Member Reviews

Biggest thank you to Tor for this early copy!

Wow, this small book packs a huge punch. This fast-paced urban fantasy blends Polish folklore and Catholicism into a magical version of Chicago that's both familiar and horrifying. There's romance, bone weapons, and a grueling blood curse. This is Veronica Roth at her BEST!

Some spoilers Below:
This novella introduces us to a trio of Dymitr, Ala, and Niko, each bearing their own curse. Dymitr is burdened by the guilt of his upbringing and the creature-hunter that his lineage has raised him into. His upbringing and induction into the Holy Order has left him riddled with a guilt for a sin that he believes can only be repented for in pain. Ala's curse is more literal, passed down through her family for generations. It flares brighter in the evening, and she locks herself away to manage the horrific visions that plague her. Niko, while not necessarily cursed, bears the burden of being a protector of his kind, one of the few men born into a species of shape-shifter. The character building for each of them was done marvelously, and I finished this book wanting more of them. More of this alternate Chicago. More of everything.

Roth introduces us to a few different types of magical creatures and races, but she does a brilliant job (in my opinion) of telling us what's important and what needs to be remembered. The worldbuilding has the potential to be confusing under anyone else's care, but this book had a perfect balance between well-rounded, immersive worldbuilding and succinctness. I just adored and can't wait to have a copy on my shelf.

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I appreciate Netgalley and TorPublishing for this ARC. In this novella we follow Dymitr, a Knight of the Holy Order. He is supposed to hunt and kill monsters that live among people. This novella really centers around Dymitr's internal struggle with the morality of what he is doing. I really enjoyed these characters and the way this wrapped everything up in the end.

I wish this was longer. I feel like you were just dropped into a story half way through. It had me very confused in the first couple of chapters. I also felt like it switched point of views. In the beginning, I thought this was going to be told by the creature with the flower in it's eye, but wound up being from the knight's point of view. I found the world building kind of clunky. Part of the story takes place in Poland, the majority of it takes place in Chicago, and the beginning of it seems to take place in some kind of magical forest area. I almost wish this had been longer and either been a full blown fantasy, or an urban fantasy.

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I surprised myself with how much I loved this. The characters were complex and interesting, and I adored the mythology, language, and customs that Roth included. It's a quick read with A LOT going on, but it all works so well together.

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What a delightful surprise! A quick urban fantasy read full of great visuals and Slavic myth.

What I liked:
-This was incredibly immersive and descriptive. Wonderful job of showing and not just telling. I felt like I was there in the Chicago underground.

-Urban fantasy: let me just say that I am not a huge fan of urban fantasy but When Among Crowd did it right.

-Slavic myths

-A bit of found family in there! I really enjoyed the relationship between Ala and Dymitr

-character building was solid; it can be difficult to build out character arcs in a novella but Roth pulled it off.

-the swords being imbedded in Knights backs!?! Gruesome and just AHHHH.

-Queer romance! While it takes a back seat, it is still there!

What I didn’t like:

-at times the pacing felt weird, which is a common feeling I get with novellas.

-I wanted more sibling angst between Dymitr and his sister; maybe more in another book, hopefully?

All in all, I would recommend for lovers of myths and urban fantasy. I HOPE that Roth is planning on exploring this world more because I would without a doubt return to this!

Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Books for the ARC! I received this ARC to give my true, honest opinions without sponsorship.

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My only complaint about this book was that it really needed to be a novel! But I also think that for readers who don't want to commit to a full length novel or series and/or might initially be put off by historical settings, the shorter length does make it a perfect gateway drug for Slavic-inspired fantasy, plus readers who are already fans of Bardugo, Arden, Novik, etc. in that space will enjoy this novella regardless.

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This was my first time reading a Veronica Roth title and I really enjoyed it! I wish it was a full novel! Even though "When Among Crows" is a novella, it still felt like a full well-rounded story. Set in modern-day Chicago, the book follows 3 characters, Dymitr, Niko, and Ala, that are tied to a variety of Slavic and Polish mythological figures, including the infamous Baba Jaga. As a Slav myself, I really enjoyed the inclusive and interesting representation of tales I know from my culture. I enjoyed the darkness and adventure in the story, and I very much enjoyed some descriptive action scenes. I was able to emotionally connect to the characters and understood their motivations.

