Member Reviews

I’ve been a fan of Veronica Roth since Divergent (like many others!).

Novellas are difficult - I find they either have too much detail for a short story or not enough. Here, Roth struck a good balance. There was substantial material (enough for a full-length novel), but a good level of detail. I really enjoyed the fantasy elements of this and the mythology within. Overall, I did find myself wanting to know more about the characters, potential romances, and the overall world.

I hope Roth continues with this kind of work and/or expands this world!

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Thank you to Tor for my arc!

I absolutely loved this, I wasn’t sure how to feel about it going in but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this. Roth’s writing is beautiful.

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When Among Crows draws heavily from Polish folklore, spinning a tale of three people falling in together to find the legendary Baba Jaga and cure one of them from a deadly curse.

So first, here’s what I enjoyed. I loved the gritty atmosphere of and how Polish folklore and language was incorporated into the story. I have been enjoying seeing Eastern European culture entering the fantasy genre more frequently. And I typically enjoy the hero’s journey trope in books which to a certain extent When Among Crows was.

What diminished my enjoyment of the book was that it was a very short book and felt underdeveloped. Roth does a great job of giving us the characters’ backstories and motivations, but at times the pacing of events felt incredibly jarring. I also felt that the romance between two of the characters was thrown in just for the sake of having a romance rather than actually serving the story.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read, but it left me wanting more at the end.

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This reminded me of Masters of Death by Olivie Blake.. and I gave that 1 star. This is a short and sweet contemporary fantasy. This book is less than 200 pages and I think the length was perfect and still told a great story. I actually felt really connected to Dymitr from the start of this book. He allies with those who has sworn for kill in order to get to his target, Baby Jaga. The personalities of these characters were so distinct and well written, and there was a good bit of humor that kept this darker tale a bit lighthearted. A great, quick read filled with adventure and trial.

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Dymitr is a killer … of monsters. This is such a part of who he is, he had to split his soul to make a sword … out of his spine! Ala has inherited her mother’s curse. This curse will kill her too, if she isn’t able to break it. When Dymitr offers Ala a chance at a cure, she accepts without knowing what she is getting into. With such a time crunch on the possible cure, will they be able to complete both tasks in time?

When Among Crows is a stand-alone urban fantasy that sounds amazing but does not follow through. I even restarted the book thinking that my mind must have wandered too much and the second time through was just as painful. I’m sure there will be readers who love this story, but I found the tale flat and lifeless. I won’t give up on Roth as a writer, but this is not one of her best.

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Y’all, if you love urban fantasy or you’re wondering where to start, you need to read When Among Crows! Veronica Roth’s latest is a novella that transports us to Chicago and into a fantastical world where the creatures of Slavic folklore live among us. Zmoras, strzygis, wraiths and many other fascinating mythical beings have fled persecution and adapted so well that their human neighbors will never know who they truly are. Despite their efforts to blend in, these creatures are still being ruthlessly hunted by a group of knights known as the Holy Order. And here is where Roth’s story begins.

Dymitr and Ala couldn’t be more different, but they’ve both known pain, and Dymitr has an enchanted flower that Ala desperately needs to cure her of the cruel curse she inherited from her mother. Dymitr wants an audience with Baba Jaga and he thinks Ala might be the only way to get one. Ala has no idea that Dymitr is her enemy as she leads him and us deeper into her mythical world. Niko doesn’t either, but that doesn’t stop him from joining them on their race to save Ala and to find Baba Jaga before the enchanted flower dies along with their hopes for a cure.

Y’all this novella gave me ALL the feels. This novella is so short and brilliant that I don’t want to give away any spoilers. There’s a little bit of romance, but honestly it’s the found family that had me in a chokehold. The characters were so complex, each carrying their own cursed burdens, I felt for all three of them. I knew next to nothing about Slavic folklore or Polish mythology, but this novella had me desperate for more. And I’ve never been to Chicago but I felt like I was there. I would 100% return to this world, but Roth did a fantastic job tying everything up in a satisfying conclusion. I only wish the romance had been fleshed out a bit more, but it’s a novella, so I get it. Thank you Veronica Roth for writing this! And thank you NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for the ARC!!!

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I feel like I was lost in a lot of the book. I have always enjoyed Veronica Roth's books but I just couldn't get into this one.

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When Among Crows

Thank you @netgalley and for the ARC and ALC of this book.

This book was unfortunately a miss for me. I listened to the audio but was immediately lost so I had to follow along in the book. I felt as though there was so much not explained in the beginning. Like maybe I needed more backstory.
I’m sure this will be a hit for others, it just wasn’t for me.
The reason I grabbed this book was because of the author. I was a huge fan of Divergent. However, this is not similar.

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Thank you to Tor Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of "When Among Crows" by Veronica Roth in exchange for an honest review.

Dymitr joins forces with Ala, a fear-eating zmora, to find the legendary witch, Baba Jaga. Ala wants to break a curse that has destroyed her family and now threatens her too. Dymitr's motives are more mysterious, but he's willing to face extraordinary challenges to track down Jaga. Along the way, another demon Niko joins them as they travel the dark, magical side of Chicago. They are hunted by an ancient order of Knights, dedicated to killing every supernatural being they find.

