Member Reviews

Jen Wang never misses, and Ash's Cabin is incredible. I have some reservations about ordering it for my elementary school library, just because graphic novels are checked out by all ages of students. I may purchase a copy for myself and share it with older students.

This book is perfect for fans of survival stories, such as Hatchet or Alone. The main character is non-binary, though that is not the focus of the story.

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Thank you to First Second and NetGalley for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Almost sixteen-year-old Ash is having trouble finding their place in their family and the world. Ash and their family have always spent summer vacation at the family ranch once owned by their grandfather. Ash remembers hearing stories about a secret cabin in northern California that Grandpa Edwin built in the forest and they are determined to find it. They convince their parents to let them go and stay with their older cousin while the rest of the family goes to Disneyland. Ash spends weeks learning about outdoor survival and using dog-walking money to purchase supplies. When vacation week rolls around, Ash is dropped off with their cousin who promptly ditches them for a party. This is when Ash puts their plan into motion along with their dog, Chase, and hikes into the forest in search of the mysterious cabin and must put survival skills to work. Ash’s identity is front and center with their deadname blacked out in flashbacks.
This story is Hatchet for the modern era. The artwork is as beautiful as the story. This is a young adult graphic novel that I think would be okay for older middle grade readers. I would definitely recommend for grade 6 and up.
#AshsCabin #NetGalley

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So I get that this is out yet but I read it in one sitting and man it made me so emotional. I highly recommend this book to everyone trust me you will love it.

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Another amazing book by Jen Wang where the main character goes on a journey of self discovery in the wilderness. I like the message that are conveyed in this story and it's unlike any book I've read before. It's also quite relatable for a teenager to just get away and truly feel alone and not feel lonely. My teenage self would have related so much with the main character.

All in all, I had fun reading this book in one sitting and I recommend you to pick up this book.

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When Ash discovers that their late grandfather's land, including a fabled cabin he built, is being sold, they make a plan to find the cabin and live there on their own, with their dog. Ash does much research before taking on this journey, but quickly finds that fully living off the land is a greater endeavor than anticipated. Can they survive all alone in the wilderness?

This was a quiet story that still had plenty of action and information for readers interested in survival skills. Ash's gender identity came up in memories where their deadname is blacked out, and makes it clear that their parents aren't always supportive, but mostly this story was about grieving their grandfather and wanting to find their place in the world. While the illustrations made Ash look much younger than sixteen, the soft palette fit the tone of the story, and gives this an appeal for middle school readers.

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While I enjoyed the setting and the beginning of this story I did have a few concerns about this story in the end. It appeared to be a finding oneself journey for a teenager, but what started to lose me was when Ash came across a woman hiker in the woods and after fixing some things up, they both were depicted as dancing around in their underwear, which made this feel very problematic. The other thing that I struggled with was that it seemed to romanticize the idea of running away from home, and while I do not feel like that was the intention of the author, that is the way that I perceived this story. I did appreciate how Ash was able to connect with his cousin once they returned from the cabin and grow so much in that. There was also a lot that seemed very disjointed and I wish there were more gaps filled in between different events.

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Ash grew up hearing stories about Grandpa Edwin building a cabin who know one knows its clear location in the California forest. Ash is a teenager and feels like one at school of home understands them. Ash gets the idea that they can live in Grandpa’s cabin… if only they can find the cabin. Ash comes along with a plan and with the company of his loyal dog, Chase both embarked on a journey.

I was pleasantly surprised by this graphic novel. I love the plot and the illustrations perfectly depict the mood of the story. The story is beautifully sad with a twist of adventure. Recommend for any teenager and adult who is in a journey of self-discovery.

Thank you NetGalley and First Second Books for sending me an ARC in exchange of an honest review of the e-book received.

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Absolutely fantastic. Great queer representation, great artwork, and a great storyline. I feel in love with Ash from the get to. From their environmental justice passion, the frustration of trying to speak your truth and being ignored, and their determination to live in connection with nature. This book absolutely blew me away and I will be recommending it to all my teen patrons.

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A gem in the blended genre is Ash's cabin. A graphic novel that mixes coming of age with family history, survival, foraging, love of animals, promoting reading and a pinch of activism. All these ingredients come together in this book, without being contradictory or confusing. I read page after page breathlessly. Simply wow!