I think the fact that this is a novella is a slight hinderance to the book. While the characters were interesting, I was left wanting more from them and the story. I also found some action descriptions to be too vague and had difficulty keeping track of character movements and motivations. With more description and character background, this book could be truly amazing. Possibly even a sequel could be interesting as well!

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When Among Crows ARC review


This books was so beautifully written. I can’t even put into words how well the magic system was done. The only thing that lacked for me was that it was so short. It felt like the story could have been drawn out way more like these characters could have been written and dived into way more and the world had the potential to be expanded way more. So I was a little disappointed that it felt like we were just scraping the surface. Otherwise it was very good and I would definitely recommend to someone who I looking for a quick fantasy read.

Thank you to Tor and NetGalley for this digital arc copy, all opinions are my own.

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My thanks to NetGalley for making an eARC of this book available to me.

I've read other Slavic folklore based books in the past year, but this one really stands out. The world-building was outstanding, the characters memorable, the pacing was so very well done, and the story just kept me enthralled. Set primarily in Chicago, with bits in Poland, and lots of interesting interesting reveals in the backstory that just made me devour this oh so quickly.

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Unfortunately, while I see this book's amazing potential, it was not for me. The best way that I can describe it is that this book is a sketch. It's not a poor sketch, and there's a lot to recommend it, but it would have benefitted greatly from being filled in with details and layers to add depth and meaning. I had a hard time getting invested in it because too much remained at surface level. The characters were kept at arm's length. You don't really know everyone fully, even by the end. I love the Polish mythology. I have Polish ancestry so this was really exciting to me. But again, I wanted more than I got. This is a solid fairytale that wasn't for me because I wanted it to go much deeper than it did. I do hope this book finds it's audience though as I see it's beautiful potential! If you're looking for a fast-paced quick fairytale and are not too concerned with how much detail you get, this book is for you!

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My only complaint is that there wasn't more! The characters felt real and whole, with flaws and quirks. The lore/mythology was refreshing and fun. I loved the modern takes on the myths as well. A fantastic story, well worth the read.

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I love Veronica Roth’s books so I obviously started this as soon as I received a widget for it! I loved the dark magical world set within modern day Chicago. The world building was easy to pick up and remember, and I loved all 3 of the MCs. It’s amazing how much character development and world building she managed to bring to a short novella. I read this in one sitting and absolutely loved it! Definitely my new fav Baba Yaga story and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.

Thanks @torbooks and @netgalley for the DRC! When Among Crows will be out on May 14.

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This was a beautiful story. Roth’s writing style is absolutely gorgeous and I’m so impressed by the way she brought this story to life. If you’re looking for a quick fantasy read that will leave your heart feeling full, then this one is for you!

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Veronica Roth is magnificent. The author does an incredible job of crafting individual characters and developing them by the self-discovery of the learning journey they have found themselves on but also by facing them off and contrasting them with the other characters in this novel.

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I had no idea what to expect of this book but I loved it. It’s a fast paced race against time that somehow allows for many secrets to be revealed. The character development is excellent. The setting becomes its own broody character. I was hooked immediately and didn’t want to put the book down. I only wish there was more of it. Somehow even with the graphic violence, I wasn’t overwhelmed. Each scene was absolutely necessary. Some of the plot was a little predictable. I knew where Dymitr was going very quickly, but the writing made me want to know how he could be redeemed. Excellent book, I’ll make sure to recommend it to customers when it comes out.

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I'll admit, despite obviously knowing the author, and having read all (most?) of her books, this was a cover request more than anything else. And, second admission, even though that opening line of the synopsis sounded delicious, I didn't expect to love (or like..) this considering the last few reads have been (in my opinion) middling at best.

But actually.. it was; delicious, I mean. Also, fun? Complex? The perfect amount of emo? Interesting AF? I had such a good time with this and I'm so mad it's not a full length story or a series except it felt perfectly paced, and just the right amount of plot and character work, that I'm also not mad about it. Not at all.

This is a fantasy surrounding Slavic lore built onto our world with creatures and the Knights who hunt them to protect the unaware humans around them and, even more than that, the choices we make and how we choose to define ourselves. And.. that's all I'm going to say. Mostly because anything more would ruin the fun and you should absolutely experience it for yourself.

Also, in hindsight, I love the cover even more the title is just perfection.

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This adult fantasy novella is a quick read, but packed with unique world-building and plot. Set in a version of Chicago that is populated with folkloric monsters and Baba Jaga, there are enough twists and turns to make the story feel complex and fulfilling despite the book's small size. I wished the book was a little longer, with a little more time spent building up the characters, but as it is, its an excellent novella. Also, the cover art is drop-dead gorgeous.

