw

Welcome to the apocalypse.

“It had died slowly, by degrees, choking wetly on denial of its circumstances.”

Gravé of Small Birds by Kaaron Warren

As the most attractive woman on the island, Jackie is sure that she will be the Beauty this year.

“If they got this wrong, there could be consequences - and had been, in the past.”

The Visitation by Jeffrey Ford

This Christmas Eve, there may be an angel at Jill and Owen’s door. Or maybe it’s just an elderly man who farts a lot.

“From sunrise on the day of Christmas Eve to sundown on the day after Christmas, if a stranger comes to your door seeking shelter and assistance, you are compelled to help them.”

The Lord of Misrule by M. Rickert

Darla is going to meet her partner’s son. Don’t let his cute teddy bear slippers fool you. This kid is in charge.

“I can send you away too if I want.”

No Light, No Light by Gemma Files

This story brings an apocalypse that’s climate change and vulcanology, with what’s quite possibly my favourite ship, the Naglfar.

“Everything about me is a lie.”

After Words by John Langan

Thirty years ago today, he last saw Maria Granza.

“There were thirty-three days left for her to complete the Great Work we had begun. Until the winter solstice.”

My favourite stories in this anthology were by Christopher Golden, Benjamin Percy and Glen Hirshberg but there wasn’t a bad one in the bunch. My inner bah humbug was satisfied, my love of mythology was catered to and I found some new (to me) authors whose work I need to catch up on.

This is one of those books that you’re likely to enjoy regardless of whether you’re on Santa’s naughty or nice list.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Titan Books for the opportunity to read this anthology.

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Christmas and Other Horrors
Various authors

I love Christmas and I love horror films so this book seemed like the perfect one for me.

Some stories were better than others. I felt like a few of them didn't even make sense and I was left thinking "what did I just read?".

Other stories I really liked though. The Importance of a Tidy Home by Christopher Golden was my favourite one. It had good world building and a great MC. I loved how creepy the Schnabelperchten were!

The Ghosts of Christmases Past was another good story. I wasn't expected the twist that happened and I really felt sorry for Laura's husband, Jordan.

Although there were 18 stories all together, I wish some of them were longer.

I'll definitely be checking out some other books by some of the authors featured in this anthology!

*Thank you to @Netgalley, the author and the publishers for providing this ARC. This is my own opinion and an honest review, which I am leaving voluntarily*

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