Ash feels like an outsider and is saddened by the loss of grandfather. Who always told stories about his mysterious cabin in the wilderness. Ash would prefer to look for Grandpa's cabin. How lucky that Ash can spend a holiday in that region. But can Grandpa's cabin still be found? You’ll discover it in this mesmerizing book...

The natural color scheme makes the illustrations come to life. Exciting framing in this graphic novel. A very ingenious work by Jen Wang!

I would like to thank NetGalley for receiving an e-ARC in return for my honest review.

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This was a great graphic novel. The watercolor textures give the art a wild and slightly fragile feeling, which matches the story perfectly. The parts about survival and loneliness were fantastic. With minimal words and a few images that are often not contained into the 'common' comic panels, the author paints a portrait of Ash and their struggles. You can feel their emotions bleed through the pages, both their joy at being alone in nature and the desperation of surival.

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Overall, I really enjoyed this story. A coming of age / survival story about finding yourself in the wilderness and the difficulties faced with trying. I felt that a little more could have been made of the survival aspect though. The art work is great and tells the story well with a colour palette that feels appropriate to the mood.

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Although I cannot adapt this book in my curriculum, I loved the themes of survival and fitting in. If I recommend this book to a student, we would talk about being confident in the body God gave them and how sometimes we feel alone and unwanted only to discover that we have more value than imagined. I loved how Ash reconnected with his family at the end!

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4 stars

As a diehard Jen Wang fan, I could not WAIT to break into this newest graphic novel. Though the content is heartbreaking, the artistry does not disappoint!

Ash, the titular m.c., loves visiting their family's cabin every summer. Since times have recently been uncertain and tough as they've been changing their name, cutting their hair, making some public statements about their identity, experiencing challenges with peers, and grieving the loss of their grandfather, Ash is especially in need of that peaceful time in nature this summer. They go to great lengths to get that alone time and add a twist that surprises everyone.

As is the case with every book that includes a dog, Chase, Ash's dog, is the standout star of this narrative. Ash really needs a friend, and Chase will remind both Ash and the audience more than once that people do not deserve the greatness of dogs. Buckle up for some real cuteness on that front.

Along with some important conversations about who Ash is, there is a solid running motif relating to the environment and people's mistreatment of it. This isn't an uplifter, but it's not a complete downer either, and it is an important, well written, well-illustrated graphic novel that I look forward to sharing with students.

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Jen Wang does it again!
Beautifully illustrated, colored, written; overall a perfect execution. The pairing of environmental issues with the question of self is smart. It's natural to question our place in everything, and that *should* include the natural word.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this arc. I fell in love with this graphic novel. It’s a great coming of age YA novel. I felt it covered topics of loneliness and finding your way was handled very good. When reading I felt Ash’s pain. I will for sure be recommending this to any older patrons.

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A Trans teen heads to Northern California to find his grandfather's cabin in the woods. It clearly is well researched on camping and hiking. The themesof teen alienation and finding your identity are weaved well together. The focus on just Ash has less of Wang's type expressive faces and more of a focus on landscapes and objects. The muted watercolors with a focus on blues, tans, and biggest make for a more subdued work than Wang's popular The Prince and The Dressmaker.

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This is a really touching book, and I'm excited to be able to give it to my patrons. Hatchet is a perennial favorite, and it's wonderful to have a graphic novel that is such a good comparison. Also, Ash's gender representation is fantastic and touches on such a delicate topic in a way that feels natural and unforced.

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Ash feels alone and isolated from their peers. They care deeply about the climate crisis, a passion no one around them seems to share. When the opportunity presents itself, Ash takes off to find their grandfather's mysterious cabin and live alone in the wilderness.

Through the journey Ash finds a true friend, and when disaster strikes they are there for each other, finding home in friendship.

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This was a bit like George's My Side of the Mountain in a graphic novel format, with a nonbinary character, more information about climate change and forest fires, and parents who actually go look for the teen. I liked the illustration style, which made the outdoor setting feel very real.

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Beautifully illustrated and a touching middle grade story about finding out who you are. Some heavy moments but overall a really good book!

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