When Among Crows is an incredible story. Roth makes this modern urban fantasy feel timeless. A novella feel epic. She brings story elements we're all familiar with - a quest, a harried march through unfamiliar territory, legendary Baba Jaga - with less familiar elements from Polish folklore. It's exciting and emotional. It wrestles with questions about loyalty, guilt, grief, and forgiveness. It's by turns exciting and creepy.

It might have helped to include a glossary in the back to keep the lore straight, but other than that, it is absolutely amazing. Recommended for readers who enjoy the Witcher, Slavic folklore, urban fantasy, and anyone who just loves a really well written adventure.

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This is a short novella with the story revolving around Dymitr who makes a deadly journey to pluck a flower that’s impossible for a mortal. The story then moves us through a variety of mythical creatures on whom Dymitr has to rely on to accomplish his goal which is intertwined with his hidden identity. Dark and unpredictable, this story takes you into a world of regret, hope, mythology, a found family, and hint of a romance. I wasn’t familiar with most of the creatures mentioned so I had to google them and they are indeed a fascinating bunch! The character descriptions were refreshing as they were new to me. I do not want to meet any of them for real though.

It seems to me that the plot is rather open even with the ending so maybe this is sneak peak to a series? I’d definitely keep an eye out if that’s the case as the characters, premise and dynamics are well worth the hype. I hope we see more of these characters in the future.

Thank you Tor books for my e-ARC. All opinions are of my own.

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“𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬” 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

*I usually post the synopsis right here but I think this is a great book to go into blind, so I’ll let you all make that choice for yourself!*

As I said, I went into this having no idea what to expect and read the synopsis after I finished, and I’m so glad I did because I think the not knowing made it even better. This was a great story with such neat magic, I truly only wish it was longer and some parts were more fleshed out (sitting at less than 200 pages it was definitely short for my tastes). Veronica Roth is a great storyteller and I overall really enjoyed this one.

Thank you to @torbooks and @netgalley for my review copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬 is our 5/14!

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Excellent novella about trying for redemption. Slavic mythology isn’t the most common choice in urban fantasy so that gives it a fresh feel too. Not a paranormal romance so if that’s your preferred flavor of urban fantasy it might not be your first choice. But it would be well worth reading anyway if you prefer your fantasy character driven.

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3 ⭐️

The writing in ‘When Among Crows’ was great, but the story just wasn’t for me. I would still recommend this book though!

Thank you to Netgalley and Tor for allowing me to read this book

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This was a deeply dark, whimsical, and magical story. I really liked that in such a short amount of space, Roth built an entire world with systems in place, yet it didn't feel overwhelming or take up most of the story.

Dymitr is on a quest to find an impossible flower, and to find the elusive Baba Jaga. His motivations and goals are secret, but along the way he shares pieces of himself with his companions, Niko and Ala.

This was hauntingly beautiful, and an examination of what it means to be whole, and to redeem yourself in your own eyes versus the eyes of others.

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Veronica Roth's novella "When Among Crows" is a captivating journey into a world where folklore and modernity collide, earning a solid four stars in my book. From the moment I cracked it open, I was entranced by the rich tapestry of Polish and Slavic mythology woven seamlessly into the narrative.

What truly sets this novella apart is its cast of characters, each one as multifaceted as a jigsaw puzzle piece, fitting together to create a compelling story. Dymitr, burdened with guilt, exudes raw emotion that leaps off the page, while Ala and Niko add depth and complexity to the ensemble. Roth's masterful storytelling effortlessly integrates their pasts into the present, making their motivations feel deeply personal and relatable.

But it's not just the characters that shine—Roth's passion for folklore is evident in every word, infusing the story with a sense of wonder and magic. The exploration of heritage and identity through the lens of folklore adds layers of depth to an already captivating tale.

While the novella may have benefited from a bit more exploration of the found-family dynamic hinted at, the overall pacing is spot-on, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. And despite its brevity, "When Among Crows" manages to pack an emotional punch that lingers long after the final page.

In short, "When Among Crows" is a magical whirlwind of a novella—a story of redemption, family, and the power of folklore to shape our lives. With its vivid characters and enchanting world-building, it's a must-read for fans of urban fantasy and folklore alike.

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Thank you to the publisher for the gifted (free) ARC

If Veronica writes it, I’ll give it a read.

When Among Crows is definitely for the fantasy lovers out there, of which I myself am just venturing into. I didn’t love the characters, so it made it somewhat difficult to really get into the story. I didn’t feel I could really connect with them.

I think someone who truly loves the genre would be more appreciative of the story than I was, and would enjoy the adventures it held.

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I'm not that big of a fan of urban fantasy, but I really enjoyed this one. The writing, lore, and characters were great. My only complaint is that I wish this were flushed out a bit more to be a full length story! Some of the literary devices used to move the story along were cliche, and had this been a full-length book, maybe could have been avoided.

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This was a fantastic novella set in a fictional world. I would have loved if this had been a full length book. So good and fast paced.

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I really didn’t understand any of this. I couldn’t get interested in it. I did love the Divergent series though.

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Unfortunately I had to DNF this pretty early on, which is rather sad for me. I loved everything this had going for it and I like Veronica's other works, but this just did not hook me and it took me forever to get into the story. Then graphic nail torture was on page and thats something I just cant handle, along with eye piercing.

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