This is a great recommendation for those who enjoyed Roth's YA books and are looking for a more sophisticated, adult fantasy. I can also see people who aren't usually into fantasy get sucked in by the cover and the accessible size. I feel like fantasy as a genre can be daunting for people to get into since books can often be overwhelmingly long, so as a librarian I know I will be using this as a recommendation for those looking to give it a try, or satisfy a reading challenge, but aren't sold on attempting massive tome.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tor for an advanced reading copy of this book. The opinions in this review are all my own.

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I went in with no expectations cause I haven't read anything from Roth except the Divergent trilogy years ago, and I was blown away!
This is a short novella steeped in myths and creatures and it was amazing! A couple of secrets to learn along the way and a few surprises I didn't really see coming. This was a very fun quick read. I want to see more from these characters!

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I think Veronica Roth is one of the more interesting and exciting genre writers out there. It feels like she's untethered from any expectation at this point; she plays around with concepts and voice in very interesting ways.

I really enjoyed Arch-Conspirator last year, a Greek myth retelling set in a dystopian futuristic society told in a fablesque voice. It was beautiful and tragic and felt like something new. Because of that, I requested an ARC for WHEN AMONG CROWS. I went into this book with few expectations - I admit I'd barely read the jacket cover.

This is a contemporary fantasy set in Chicago where supernatural beings of old stories walk among us and Baba Yaga owns a rundown theater. It's got AMERICAN GODS and THE MATRIX vibes with the delicacy and beauty of a Naomi Novik novel. That's the best I can describe it.

It's a novella, so it's short, but it's rich and complex, and the three main characters are real enough that you want to pick up the phone and text them, "You okay?" It also plays with diaspora in a supernatural context (e.g. How do you if you're supernatural but raised apart from the culture of your people? Probably not unlike how it feels to be part of a diaspora). I felt like I ordered chocolate cake and was delivered a flourless chocolate torte with raspberry sorbet and a little mint leaf on top.


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A short book done well, packed with adventure and magic that felt both urban and rich in folklore. The stunning cover drew me in, but the story itself held my attention until the very end. A must read for anyone who still looks for magic in an ordinary world.

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What a magical little book this was!

This story is set in a modern-day Chicago, and follows Dymitr, a Knight of The Holy Order. The Holy Order is an organization that operates in the shadows, hunting various non-humans that exist amongst humans, such as zmora, strzyga, banshee, etc, and they are hated and feared amongst said non-human beings. Did I mention that The Holy Order arm themselves with swords that are technically half of their souls, that they keep nestled in their spine? Yes, in their literal spine. They have to pull their swords out of their literal flesh each time they use it.

*We bear the sword, and we bear the pain of the sword.*

ANYWAYS, Dymitr has gone off on his own telling his family that he was off to track down Baba Jaga, the most powerful witch in existence, but is that really what he’s planning? The mystery unfolds as he strikes a bargain with Ala, a zmora who is plagued by a curse of violent visions. The two pair up with the understanding that Dymitr will provide her with a magical flower rumored to cure such curses, and Ala will help lead him to Baba Jaga. He gives no other context, and certainly doesn’t let her know that he is part of The Holy Order. But time is running out, as they only have 24 hours before the flower loses it’s magic. Perhaps they pick up a handsome, charming, dangerous strzygoń along the way named Niko hehe. These three make their way through the city to find Baba Jaga, encountering all sorts of magical roadblocks along the way.

I really enjoyed this book, it was lush and riddled with Slavic Folklore which was so interesting and vivid. The plot itself was so unique, I feel like it’s a shame that the book was so short, and confined to a novella timeline :( I mean I really REALLY wish that this was a full-length novel so that we could have gotten deeper into each character, and gotten to see some more of the world-building and magic systems. I think that some novellas definitely feel complete even in their short length, but I don't know for certain that this would fall into that category. I just think that a story with this many moving parts would have benefitted from being a a bit longer and more fleshed out. I wanted more!! The only other tiny criticism I would have that kept this from being 5 stars, along with the length, was that I did find the prose to be a bit hard to digest at times. It was definitely beautiful, but after a while I realized that it might not be my favorite lol. BUT with all that being said, I did thoroughly enjoy it, and would definitely recommend to a friend!

Thank you so much to Tor Books for sending me an ARC !

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